Highschool mate (being edited)

By LunaConstantine

11.4K 192 39

Meet Alexis. A regular 17 year old girl, or so she thinks until the day she discovers the tall, dark and myst... More

Chapter 1 - Introductions
Chapter 2 - Meeting Mr. Tyler
Chapter 3 - Awkward Moments
Chapter 4 - Naughty Crush
Chapter 5 - Jennifer
Chapter 6 - An Unexpected guest
Chapter 7 - Can't touch this
Chapter 9 - Tea for Two
Chapter 10 - Green and Blue
Chapter 11 - The Tree of Wisdom
Chapter 12 - Hercules and Pizza

Chapter 8 - The diamond tears

676 17 2
By LunaConstantine

Vote, comment and fan!! Please its for my sanity! 

Here goes.....


Alexis POV

The sight of his beautifully muscled body in action was enough to distract anyone. Sweat beaded on each muscle, droplets trickling down his back, down the valley between his shoulder blades and further still to his very firm, very nude backside. Watching him intensely like this made me feel like such a perve.

(I wouldn't worry about it) the voice reassured (he is after-all our mate)

A shock crackled up my spine and my arms were thrust forward into the ground. Panicking I tried to calm myself.

(Breathe Alexis, stop trying to control your body, let your body control you. Feel each muscle contract; embrace the change, the pain fades with time.)

(Who are you?) I asked, for the past few weeks this voice had been present. Not thinking anything of it I never questioned it, but now I realised it was like sharing my mind with someone else.

(My name is Aela) the voice answered matter of factly

(Well hi Aela but what exactly are you doing in my head?) I asked irritably as another bone broke and ivory fur blossomed across my skin.

(I am your Guardian, your Daemon. I protect you when you are vulnerable and am your companion for all time) Aela replied and a fluttering sensation erupted inside my belly.

Sensing another’s presence behind me I swung round. The lesser vampire from earlier stood before me; a sadistic grin plastered across his gruesome features, stretching his black lips across sharp, brown teeth.

Instead of speech, low menacing growls spilled from my mouth. The disgusting being in front of me hissed in challenge.

(Rip his throat out!) Aela barked, my body already in motion lunging towards the said creature.

Dodging my attack the being grinned triumphantly, jumping high in the air, claws extended as he twisted his body in mid air, diving straight towards me.

(Stay still until I say) Aela ordered

Crouching low I waited, anticipating the weight of his next blow. Yellow claws mere inches from the white fur around my collar Aela growled in signal. Rolling to my right the vampire face planted the ground, a loud crack signalling his nose breaking. Pinning him down as he turned on his back, my teeth sunk deep into his vulnerable neck. Gurgling and spluttering in protest the vampire clawed at my snout but my grip never ceased. Thick, hot blood oozed down my throat, leaving a burning sensation in its wake.

Sinking his claws into my shoulder my jaws released his throat, a long yelp exploding from my mouth.

Turning back to him I took a look at my handy work. His throat was torn so deep that blood was still exiting the wound and his black, scabby tongue was hanging from the gaping hole that I had torn.

Clout and cartilage were smeared across his broken nose, mucus mingling with the dark blood and three of his claws were broken from his fall. Swaying from blood loss he dropped to his knees, attempting to spit blood at my direction in insult. It failed as spitting requires use of a tongue and his was hanging from his neck like a tie.

Collapsing on his back a gurgling sigh was heard as his last breath escaped.

(That was a good kill Alexis) Aela praised me, and then the reality of what I had just done dawned on me.

I had killed another living creature.

(That is where you are wrong little one. Vampires are Moroi; undead. They are creatures that aren't living, walking this earth only to bring pain and suffering for their own amusement. You have helped his tormented soul move on. He can finally rest now, as the dead should)

Even wording it like that didn't do the situation justice. Feeling my stomach churn in protest I tore my eyes away from the shredded body of the vampire. Looking up my gaze locked with Mr. Tyler's concerned stare. Noticing just how naked he was I internally swooned before blacking out.

Jack Tyler's POV

Curling an arm under her ribs I lifted my mate to my chest, feeling her thick fur brush against my bare skin. Looking down on her closed eyes I notice a long gash from her snout to cheek. Alexis's shoulder was oozing precious blood as well as the various other scratches along her neck.

(Hircine, will she be alright?)

(She's fine, just in shock. We'll have to take her to the house and get her to shift back.) he dismissed

Taking off in the direction of home I flitted through the forest, jumping over rotting logs with inhuman speed, never once landing on broken twigs or misplaced stones.

As the trees began to thin out I ran up the long drive-way, a small, but cosy log cabin coming into view. Thick green ivy hugged the left side of the cabin, while a proud mountain ash accompanied the right.

On the porch sat Steve who stared at me with amused eyes.

"Don't even comment" I huffed as I strode through the front door.

Walking through the kitchen I gently placed Alexis on the table and began rummaging through the cupboards. Quickly returning to the wolf’s side with the first aid kit I called to my younger brother.

"Steve! Bring me the Hydronatu sulfate!"

Casually strolling in, he handed me a syringe and a vacuum packed liquid.

"So who might this poor creature be?" Steve questioned, his hand stretching out to stroke Alexis's fur.

My eyes glared at his hand, earning a yelp from Steve who held his hand as if he'd been stung. Hiding a satisfied grin I answered him,

"She's my mate, pass me the iodine" I ordered.

"And when did this happen? Is she someone I know?"

Sighing with impatience I filled him in on the past events of today. Tying the last bandage round her shoulder a low whimper sounded from my mate’s lips.

Stroking her head gently I tried to soothe her as she woke. Big green eyes fluttered open and fluffy tail started to twitch. Lifting her head to view her surroundings, a look of bewilderment came across her features. Seeing me she barked raising her hind legs to stand,

"Easy Alexis, your wounds haven't healed yet. You need to focus on changing back to your human form"

Looking me up and down she whined, earning a chuckle from Steve,

"Hate to break it to ya Jacky boy but we aren't all as bold as you. Try putting on some pants and maybe getting a shirt for her too."

Grinning like a clown Steve left the cabin, allowing a chilly breeze to enter and cool my skin. Realising what he meant I quickly flitted to my room, grabbing some jeans and one of my shirts for Lexi. Returning to the kitchen I saw the white wolf sitting on the table, one paw raised to cover her eyes.

"Don't worry I’m decent" I reassured her, earning a wolfish laugh at the double meaning.

"Picture your human form; it will be less painful this time. I'll wait in the other room, come find me when you’re done"

Five minutes had passed and I was beginning to get anxious.

(Don't panic she can do it) Hircine sighed (Have a little faith, she practically shredded the lesser daedra) he added

(I know but what if her animal is too--)

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Alexis clearing her throat. Facing her with a smile my heart swelled with pride. Standing by the door frame was my little mate in one of my black button-up shirts. To say it was too big was an understatement, it practically drowned her; the sleeves covered her hands and the bottom of the shirt reached half way down her slender thighs. Tearing my eyes away from her I looked to the fire place at the back wall. Pushing down my lustful thoughts and inhaling a deep breath I waited for her questions.

An awkward silence filled the room so I turned back to Alexis. Tiny silver tears trailed down her cheeks, gathering at her chin and falling onto the black shirt.

"Alexis?" I asked, seeing her cry nearly broke my heart.

No reply, instead she shook her head causing more tears to escape. Walking to her I carefully raised her chin so her eyes could meet mine.

Shutting her eyes as small shocks arced between us she let out a small sigh.

"Open your eyes for me Lex" I softly commanded

Lifting her lids her watery gaze captured mine. Three small tears slid down her face and I caught them in my hand. Clenching my fist tightly around the tears I focused. Slowly opening my palm I showed Alexis the three tear shaped diamonds. Gasping in child-like wonder she raised a trembling hand to touch them. Any highbred male worth his salt could perform this illusion, but very few could make them real. Taking her hand in mine I tipped the three tears into her palm and closed her fingers over them.

"Don't cry" I soothed and brought her into my arms.

"Mr. Tyler? What the hell happened back there?"

"Alexis, you don’t need to call me that outside of school.” I sighed

“Then what should I call you? I don’t know your name, but more to the point, what are you?” she questioned

“My name is Jack, the rest I will explain in time Lex, but for now let's get you something proper to wear" I reasoned and lead her back to the kitchen.


okay? Like dislike? Let me know!!!! 


Luna x

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