Sad Song (Lauren/You)

By Maclue

47.5K 1.5K 229

"I'm tired of feeling alone Lauren. " Y/N pulled her hips close to his hearing his favorite little gasp that... More

Part 1- Superheroes
Ch. 1 ~A Sky Full of Stars~
Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~
Ch. 3 ~One Of Those Nights~
Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~
Ch. 5 ~Stargazing~
Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~
Ch. 7 ~Hanging by a Moment~
Ch. 8 ~Standing in the Dark~
Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~
Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~
Ch. 11 ~Invisible~
Ch. 12 ~Flicker~
Part 2 - Hope and Despair
Ch. 13 ~Angel~
Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~
Ch. 15 ~Wake Me Up~
Ch. 16 ~Fix You~
Ch. 17 ~Love Drunk~
Ch. 18 ~Believer~
Update on the Update
Ch. 19 ~Nervous~
Ch. 20 ~Youth~
Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~
Ch. 22 ~No Filter~
Part 3 - Purpose
Ch. 23 ~Complicated~
Ch. 24 ~Young & Relentless~
Ch. 25 ~Good Life~
Ch. 26 ~Heavy~
Ch. 27 ~Bad Liar~
Ch. 28 ~New Man~
Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~
Ch. 30 ~Demons~
Ch. 31 ~Always~
Ch. 32 ~So Close~
Ch. 33 ~Sad Song~
New story
Special Epilogue
I'm back!
New Fifth Harmony book?


734 11 2
By Maclue

Soooo.... Well there will be no update for the whole month. I'm sorry my beautiful readers but I'm busy with transferring to another school and other things. Soooo... The next chapter is in the works and I'll post it next month.

But thanks for all the reads, votes, and your amazing comments guys. Tell me what you think will happened in the story, and what YOU think is the ending.


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