Hold On

By AmbreignsLover66689

2.5K 61 18

A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

113 2 1
By AmbreignsLover66689

His eyes opened up to night sky above him. He laid in a field of grass. He felt someone squeezing his hand. He looked over and stared into a familiar pair of blue eyes.

"Dean...?" He reached out to caress his face, to make sure that he was really here with him.

The other smiled back at him. "Roman."

"Is this Heaven? Am I dead?"

Dean chuckled, climbing on top of him. He placed a few gentle kisses on his face. "Go back to sleep."

"Will you still be here when I wake up?"

"I'll always be with you. And Seth, too."


The dream faded away, as he began to wake up. Roman opened his eyes, seeing that him and Seth were still in a hotel room.

'It didn't work...We'll have to do this the other way.'

He looked over, seeing Seth fast asleep beside him, still holding onto his hand. He shook him by his shoulder, waking him up.

"Seth, wake up."

The other man sat up, yawning a bit. "Did it work?" He asked.

"I don't think so. We'll have to try this the other way."

"Are you sure? Wait...Roman, whats wrong with your nose?"


"You have bandages on it."

Roman stood up, going over to the mirror. Seth was right. There were bandages on it. "Seth...I think it worked. We traveled back in time. Before WrestleMania 32."

"Yes, I remember you had that nose injury before. That same night Dean got hurt too."

Roman winced, remembering how worried he was about his friend. He was going to go make sure he was okay, but he never got a chance to. "I wonder what date it is now. Hold on."

He pulled out his phone, dialing his cousin, Jimmy Uso's number. It rang a few times, then soon he heard his cousin's tired voice on the other end. "Hello?"

"Jimmy, I need to ask you something."

"Do you have any idea how late it is, Roman? This better be important."

"What is the date?"

"What? Its...March 11th...well 12th...Why?"

"March 12th...Roadblock is tonight. Dean is going against Hunter tonight, Roman." Seth whispered.

"Yeah, I remember that."

"Who are you talking to?" Jimmy asked, sounding confused. "Is someone else there with you?"

"Don't worry about it, Jimmy. Just talking to myself. Thanks again."

"Um, okay?"

Roman hung up. "So, what are we going to do?"

"Well, we must be in Canada now. Ever since my knee injury, I've been going to every event that you and Dean were at. I disguised myself that way so you two wouldn't recognize me, or sat at the very top."

"So, you have tickets for the event?"

"Actually, I have another idea."


They both arrived in the parking lot of the arena later that day. They both had their hair tied back, wearing hats. They were dressed similiary, wearing plain black pants, jackets, and sunglasses.

"You sure this will work?" Roman was skeptical of Seth's plan. They were going to go backstage, telling security that they were new referees.

"I'm not. But I hope it will. Just follow my lead." They both stepped out of the car, heading towards the entrance of the building.

A security guard noticed them, stopping them. "Where do you think you two are going? You're not allowed back here."

"Um, sir. We are refs. We've just been hired a few days ago." Seth said.

"Yeah, and we were scheduled for this event."

"Do you have any proof?"

Seth unzipped his shirt, showing the security guard that he was wearing a referee shirt.

"Hmm...Well, alright. What are your names?"

"My name is Colby Lopez."

"And I'm Joseph Anoa'i."

"Okay Joe, Colby. You can both head backstage now. If you need any help, just ask someone." They both walked past him. "I didn't think we needed new referees. Don't we have enough?"

Once they were far away enough from the security guard, and were alone, Seth finally spoke up. "Samoan. You had to pick a Samoan last name."

"It was the only one I could of."

"Next time I think of both of the names for us."

"So, what are we doing backstage if we're not going to go find Dean?" Roman asked.

"We're going to watch his match from backstage. It'll be better than watching it from the audience."

They both turned a corner. What, who they saw stopped them both in their tracks. Dean was standing up against a wall, with his back turned to them.

"De-mmph!" Roman almost said his outloud. Seth placed his hand on his mouth.

"You idiot." He hissed, glaring at him.

Dean turned around, hearing the two of them. "Who are you guys?"

"U-uh…I'm Colby, and this here is Joe. We're new referees."

"Hmm…that's weird. You don't look like referees."

"Thats because we were just hired. Um, we need help. Do you think you can show us where the locker area is?"

"Well, you're headed in the wrong direction right now. Its that way. Will you guys be working tonight?"

"No, not yet. But probably soon."

"Mm. I better get going. Got a match coming up soon."

"Good luck." Seth removed his hand from Roman's mouth once Dean was out of sight. "You're going to get us caught, you know that?" He smacked him over the head.

"Ow. Seth, that fucking hurt."

"Dean thinks that we're not here. We can't let him know that we are."

"Why not? We need to tell him everything."

"Oh? And do you really think that will go down well? Oh, Dean. Me and Roman traveled back in time to save you, cause you committed suicide."

"Well, maybe not now. But eventually we will have to tell him."

"Come on, lets go near the entrance. Dean's match should be on now."

They both headed over to the entrance, peaking from behind the curtain. Right now, Dean was in a match with Triple H for the World heavy weight championship. So far, it seemed as though Dean was going to win the match.

"If I'm correct, I remember two people came out and interfered with the match, causing Dean to lose."

"Yeah, I remember that. They never found out who did it. They must have been working for Hunter."

But so far, no one had came out to interfere with the match. Dean went to go pin Triple H again. He kicked out. The match was going longer than what Seth remembered.

"Shit. Where are they? They should have been out a few minutes ago. We can't have Dean win that title Roman. If he does, things won't go so well at WrestleMania."

"How bad could it be? If I had a match against him for the belt?"

Seth grimaced. "Bad enough to where you two could almost kill each other."

"Seth, stop joking."

"I'm not! That title is like poison. It drives a person crazy. You remember what it did you."

"It changed me…I pushed Dean away."

"And just think how Dean will be if he wins it tonight."

Roman was deep in though. His friend, being changed by that title. Acting more aggressive, untrusting, cold, power hungry. That wasn't Dean. The Dean that he knew was a very loving, kind, and funny person. Would make bad jokes, got crazy after a few beers, was always there for him no matter what. He was strong, he was brave. He could be very distant at times, and hid his true feelings beneath a layer of toughness. But underneath all that, was scared and vulnerable person who just wanted acceptance and love. To feel worthy, to feel as though he belonged.

Thinking about Dean, knowing that there was too much at stake here, he figured out what he had to do. "I'm going out there."

Seth stared at him in disbelief. "What?! Roman, you can't! You'll blow our cover!"

"Someone has to stop Dean from winning that belt. And don't worry, I'll keep my face covered up so he won't know its me." He went out from behind the curtain, running towards the ring.

Seth let out long sigh. "I'm going to kill him." He then went out there too, following him. The both of them ignored the crowd of fans, announcers, who couldn't believe what was happening. Hunter and Dean were too busy fighting that they didn't notice them coming up near the ring.

"Dean is about to pin Hunter, get in there and stop him." Roman told Seth.

He didn't need to be told twice. Seth jumped up into the ring, pushing Dean off of Triple H, stopping the ref. from putting his down a third time.

Dean face was one of shock, and anger. He couldn't believe what had just happened. "You…you're one of the guys from earlier…what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

He was about to go and attack Seth, but then one of the other guys from earlier, came into the ring. He didn't have any time to react, because he ran towards him, spearing him to mat.

Roman stared down at his best friend, who looked to be out cold after getting speared by him. "Fuck, I'm so sorry Dean. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." He was about to place a kiss on top of his head, but he soon heard Seth's voice behind him.

"Roman, your hood. Your hood is down. Put it back up."

"What? Oh shit!" Roman noticed that Dean was waking up. He pulled his hood back on, before he could open his eyes. Someone then pulled him off Dean, throwing him outside of the ring.

Hunter was the one who had did it. He covered Dean, pinning him. It was over. Dean had lost the match. Both Roman and Seth were thankful that things had went right tonight, after having to risk almost being discovered.

"Lets get out of here." Seth grabbed Roman's arm, wanting to get out of the arena. Roman agreed, staring back at Dean who was looking over at them both with a very angry look. He knew that the Lunatic Fringe would want his revenge. That he would be out for blood.

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