Hold On

By AmbreignsLover66689

2.5K 61 18

A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

130 2 0
By AmbreignsLover66689

"Ah. Fuck. That hurt, Renee." Dean hissed, as his friend, Renee Young, was applying some disinfectant on the cuts he had on his face.

"Hold still, will you?" She said. "There. I'm done."

"Thanks." He grumbled. He was still pretty pissed about his loss tonight. And to top it all off, he now had two new guys in the company to worry about.

"You're still upset about the match?"

"Yeah. I'll get my revenge though. Those fuckers will wish they never messed with me." He growled out.

"You don't know who they are?"

"No. They must recently just been hired. They told me they were new referees. Well, now I know fucking truth about them."

"Dean, calm down."

"If I see them again, I'll make them pay for what they had done." He punched his fist into the wall. "I had my chance, to win the World Heavyweight title. But, I failed...again...whats wrong with me, Renee?"

"Its not your fault that you lost tonight. Don't blame yourself. You'll get your chance someday, just now wasn't the right time."

He let out a long sigh, running a hand down his face. "I hope you're right...I just...I keep getting screwed over...I feel like such a failure. I feel I can't do anything right."

She gave him a small smile. "Of course you can..."

"I can't even be a good friend to Roman...you know, we haven't spoken for quite a while now. I think he hates me after what I did..."


"I let the rumors that were spreading around get to me. I tried pulling a dirty deeds on him before Fastlane. I fucking attacked him with a chair! I let it all get to my head and now he doesn't trust me anymore! I ruined our friendship."

"He doesn't hate you, Dean. He just been busy getting ready for Wrestlemania this year is all. Just give him time, he'll come around."


"Shit, shit shit!" Seth yelled, as Roman was driving the car.


"Theres already an article online speculating on who the 'two guys' that interfered with tonight's main even are."

"Did it mention our names?"

"No, but your fucking picture is in it! That was a bad idea! We should have stayed backstage!"

"Seth, if we didn't go out there, Dean would have won the match."

"If we have waited instead, than the actual guys who were supposed to interfere would have came out. I'm going to kill you, Roman Reigns! You're going to be the death of me!" He said, poking his chest.

"Seth, I just thought of something..."

"What is it?"

"What if it was us that was supposed to interfere tonight, to stop Dean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I actually remembered something about when this first happened...before we traveled back in time...I remembering watching the pay per view and when I saw these two guys wearing the exact same clothes we're wearing now, I felt like I was actually there, in that ring at that moment."

"What...h-how is that even possible?"

"I don't know, some type of magic? I just know it felt like my soul left my body and I was in the ring with Dean."

"Roman, I think you're right...because I felt the same way, too. It was us! We were the ones who stopped Dean before!"

"And we did it again." He soon heard his phone ringing. He took a look at it and saw that his wife, Galina, was calling. "Hold on a second. I need to take this." He answered. "Hello?"

"Roman, you got a lot of explaining to do."


"You're supposed to be home and yet you're in Canada interfering with your friend's match."

"Wait, how did you know it was me?"

"Trust me Roman, you're not that hard to recognize. So, do you mind explaining yourself?"

"Uh...um...hold on." He turned to Seth. "What do I tell her?"



"I don't know...make up a lie or something."

"I can't do that! Besides, she'll know that I'm lying to her."

"Who are you talking to Roman?" His wife asked.

"Fuck...I can't hide the truth from her, Seth. I need to her everything. How I feel."

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"Well, I'm not exactly going to tell her everything. Just that I don't feel the same about her anymore, why I interfered with Dean's match, and that me and you are working together."

"She's not going to like that Roman..."

"I know that! But I have to tell her the truth." He put his phone back up to his ear, speaking to his wife again. "Galina, can you come to Canada tonight? I need to talk to you about something."


Hours later...

Seth and Roman were waiting at the hotel for Galina. She had just arrived in Canada and was going to show up soon in a few minutes. Roman was very nervous. He didn't know how he was going to explain to his wife about everything. She wasn't going to be happy to find out he wanted a divorce, that they had to break up.

Somewhere along the line, some months into his and Dean's friendship, he had grown some feelings towards him. Ended up falling in love with him. He never told Dean this, because he was afraid he would ruin their friendship. He had tried to work things out with his wife, but after his friend's death, she had begun to notice a change in their marriage. She had somehow learned of his feelings towards Dean.

He couldn't let it go on like this anymore. Couldn't lead her on. He had to tell her the truth. He looked up, when he felt a nudge against his shoulder.

"Roman, Galina is here." Seth said.

Roman looked in the direction he was looking at, seeing her standing before them. He could tell she wasn't happy to them together.

"Is this what you wanted to tell me, Roman? That you were just using Dean all along? That you were going to sell yourself to the authority just like Seth?"

He stood, going over to her. "Galina, I can explain."

"Don't bother. I should have known that you would turn out just like him."

"Its not like that! You must listen to me, please. Seth...he...he was forced to betray both me and Dean. He did it so the authority wouldn't hurt us."

"Let me guess, he told you that? How are you so sure he isn't lying to you?"

"He isn't! He's a changed man. He truly regrets what he did back then."

"Does he now?"

"You can ask him yourself if you really want to. Listen Galina, please. I know its hard to believe, but you must. Please."

"Hmm...well, I'll talk to him. After I'm finished talking to you. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Y-yes...Galina...we can't be together anymore. I want a divorce."

There was silence for a moment. He expected her to walk away from him. To slap him. What he didn't expect was the answer she replied with.

"I knew this was going to happen..."


"You've fallen in love, Roman. With Dean."

This took him by surprise. "H-how did you know?"

"I'm not blind, Roman. I see how you are around him. Always touching him, wanting to be around him. He always makes you smile, makes you laugh. You're more yourself with him than you are with me."

"How come you didn't say anything?"

"I was hoping that we could work things out...that I could make you fall in love with me again. But I can't force something that isn't there anymore. We were in love once, when we young and thought that we were going to last forever. I can see now though that we moved too fast, that we rushed things between us."

"I-I'm so sorry, Galina...that I let this go on for so long. I never meant to hurt you."

"I know you didn't. You couldn't help it that you fell in love with your best friend. A love that grew more naturally, instead of being rushed."

"Galina, I just want you to know that I'll always love you, just not in same way anymore."

"Okay...I must go now. I'm going to go talk to Seth. Could you wait in here?"

She walked away from him, going over to Seth, who was sitting down, waiting for Roman.


"Come with me."

He followed her outside of the hotel. He lit up a cigarette, feeling nervous about what she wanted to talk to him about.

"You smoke?"

"Lots of stress in my life. What is it you want to talk me about?"

"Roman says you're a changed man. That you were forced to betray both him and Dean. Is that really true?"

"Yes. Its all true. The authority would have hurt them if I didn't go along with their plan. So, I did what I had to do."

"So, why did you act so cold towards them?"

"I had to put on an act. If I had told them anything or let down my mask then they would have been in danger. Galina, I love those two. With all my heart. I would do anything to make sure they don't get hurt."

"You still ended up hurting them though."

"I know...but I'm trying to make up for it."

"So, I have another question. Why did you and Roman interfere with Dean's match last night?"

"We did it to protect him. I don't know how to explain this to you, but you must trust me. That title Roman is going to face Triple H for is no good."

"What do you mean?"

"It drives a person mad. Makes them a different person. Something they are not. It did it to me, and it will do the same to my brothers if I don't win that title back. When you are at your weakest, that title will eat away at all your fears, make you sick, more angry, untrusting..."

"So, why are you letting Roman win it then?"

"It needs to be in safe hands. He will win it at Wrestlemania, he will. And soon, I'll challenge him for it. I'm not doing it because I want to have a piece of gold around my waist, I'm doing this because I would rather let myself suffer instead of him. And Dean, too."

"You really do care about them, don't you? You'd sacrifice your own happiness for them, wouldn't you?"

"Yes. But listen, Galina, what me and Roman are doing...we could get in big trouble...what we're doing is very dangerous."

"Dangerous? What do you mean? Whats going on, Seth?"

"Its a long story...you wouldn't believe if I told you. Yours and Roman's daughter. Keep her safe with you. I don't want to put anyone else in danger."

"Alright. Well, when all this is over I'm handing over custody to him. She'll want to be with her daddy."

"Hm. I'm not even sure if we'll make it out alive..."

"Does Dean know about any of this?"

"No. We plan on telling him when the time is right. Just not now."

"Well, I wish you three the best of luck. Take care, Seth. And watch over Roman for me, will you?"

"I will. You don't need to worry about him."

Sometime after Galina had left, Roman and Seth were sitting back up in their hotel room. They were both going over what they should do now. It was going be a few weeks before Roman returned to Raw, so they had a while to plan everything.


The day had finally arrived. March 28th was here and Roman was going to be returning to Raw tonight. Before they split their ways, Seth gave Roman an ear piece, so that he could speak to him still.

"Whats this for?"

"Its so that I can still talk to you while we're away from each other. I'll be in the crowd audience while you're in the ring."

"But that still doesn't explain why we need these."

"Remember the way you acted that night, Roman? You pretty much went on a rampage, beating Hunter to a pulp."

"Well, he deserved it."

"Well, this time I'm going to help you that way so you won't get like that. You must remain calm tonight, Roman. If you snap again, who knows what could happen. You might end up saying things that need to remain secret for now."

Soon after Roman had left, Seth was heading downstairs to the hotel lobby. He had on the same disguise that he always wore, so no one who knew would recognize him. On the way down there, he ended up running into Dean. He was now standing with him in the elevator.

"So, we meet again. Colby."

"Hello...uh...who are you?"

"You should know who I am. You and the other guy interfered with my match. You guys aren't really referees, you're working for the authority, aren't you?"

"Y-yes we are."

"Well, you better listen to me because I'm only going to tell you this once. Don't even think about interfering with Roman's match at Wrestlemania. Or else you'll have to deal with me."

"You'll be too beat up by Brock Lesnar."

"That won't stop me. Even if I'm all beaten up, I'll still come after you both. You better watch your back. Cause after I'm done with him, I'm coming after you two."

And after that he left, leaving Seth standing there a bit shaken up. Dean Ambrose hell bent on revenge was not someone to mess with. Seth knew this for a fact.

"I'm doomed. If the authority doesn't kill me, Dean surely will."


Roman was waiting backstage, waiting for the right time to make his surprise return. Nobody knew he was here. He had disguised himself also. Making sure that nobody recognized him.

Right now, Hunter was in the ring, running his mouth. Saying that he was coward, that he was too scared to face him. The only thing that kept from going out there was Seth, who speaking to him through the ear piece.

"Don't listen to him. He talks a lot of shit. You know that he is saying is not true."

"I'm just so sick of hearing him run his mouth. Him and his wife."


"Yes. If it wasn't for them, Dean and I would still be talking right now. Things wouldn't be so tense between us. We let what they said get to us."

"Don't think about that now. It'll only make you upset. Just focus on what needs to be done now."

"I've had enough. I'm going out there."

He took a deep breath, then headed out onto the ramp. His music playing throughout the arena. He ignored the looks he was receiving and the fans around him, focusing only on Hunter.

"Well, well...look who decided to show up. Roman Reigns."

He lifted up the microphone. "Yes, I decided to show up. I've heard enough of what you had to say, Hunter."

"Lets hear it then! Come on, tell us Roman! Are you going to defeat me at Wrestlemania? That you're going to win what is rightfully yours? Come on, tell us how you're going defeat me."

"I don't need to tell you. I got more important things to say to you." He stared at Hunter, giving him a cold look. There was something about him that just didn't seem right to Roman. He felt some sort of deep hatred for this man. And not just for giving him hell over the past few months, not just for trying to tear him and Dean apart, but for something else. He had no idea what it was.

"You've made my life hell, screwing me over so many different times. And not just me, but Dean, too."

"He has nothing to do with this."

"But he does. You tried to tear us apart, turn us against each other. But it didn't work. I'll not let all these rumors come between us. He means too much to me. Even more than some championship. I almost gave him up just for the title."

"Aww, I didn't know you cared so much about him. But does he care about you?"

"Don't listen to him, Roman. Don't let him get to you." Seth spoke to him.

"Hunter, you can't play your mind games with me anymore. No matter what, me and Dean will always be brothers."

"Roman, what would you do if I decided to go after Dean, hmm? It would hurt you, wouldn't it? To see him get hurt. Maybe we could use him against you."

That hit a nerve deep inside him. It took all of his willpower to not start beating up Hunter right here in this ring. He paced back and forth, trying to calm himself down.

"Don't do anything stupid, Roman. Stay calm."

"Can I just beat him to a pulp, now? I want to make him bleed, to make him scream." He whispered.

"Its just all talk. They won't do anything."

"You don't know that! Seth, what if he really goes through with it? I can't let him get away with that, I can't."

He turned back towards Hunter. He dropped the microphone, then charged at him. Punching him in the face multiple times. Unleashing all of his hatred on him.


Dean watched from backstage, a bit shocked by what Roman had said, by the way that he was acting. He had no idea that his friend cared this much about him, that the thought of him being hurt was what would make him snap.

Overall he was proud of him for standing up to Hunter tonight. He knew that Roman was not afraid to him. That he would come back. He worked too hard to give up the fight now.

"That's my boy. That's my Roman. I knew you wouldn't give up so easily. You proved them wrong. I'm so proud of you."

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