Mystery Life

By ShelbyWinds

9.3K 724 49

Dave is chasing after someone that has crossed him when he runs into a car. The man is killed but the female... More



500 25 4
By ShelbyWinds

"She looks like a fucking angel," Dave says standing over the still figure on the bed.

"An angel put through hell. Boss, what do you want done with her?" The only thing they could find out in the Italian files was that the girl was a favor to another mafia. There wasn't even a name to go with her. The Italians had been transporting her to another location where someone else would be taking over. 

"She doesn't have any information that will help us," Zander says finally when the boss doesn't say anything. There is no knowing when the girl would wake up and with her knowing nothing there is no reason for the Boss to continue caring for her.

Before Dave can speak the girl moves and screams. That startles both men and they have their guns out looking for the reason for her scream.

The girls eyes are open but remain blank, "Night terrors and nightmares." Dave whispers feeling foolish for pulling his gun without reason.

The heart monitor had sounded, her heart rate had gone into the danger zone and medical personnel come swarming in. Dave's doctor is one of them.

"What happened?" The doctor demands.

Both men shrug, "We were just talking and then suddenly she screams and the heart monitor goes crazy."

By now the heart monitor has calmed down and most of the medical personnel have left. Only a nurse and the doctor talking to Dave remain.

Dave moves back to the bed and looks at the poor girl. "Let's see if she wakes up before we make any decisions."

The girl moves her eyes to look at Dave, but there is still no focus to them.

"I am awake, what is it you wish to know?" The girl states calmly, but her heart rate is given away by the monitor and it's going near dangerous levels again.

Dave looks at the girl in confusion. He's not vain, but ever since he was a teen girls haven't been able to look away from him. At least not until they've had a taste of his reality, then they can't seem to stand looking at him. But this girl hasn't looked at him directly yet. She faces in the right direction but isn't focusing on him.

It's unnerving to him to say the least.

"Who are you?" Dave demands.

Now he sees tears pool into her hazel eyes. "I wish I knew. I can tell you my age and most basic things about my life, but I don't know my name."

The doctor hadn't left the room and is by her side and starts performing tests.

"Boss, she's blind and seems to be suffering some sort of amnesia. Likely from the accident."

Dave relaxes, her being blind would explain why she wasn't staring at him like most girls would be doing.

"Have you always been blind?" Dave silently curses himself, why should he care? But her answer curiously makes him tense.

"I don't think so. I think I remember colors, and other things, but I know that I know braille and how to get around with a cane. I had a dog, but when-" The girl chokes off and fights back sobs. "When I was taken my dog tried to save me and there was a shot. I think they killed him."

Dave silently curses whoever took her. Those service animals don't deserve to be treated like that.

"Do you have any idea of who took you or how long ago?" Zander asks this question and it's a good one.

The girl shakes her head, "No, and it hurts to think about it. All I know is they've been hurting me. I don't even know why."

The girl decides she wants some answers as well, "How did I get medical help and who are you? Are you cops?" There is no animosity in the questions, just curiosity.

"No, we aren't cops," The amusement in Dave's voice is obvious to all. No one in that room other than the girl would call the cops.

The girl seems to shrink in on herself a bit with that answer, "I'm sorry. You're like those others aren't you?"

Dave stares at the girl. There is no way she could have known and yet she deduced it just from that one answer.

Dave decides to break the silence of the room and answer her. "Yes, we are. As for how you came to be here? Well that was lucky for you and very unlucky for your captor. I was chasing someone and your vehicle got in the way. The man driving was killed and we brought you here for medical care."

The girl does her best to focus on the voice actually telling her things. "Why?"

"You intrigue me. You were being transported by a known mafia man, you've been abused pretty severely for a great deal of time, and it was my fault that you were unconscious."

"Don't, just don't. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine, but don't lie to me." Jane Doe says angrily. "I'd rather you tell me that it's none of my business than lie to me."

Now Dave is confused, he hasn't lied to her. "What makes you think that I'm lieing?"

The girl is obviously angry and staring burning holes in the air. "There is nothing intriguing about me. There never has been and never will be. Men like you don't even pass a glance at people like me."

Dave is taken aback, but his anger wars with his curiosity. "People like me? Please enlighten me on what kind of person you think I am?"

"The kind with looks, power and money. I may be blind, but I have no doubt you never lack for female affections, do you? I am nothing to look at. Hell from what I remember my own family couldn't stand the sight of me so there is no way you'd take a second look at me. You are far more likely to shoot me without a second thought than-"

Now Dave is angry, "So you think that I kill without thinking? That innocent people are likely to end up dead just because I'm bored?" He demands an answer from her.

The tears that had pooled in her eyes now fall and she impatiently wipes them away. She'd edge away from the angry man but there is nowhere to go.

"Those that had me would. Why would I think you are any different?" The girl finally cries out as the terror overcomes her. She can feel his anger and she's terrified of him. She's never cursed her blindness more than she does in that moment. She doesn't know where there's a safe place to hide or even how to get off the bed.

"Boss, you need to calm it down. You'll give her a heart attack if you don't. Is that what you wish for her?" The doctor says trying to calm the angry man down.

Dave in anger leaves the room.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make him angry." The girl says silently crying. What she remembers is when a man is angry, she gets hurt.

The two men left in the room don't know how to reassure her. Zander leaves the doctor to do his best to calm her down.

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