The Downtown Badass

By Melbiee_

49.8K 1.4K 80

Harmony Johnson continues her battle through everyday life. A victim to her mother and a target to her dad, s... More

Chapter 1 - Here Comes The Badass
Chapter 2 - Everlasting Impressions
Chapter 3 - The Jackass
Chapter 4 - Surprise Surprise
Chapter 5 - New Beginnings and Final Straws
Chapter 6 - Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - School Sucks
Chapter 8 - This Isn't a Date
Chapter 9 - Party Time Baby
Chapter 10 - Drama Filled Problems
Chapter 11 - Sex Gods
Chapter 12 - Dodge Ball and a Whole Lot of Nakedness
Chapter 13 - The Heist
Chapter 14 - Final Goodbyes
Chapter 15 - Challenge Accepted
Chapter 16 - Horse Poo?
Chapter 17 - Double Date Anybody?
Chapter 18 - Goodbye
Chapter 19 - Nice to Meet You
Chapter 20 - Sexy Encounters
Chapter 21 - Bombs Away Bitches
Chapter 23 - Happy Valentines
Chapter 24 - A Day To Remember
Chapter 25 - Bon Voyage
Chapter 26 - His Here
Special Thanks!
Chapter 27 - Our Girl
Chapter 28 - First Date
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - Oh Brother
Chapter 31 - The Plan
Chapter 32 - The Final Battle
Big News!!
It's HERE!!
20,000 reads!!

Chapter 22 - Confessions

1.1K 40 2
By Melbiee_

Thank you for getting me over 700 reads. It means loads :) & This isn't edited as per usual. Sorry.

"Harmony, please come out" Maddy cried out for the 5th time. Currently I'm locked up in my room and Mad's has been trying all morning to get me out and just recently some of the guys too. After blowing up 'daddies' arcade yesterday, I came back and locked myself away and haven't been out since. Luckily, the guys had fixed my door by the time I got back.

"Har, come on, you must be starving by now." She knew me all to well, I really was. I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours. As if on cue, my belly began to rumble. Oh man. "You cant stop in there all day Har, we just want to talk about everything."

"Yeah, come on Harmony, I really need to talk with about everything. I need to know your okay, we all love you out here and are just so worried about you." This time it was Aiden and he did really sound worried. But I can face them, how could I?

"Har, I need you to come out because I'm stuck on this impossible level on GTA and I know your a complete badass at that game. So really its a life or death situation here." This had me laughing from under the covers. Typical air headed Charlie. I could imagine the guys all giving him dirty looks and a dead arm at his stupid excuse to get me out of my room.

I love that knuckle head.

"Dude, don't make me come in there and beat your ass. The guys have fixed your door once, They can easily fix it again" Ryan threatened through the white door. He doesn't have the balls or the strength to break down a door. Such a dumb ass.

Rolling my eyes, I stay sat in bed waiting for the next effort to get me out of this room. "I'll realise a ton of spiders into your room, I know people." Oh Tristan, such a special boy.

I think I may stay in my room more often, It's rather amusing. Although It's overwhelming to know how much these guys care about me. What I said to Trey yesturday was just stupid. I could push everybody away and somehow I still wouldn't be along. I couldn't stand being without any of them, not again. These are the people that have made me feel at home and are the ones that have kept me safe. Heaven knows where I'd be without them all.

Hearing a sigh, she adds "Well, you best start getting ready, Jessie's funeral starts at 2."


Even more reason to not come out of this room. I didn't want this day to be real, I didn't want Jessie being gone to be real. I just want everything to be a horrible dream.

Jessie being gone.

My dad being alive.

My dad still being the leader of The Kings.

Harry being my brother.

& The Kings coming after me. Putting my real family at risk.

Everything is so screwed! Why hasn't nothing in my life ever been normal? I used to watch those movies growing up, you know the ones where the lead girl's biggest problem is a guy or a fight between her girlfriends over a guy. Yet she always has a really supportive mother to talk to and shes a huge daddies girl. Just normal,

From the moment I was conceived to now, my life has been anything but normal.

My mom got pregnant at the age of 15 by a gang leader who just left her. She watched me grow up, offering me no support, never cared to listen, never advised me on what not to do, cared more for her drugs that my so called dad got her hooked on and the most messed up thing is the fact that I still love her after everything and those words she said to me mean more to me than anything else in the world.

She said she was sorry and I believed her and most of all, I miss her. I miss the mother who didn't even care about me. I'm so messed up.

Finally getting out of bed, I move over to my closet to see my hanging outfit for the day. A simple black dress with the heels to match. 

"Why Jessie, why" I whisper, my attention focused on my dress. Without even realising it, I'm drawn to the ground in tears. That's right, I'm crying... again. God I'm sick of crying, I'm like those girls in all the movies.

Bringing my knees up to my chest, I hug onto them and allow my tears to fall. At least nobodies here to witness the mess that is me. Wow I sound so pathetic right now.  

I'm just pathetic.


Shooting my gaze towards the source of the voice, my eyes met with chocolate brown ones. Quickly turning my head away from his gaze, I cant have him see me like this. I cant be like this around him because we all know that when I'm upset around Trey Lockwood, I lose all common sense.

"How did you get in?" I ask, my voice sounding tired.

Hearing him move, I feel him sit down beside me as our shoulders brush. "You left your bathroom door unlocked." Even though I was unable to see him, I could just tell that he was smiling at the fact I left my door unlocked. Jerk.

"I brought you some food." My ears perked up and I whip my head towards the food he had brought me. Chicken burger... mmmm. Man, I feel like Homer Simpson when he sees donuts.

Smiling at my reaction, he hands me the burger and I waste no time in wiping that burger of it's existence.  "That hungry huh?" he chuckled.

Rolling my eyes, I lightly punch him in the arm. "Well I haven't eaten in over 24 hours, what do you expect?"

After a few moments in silence, Trey decides to speak up. "Your rubbish at trying to push people away you know." The cheek of it. Then again, here I am speaking to him after I said I was no longer going to. Clever..

"I thought I did a very good job thank you very much" I recalled, crossing my arms over my chest. This just made him laugh, oh and laugh some more. Jerk. "Your something else Harmony Johnson and for the record, you really are terrible."

Looking up to meet the gaze that I could almost feel before, I fall for his stupid tap that his eyes seemed to have mastered. Why was I such a sucker for the damn eyes. More to the point, why did he have to have such nice ones?

"I didn't really mean any of it. I don't want to lose you or the guys. I need you all." Was I under some sort of spell that was making me confess everything? And why was I still unable to look away... "It's what all the normal girls do in the movies. Seems to work for them" I confess. Again, really. Might aswell sell my soul why I'm at it.

"But your not normal Har, neither of us under this roof is and we probably never will be" he proclaimed, never once removing his gaze. His eyes held so much emotion, so much... hurt.

"What's your story?" I ask. I've been curious since the day I met him.

Sighing, he runs a hand through his silky brown hair. "You sure you really want to know?" Nodding almost immediately, he takes a deep breath almost preparing himself. Was this it? Was I finally going to find out the real Trey Lockwood.

"I grew up without a mom, she died while giving birth to me so I was left with my dad. Thing about my dad though, he was drug addict. He and my mom were both normal at first, same as aunt Jane, Tristan's mom was. But as soon as dad lost mom, that was it, he lost it. He turned to drugs and by the time I was 5, he was never off it." There was a long pause after that, I could tell it was hard talking about. So I did something I thought, I Harmony Johnson would never do, I held onto Trey's hand.

He looked shocked, almost as much as me at first but then I felt his hand tighten.

"He became reliant on it and started going into debt just so he could afford his next fix. The times I had to just sit there and watch him get beat up because he hadn't paid somebody. It was frightening. Aunt Jane tried to help after all it was just them two left. Mom's family disowned us after they found out what dad was upto. When aunt Jane became ill though, dad lost control even more. He started taking out his anger on me, hitting me, kicking me and all I did was take it because I was made to believe it's what I deserved. After all I was the reason why mom was dead. He then started to offer me to the people he owed money to. I was made to do things that a 10 year old shouldn't. At first I hated it, I was made to kill innocent people, steal and heaven knows what else, I didn't want to do it. Then one day, something inside of me snapped. I just had acepted my life for what it was and didn't do anything about it. So, I declared to not take anymore bullshit from my dad or the life he made me live. So I fort back. Of course that when the police got involved because we both ended up in hospital. Child protection got involved and that's when I went to Tristan and the gang."

Wow. I was gobsmacked. We really weren't that different. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Not different from what you've been through. So just so you know, your feeble attempts of pushing me away aren't going to work. We're all in this together and your stupid if you think we'd all leave you too it " Trey whispered gently. He had me in goose bumps, he voice was so honest and eyes so pure.

Watching as Trey released my hand, something within me missed the warmth.

As he was about the leave to go into his room, he popped his head around the door. "Oh and don't even think giving yourself in to The Kings because I'll personally come find you and kick your ass." He threatened with a breathtaking smile.

What on earth was I experiencing right now. My heart was rapidly beating, tingles were replacing where he once was and I found myself smiling like an idiot at his word.

It can't be real though can it. I mean it's virtually impossible to be true.

Nope, never.

You know it's true, just face it.





God, this isn't a movie!

Admit it then.

Fine, I Harmony Johnson have a crush on Trey fricking Lockwood!!


Sorry it's not as long as usual but I was originally going to going to put Jessie's funeral in this chapter aswell but I'll do that separate, so tissues at the ready :(.

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