Madness • The Vampire Diaries...

By fiftyshadesofcabello

531K 11.6K 4.1K

MADNESS.|| BEST RANKING: #1 in thecw #2 in bonniebennett #25 in tvd " it's painful, but we have to leav... More



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By fiftyshadesofcabello


THE SOUNDS OF FEET SHUFFLING AGAINST THE FLOOR, heavy breathing, and lips pressing against ones cold skin. His lips kiss around her neck, finding each sensitive spot, successfully earning moans from the girl. She places her hands on his shoulders, pushing his jacket over his shoulders and tossing it to the side. Once one article of clothing is removed, she moves onto the next and grabs the middle of his buttoned shirt, ripping it apart making the buttons pop out.

Next was her pieces of clothing, so he lifts the bottom of her shirt and pulls it over her head, tossing it on one side of the bed. He places his large hand onto her chest, pushing her onto the bed and her head spins as she looks up at the man, expecting to find Klaus's face but Jason's instead. Her eyebrows slightly scrunch as she is confused why she is thinking about the Original hybrid.

He leans down and attacks her neck, leaving marks from her neck to her collarbone, which drives her crazy. She moans louder and moves her hands down to his waist, grabbing ahold of his belt and quickly unbuckling it. Her eyes look back into eyes, imagining it as the man she once was in love with and allowing herself to believe it is him. The two reconnect their lips and removes every single piece of clothing, allowing the two bodies become one.


Cora's eyes shoot open and she sits up from her spot, noticing she's back in her own room. She keeps her bed sheets close to her body as she notices she isn't wearing anything. The vampire runs her fingers through her hair, confused how she ended up this way and she turns to her side to see Jason laying next to her, naked.

"Heard you two come in last night," Damon says from the doorway, which scares Cora. "More than friends, huh?"

"Shut up, Damon," Cora places her hand over her forehead in embarrassment. "Can you please just leave. I'm kinda not dressed."

"Yeah, yeah, well hurry up. We have some business to take care of," Damon says as he throws her robe at her face.

"Business? What now?" Cora groans as she pulls on the robe and ties it closed.

"You already know how Stefan stole from your boyfriend, Klaus," Damon starts off which earns him a death glare from his sister. "Anyways, I may or may not know where he's hiding the coffins."

"Where?" Cora asks as she stands from the bed, hugging herself. Damon shakes his head and points to Jason who is still sleeping. "Can't trust him. He's still one of Klaus's minions."

"Fine. Just give me five minutes," Cora pushes her brother out of the room and closes the door.

The Salvatore sister sighs in frustration and she turns to look at Jason, seeing he is still sound asleep. She slightly smiles and goes to her closet, grabbing some clothes and quickly getting dressed. She writes a note and places it on the nightstand next to Jason, and leaves him in her room.

Cora walks out of her room, closing the door behind her and she walks to Damon's bedroom, seeing that he's in a cheerful mood. She gives a weird look and she glances to her side to see Stefan inside as well.

"What is she doing here?" Stefan points to his older sister.

"Damon tells me we have "business" to take care and he is dragging me into it," Cora uses air quotes.

"Fine," Stefan says annoyed since he didn't want anyone else to know about his plans, especially Cora. "Why are you so chipper?"

"No reason. Be with you guys in a minute."

"Guess that'll give me time to explain what the hell is going on. First thing's first, you aren't even supposed to know about this plan because it's a way to get rid of your hybrid and we don't want your other boyfriend to know since he is sired to your boyfriend," Stefan states while walking out of Damon's room with Cora.

"Ah ah, Klaus is not my boyfriend neither is Jason, so you can kindly shut up," Cora points at him.

"I mean you did bring him home last night," Stefan comments and walks downstairs, leaving Cora standing there irritated. "Come on, I don't have all day."

Cora huffs and follows her brother downstairs, annoyed that he is calling Klaus her boyfriend because of their past and calling Jason also her boyfriend because of what happened last night. She stops in the middle of the hallway with Stefan, waiting for him to explain.

"As you know, I gladly did take Klaus's coffins and they are in a very safe place. Hopefully it'll stay as a safe place as long as you keep your word that you'll keep your mouth shut," Stefan points at her.

"Ay, ay captain," Cora salutes him and looks at him annoyed. "So, where is this very safe place."

"Somewhere in the woods and I'll gladly take you. We just have to wait for Damon," Stefan rolls his eyes.

"Let's see how secretive this place is," Cora says as she hears a door closes upstairs, assuming it's Damon.

However, it's Jason fully clothed and ready to leave the house as he retrieved all the information he needs. He looks around the boarding house for a different way to leave the house and he walks towards the window, quietly opening it and climbing out. Now that he's got the information, he heads towards Klaus's mansion to deliver what he got as he was commanded to do so by his sire.

The Salvatore siblings make their way into the woods and towards the old witches house where Stefan is having Bonnie hide the coffins. He briefly explained everything, with Damon adding some comments and Cora is caught up with everything. They walk up towards the house and Cora looks around, getting an eerie feeling.

"You didn't say anything to Elena about the coffins, right?" Stefan asks Damon.

"No, I said I wouldn't," Damon replies.

"I know what you said."

"Why are you asking?"

"Because protecting the location of Klaus's family is my number one priority right now. And the fewer people who know, the better," Stefan explains. Cora stops in front of them, causing Damon to slightly bump into her.

"What?" Stefan asks as Cora examines the premises.

"Something isn't right," Cora mumbles and walks into the house with Damon following.

She remembers the last time she burnt because of Damon, and once she hits the sunlight, she flinches but nothing happens. Damon pushes her to keep moving and the thought shakes from her mind, wondering why the witches are nicer now. Cora quietly walks around the broken house, bumping into Bonnie. She wraps her arm around her and clamps her hand over the witch's mouth.

Bonnie freaks out a bit as she didn't get to see who she bumped into, but a few seconds later, Cora slowly removes her hand. The witch spins around to see its Cora and the vampire presses her finger over her lips to signal to her to be quiet. She listens intently for who's the intruder, and stepping outside is a hybrid who runs into Stefan. He attacks Stefan in attempt to bite him, but before he can, Damon rips his heart out from behind him. Cora and Bonnie walk outside to see Damon holding his heart.

"These hybrids, really bringing the neighborhood down," Damon says as he drops the heart.

The three supernatural beings walk back inside the broken house, Stefan leading Cora downstairs where the coffins are hidden while Damon buries the body. The coffins appear once they all walk inside and Cora grazes her fingers over one, catching dust. Her thoughts roam around, knowing Elijah is in one of these and surprisingly, she wants to see his face and ask so many questions.

Damon walks in and grabs a shovel from the side and heads towards the coffin Stefan said that won't open. He starts fiercely hitting the coffin, leaving no dent to it and Cora watches, knowing nothing will happen.

"You're wasting your time. It won't open. Did you bury the body?" Stefan asks his brother.

"Yeah. Any sign of our little hybrid buddies?" Damon asks his young siblings.

"Nope, just the dead one. I still believe Cora's second boyfriend told his buddies," Stefan comments and Cora rolls her eyes.

"Anyways," Cora cuts him off and Damon nods.

"Alright, Klaus has 6 siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one dead kid in the old world, one dead kid in the new world, which leaves Elijah and two others. Three sleeping originals, four coffins. So, who is in the locked box?" Damon questions as he goes over what they know.

"No idea. But whatever is in here, Bonnie seems to think will help us kill Klaus. So, the sooner she can get this open, the sooner we will know if she's right," Stefan states and Cora still looks among the coffins.

"Oh, you think the spirits of a bunch of dead witches that can make the coffins invisible would have figured out how to open one," Damon's head tilts up at the ceiling towards the spirits expectantly. "Fine, don't help."

"You know, none of this is gonna do us any good if Klaus's hybrid friends find our hiding place, right? They need to go away, including Jason," Stefan says while glancing at Cora.

"And how are you gonna do that? I know for a fact you can't just send them on their merry ways," Cora gives him an annoyed look.

"How about try to keep the peace? Don't attract attention to the real thing we are trying to hide," Damon clearly states.

"Well, I'm not gonna play defense when I have what Klaus wants. He does what I say, or I dump his family to the bottom of the ocean," Stefan says what he plans on doing.

"And then he kills you and everyone you know like, I don't know...your siblings!" Damon points between he and Cora.

"No, he's bluffing. His family means more to him than anything else," Stefan shakes his head.

"He must really love them then," Cora says sarcastically and softly pats one of the coffins. "You sure about that?"

"Well I don't know Cora. I mean, I guess there's only one way to find out, right? Call his bluff," Stefan slightly shrugs.

"The only way to call someones bluff, Stefan, is to be willing to lose everything if you're wrong," Damon explains.

With that said, Stefan smiles at Damon's comment and walks out of the broken house. Cora's shoulders drop, knowing her little brother is on his way to provoke the Original hybrid. She and her older brother share a look, not confident in his plans already.


Later in the night, Damon drops a bomb on Cora, telling her that they will be attending the Council Meeting along with Alaric. She dresses nicely for the meeting and goes with her brother to meet up with Alaric. They both walk inside and Cora gives fake smiles to some of the many members around the hall. Damon grabs her wrist and slightly tugs her arm to follow her where Alaric is examining the model of Wickery Bridge.

"This is the bridge where Elena's and Jeremy's parents died in a car accident," Damon explains as he takes a drink of his glass.

"Something's up with her. Elena," Alaric starts on the subject. "Something more than usual. Do you know what it is?"

"Well, I'm sure it starts with a 'Stef' and ends with an 'an'," Damon says. "I'm gonna get a drink, write a check, and then we're out."

Cora slightly nods and drinks the rest of her alcohol, then walks around the place, ignoring some people's comments and avoiding conversations. She walks around with an empty glass, then a man carrying a tray full of drinks walks by and she grabs a glass, drinking the wine she's not a fan of.

"Huh, thought you would be with your play thing," Jade says from her side and Cora sets her glass down, already annoyed. "Jason's his name, isn't it? Or do you call him Evans?"

"God, I really wish you would stop following me," Cora tries to walk away from her, but she follows. "What do you want?"

"I'm just hear to make sure you're okay and not dead because of Klaus's minions," Jade stops in front of her. "And I'm here to tell you this. Stay away from Evans. He can be dangerous."

"Why? Because he's a hybrid?" Cora asks lowly, not fazed with what she has to say.

"That, and because he is sired to Klaus, which means he can turn his back on you any second, minute, hour, who knows. Trust me, you're just ruining this for yourself," Jade explains. Before Cora can reply back, Klaus makes his appearance and joins the two girls.

"Am I interrupting something?" Klaus asks with his sly smirk.

"No," Jade shakes her head and fake smiles at him. "I'll talk to you later, Cora."

"No," Cora says to Jade, but she already turned around and left. The Salvatore huffs in defeat and glances up at Klaus. "What do you want? You're ruining my glass."

"I'm not here for you, love. Just a lad willing to help the community, is all," Klaus says as he gets closer. "I hear you fancy my hybrid."

"Yes, actually, I do," Cora confidently says and Klaus's smirk wipes off his face.

He wraps an arm around her waist, smiling to show that there's nothing to worry about as two people walk by. Cora and Klaus both smile at the two and go back to their straight faces as they pass.

"And I also heard you're helping your rebellious brother, which means you know where my family is hidden," Klaus says lowly as the two are already close enough.

"Do I? Gee, I'm not quite sure."

Cora states and Klaus pulls her to his side as Carol walks up, thanking the hybrid for his generosity towards the community. The Salvatore stands there awkwardly as she is in the arms of her ex lover, and she looks over to see Damon giving her a look. She mouths to him help-me and he walks over towards the trio.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Damon says as he looks at Klaus. "Nice vest."

"Well, thank you very much. Good to see you, Damon," Klaus turns his focus on the other Salvatore. "Carol and I were just discussing whether you'd be tonight's other big benefactor."

"What do you say, Damon? Klaus has made a very generous pledge," Carol asks. "You know how we're chomping at the bit to begin the renovation."

"Carol, don't take this the wrong way, but do you realize that you've been kissing the ass of an immoral hybrid who ruined your son's life?" Damon looks at the mayor.

"Damon," Cora gives him a look, in hopes of telling him not to cause a scene.

"Oh, come now. Some might say I saved it, what all that nasty full moon business," Klaus turns towards Carol, keeping a tight grip around Cora. "I never had to go through it myself more than twice to be honest, but still..I'm very sympathetic."

"Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, Damon, and our town," Carol looks at the brother.

"From who? His hybrids are the ones the town needs protection from," Damon looks at Klaus.

"Well, I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family," Klaus suggests.

"Not gonna happen," Damon says nonchalantly.

"That's what I thought, which is why I've come to an agreement with the mayor. You and the council stay out of my hair, I'll stay out of yours," Klaus states. "Your town gets protected, my hybrids get left alone and everybody will be happy. All you and Cora have to do is to get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends."

"Please. Just get your brother under control or the council will be forced to take action against him," Carol chimes in.

"You've got to be kidding me," Damon looks at her in disbelief.

"Like that'll happen," Cora removes Klaus's arm from around her and she stands next to her brother.

"Oh, come on, love, give peace a chance," Klaus smiles at them and Cora looks up at her brother.

The sister walks off from the conversation, and Klaus watches her leave the room. He slightly sighs and notices a presence come to his side, so he turns his head to see Jason standing next to him. The Original nods his head for him to go and Jason nods, following after Cora.

She walks into one of the rooms that has a few people inside. She leans against the table and sighs, taking a drink from her glass and watching as the rest of the people in the room left to do something else. Jason walks into the room and closes the doors, which freaks Cora out and she turns around.

"Hey, what're you-"

Before Cora can finish her sentence, Jason walks towards her and smashes his lips onto hers, shutting her up. Her eyes widen from the unexpected move, but she goes with it, kissing him back. He moves his lips from hers and place them onto her neck, leaving marks like he did the night before. Originally, Evans was only going to distract her, but suddenly he nicks her on the neck, quickly stepping back.

"Ow, what the hell!" Cora gasps and touches the mark on her neck. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, god, I'm sorry Cora," he looks at her bite, seeing it bleed slightly, but both knew what will happen.

"Get the hell out of here," Cora covers her neck with her hand, seeing him not go. "Leave!"

Evans walks out of the room, leaving the doors wide open and she huffs, covering the teeth marks with her hair and walking out of the room. Cora listens closely for Damon, and she gets something, but she also hears Stefan's voice.

"Protecting Elena is your problem now," Stefan exclaims. Cora sighs in frustration and walks upstairs to where their voices are coming from, and there they stood in the hallway.

"Don't give me that no humanity crap," Damon cuts him off.

"Hello? We're in a building with a bunch of clueless citizens? Might want to keep it down," Cora states as she walks closer and see Daniel on the ground.

"You want to take Klaus, you want to beat the villain, you got to be smarter," Damon ignores his sister, explaining some things to Stefan.

"No, no, to beat the villain, Damon, you have to be the better villain," Stefan pats his shoulder and walks out of the room.

Cora watches him leave, worried to what he will do next. The two siblings walk down the stairs, back to where the party is at and Cora slightly groans, feeling the bite mark get worse.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good," Damon gives her a worried look and she shakes her head.

"No, I'm fine. I'm pretty sure Carol or someone laced my drinks with vervain and it's getting to me," Cora lies. Damon slightly nods, still worried about her and decides to call Elena. He waits a few rings and the line picks up.

"Hello Damon, she's a little busy right now," Stefan is the one who picked up the phone.

"Why the hell do you have Elena's phone?" Damon asks and Cora gives him a look.

"I'm making my next move. Let me ask you something...What will Klaus do if he can't make anymore hybrids?" Stefan asks.

"What?" Elena asks, Cora able to hear her.

"Stefan, leave her out of this," Damon says, but their little brother hangs up.

Cora huffs and walks all the way down the stairs, spotting Klaus with Carol. She walks over to him and links her arm around his free one.

"Hey, sorry, can I steal him for a moment?" Cora looks at the mayor and she nods.

The two walk past some of the citizens who are blessed by Klaus's generous offer and they both give off smiles. Cora walks into an empty room and nods her head for the Original hybrid to follow.

"What is it now, love?" Klaus asks as he walks into the room. "You just pulled me away from a fascinating conversation about landscaping the town square."

"Spare me the details," Cora says as she closes the doors to leave them alone. "Stefan just grabbed Elena."

"What? He's getting desperate," Klaus turns around, smiling to himself.

"He's going to try to use her against you. Do what he says. Get rid of your hybrids," Cora crosses her arms.

"Or what?" Klaus looks back at her. "Stefan would never dream of killing her."

"Are you sure about that?" Cora asks, walking closer to the hybrid. "He just tried to behead someone, specifically your hybrid, in the middle of a council party. He's going crazy right now."

"Well," Klaus smiles at the girl. "Crazy or not, that kind of love never dies."

Klaus's smile grows a bit more as he looks at the girl he fell in love with and still is in love with, hoping she would get the hint. Cora looks at him, remembering back to when she and Jason had spent their night together, and she imagined he was Klaus. She shakes that thought out of her mind and uncrosses her arms.

"He's bluffing," Klaus simply says, getting back to their conversation about Stefan.

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but if don't want to believe him, believe me," Cora walks towards him to where they are face to face now. "I know my brother just as much as Damon does and it's better than anyone, and right now, we don't have a clue how far he's willing to take this."

"So, if he says blink, I suggest you blink," Cora states boldly and Klaus's smile drops, considering what she's saying.

His eyes wander to her neck, seeing a small, dry patch of blood. He opens his mouth to say something, but Cora walks out of the room, leaving the building itself. She texts Damon to go on and find out where Elena and Stefan are. Cora hitched a ride with Alaric back into town and her phone vibrates rapidly, indicating someone is calling her. She takes her phone out of her pocket, and reads the name; Caroline.

"Hey, blondie," Cora answers.

"Cora, this is Matt and I'm in need of some help," Matt says briefly.

"Matt, slow down. What's wrong?" Cora asks, sitting up in her seat.

"It's Caroline. She got bit by Tyler earlier. I brought her home, but the bite is getting worse," Matt stumbles his words a bit.

"I'll be there in a few," Cora hangs up and looks at Alaric. "Take me to Care's house."

Alaric nods at the girl and turns down a street that'll take them back towards the right direction of her house. He drives over the speed limit since Cora explained what happened and she hovers over Klaus's contact. She sighs, knowing this is the only way to save her and she presses his icon, texting him to meet her at Caroline's house.

They stop in front of her house and Cora quickly gets out, running towards the door of the Forbes residence. She starts to sweat more than usual and she touches the irritated part of her skin, wincing when she does. Cora covers the bite mark and knocks on the door. Klaus walks up the walkway and stands beside her on the doorstep. She slightly nods at him and sees Matt walking to the door, opening it.

"Cora texted me. She said Caroline had had a terrible accident with Tyler," Klaus glances down at the vampire who looked a bit pale herself.

"You made him do this to her," Matt gives him a hardened look. "He would have never done something like this."

"He's here to help, Matt," Cora breathes out and looks at the human.

"My blood will heal her. Please ask the sheriff to invite me inside," Klaus says.

"I know how this game works. You want something in return," Sheriff Forbes walks towards the entrance.

"Just your support," Klaus shakes his head.

"Liz, I know you don't trust him, but trust me," Cora looks at her. "I'll make sure he does nothing to your daughter. I promise you that."

"Come in," Liz let's her guard down.

Klaus holds his arm out for Cora to step inside first, and she does, guiding the hybrid to where Caroline's room is. She walks inside first to see Caroline lying in bed, looking pale as well. Her eyes open up, softening up when she sees Cora but then hardening when Klaus walks in after her.

"Is he going to kill me?" Caroline asks, avoiding eye contact with Klaus.

"No, and if he were, I would've never allowed your mom to invite him in," Cora says, weakly smiling at her.

"Do you really think that low of me?" Klaus asks, slightly offended.

"Yes," Caroline glares at him. Cora signals Klaus to just stand by for a minute and she walks closer to the teenager's bed.

"I won't hurt you," Cora says, earning a slight nod from Caroline. She slowly removes the blanket to reveal the bite mark on her neck, seeing it more infected.

"Oh, that looks bad. My apologies," Klaus walks beside Cora. "You're what's known as collateral damage. It's nothing personal."

"Just help her, will you?" Cora says, glaring at Klaus. Caroline weakly smiles up at the vampire.

The Original takes a seat on her bed and bites into his wrist, then softly sitting her up. He holds his wrist out for her to drink and Caroline looks up at Cora, not so sure if she should trust him. Cora nods, assuring her to trust him, and so she does, by drinking the around of his blood that she needs. He lays her back down, allowing her to rest and the two walk out of her room. Cora walks downstairs before him and Matt meets them at the bottom.

"Thank you, Cora, for bringing the help that she needed," Matt says, referring to Klaus.

"Yeah, well, I actually like Caroline and I wouldn't want to see her in her death bed," Cora slightly smiles.

She walks towards the entrance but then she collapses, with Klaus quickly catching her. As she lies in his arms, she starts to hallucinate more about her past and it all stops once she blacks out.

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