Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Li...

By callmekay21

282K 5K 674

Raines Tyler is a nerd. And she knows it. But what happens when Liam Payne wants to be her friend? Will it tu... More

Diary of A Teenage Nerd
Today Is Different
Changing For The Better..... Or Worse???
Going To Nando's
These God Forsaken Boys......
Truth or Dare
A Confession
Feeling Sorry
Sunday's Surprise
Could This Get Any Better?
Emotional Aftermath
Meeting The Parents
Blonde Moments
Little boys in BIG trouble
Will Things Ever Get Better?
The Shocking Truth
School and fun? Two different worlds
Liam Payne how many secrets do you have?!?!
What The Hell Just Happened?
Don't You Dare Give Up On Me. If You Do, Then I'll Give Up On Myself
This Is A Hospital? More Like Jail.
Day One. Kill me now.
Write me a love song. Even though it's not true.
Tell me how life is. Outside of Hospital Hell.
A Suprise. Not a secret.
Why The Hell Don't You Love Me?
A Dramatic Exit
Settle things, or make them worse?
It's Too Late to Apologize
Attitude, friendships, and Harry Styles
Important Information
Getting Released
Hiding My Feelings from Everyone
A New Beginning. Will They Recognize Me?
Good Job....So Far
Thankfully Silent
Off to Mexico
The Big Day
The Second Concert
I'm So Sorry and I Hope You Understand I Always Loved You
Important Authors Note: Contest Time. PLEASE READ!!!
Author's Note
I Love Him
The Fourth Concert
Four Days in Miami
Forgive Me Liam
To Nashville
Sparks Flying
One Step Closer To You
And You Left Me...
Keep Holding On
Turn Up Turn Down Turn On Turn Off
Songs About Sex
My my, my my, Give Me Love
Live Like There's No Tomorrow

Another Confession?

4.8K 88 15
By callmekay21

  Hey my beautifuls!!!! I haven't updated in ages and I apologize for that! I love you guys and I just haven't had the time to update and I wish i could've updated more but I couldn't and I apologize for that and pleaz don't hate me!! I love you guys so much for reading this and sticking to it and love reading it as much as I love writing it. My fans and readers mean the world to me and I don't want to loose any of them! OK, so I just updated The Summer After High School so go chekc that out when you finish this if your also reading that book along wit this one and then I will update The Trust Bar after I finish this chapter of Diary of a Teenage Nerd. And that will be very interesting and I'm already planning the rest of this book but don't worry the end won't be any time soon. I don't care how it may seem but we still have a while before the end of all of my fan fictions! And I won't be starting or working ion any other books until I finish these fan fictions or at least two of them. So just wait on the other books and go check out my friend @ProdsWish and fan her and check out her books for me! You are all so loevely even though I've never met you face to face and don't ever plan on it! Except for people like @LiamPaynesBaby, @ProdsWish, @Blueeyedvampire, @Falconplayer1231, @Rocs_Thug, @MindlessAlwayz and a few others cause I go to school with them so they don't exactly count. OK, anyway go ahead and read this, hopefully, awesome chapter of Diary of a Teenage Nerd.

Raines POV

Laughing with Liam (haha) was one of my favorite things to do. It was so easy to be around him. He could cheer me up but would also listen when I needed him to listen. I loved him a lot because I was just comofortable arund him and he was just perfect. To bad we only had two weeks left. But no need to think about that now.

"We should start heading back since we need to go back to school tomorrow." I pointed out as we finished our food.

"We should. Are you sure after what happened like the Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook thing." I felt the tears spring into my eyes.

"Oh, yeah it's fine. It'll probably blow over soon." No it won't. It's never going to blow over. It's always been happening and always will. So no need to avoid it. Time to face it.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Luckily the waitress came back out then.

"Here's your ticket." She laid down the white paper on our table and began to walk awa but stopped.

"Do you know Louis? Louis Tomlinson?" Hannah asked Liam,

"Yeah, do you?"

"My name's Hannah Walker. I used to go out with Louis. I knew you looked familiar."

"Oh, Hannah. Hi."

"Hi, Liam right?" She laughed nervously.

"Yeah, um I guess I can tell you Louis is in the restraunt." Her brown eyes widened.

"HE IS?! I mean he is? Can you give him my number?" She wuickly wrote her number and gave it to Liam and walked away.

"Well that was something," I muttered.

"It was." Liam put the piece of paper in his hand as he stood up. We were quiet as we went to find the others even though we were holding hands. He looked a little pale but it was barely noticeable. I wonder what was behind the whole Hannah thing. 

"You OK?" 

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." He seemed to get the color back into his face. He smiled, kissed me and pulled me close. 

"No, your not. What's wrong?" 

"How can you read me like that?" 

"I'm a wizard! Tell me what's wrong please." 


"Did she do something to you and the guys?" 

"No, she just.....I'll tell you later it's a long story." He tried to cover it up with another smile, but I could read him like a book. I guess I'll just have to wait.

  We walked to the front of Nando's to wait for the rest of our crew before we left Paris. It was so beautiful here that I didn't want to leave but we had to. Liam has X-Factor, I have school. Which I couldn't care less about .

"And here come's the lovely couple!" Harry shouted when we walked out the glass doors. I felt the blood rush my cheeks and I looked away.

"What took you so long?" Louis asked us. I met Liam's eyes and there was a hint of fear in them. What the fudge?

"We uh.....got cought up."

"With...." Harry said implying something that didn't happen.

"HARRY!" I shouted even though I heard myself laughing.


"We....ran into Hannah?" Liam said slowly. I could see Louis' eyes grow wide. I wanted to run over and hug him even though I had no clue what exactly happened.

Louis gulped before choking out, "How is she?"

"She seems well. She wanted me to give you this." Liam handed Louis the paper with her number on it. Louis' hand wearily reached out for the small piece of paper. His eyes read over it a few times before stuffing it in his pocket.

"I'll use it later..." He turned around and headed to the car. I stood still though.

"Coming Raines?" Harry asked me.

"What's going on? I'm very confused and would like some answers." I saw Liam walk ahead to catch up with Louis.

"Why don't you ask Louis? But we can do that later c'mon." He put his arm around me and we headed to the car.

"I have a feeling Louis won't tell me....can you?" I stopped walking and looked Harry in the eyes. I wanted to read his expression. It quickly showed hurt, and pain. But it quickly vanished and was replaced my a poker face.

"Sure, but in the car." We started walking again.

   Once we were in the car, Liam was in the driver's seat, Louis was in the passenger, Zayn and Niall in the middle then me and Harry in the back. Good, now he can explain everything without anyone listening.

"Turn on the radio Li, would ya?" Niall asked. His accent is so adorable! I don't know why it's just so cute and funny! I saw Liam push a few buttons on the radio and then music started blaring through the speakers.

Last Friday night yeah we danced on table tops, and we took too many shots, think we kissed but I forgot

Last Fridat night yeah we maxed our credit cards, got kicked out of the bar, so we hit the boulevard

Last Friday night we went streaking in the park, skinny dipping in the dark-

  Louis turned the radio station before the song could finish.

For you I'd write a symphony, I'd tell the violin it's time to sink or swim

Watch him play for ya

For you I'd be running a thousand miles just to get where you are step to the beat of my heart

  Liam stopped the scan on the fifth channel that it went to because he obviously likes Justin Bieber. Weird.

"So..." I looked at Harry and said while everyone else was in their own conversation.

"Louis and Hannah used to go out."

"I got that part." He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, Hannah was caught kissing another guy. We still haven't figured out who he was but after that Louis broke up with Hannah. They lost contact. And never heard from the other until now." It all made sense now. "But Louis and Hannah had this inseparable bond. They loved each other a lot. I've never seen a bond like that. It broke Louis when she cheated. It took a while to move on."

"I see why..." OK, now I really want to give Louis a big hug. But he was at the other end of the car so that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I guess I'll just have to text him later. Or call him. Whichever. "Thanks for telling me Harry."

"You deserved to know." I smiled and looked out the window.

"Guys!" I said tyring to get all the guys in here to look at me. Well not Liam since he was driving but I wanted to get his attention. In about five seconds I had the attention of every guy in the car. "I want to hear YOU guys sing."

"Sing what exactly?" Zayn asked.

"Hmm....the songs your singing when you audition for X-Factor."

"OK, who goes first?"

"Harry!" I said without hesitating.

"Why do I have to go first?" He complained.

"Because! Now sing!"

"I'm making you sing for us when this is over."

"Fine by me." I could see Harry preparing to sing.

"Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious? Less than one minute old, I never thought through love we'd be. Making one as lovely as she. But isn't she lovely made from love?"

  Holy shit. He had a HELL of a voice! Holy freaking crap!!!

"How was that?" He asked me.

"Absolutely AMAZING! HOLY SHIT! You have an AMAZING voice!"

"Well thanks for the enthusiasm."

"Your welcome! Now.....Zayn."

"Huh? Vas happening?"

"Your turn to sing."

"Oh. Right." He put his phone down and cleared his throught.

"You should let me love you, let me be the one to give you everything you want and need. Baby good love and protection, make me your selection. Show you the way love's supposed to be. Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you"

  Again! HOLY SHIT! These boys had the best voices I've ever heard! This stuff is amazing!!!


"I guess you liked it?"

"No I hated it! YES I LIKED IT!" He just chuckled.

"Niall! Your turn!"

"Do I have to???"

"Yes now go!"

"Gotta change my answering machine, now that I'm alone. Cuz right now it says that we can't come to the phone. I know it makes no sense cuz you walked out the door but it's the only way I can hear your voice anymore."

    I'm just going to have to keep saying holy shit aren't I? These guys are ten times better than I am and they all have competition with each other because of X-Factor! I wonder who'll win...

"I'm hoping another holy shit is coming?"

"You know me too well...HOLY SHIT!" He burst out laughing at my sudden outburst. Even though nothing is exactly that funny. "Lou! Your turn!" He huffed. "C'mon Louis! Pleeaaaasseee!!!" I begged.


"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away, but girl tonight your looking pretty. Yes you do. Times Square aan't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true. Hey there Delilah don't you worry about the distance. I'm right there if you get lonely give this song another listen. Close your eyes listen to my voice it's my disguise. I'm by your side. Oh it's what you do to me, oh it's what you do to me, oh it's what you do to me, oh it's hwta you do to me, what you do to me"

  This deserves another HOLY SHIT!!! They might as well not try out because they've all already won!!!!!! But....who will actually win. They all are amazing. They all deserve to win, but willt he judges think so? Whow ill make it through? Psh ALL OF THEM WILL! I began to wonder who actually would win X-Factor. My vote's on Liam. Because it kind of has to be.

"Liam's turn!" Niall shouted.

"Nope! You will see mine at my audition!"

"But that's not fair!"

"Yes it is!'

"No it's not!" Harry and Liam had a little figh tabout wether or not it was fair that Liam wasn't going to sing.

"SHUT UP!" I finally managed to say. "Your going to make me pull out my hair!"


"Again, Harry shut up!"

"Sorry..." He muttered and pouted. I'm not even about to say something to Liam.

"Raines you make him sing! Your his girlfriend!" Zayn said.

"How about we all shut up and take a nap? Huh? Well, except Liam because he can't."

"Sounds good to me." I could see Louis propping his head against the window.

"Yeah I second that." Niall began to make him self comfortable.n Zayn and Harry both answered by yawning.

"Not fair!" Liam protested.

"We'll switch places in......second..." Harry said before closing his eyes. I covered my mouth to hold back the laughs. He didn't seem to notice because he fell asleep. Along with Zayn, Niall, and Louis.

"Raines, you can go to sleep too."

"I know." I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. Trying to find sleep in a world of questions. Like what will happen when Liam leaves for X-Factor? Which one of the guys will win? I mean one of them is going to win. Who was the mystery guy that Hannah cheated on Louis with? Why was Liam being secretive about his X-Factor audtition?

  With so many questions I only pretended to sleep. I tried to find as many answers butt hey just lead to more questions. Like will the guys stay this close even if one of them gets kicke doff X-Factor? Will they always be basically like brothers no matter what all goes down during X-Factor? So much confusion. So many questions. So few answers.

I woke up when I felt the car stop. I heard a few doors open and close before I decided to open my eyes.

  My head was on Liam's shoulder. Wait Liam? Wasn't he driving? Did I sleep thaty whole ride?

"Yeah. You did." Liam answered. I didn't mean ot say that out loud. "Looks like I have to drive again." I watched Zayn walk up to his house and unlock the door before disappearing into it.

  Liam and I both made our way to the front of the car. I sat in the passenger seat and he sat in the driver's seat once again.

"And then there were two." I muttered while buckling my seat belt.

"What were you and Harry talking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"When we first got in the car. You guys started talkign about something. What was it?" Oh God. He shouldn't care, should he?

"He was telling me what happened with Hannah." I said quickly.

"Oh, he told you about Louis' close relationship..."

"And how she was caught cheating."

"Yeah." Liam and I were silent for a moment.

"I wish I could figure out who the guy was. Louis would probably murder him though."

"The guy was me."

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