A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

By Thecalendar15

9.2K 455 136

COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... More

20 : THE 8th


230 14 7
By Thecalendar15

Elsa shifted her gaze at the man in front of her, waiting for a concrete answer. She did not expected it at first, Elsa knew Jack would go over Rapunzel to dance with her, to know her better or to tell funny and interesting stories about his own experiences—because that is what he truly is.

Elsa stared back—Jack is waiting.

She heaved a deep breath.

Honestly, she half expected it.

Elsa gave in and smiled, her lips curved at both ends, she slowly nodded... and handed her hand to his. Jack cannot fully hide his excitement as he had successfully encouraged the lady to dance—with him.

As they move together, joining with other people on the dance floor; the upbeat music blasted upon their eardrums, making it difficult to hear whatever they are trying to say or comprehend. Plus, the chatty noise coming from the dancers are making it more unbearable and impossible to cope up with. Elsa and Jack both stood at the center which they found empty and bare. The lights shone to their faces and skin.

Jack cracked a laugh and held both of her hands, both of them facing each other.

"Jack." Elsa called, which left him to duck lower.

"I cannot dance."

Jack, duck his head further.

"What?" He asked loudly enough for Elsa to hear.

"I cannot" She stopped. "I do not know how to dance. You know that, Jack."

Jack grinned as a response. He clasped her hands tighter in between his fingers and intertwined them together. Elsa watched him.

Jack stared at her and gave an encouraging smile. Elsa is beautiful indeed, her hair was clipped the same way as Anna. Her dress is a shade of icy blue in soft cottony fabric which ends up to her ankles, showing off a blue high heels which shone in her pale feet. Her freckles spread through her nose and bare shoulders.

Their pale hands was in a similar shade.

"It doesn't matter if you're a good dancer or not,"

A group of people began to circle around, dragging anyone around them—holding their hands even not knowing the person beside and they would start to dance in a big formed circle. Giggling and laughing at the thought that they have occupied a lot of space on the floor.

Jack pulled Elsa and gazed back at her.

"The important thing is, you know how to follow the beat of the music."

And both of them was pulled in.

Their hands were held together tightly as they moved in circles—like children playing in the playground, looking for own company and friends. The laughter of the large group filled the room and the guests, even on their table, eating and chatting had payed a look to see what's happening—and they would stare in bewilderment and fascination.

Rapunzel was also in the same state—her head moved as every beat of the music drops. She would smile and laugh as she can see her friends inside the circle.

Kristoff and Merida, Hiccup and Anna was also dragged in. The four were held together as they can see Jack and Elsa in front of them—at the opposite side where they close their eyes shut and would laugh, being moved by the motion.

The music began slow down and fade, a few seconds later, it left the whole dance floor in silence but the cheers from the crowd liven the situation—after the music died down, the group broke the circle as everyone began to walk away separately.

The three pairs went directly to their table, being welcomed by Rapunzel in her own seat. They laughed as they began to drag another partner as the music started to change into a moderate upbeat song.

After dancing with Anna, Hiccup made his way at the blonde girl, seating during the whole first dance of the night.

"Hey." He called.

"You alright?"

Rapunzel gaped her head slightly upwards, and gazed at her side.

She nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine. What makes you think I'm not?" Rapunzel asked back in a soft sweet voice.

Something jolted within Hiccup. Why would he ask such a ridiculous question. His question made her think that no one had possibly asked or will be asking her to dance but that is not what Hiccup tried to point out, he just wanted to make sure Rapunzel will enjoy the night as everyone else.

Hiccup smiled.

"Come on," He offered his hand at her.

"I am not used to seeing you like thiswhere is the joyful and chatty Rapunzel I knew?!" Hiccup whisper shouted.

The man quirked up and peeped a little further—seeing a small smile began to creep in her lips.

"Can I have this dance with you?"

Rapunzel nodded and grinned, stood up from her seat while lifting her dress, until finally accepting Hiccup's question, placing her hand atop of his.

"You know, Hiccup." Rapunzel started. "Whatever you do, I will and will go with you no matter what."

The two went inside the dance floor once again, the music soothes in their ears. The lights turned into a lighter shade that relaxes everyone's vision for a while. Rapunzel and Hiccup faced each other with a grin in their lips and they began to move in harmony which left them giggling.

The other side of the dance floor, Jack and Merida stood with their hands intertwined. Jack towers over her, a couple of centimeters than that of Elsa. Jack can almost see her intermittent blue eyes, bluer than Elsa—like the ocean's. The red head moved her head and looked at Jack.

"Don't tell me, you don't know how to dance either?" She asked in thick Scottish accent.

Jack let out an obvious grin—

And chuckled.

"Me?" He pointed himself.

"Oh, no, no. Haven't you seen me dance before?" He asked highly with confidence.

"Maybe, you are worse than me."

Jack flinched his eyebrow and gave out a foolish smile, making Merida to give him a small punch in the chest.

"For crying out loud, Frost!" Merida called with gritted teeth.

Jack laughed and mimicked a teasing frown in his face, his lips mouthed the word 'ouch'.

Jack held Merida's right hand and raise it at his height, twirled her around until she had successfully done one full circle, without even saying a thing to Merida or a permission to do so. The girl groaned in frustration, her lips twitched in an indifferent manner.

"What?" Jack shook off his shoulder—obviously likes to see Merida being teased and seeing her in her high temper.

"We are dancing." He added.

Merida set aside strands of her hair in her ears.

"Yeah." She mocked sarcastically.

"Your idea of dancing."

The two continued to bicker and tease each other, with their undying reactions after the play. Not in a frustrating way but rather in a playful one. After a couple of minutes, both of them began to seriously dance with one's company. Sometimes, Merida would step a foot onto his shoes, and Jack would gave a teasing stare back at the red head.

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff were left in their own table, watching the two pairs dance together. They would glance at both sides and watch the whole dance floor lively.

At the opposite side of the floor, numerous students began to group around a certain spot, ending and stopping the verge to dance with their partners to take a glimpse of the pair. The room began to fill with constant cheers, their hands in the air. As the music flows, sometimes, the crowd would gasp in awe and surprise.

Jack and Merida stopped and walked directly at the scene of attention. Jack slowly push around people at their side, making more way for them with Merida at his back. As they gotten nearer the spot, Jack and Merida took a glimpse of the two having a dance battle—Rapunzel lifting her dress with her hands, exposing her heels and starting to dance chacha as she followed the beat of the music.

"Go, Punzie!" Anna shouted at the back.

Rapunzel smiled widely and stopped... and they cheered.

Rapunzel looked back at Hiccup with a competitive stare, the brunette man did not faze and shot back a quick movement as his body clearly flowed in sync and rhythm.

Merida was surprised seeing Rapunzel dances beautifully and with so much interest in her eyes. And upon looking at Hiccup, Merida stifled a soft chuckle under her lips.

Jack was left speechless at the two. He doesn't know Hiccup could absolutely dance—as in... dance. Yes. He is smart, funny and sarcastic but Jack would picture him as a stiff-stick when it comes to dancing. Jack was left in awe, especially to Rapunzel, these days the blonde did not failed to impress him. First, playing basketball and now, this.

Without knowing, Jack began to smile as he watched them longer.

The music stopped exactly with Hiccup in a handsome pose, looking back at Rapunzel with narrow breaths as his shoulder moved up and down. Rapunzel watched him and the crowd cheered and claps as a response. They howled and whistled.

Hiccup moved and laughed—hugged her tightly.

"That was a good one." He said as they gave each other a hug.

"Not as good as you." Rapunzel smiled.

"No!" Hiccup opposed as the crowd watched them.

"You were great, seriously Rapunzel."

She smiled genuinely.

"Thank you."

Hiccup and Rapunzel headed back at their table, welcomed by cheers and compliments from their friends. Sweat formed in their foreheads but they received them optimistically. Kristoff and Jack mostly dropped positive comments about the two and Elsa, Anna and Merida would set up further compliments. Hiccup and Rapunzel would answer through a smile and chuckles and giggles.

They like to dance—not that they love the idea of it, instead, they loved the way it gives them freedom. To move their body with music in their ears, doing whatever they want to do. Being themselves, without anybody stopping and interrupting, without anybody planting negativity in their minds.

After minutes of rest, Anna and Kristoff went to dance, Elsa was called by someone else to dance with her and she'd accepted. Rapunzel was nowhere to be found. Jack was left in his chair.

And Hiccup made his way to Merida.


Merida glanced back.

"Hey." She greeted. "I almost forgot to say but you looked great a while ago."

Hiccup nodded and smiled. He can almost hear the thumping of his heart in his chest. He didn't know why, but always, always... being in front of her, makes his heart flutter—not in a romantic way but rather in a friendly one.

"Uhthanks." Hiccup answered in a question rather a statement.

"May I have the time to dance with you, Merida?"

Hiccup quickly asked, without any assurance of whether she'll accept it or not. He had no idea. But to think of it, whatever answer she is going to say, he have no other chance but to accept it.

Merida nodded, her eyebrows wrinkled—she smiled.


Jack watched them go into the dance floor and began to casually talk as their mouths moved. Jack chuckled, seeing them standing face to face—but honestly, they look good together. Hiccup is the kind of person that would go well to her personality, Jack thought and nodded with a smile plastered in his lips.

Jack, stilled and calm, payed a look at everyone at the dance floor, and at the very corner—he saw Hans with Rapunzel. Jack almost drowned at the idea. His eyes gazed at them. He could see Rapunzel talking and Hans listening to her. She looked innocent and calm, not knowing, who really Hans is.

Hiccup held Merida's hands and they began to move with the same moderate upbeat music. Their hands were warm and Hiccup would look at her and Merida would catch him glancing.

"What?" She asked. "Is there something wrong?"

Hiccup shook off his head.

"Nonothing." He stopped.

"You look beautiful."

Merida almost choke.

"Oh, you lass! Don't be silly."

"No, no." Hiccup opposed vastly.

"You really look beautiful. You think I am lying?"

Merida opened her mouth to object—and was left speechless.

Merida is wearing a red dress that shaped her robust body structure, ending exactly at the floor which covered her feet. With tight gloves that covered half of her shoulder. Her hair was clipped in a bun with braided designs and her skin is white that matches her dress perfectly. She looked magnificent.

"You like it in here?" Hiccup asked. "Here in Norway?"

Merida's forehead crinkled and fades away as she had understood what he is trying to say.

"I started to." She answered.

"As well Rapunzel, I can see it in her."

Hiccup slowly nodded as strands of his hair fell in his face. Merida saw it.

"I hope we will end up loving it."

The man smiled and gazed back down at her. Merida did not answer nor said anything in return. They had stayed in silence as the music swayed them together in movement. Sometimes, they would stare around, avoiding each gaze and Hiccup held her hands until the music ends.

Jack was still left alone, waiting for someone to talk to. He is not that tired or his energy hadn't lowered down but he wasn't into the idea to move lately. Something had kept him silent and still. As the music faded, the dance floor had gone silent. Most of the pairs began to bring back their partners at their seats.

Seconds later, Jack had seen at the corner of his eyes, a familiar man heading at his location. It was Hans... and Rapunzel.

As they've reached the table, Jack heard Rapunzel thanked Hans as he drifted away from them. Rapunzel sat up and she'd seen Jack at the end of the table, gazing away from her. She stilled and peered through as she had seen Merida and Hiccup together.

Rapunzel smiled.

It was almost fifteen minutes passed but still no one had uttered a word or two, they kept still in their own seats and none of their friends had returned from the dance floor or from the buffet tables.

Jack glared at her, without even thinking and back in front. Jack breathed deeply, as his feet began to move towards the lady at the other end—wearing a gorgeous purple dress. Jack's shoes taps silently against the marbled floor.

He moved—

And another.

"Punzie." He called.

Rapunzel gave back a stare at him, hearing him saying her weird nickname.

"What?" He asked teasingly.

"Anna had been calling you in that name recently," He stopped. "And, I must well be acquainted by it."

Jack smiled slowly.

Rapunzel chuckled lightly.

"Do you think it is kinda weirdor something?"

Jack frowned.

"No. Absolutely not. I think, it was kind of... cute."

Jack shrugged his shoulders and, unknowingly, grasped her arms and slowly, slowly pulled her together with him on the dance floor. Rapunzel did not have the time to interject nor said something else. She let herself be pulled. And the thing is, Jack hadn't offered his hand or asked her formally as what he used to do.

Jack's hands is warm against her skin. They went in and waited for the songs to be played. Both of them were expecting an upbeat music so that they can enjoy more the company of each other. They did not moved nor stir in their location.

They waited.


Their heads both gaped upwards. Rapunzel stared back at the man in front of her but he wasn't looking, his head remained at the side, Jack's jaw and nose looked noble and sharp.

A memory started drowning her.

Until a slow romantic song played loudly in the speakers.

They both shared a quick stare.

Jack moved his lips and opened his mouth.

"Okay." He began.

"So, I just have to place this in here."

Jack slowly moved his hand at her back, and pulled Rapunzel closer at him. As a response, she traveled her right hand at Jack's shoulder—Rapunzel could feel the smooth texture of his suit. Jack intertwined his fingers with hers.

They momentarily gazed each others eyes and stared away.

The music lingered through their ears—slow and soothing.

Jack began to lead the dance with Rapunzel catching up quickly as he expected. Jack stepped, Rapunzel followed and the same cycle happened again and again.

Rapunzel's dress was in a soft shade of purple, reaching through her ankles with purple heels that suit her height. Her golden hair was tied in a designed style, with braids and curls—obviously, her hair is lot more longer compared to Elsa, or Anna or Merida. Her skin is tan and smooth. Her green eyes reflected against the lights.

Jack stare was still as it moved at the end of Rapunzel's hand—with a silvery bracelet encircled with a hanging sun as a design at the middle. It is simply gorgeous and eye-catching.

Jack, his lips opened.

"This is beautiful." He complimented and dragged her hand closer to his eye level. Jack towers over her.

"Where did you bought it?" He asked as he payed a closer look at the bracelet.

Rapunzel watched him.

"Eugene" She fell silent. "Someone gave it to me... as a present. I am glad you find it beautiful."

Jack slowly shook his head and observed her at the edges of his eyes. He could see the same familiar expression the time they first grouped together, seeing the fallen photo from her notebook. Her eyes glistened and lightened. Her lips stayed in a straight line.

"Oh." Jack moaned.

He stared at her and Rapunzel met his gaze. His icy blue orbs.

"The guy in the picture." He finally said.

"You should wear it more oftenat school... maybe." Jack suggested, knowing he'd only seen her wearing it tonight.

Rapunzel nodded and smiled sweetly. Jack could definitely see that she misses him—or maybe, she is just too happy to include him into their conversation. Jack, with a sudden realization, Eugene; that is his name. Eugene. He had heard it from her own lips. Jack smiled and tried to lift her spirits up. He would try to crack a joke and he would end up laughing at it with Rapunzel giggling together with his voice.

The dance and song was slow and romantic but it didn't felt like it, they find it the other way around—they would laugh out loud and giggle, knowing other people would think it is truly absurd for them to crack out to a slow and silent kind of dance—like in a ball room.

Without even knowing, Jack's lips was curved at both ends—the idea of them being brought close together as their friendship had improved quite enough.

And they stood, facing each other with Hiccup and Merida meters away from them as they moved to the rhythm of the music.


"Open it." Elsa said.

The group had been gathered together after the last dance, with the gifts piled up at the center, Anna sat in the mid portion trying to open each presents.

Anna reached over a small box, smaller than anything that had been bought. Anna read the name of whom it came from.

"Hiccup." The lady said.

She began to untie the ribbon wrapped around and slowly opened the cover, until it revealed a—bracelet, a gold one.

Rapunzel payed a look at Hiccup, knowing what he had bought in the shop during the day they accompanied each other. Rapunzel nodded and smiled.

"Rapunzel." Anna said and opened her present.

It is a silver necklace with a hanged flower at the center.

Anna moved onto the other ones, this time, a larger box showed up.


It is a large brown teddy bear.

"Merida." Anna said further.

It is a picture frame with a green mug.


Anna opened it and showed a beautiful and colorful dream catcher.

Lastly, the only one gift that is left belongs to Kristoff.

Anna tear-off the cover and crack open the box, until a handmade letter lies idly with personal pictures of them together—the contents were all handmade and personalize, it is too colorful which suits Anna's taste for different colors. She closed the gift and set it all aside.

"Oh," She cooed, trying to contain her tears.

"Come here, all of you." She called.

They compressed all-together and gave Anna a warm tight hug, they stayed there for almost a minute. After breaking the circle, they laughed and began to show their gifts at her—trying to put them on, on her. It was such an amazing evening and far most, for Anna, this is the best birthday she ever had. Knowing she got her friends in her special day. The unending laughter filled the room and their smiles never faded.

Indeed, it was filled with memories.

An unforgettable experience for everyone.

But they never knew...

They never knew.

At the far end of the building, where a window were left open—one of Pitch's army which is called a nightmare, a collection of dark sand formed into a horse-like shape, with eyes that bloomed into its golden-yellow shade, hiding at the corners—watched everyone at the open panel.

It peeped through the window, watching them all interact—the four teenagers interact, the nightmare scoffed away passing through the bright enormous moon—it disappeared in thin air.

And at the land of Burgess, the King of DarknessPitch Black, waited patiently for his nightmare to arrive.


Author's Note:

This chapter is loooong, sorry about that. But honestly, I had fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed reading!

Lots of love :)

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