Overwatch: The World Needs He...

By Jedi1997

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You are a former Overwatch Scientist and for the past five years since it's disbandment, you've been living w... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 : Like Any Other Day, Except Today
Chapter 2: A Change of Plans
Chapter 3: Hello
Chapter 4: The Anchor
Chapter 5: Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 6: The Day You Are Born
Tag Chapter
Chapter 7 : The Day You Find Out Why
Chapter 8: Short Change Hero
Chapter 9: Sanctuary
Chapter 10: Last one out, lock the door!
Chapter 11: Along Came A Spider
Chapter 12: Said the Joker to the Thief
Chapter 13: A Rendezvous with Death
Chapter 15: Home Again
Chapter 16: Way Down We Go
Chapter 17: The Times They Are a-Changin'

Chapter 14: Turning the Tide

2.2K 47 48
By Jedi1997

Tracer P.O.V.

As confident as I was about this, I couldn't shake off my first mission jitters. I looked around to see everyone getting ready for what was ahead. Reinhardt raised his shield, Torbjorn was hammering away at his turret, Dr. Ziegler had her staff ready should any of us get hurt, the cowboy in black spun his gun while me and (Y/N) stood behind a cab. There was a few scratches on his face and his (H/C) hair had grown a bit bushy. I could hear him breathing heavy and could see him sweat a bit, it was obvious how tense he was. Being trapped here for almost a month, I can't even imagine what's going through his mind right now.

"Oi!" I called out to him and got his attention. "Don't worry love, cavalry's here."

He nodded and smiled back at me, "Yeah. You watch my back, I watch yours."*

Nodding back to agree, we heard clanking coming from outside the garage. Reinhardt turned his head to us"Team! Stand ready! Here they cooome!"

Four Null troopers came at us from the right side. Reinhardt and Torbjorn were able to handle them and keep them out of the garage. I heard clanking footsteps coming from behind.

" Enemies behind us, by the stairs!" I blinked up the stairs and past two Null Troopers, shooting them down before they could turn around. Heading back down the garage, I could see Reinhardt and Torbjorn outside dealing with more Null Troopers. It looked like they could use some help.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Tracer blinked out of garage to help Torb and Reinhardt keep Null Sector out. You stood by Dr. Ziegler and leaned over to her, "She's doing pretty well so far." 

"Indeed. The accelerator seems to be holding well in a combat setting." She said, agreeing with you.

"Yeah. That and she really fits into the whole field agent part. She's moving like a natural."

Unknown to you, Mercy looked at you and smiled slightly. Tracer blinked back into the garage with Reinhardt and Torbjorn behind her.

"See? Nothing to worry about rookie." Reinhardt said with confident booming voice.

"Who said I was worried?" Lena asked with a cheeky attitude.

"Well, you forgot to tie your shoes." The lieutenant pointed out.

"Oh!" Tracer realized as she looked down at her feet, "Wait, my shoes don't have laces?"

You held in a small laugh as you all gathered in the garage. "I wasn't expecting my first mission to be this easy. These guys barely put up a fight." Tracer said.

" They're supposed to be. Null Sector is just testing our numbers. Tryin' to see what we're made of." McCree added as he filled his revolver with six fresh bullets. He was right, loud sounds of brashing, clanking metal were coming from all directions.  "How much longer for the hack?" Reinhardt asked.

"Hack at 65% percent completion. Just hold out for a bit longer." Commander Morrison said over the comms channel.

Facing the front, you got ready for the next wave of Null Sector. McCree stood next to you as Reinhardt raised his shield. "Hey, how do you have more bullets? I thought you were out?" you asked him. McCree tapped the heel of his right boot. "I like to be prepared." Secret compartment. Guy may stick out like Dr. New Jersey*, but he doesn't have a tumbleweed for a brain.

More Null Sector came in through the front of the garage, but you all managed to keep them at bay. Some would try to take the stairs and attack from behind but Lena would blink past them and shoot them down. You stayed near Angela, just in case you got hurt and needed healing. 

As the last Null trooper fell, a beep came from the console. "We're done here. Captain Amari where is the next defense node?" Reinhardt asked.

"In the courtyard, up ahead. I am marking it on your HUD." Captain Amari responded through the comms channel. 

"One down, two to go." Tracer said as you all exited the garage and passed through the street. Reinhardt lead the group with Torbjorn, Mercy and McCree in front of you as Lena stayed by your side. Looking over at Lena, she was gazing all around her. It kept slipping from your brain that this was her home, you couldn't imagine what was going through her mind from seeing memories that have crumbled or burned. 

"Lena?" She brought her attention to you in an instant. 

"Sorry," she said, "It's just that I've been watching the reports but seeing it here right in front of me...all of those people and what about my friends and-"

You caught her train of thought before it derailed,"Hey, don't think about that. We need you right now, your home needs you right now.  Your friends and your family? Fight for them. Can you do that?"

Lena being Lena, she smiled and nodded with her brave face.  "'Atta girl." 

"Team," Ana said through the comms channel, "Detecting Null Sector activity ahead. Seems like a new omnic."

"Just what the world needed!" Torbjorn said as you went under the archway.  Running into the square, you spotted the next anti-air cannon. But nearby, you saw the new omnic Ana had mentioned as it spotted you while it stood in front of the clock tower. The Super Null Trooper took a stance with it's canon and shield raised in ready.

"Ha! You call THAT a shield?!" Reinhardt shouted at the omnic. The crusader raised his hammer and with a swift strike, sent a wave of fire at the machine, stunning it for a moment. Without hesitating, you saw the engine on his back ignite as he charged towards the automaton, pinning it against a brick wall. 

Backing away from the wall, Reinhardt joined  back with you as you all gathered around the defense node. The computer faced an open space between two walls, beyond that was the armored car where you got your riot gear and up ahead was the church you hid in weeks ago. The drone deployed and begun to hack the second anti-air cannon. 

(Guns-N-Roses- Welcome to the Jungle)

"Hack underway." Captain Amari said. "Team, we are seeing Null Sector forces coming from all directions. Be sure to watch your surroundings." She was right, you were all in an open space that had multiple points of entry. Null Sector could hit you from anywhere.

"We won't let them catch us by surprise, Captain. Tracer! Be sure to soften them up for us. Torbjorn! Keep your turret up. Everyone else? Good hunting!" Reinhardt said to the team.

You stood behind Reinhardt and close to Angela and Lena as you prepared for what you knew was going to be a tidal wave of resistance. "Keep quiet," Dr.Ziegler said, "We don't want to attract any unnecessary attention." Reinhardt faced the open space in front of the defense node and raised his hammer over his head.


Reinhardt got his wish, a cluster of pods came crashing down from above to land in front of the opening. As they rised up to attack, Reinhardt unleashed another fire strike from his hammer. The strike hit and took down most but Tracer blinked behind and took them down for the count. But Null Sector had much more omnics to spare.

More came out from the corners of the street in front of you, with more pods coming down to the street. Reinhardt raised his barrier shield as the rest of the team fired at the Null Sector forces in front of you. Torbjorn's turret scrapped any Null trooper that landed on it's sensor while he fired his rivet gun at any Null trooper that got too close. 

"Haven't scrapped this many in years!" The engineer shouted in pride. "Might even break my record!"

"Be careful what you wish for, my Swedish friend. Null Sector seems to have enough to fill your request and plenty more!" Reinhardt shouted through the blazing blasts hitting his barrier shield. But it wasn't just the front from where they were attacking you from. "Enemies behind us!" Tracer called out as you turned to see her blink to where she was facing. 

You ran to the back of the cannon placement to help her but she didn't need it. By the time you got there, she stood tall above three Null Sector scrap piles with her back at you. Turning to head back, she blinked to your left side, " Sorry, were those yours?" she asked with a cheeky smile. Both of you returned to the front of the control panel but you looked to your right where the Alderworth hotel entrance was to see an omnic walk in the lobby, while Angela was on the steps of the hotel, her attention at the opening Reinhardt was blocking.

"Angela! Move!" You shouted as you aimed at the soon-to-be scrap heap. She ducked as you hit the omnic in the chest, pushing it back. You kept blasting at the omnic, causing it to step back with each hit. After six hits, the omnic unknowingly fell down the open elevator shaft and crashed down to the basement level.

Heading back outside, the hack was still going on and the team was still fighting off any incoming Null Sector forces. "Barrier is taking damage! Find cover, everyone!" Reinhardt said as his shield went down to charge while you, Tracer and Reinhardt hid behind the left wall and Mercy, Torbjorn and McCree hid behind the right wall. You took a moment to catch your breath, with Reinhardt on your left and Lena on your right side as your back was against the wall. Reloading your pistol, Lena looked over at you. "You alright?" she asked, checking on you.

"Yeah. I feel pretty good actually." You answered as Null Sector blasted at the wall from the other side. " I shot a Null Trooper down an elevator shaft."

"Really? Did you say something cool? Like, have a nice trip? Or see you next fall?" Tracer asked.

"Damn! No, I didn't say anything."

"Shame!"* She said as she reloaded her pistols. Reinhardt unleashed another fire strike from his hammer and swung at two Null troopers by the wall opening before raising his barrier. The hack was nearly finished but Null Sector wasn't letting up; not by a long shot. 

Tracer P.O.V.

When Reinhardt's shield went up, I blinked through it and landed in front of the theater. There were four Null Troopers and I blinked to the one closest to me and shot 'em down. Just as the rest turned to me, I blinked over to the farthest one and fired my pistols at it until they were empty. I reloaded and blinked once more, this time with a spin. I went up and used the same move I pulled on that robo-ninja back at base, busting them both open. I aced  the landing and got back behind Reinhardt's barrier.

As I stopped in my tracks, I saw (Y/N) looking at me with his mouth a bit wide open. "Not too shabby, huh?"

He shook out of his trance, "You're just blowing way past the expectations I had for the accelerator ." 

"Keep watching, love. There's more where that- Look Out!" I shouted as I saw two Null Troopers going down the stairs of an alley behind (Y/N). I leaped towards (Y/N) and pushed him down to the side with me as the blasts missed us. I raised the pistol in my right hand and got both of the omnics. I held myself up with both arms to see (Y/N) under me and smiled, "See? Told ya, I'd watch your back." He gave me smile but it went back when his eyes looked to the left. Suddenly, I felt (Y/N) grab my waist and roll me off but held onto me. He extended his left arm and shot at one of the null troopers I thought I took care of. He got up and offered his hand to me."And I said I'd watch yours." I smiled back and grabbed his hand to help myself up. 

We regrouped with the team and kept fighting off any null sector forces that would try to stop us at completing our mission. This time, null sector dropped in two eradicators in front of us with a few more null troopers to add to it. "They brought in the supers!"* (Y/N) shouted. 

"The what?" I asked.

"Super null troopers, that's what I've been calling them. I call them supers for short."

"They're called eradicators." Torbjorn said as he fired his rivet gun at their large shields.

"Whatever they're called, we gotta scrap 'em!" McCree said as he aimed his revolver at them.

"I got just the thing." I reached to the back of my accelerator and grabbed a gadget I've been waiting to use. "Be right back." I blinked away from the team to behind the eradicators and leaped up to stick my pulse bomb. As soon as I stuck the bomb, I blinked back to the team, next to (Y/N). The ground shook a bit as the bomb took out both eradicators which made them fall to the ground, causing one of them to crush two null troopers during the fall. 

Me and (Y/N) lowered our arms from our faces and I saw the surprise on his. "They gave you bombs?" 

"Don't forget my blasters." Torbjorn said.

We then heard a sound come from the drone hacking the console. "Second terminal down, keep it up team." Captain Amari said through our ear pieces. "The last control node is located in a cathedral just up the street." 

"Right away, Captain! Team, forward!" Reinhardt shouted as he pointed his hammer at the church up ahead. As we ran ahead, a squad of five null troopers and an eradicator landed in front of the church. Before they could rise into attack position, the exhaust in the back of Reinhardt's armor shot off like a cannon as he charged at full speed at them. Four of the null troopers flew up in the air as Reinhardt went through them like a bowling ball against pins. He pinned the eradicator to the wall and swung his hammer at the last null trooper before we went inside. 

The last console sat in the middle of the church and inside, besides barriers and wiring on the walls from null sector, there were flipped over beds, empty boxes, broken church pews and there looked to be blast marks around the church doors. We huddled around the console as the hack began and Torbjorn went up the stairs at the end of the church to set up his turret on the right side balcony above us.

"Didn't think I'd be in here again." (Y/N) said quietly as he stood beside me.

"Again?" He caught my curiosity.

"Yeah. I hid here for a night when this all started."

"Just you?"

"No, we had some people in here. But they got out safe."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Got out?"

(Icky Thump- White Stripes)

"Null Sector approaching! Be ready! We are in close quarters!" Reinhardt called out to us.We could hear Null troopers coming from the outside and they could come in from our left, front and right down from a set of stairs. The Null sector forces came in through the two front entry ways and the whole team kept their focus there. But as they were blasting at whatever came through the front, I could hear metal clanking through the tunnel on our left. "They're trying to flank our left, be right back!"

I ran to the left and blinked out of the tunnel to the street. I landed behind three Null Troopers and shot them all down before they could turn to see me. "Yeah! Fifteen points to Oxton!" I shouted with a fist pump to the air but crouched down when a null trooper shot over my head. The Null troopers on the street turned my way but I blinked back into the church before they could move towards me. 

(Y/N) P.O.V.

You called out to Tracer as she blinked out, "Wait! Lena!" You were about to run after her to help, but Angela grasped your shoulder. "No, (Y/N)! Stay close to me." 


"Trust me. I oversaw her training and her test. She'll be fine." Angela said to slow you down. 

Taking her words, your focused return to the Null Sector forces making their way into the church. They kept pouring in mostly from the front, with only a few coming down the staircase to the right. Going for cover behind one of the barriers, you blasted a null trooper and weakened an eradicator for McCree to hit it with one round to the head. "See that? Right in the eye!" He called out. "It's a pretty big eye." You retorted. "Still counts."

Tracer blinked back in front of you and took cover next to you, catching her breath. "How much longer till the gun is down?"

"The drone reports it is at 48% completion. Don't let up now." Captain Amari said through the comms channel. 

"The captain is right! The horror in this city has gone on for too long. We shall deliver justice onto these terrorists!" Reinhardt said as he took a charge towards the incoming null sector forces and swung his rocket hammer to take down four tour null troopers in one swing. Tracer took a quick breath and blinked away to help Reinhardt. McCree stood next to you behind one of the metal Null Sector barriers as you both took a moment to reload your weapons. "Got some on the stairs!" He called out and ran over to the barrier on the opposite side. He then rolled to the column in front of the stairs and grabbed a flash grenade from his belt. He pulled a the pin with his teeth and tossed it behind the two null troopers and the eradictor in front of them. The omnics were stunned which gave him the opening he needed to blast them all away. 

An explosion was heard outside on the steps of the church, "What the hell was-oh right." You recalled that Tracer was blinking around with bombs. Leaning out from the barrier, you shot down two of three Null troopers on the left, the third one took a couple more shots until it fell. You returned to cover to reload your pistol.

"Hi!" A voice beside you said.


You looked back to see that Tracer had blinked to your left side. "Oh, sorry!"

"Do you just pop out of nowhere whenever you say hi?"

"Only to you cause your scream makes me laugh." 

"What's wrong with my scream?"

"Nothing wrong with it; it's just funny, love." 

Returning to the fight, Null Sector couldn't get past the barriers that they had set up in the church. Whether it was Reinhardt swinging his hammer with all his might, Mercy keeping you all in the fight, Tracer blinking around and shredding the null troopers to scrap metal, Torbjorn's turret blasting away at any null trooper or eradicator or McCree's sharpshooting, Null Sector hardly got close to stop the hack. 

"How much longer is that little bot gonna take?" Torbjorn asked through the blazing gunfire and continued to shoot his rivet gun."Can't hold them off forever!"

"We're nearly there, Torbjorn. Hack is at 84%." Captain Amari said.

Null sector seemed to be sending more of their units at this terminal's location but you had more cover here than in the square. The church was filled with the sounds of clinking and clanking scrap metal, McCree's revolver hitting its marks, Reinhardt's hammer smashing and scrapping null troopers, Mercy's wings flying around to whoever needed attention and the cannons of Torbjorn's turrets banging off the brick walls. One sound that your hearing was focused on was the zooming sound from Tracer's accelerator, letting you know that she was still in the fight.

 There was hardly a break in between the waves, it would have been a problem if it weren't for one thing; you were not alone.

 For nearly a month, it was just you. Running through the streets of Kings Row, evading patrols at the quickest pace to the nearest form of cover, fighting when you had to, finding survivors and getting them out. Sure when you had Amy, Jacque and Dr. Carter with you, it helped the cause, but this was different. You were fighting with the organization that you had looked up to for your entire life, people that you would trust your life with on any day. 

The hack was near completion and there weren't many null sector forces left, just a few null troopers and one eradicator. Two null troopers came from the left, one from the right and three from the middle along with the eradicator. Torbjorn and his turret took out the three null troopers in the middle while Reinhardt charged ferociously at the eradicator, pinning it against the wall, while making the wall produce a few cracking noises.  McCree took down the null trooper on the stairs and the ones on the left were scrapped by Tracer and Mercy. 

After the last Null trooper fell, a sound from the drone came to signal the completion of the hack. "Great job, team. All three cannons appear offline. We're dropping in the payload in the square right now." Commander Morrison said. 

"All right, let's get to the square. Move out!" Reinhardt said.

While exiting the church, you saw the eradicator that was pinned to the wall had it's head open. The opening caught your attention as you saw that the open panel on the side of it's head. Looking into it, you could see all the wiring and parts that seemed familiar. You then felt a hand on your shoulder and turned to see it was Lena. "Something wrong?"

"No, it's just that...the wiring and circuitry in this eradicator is sparking something in my head."

"Well, figure it out later. Come on, we got a payload to deliver!" Tracer said as you both ran out of the church, side by side. "Last one to the payload is buying dinner!" Lena shouted as she blinked ahead of the group. "You're on!" Reinhardt said, accepting her small game. Knowing that you were "financially challenged", you ran along with it and zipped past Torbjorn and Dr. Ziegler. "I'm a broke college grad! Get out of my way unless you want ramen noodle cups!" 

"First!" Lena shouted as she touched the payload first, shocker.

"Second!" You exclaimed as you jumped onto the payload, landing on the middle platform of it. "You used the accelerator...you cheated." You said catching your breath.

"Street rules, mate." Lena snapped back.

"Third coming in!!!" Reinhardt shouted from down the road as he charged at the payload with the help of the rocket thruster on his suit. Luckily he stopped before he hit the payload, bad way to end the mission if he hit it at full speed. Angela flew in behind him and in dead last was Torbjorn. 

You all gathered on the payload, ready to escort it through the street. Reinhardt set up in the front and deployed his barrier, Torbjorn set up a turret at the tail end to cover the rear, while you, Tracer, Mercy and McCree stood in the middle to handle any that got too close. All of you stood ready for what was to come except something was missing; the payload wasn't moving. At all.

"Torbjorn! Why isn't the payload moving?" Reinhardt asked.

"Give it a second." The engineer replied with frustration.

You waited a moment; nothing.

"Nothing's happening." Tracer said.

"Here we go." Mercy added on. 

"Saw this coming a mile away." McCree said, speaking from experience.

"Hold on! It just needs a moment to warm up!" He claimed.

The payload now started to feel like a pile of scrap with a big bullseye on it.

"It definitely doesn't seem like it's moving." Tracer said from her observation.

"Having some trouble getting it up, huh Torbjorn?" You added to the boiling pot that was his ego.  You looked over to see Tracer slightly cover her mouth from giggling.

" No one asked for your opinions, especially you smart-ass." The swede said.

"Torbjorn! What's broken this time?" Reinhardt called out to capture his attention. "It's just powering up! Shouldn't take too long." The engineer responded. The crusader let out a sigh of frustration "Alright team, Torbjorn's latest monstrosity needs time. Protect the payload and be ready for whatever Null Sector may throw our way."

(Muse- Knights of Cydonia)

It was just the six of you in the square under the clocktower, sitting in the open and waiting for whatever Null Sector was going to send your way to stop you from succeeding. Reinhardt stood in front of the payload with his shield deployed and ready to take any hit that it gets. Tracer and McCree stood on the sides of the payload, ready to attack any oncoming omnics. Torbjorn stood behind his turret to keep it in the fight while you and Angela stayed on the payload behind Rein's shield. 

A slight wind brushed over the stones of the square while sweat dripped off of your forehead and your breath was partially steady ; this was the calm before the storm.

R: Hey! Let's ask Lena out on a date!

Your heart dropped. "What?" You whispered to make sure no one heard you.

R: Date! Lena! Ask!

"I don't think now is the time."

R: This could be the only time. Carpe Diem!

L: Righty's got a point for once. No better time than right now.

"Later!" You said with a rushed whisper.  Holding your pistol with both hands and lowered, you looked over on your left to see Lena standing her ground. She saw you by the edge of her vision and turned her head slightly to match your eyes with hers. She gave you her smile that you loved so much and nodded to let you know that she would keep you safe. You nodded back, knowing you were going to do the same for her. Looking up, you could see a couple of Null Sector pods coming down and ready for the battle ahead. This was going to be a long stroll. 

"Any courageous words of inspiration, Lieutenant?" Torbjorn asked.

"As a dear old friend of mine used to say; live with honor, die with glory."

Time felt slow as the pods inched closer to the ground. You closed your eyes tight, steadied your shaking breath and held it for a moment. Upon breathing out and with a focused mind, you spoke to yourself, "I'm coming home."

"CONTACT!" Reinhardt shouted as the pods hit the ground to the left of the payload, dropping in two Null Troopers with another just a few feet behind them. Reinhardt swung his power driven hammer to smash both while McCree took out the one Null Trooper with one shot to it's head. From the corner of your eye, there was movement on the right. "Right side! Arch!" You shouted and turned to see two null troopers while an eradicator came down from the sky back on the left side. 

"Eradicator on the left!" Reinhardt called as he sent a fire-strike at it while you and McCree blasted both null troopers to scrap. The sound of Tracer's pulse pistols went off as she helped Rein with the eradicator. Aiming at the giant bot, you caught two more null troopers coming from the closed doors of the ascalon club. Shifting over you blasted one with three shots while you struggled to hit the other, but it was no problem for the other shooter. Two blasts, that weren't yours hit it and you saw smoke come from the combat pistol of Dr.Ziegler. 

" I swore to do no harm, but it doesn't apply to murderers."

She may look like an angel, but she was a fighter too. More Null Sector came through the opening on the left side, with a couple of eradicators and a few null troopers. Tracer blinked up past them and stuck one of her pulse bombs on one of the eradicators. It took out one eradicator and two null troopers but not without damaging the rest. Torbjorn's turret shifted right to shoot at an oncoming eradicator under the archway. Tracer blinked to the right side of the square and got behind the eradicator. Everyone but you and Tracer kept their focus on the Null Sector on the left side. You kept firing at the eradicator to distract it for Tracer as she kept damaging it. 

As the initial wave came to an end, the payload made what sounded like it was starting up. Torbjorn chuckled proudly, "See! Like I said, just needed time to warm-up!"

"So it's ready to move out?" Reinhardt asked hoping that they wouldn't be sitting ducks much longer.

"Uh, not quite yet."

You rolled your eyes while Reinhardt face palmed lightly, "I should have known. Team, get ready for another wave of attacks!" The crusader called out. Null Sector hardly gave you a break this time. 

This time, clanking metal came from the path of the arch to the right, except it sounded like a lot of metal feet and tiny ones compared to the other models. From under the archway, came out small little scout like null sector bots that had two feet and one eye. You had seen and encountered them before earlier in the uprising. "Watch out for the splicers, they can tear up the payload with their beams." Captain Amari informed the team. "Hate those things." You said.

Reinhardt swung his hammer while Torbjorn shot at them with his rivet gun but shortly after a squad of Null troopers and eradicators dropped in on the right, but with a surprise this time. Looking over, you saw what looked like a sea mine. "Look out! Detonator in the field! Don't let it anywhere near the payload!" Torbjorn shouted to the team. "Focus fire on the detonator!" McCree added.

You all kept your attacks on the explosive that slowly hovered it's way to the payload. Every shot you took either hit the bomb or was taken by other null sector forces blocking your hits. To make it worse, there were null troopers and an eradicator coming through the arch on the right with some slicers. "It's getting too close! Tracer! On my signal, plant one of your bombs on the detonator!" Reinhardt ordered.

"Right!" Tracer said. "Wait, what's the sig-".

She was cut off by the sound of Reinhart's armor thruster as he charged passed her and towards the detonator. "-nal." Tracer caught up to Rein as he pinned it up against a wall while knocking down any null sector forces in his path. She stuck her pulse bomb and raced back to the payload with Rein shielding their retreat. "Take cover!" He shouted as they reached the payload.

Tracer's pulse bomb went off, causing the detonator to explode as well but not without taking out all Null sector forces on the left. But it wasn't the end just yet. You heard clanking coming from the right to see a bastion unit run under the arch and set up in it's sentry formation. 

"Bastion unit on the right!" Angela called out and just in time for Reinhardt to deploy his shield to cover. "Take it out quickly before it rips through his shield!" Torbjorn said as he began to fire at it. "I got just the thing." You said as you removed the speargun from your back and assembled both pieces of it together. "One fried bastion special, comin' right up!" You said as you placed a spear in the chamber and pulled back the lever. The bastion unit was firing away at Rein's shield, which couldn't hold forever. With one slight pull of your finger, the spear fired away and piecred the bastion against the wall and sent the electrical current without any hesitation, frying the machine and it's circuits.

"Blimey." Tracer said as she saw the bastion hang off the wall. "Where did you get that?"

"I made it." 

"Puh!" Torbjorn puffed out of disbelief. 

"No way!"



You tapped on the temple of your head, "Oh, right. Big brain." She said with a small giggle at the end. 

Then, a sound came from the payload as if it was finally coming alive. Until it sounded like something got stuck and it backfired. "Torbjorn," Angela softly said, "what was that sound?" She had a slight smile that was holding back her frustration. "Heh, seems like we hit another little snag." Torbjorn answered with a small pinch of air with his fingers.

"Define 'little snag'." She said, holding back any anger while mocking his gesture. 

"Would it help if we pushed?" Tracer jokingly suggested while you held back from laughing.

"Couldn't hurt." Reinhardt said under his breath.

"Forget about it! Just keep protecting the payload! It needs a moment."

"It needs a moment?! Does it need a shock blanket* too?" You added.

"It'll work! Just trust me!" Torbjorn said, defending his work. 

You and Lena stood on the payload as you saw more Null troopers come in through the left and more sounded to be on their way on the right. It sounded like they were sending in all they had. "Is it me or are they sending in more as torbjorn's bomb keeps us here?" Tracer said as you both stared at the incoming forces.

"Let them send more! Hilda is hungry for justice!" He said as he swung at a group of slicers.

"Hilda?" You asked yourself. 

"Torb, this payload better be movin' soon or we'll be deader than rattlesnakes on a new pair of boots!" McCree said as he shot at incoming slicers from the right. 

They just kept coming and it didn't seem like they were letting up. It began to feel like you were losing ground each time you looked at each side. Null troopers would fire at the payload to only hit Rein's shield, slicers would come from the smallest hole in the wall and sneak up to damage the payload and the ground would shake whenever an eradicator would come into the square. 

"There's so many of them!" Mercy called out.

"Wish the ninja was here, could use some slicin' and dicin' on these bots!" McCree said as he kicked a slicer away.

While the team was handling any oncoming null sector, you kept your head lowered and followed Lena, wherever she went on the battlefield. She blinked from one place to another while avoiding any oncoming blasts. Her movements were without ease, moving free and smooth like water. In all, you were watching something of your creation at work. 

Your admiration for her began to grow to the point where you began to think about what the voices in your head had said. It's not guaranteed that this mission will be a success or one without casualties. If something were to happen to you or her, with the words you felt needed to be say still in your head, it would be the most painful of regrets. Maybe if there was something after, it would drive you to succeed and make it back home safe. 

R: Ask her out! Do it! What's the worst that could happen?

L: She could shoot us.

R: Well...at least we took our chance.

Righty was right; one less regret to live with.

The long moment to think was cut short when an eradicator's blasts hit above the payload on the middle of the clocktower. It shook you out of your trance and you stood on the payload and fired at any Null trooper you saw. While you were shooting, Tracer blinked back onto the payload and stood beside you.

" They just keep coming. How'd you do it for almost a month?" Lena asked as she fired her pulse pistols at any nearby slicers or troopers. 

" There were less explosions and more running." You answered as you shot at incoming slicers from the arch. "Hey, Lena?"Here goes nothing. "Can I ask you something?"


"Can I ask you something?!"

"I don't think now's the time, love."

You and Lena both ducked from a plasma shot that hit the wall behind you. "Now might be the only time!* If something happens to you or me-"

"It won't come to that! I said I'd watch your back and you'd watch mine! That's a promise!" Lena proclaimed, followed by kicking and shooting a null trooper that crawled to the edge of the payload. "I know and I appreciate that from you, but it can't wait." Your feelings for Lena felt like an endothermic reaction building up inside you and it was reaching a critical point to where it was about to blow. You fired at two null troopers on the left. It couldn't wait and you were one to speak for yourself. With one big breath, you prepared the words; "Lena? When we get back...do you-" A detonator that Reinhardt pinned to the arch on the right went off, causing you both to fall off the payload with Lena being caught in your arms to cushion her fall. Not only that, but the push and fall made your sneaktooth on your phone turn on and play music over the couple of speakers around the square.

(Silver- Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang)

 The music blared onto the square as you and Lena laid on the ground for a moment. She seemed to blush and held herself up above you, "Sorry about landin' on you!"

"Don't worry about it!" She rolled off, "I'm not even mad." You said to yourself. 

"Now's not the time for music!" Torbjorn yelled from the front line. 

"I didn't pick it! It was an accident!" You replied as you searched your pockets for your phone to turn it off. "Where is-" Another shot went over your head, "Screw it, I work better with music anyway." 

Another Bastion unit came in through the left with two null troopers beside it but as it set into it's turret form, Tracer came behind it and stuck her pulse bomb on it. More null sector forces were poring into the square as Torbjorn's latest technical mishap rested dormant under the clocktower. With how many there were in the square, the walls behind you began to seem closer than when you started.

"Dammit, Torb! I knew one of your machines'd get ya killed. I just didn't think I'd be joinin' you!" McCree said as he put in fresh bullets into his peacekeeper.

Reinhardt smashed a squad of null troopers, "No worries, my friends!" He swung at a small group of slicers, "I've been around his monstrosities for years and am still kicking and swinging!" He proclaimed with another swing of his hammer.

"Let's hope we still are after this mission. More Null Sector on the right, coming through the arch!" Mercy called out.

Slicers came running from under the arch, rushing to get cut through the payload to stop your mission. But before they could set up, the bots were slashed down by Reinhardt's fire strike.  You stood by the payload, blasting at any Null Trooper or slicer in sight. Reinhardt turned back to you as he stood in front of the payload.

"(Y/N)!" He called to you which gained your attention at your idol. "You're a fan of mine. Did you know that I swing both ways?"

Your eyes widened at the sudden surprise.


"Of course! Violently, with my hammer! Come at me!" He shouted as he charged towards another squad of null troopers. The battle for time continued as the blasts and hits echoed throughout the city, the first piece of sound to fill the London streets. But this was the sound of something different; hope.

The payload made another backfiring sound and Angela faced the engineer. "It's not working, is it Torbjorn?" She said annoyingly, causing him to stumble his words. "I'm telling you! IT! JUST! NEEDS! TO! WARM UP!"

"Oh, this plan is going just fantastic!" Tracer said sarcastically as she blasted at more null troopers. Each time you looked from one side to the other, it seemed like more and more Null Sector would arrive to fill in the ones you had scrapped."More on the right!" You called out as you aimed at an incoming squad of Null Troopers and slicers. But before you could pull the trigger, six whistles went through the wind and they were no longer functioning. You looked up to a window across from the arch to see McCree, who tilted his hat at you while you nodded in reply to thank him. 

Standing on the payload, behind Torb's turret as it mulched any omnic in sight, you looked and fired at any Null Trooper that landed on the iron sights of the pistol.

"(Y/N)! On your-" Ana attempted to warn you but there was no need. You heard the pulse rounds to your left and saw that Lena shot down a Null trooper that tried to sneak up behind you by a hallway. "Nevermind. Thank you, Cadet."

Another detonator came through the arch with a squad of eradicators and Null troopers to escort it. McCree shot from above at the squad, but one of the eradicators fired at his window. "Jesse?!" Ana shouted through the comm channel.

A rough cough was heard on the channel, "I'm alright, captain! Still in the fight!" McCree responded. "Tracer! Ready?" Reinhardt shouted.

"Ready!" She answered and Rein charged at the detonator, while pushing a few troopers and slicers with it. Tracer caught up and placed a pulse bomb on the detonator, destroying it along with the bundled null sector forces. 

Everyone gathered on the payload as more and more omnics kept coming. It was starting to feel crowded in the square and you started to feel out of breath from running around the square, trying to keep the slicers of the payload. As you saw another bunch of slicers coming your way, you just about had it.

" Torbjorn! You're gonna get us killed!  All because of this fraggin' piece of junk!" You said with a harsh kick to it. But with that, the machine started to make a different sound than before. The funnels on the sides began to rumble while the payload shook with it. " Uh oh."

"What's happening with the payload?" Mercy asked.

"Tracer did it!" You said.

"Oi!" She called back with annoyance. 

"Haha! There she is! Reinhardt! Hammer! Get ready for this!" Torbjorn said with excitment and pride as he plugged his ears. Reinhardt lifted his hammer to the sky, "HAMMER DOWN!" and the ground shook like an earthquake hit the city, causing all the null sector forces to fall to the ground. 

A loud train-like whistle came from the payload as it dispersed a charge that wiped out all the omnics in the square.The dwarf laughed with pride, "Told you it would work!"

"Not only that, we're still alive somehow." You said, in a surprised voice.

"Gotta admit, that was pretty impressive." Tracer said.

"I never doubted you for a moment, old friend." Reinhardt claimed.

"Speak for yourself." Mercy said in a soft tone. 

McCree dusted himself off, "Enough chit-chat, let's get this payload rollin' out."

"Good defense, team. Handing you over to commander Reyes." Ana said.

"Reyes, here. Latest Blackwatch intelligence indicates heavy Null Sector numbers inside the power plant. Expect everything from Null Troopers, Eradicators, Bastions and possibly OR14s. Escort the payload to the door, intact. Good luck, you're gonna need it."

With the cutoff from his transmission, you all stacked onto the payload. Reinhardt lead the charge with his raised shield, Mercy stood on the back to keep an eye on everyone, Torbjorn's turret rested on the head of the payload, McCree walked alongside, while you and Tracer stood in the middle. While going under the arch, you found your phone in your backpocket. But instead of shutting off the sneaktooth, you took another approach.

You scrolled through your all-time favorites playlist for an appropriate theme to play. Tracer took notice, "Whatcha doin'?"

"Getting the led out."

(Led Zeppelin-Immigrant Song)

The shredding chords by Jimmy Page, followed by the shouting vocals of Robert Plant, filled the streets of King's Row as you began to escort the payload.Passing through the arch, you heard a detonator and a few null troopers land a few yards behind. "Detonator behind us!" Mercy called to the team. 

You all focused on what was behind, but Null Sector was sending more to stop you. Clinking and clanking was heard up the street as a squad of slicers came down to cut the payload. "Slicers in front!" Reinhardt said. McCree and Reinhardt focused on the slicers, while you, Torb, Mercy and Tracer shot at the detonator. "Going with a pulse bomb, cover me!" 

As you covered Tracer, Rein came from the front and pinned the detonator to the wall of the arch, damaging it enough for Tracer's bomb. But it wasn't over yet. As you passed the pub, you heard what sounded like treads. "On the left!" Reinhardt shouted as he turned his shield to absorb a shot from a cannon. A bastion in tank form, came down the alley and fired more shots at the crusader's shield. 

"Barrier won't hold forever! Take it out!" 

Tracer got around it while you and McCree shot at it behind the shield. Mercy and Torb with his turret handled any oncoming slicers. The tank was busted as you got closer to the factory. "Got eyes on the factory! Just a little further." McCree said. But it wasn't going to be that easy.

A squad of Null Troopers with another bastion tank came out of the entrance to the London underground. Not only that but an eradicator with slicers came from behind as well with more pods crashing nearby. Null Sector was about to throw everything they had at you. Reinhardt blocked the tank's shot and gave a powerful swing of his hammer to the null troopers. McCree ran off of the payload and to the alley, "Be right back!"

"Where could you possibly be going?!" You asked as a Null Trooper attempted to strike at you but you swatted your pistol at it and blasted the bot's head. Tracer blinked around the payload, shooting down slicers and Null Troopers with Torb maintaining his turret and Mercy flying around blasting and healing. 

You saw the eradicator come up from behind and a spark ignited an idea in your brain. "Torbjorn! You got a welding torch?!"

He finished off a null trooper, "Yeah, why?"

"I have a plan! I need it!" You shouted while blasting at a couple of Null Troopers.

"N. O. NO!"

"I wasn't asking!" You said as you ran past him and plucked it off his tool belt and ran up a staircase behind the pub.

"Hey! That's mine!" He would have chased after you, but some slicers were keeping him busy.  "Get back here! Smart-ass punk!"

You stopped at the edge of the first floor roof, overlooking the street and the eradicator, unaware of your location. Holding the hand welder, you found the release valve, turned it and pressed the igniter to test it. A blue flame pushed itself out of the nozzle and you stepped back for the next step.

L: This is a bad idea!

R: Don't listen to lefty! GO! GO! GO!

"Bad ideas are good ones when you don't have any others." You gulped down your anxiety. "Allons-y!" You ran across the roof and jumped off, aiming for the eradicator. Your hand latched onto the right shoulder and your legs dangled as you hung on, barely touching it's leg. "Bad idea! Bad idea!" You climbed over and up, getting as close to the eradicator's head as possible. Turning on the welder, you began to cut through the metallic panel. With the eradicator moving, it wasn't a straight cut and got harder with each step. 

Angela was healing Reinhardt as she turned and saw you trying to keep your footing on the eradicator's shoulders. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?!"

"Helping and trying not to die at the same time!" The plate fell off as you completed the square hole you made. Looking inside, you saw the wiring and reached in for it. Grabbing two wires and exposing the inside copper wires, you tested your theory. Making contact, the eradicator was under your control.

You shifted the cannon to where the tunnel to the metro was and fired at incoming null troopers, then onto the alley and any slicers behind you. Pieces of scrap metal flew up to the sky and went all over the streets. 


L:...It's okay I guess.

The eradicator under your control marched towards the payload and you could see that Lena was impressed. "Yeah! Go (Y/N)!" You smiled at the praise from your crush but it would cost you. A plasma shot hit the back of the eradicator causing yours to turn. Facing the shot, an eradicator was coming from behind and shot your shield down. You hit the eradicator but it fired at your mechanical puppet first, causing it to tumble down and you fell as your lost your grip. 

But before your body struck the pavement, a rush of wind ran over your body. "Gotcha!" Lena said as she blinked and caught you. Both of you tumbled and you rolled on your sides with Lena holding on to you. She smiled at you "That's twice." Tracer said with two fingers out.

"What, are we counting now?" She offered her hand and picked you up off the ground. As air returned to your lungs, you noticed that the street was calm and clear of any active Null Sector. 

" Why aren't there any robots trying to kill us?"

"Did they surrender?" Tracer asked.

"No." Reyes said over the comms channel. " British S.A.S. has been deployed around the city by the secretary of Defense. They seem to be taking some of the heat off from you. Blast the door open, now! Energy levels are peaking!"

"Right away! Get the payload to the door!" Torbjorn commanded. With one final push, the payload rested in front of the door. It began to rumble and make cautious noises.  "Payload's firing up!"

"Should we be standing further away?" Tracer asked with worry.

"Maybe behind my shield." Reinhardt suggested.

"Second that, make room." You said with haste.

"Third." Tracer quickly followed up and Angela got behind the crusader's barrier.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Torbjorn said as he huffed and puffed behind the shield. The payload built up power and exploded, making even the London underground tunnels shake. 

Just like a flash of lighting, an enterance to the factory appeared. The opening was tall and wide like the gates of Mordor and inside was the end of this nightmare. "We're detecting a massive power surge coming from the plant's central core. Best guess? They're trying to blow it as a last ditch effort."

"This is McCree. He's right, I'm seeing them power up the core and they ain't gonna let us just walk in. Got some OR14s and Bastions in here. Gonna be one hell of a fight." McCree said over the comms channel. 

"Team!This is the final push. Envision the victory and give it your all to make it true!" The battle-ridden knight said. The whole team stood at the door, with faces of courage and gripping their equipment with no intentions of backing down, ready for whatever what was inside. "Let's go." Mercy said with determination. 

Reinhardt led the charge, with everyone else right behind him. With only a few steps in, the heat began to build up in the factory "Bastion!" He called out and deployed his shield to take the bullets. "OR14 on the left!" you called out.

"Go right!" Tracer said. You moved behind Rein's shield to a corridor to the right by the entrance. Down the corridor was the Bastion unit and in Reinhardt's path. As before, Tracer got it to follow her while the crusader charged the machine at full speed. The bastion turned to return fire, but was pinned to pieces. With all the charging he does, how does he not have a concussion yet? Maybe he hasn't noticed the one he might have right now.

You had a bit of a high ground advantage with some crates for cover, which wouldn't be enough to hold against the shots coming from the null troopers and the OR-14s. With Rein's raised shield, Torb set up another turret while the rest of you concentrated on the OR-14. Tracer was about to blink out towards the null troopers, but they were claimed by another shooter. Looking above, you saw McCree, shooting at any null sector forces off your path. 

The OR14 kept on at Reinhardt's barrier and was hardly scratched, "Oxton! Ready?"

"Ready!"The cadet answered. 

Rein dropped his shield, charged at the OR14, while you, Mercy and Torb hid behind the pillars.  The shots ricocheted of the knights armor as he charged at full speed to pin the machine against a steel wall. With a great throw, Tracer landed a pulse bomb on the bot. The bomb heavily damaged  the bot, but the machine was still ticking. 

"Hit it before it gets up!" Torb shouted as you focused your fire to shut down the OR14.

"Keep it up, three more left." Reyes said through the comm channel. "Don't let Null Sector corner you, keep moving, you're on the clock here and it's ticking to midnight pretty fast."

"You heard the commander, hit and move swiftly!" Angela said as she descended from the edge and blasted at the null troopers ahead with you and Torbjorn following right behind her. Landing on the ground, you could see some null troopers ahead with another OR 14 and began to move up with the strike team. 

Reinhardt swung is hammer left and right, sweeping any null trooper in your path, Tracer blinked around and shot at any null sector unit in her sight, Torbjorn blasted each null trooper in the face with his rivet gun, Mercy kept the team on their feet and kicked some at the same time. McCree stayed above and fired at any Null Sector unit that he could hit. You stayed by Angela and fired at any Null trooper that you could see and hit. The ground shook as the second OR14 dropped from a nearby ledge and deployed a shield in front of itself.

As it began to fire, Reinhardt set up his shield to take the hits and moved up to get close enough to strike. Tracer blinked behind the machine to soften it up while Torbjorn got close to blast one of its legs off and you got on it's blind side to get a few hits on its head. The OR14 turned to face you, unknown that Reinhardt lifted his hammer to deal one deadly blow to it.

Pointing with one finger up, you whistled to shift the omnics attention. But before it could even turn it's head, it was too late; hammer time. You were gonna roll out of the way, but Tracer caught you by your shoulder and blinked you both of it's cannons crossfire. A loud thunder-like sound filled the factory as the crusader's hammer smashed the OR14 to pieces. 

"Two left! Hurry! Power Core is reaching critical overload, you got five minutes before it blows!" Reyes pointed out. He was right, it was starting to get hot in the factory and a strong wind was starting to pick up. A barrage of bullets hit your feet but Reinhardt shielded you to be safe. Looking up quickly, you saw a bastion unit nearby on a ledge. "Head for cover!" Reinhardt ordered. "Quick! Back here!" Tracer said, pointing to a corridor. 

Reinhardt shielded the team's fall back to the corridor and led you all down to where the Bastion unit was. You all stayed behind Rein as you got within range to fire away. Before you got close, a flashbang hit it from the opening to the right with six bullets blitzing through it. Looking to the direction of the gunfire, you saw McCree on the ledge above the opposite corridor. You placed your back against the wall with the rest of the team for a quick breather. "Let's get this done! Clock's winding down too fast." He said on the comm link.

"Where's the core?" You asked. Tracer, who was next to you and near the edge, peaked out and brought her head back in quickly as shots hit the wall. "Found it." She said. " And I don't think they are gonna let us just stroll in."

"Rookie's right, we got a bastion on each side and the last two OR 14s along with a couple of null troopers. We ain't got much cover down there and Rein's shield won't take that many hits for long. Anybody got a plan?" McCree asked.

You looked around and thought through your inventory to see what you could work with. Nothing could click until you saw the last two pulse bombs Lena had on the back of her accelerator and the last bit of copper wire in your bag that you had from making the metals posts for the spear gun electrical. "Light bulb." 

"Got an idea?" Tracer asked with curiosity. 

"Yeah and...you got an important part in it." You said. She wouldn't like it if you actually told her. "Have you ever seen Empire Strikes Back?"*

Third P.O.V.

The Bastions stood in their spots at sentry position while the OR14's continued to scan for the threats in the factory. Then, in the spark of the moment, smoke came out down the path in front of them and they readied their guns to exterminate any insects that would tear apart their plans. 

But before their cannons fired their barrage, bullet came flying from a vantage point above and their attention was shifted to the small opening above. An opening for what was next had come and the strike team ran down from path with Reinhardt leading his comrades to battle. The attention was shifted once again as they fired at the blue shield coming at them.

 It seemed like a poor offensive move, one that would result in casualties. But, that was the point.

From the right side of the layer-like room, the scientific prodigy-turned survivor shot out of the corridor while riding a black hover board with the time jumping Brit riding along.

"Hold on!" The scientist shouted against the winds as he held onto his spear gun invention.

"To what?!" The time traveler asked. The board caught the omnics by surprise but it was hard to focus with the two other areas from where they were being shot from. They got close to the bastion  down their path, "Now!" (Y/N) shouted to Tracer and she followed by throwing one of her pulse bombs, "Bombs away!" She hit her mark; Lena was a pilot so it was only natural. 

You sped across the room and fired your last spear shot at the other Bastion unit, except this one had a copper wire extension tied at the end. The spear pierced through the machine as (Y/N) handed whatever copper wire that was left on the small spool. "Go!"

She didn't hesitate as she circled around the OR14s. They tried to follow her but she  was too fast for them to keep up. Tracer made one loop around an arm or a leg around each OR14 and made sure there was hardly any slack. She finished the line and threw one pulse bomb between both omnics. Tracer smirked and raised her right middle finger to the mechanical terrorists. "Boom."* She said with confidence and a spark as (Y/N) came in and picked her up and back on the board. (Y/N) clicked the shock button on the spear gun and electricity ran through all three omnics with the pulse bomb going off nearly immediately after. 

The explosion rumbled the floor and the external force of the blast caused (Y/N) to wipe out from the hoverboard. Both (Y/N) and Tracer stumbled on the landing but it seemed that (Y/N) had better footing since he wasn't the one with a chronal accelerator strapped around his chest that at least added ten pounds tops. But before she completely fell, (Y/N) reached out and grabbed Lena by her waist. 

Lena was facing up towards (Y/N), making it seem as that they were in the final pose of a romantic dance. Both of them were in one piece, except that Lena's visor had fallen off from the shock of the blast. Her bare face met with (Y/N)'s as she opened her eyes. But to the scientist, time had slown down, for in this moment; was the true beginning of something beautiful and would last for eternity, no matter what life may throw at it.

As Lena's eyes met with (Y/N)'s, though it wasn't the first time, it would be a special one, something clicked in the mind of the young scientist. It was as though a certain gear in the machine that was his mind, had began to turn for the first time. Looking into Lena's eyes was almost like staring into the billions of stars in every single galaxy in the known universe, as if they were made of stardust*. "Wow." the young prodigy mouthed and softly whispered. 

(Y/N) raised up the cadet to where they were both standing up while still holding on to her. "Are you alright?" He asked. The traveler regained her focus, "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I-I'm fine." He looked down and saw the blue visors that blocked her soul-catching hazel eyes. (Y/N) reached down with one arm still around Lena."You dropped this." (Y/N) said as he handed Lena her goggles. She gently grabbed them from (Y/N) worn out, torn and bloodied grasp, "Thanks, love." She said and put them back on.

Raspy coughing was heard across the room as the smoke from the blast had settled. "You done showing off?" Torbjorn said as he waved the smoke away. "That was smashing! Again! Again!" The crusader's booming voice echoed through the smoke. The wings of Dr.Ziegler's Valkyrie suit lit up through the smoke like a beacon as she flew over to the young duo. "Are you both alright? Tracer, is your accelerator damaged?"

"We're fine, Doctor Ziegler. Don't worry about us." Tracer replied. 

"Doc, check everyone out. I'll get to the hostages." McCree said through the comm channel as you heard him move from above. The doctor went to the crusader and engineer as (Y/N) and Lena stood by each other, looking down at the pieces of omnic surrounding them. "It's over, right?" (Y/N) asked her. "Yeah. We did it." She said with a smirk. "We did it!Ha ha!" She exclaimed as she jumped on to the scientist and he managed to hold her up without falling. The two spun around once from the joy that it was all over and that they were reunited again. As (Y/N) put her down, she held onto him in her tight, warm embrace while giggling a bit. "I knew I'd find you safe and sound, (Y/N).  By the way, where'd you get the board anyway?"

"I found it in a store I hid with McCree in. Was saving it for Sam, but I didn't mind breaking it in." He said as he picked it up from the ground to transform it back into it's pocket-sized, brick like form and placed it in his bag.

"Hate to spoil the reunion," McCree said on the comm channel, "but I need Angela and the rookie up here." 

"On our way, McCree. Come along, Tracer. We're needed." The doctor said.

"Right behind you, Doctor Ziegler." Tracer replied and began to lightly jog to where Mercy was. But before she got far, another call for help came.

"Lena?" (Y/N) said softly. She turned around to see that he was walking slouched, weak and slow. "I don't feel so good."* He barely managed to get out as he fell face first. Tracer blinked to him and caught (Y/N) before his face kissed the cold steel floor.

Tracer turned him over to where (Y/N) was facing the ceiling as she held him. His breathing was slow and loud along with his eyes half way closed. "Are you hurt? Please don't be hurt." Lena said with panic, thinking that she failed to protect her friend. Mercy flew over and kneeled across from Lena to examine (Y/N). "What happened? Is he bleeding?"

"I don't know. He just fell over! I caught him before he hit the floor." Tracer explained.

"(Y/N)? Can you hear me?" The doctor said as she held onto his head with one hand and a small light in the other.

"Doc?" He managed to get out. "I didn't know you had a twin sister. Or did you clone yourself? Why are the walls melting?" He chapped his lips, "Can I get some water? Also, my legs feel like spaghetti noodles. "

Tracer and Doctor Ziegler shared a light giggle, "He's fine, Lena. (Y/N)'s just exhausted. Let's get him back to Headquarters."

"Yeah. Just get me home. Just get me...home." (Y/N) said before he passed out and his head hung against Lena's forearm. "Henderson? This is Dr.Ziegler. We are ready for pick up. Deploy the med carrier and prepare for take off in the sqaure." 

"Copy that, Doc. On the way. Be there in two minutes." The pilot replied.

"Tracer," Mercy said to the cadet, "help me get all of this gear off of (Y/N). He must be burning up from wearing all of it."

(Lisa Gerrard- Elegy to the storm)

As they stripped off the pieces of the riot gear, Tracer could notice the weight loss he had, a few scratches, bruises and dirt from the city. Piece by piece, the survivor was dismantled and continued to lay resting with his head being held by the one he saved and had come to save him in return. 

Shortly after, the med carrier hovered into the factory and rested near the scientist. Reinhardt gently picked up (Y/N) and laid him down on the bed of the carrier. Doctor Ziegler placed an oxygen mask over him along with a vital scanner on his right arm. The carrier floated up to the waist level of the doctor and the team began to walk out of the factory. 

As they reached the self-made door, S.A.S soldiers ran in down the sides to clear out the hostages, running by the strike team.  Some stood and saluted the heroes, others stood and wondered what they were doing here in the first place. The dropship hovered above for a moment and began to lower to the front of the factory. The side ramp opened down and the team stepped aboard victoriously.

Reinhardt set down his hammer as he sat with Torbjorn sitting across from him, Doctor Ziegler guided the med carrier to it's docking spot on the left side of the ship. The space took up about four seats and Lena sat on the closet seat by the foot of the carrier as Dr. Ziegler looked over (Y/N) one last time before take off. "I told you we'd find him." Dr. Ziegler said softly with a smile to the cadet. Tracer looked back at (Y/N) and slightly smiled, happy to have her friend back. "His family is going to be filled with joy when they hear the news. I'll be sure to tell them who they have to thank. Well done, cadet." Angela sat across from the two of them and looked towards the cockpit, "Everyone is aboard. Henderson? If you'd please?" 

"Yes, Ma'am. Taking her up." The pilot answered. 

"Oh, before we forget. Torbjorn, I believe you owe us dinner!" The crusader stated with a laugh and the Swede crossed his arms in pouting as the ship shot off to Switzerland.

The ship was nearing Zurich, the team was resting and London was saved from potential being ground zero of the second omnic crisis. 

Tracer P.O.V.

I sat in pure joy and excitement at the fact that I completed my first mission as a field agent. It was bloody brilliant! I felt like I wasn't too shabby on my first go. I could get used to this. But out of the corner of my eye, something caught my attention. I looked to my left to see (Y/N) waving to me. I smiled and waved back. Then he mouthed my name, calling me over. I got up and stood by his side. "Everything alright, love?" 

He motioned me to get closer and I leaned in to hear what (Y/N) had to say. (Y/N) pulled his oxygen mask off and I was about to help put it back on, but he placed his hand over mine to stop me and began to speak. "I...found your...Dad." (Y/N) managed to say with his low breath. My ears woke up and I got closer to be sure of what I heard. "What did you say?"

"I found John...he's safe." 

I was shocked that he knew that, " That's my Dad's name...how...? Where is he? What about my Mom?" I kept my voice down as best I could. I know that he was tired, but I needed to know about my parents. "Wembley. Your Mom, was...in Harlow. They're safe." He smiled at me and I returned the gesture. I can't believe he even remembered the promise he made me. I felt like I was gonna let a fear tears run, knowing that my folks were okay. "Thank you, (Y/N). Good to know, I was worried for nothing. Get some rest, I'll be there when you wake up." Before he closed his eyes, (Y/N) stuck his left pinky out to me. "Pinky...promise?" he asked. I gave (Y/N) a smile and wrapped my pinky around his, "Pinky promise." I told him softly.

The ship soon arrived back at headquarters and we all stood up to get our hero's welcome, it sounded like we had a crowd waiting for us on the other side. But just as the doors were about to open, a song came on through the hanger speakers. 

(David Bowie-Heroes RIP Major Tom)

The door laid down and we were greeted by a true hero's welcome. The hangar bay crew and basically anyone in the hangar was there, cheering and whistling at us. We walked down the ramp, with (Y/N) on the med carrier in the middle. I looked at his hand to see that he had his phone out. He picked the song, "Cheeky." I told him. He grew a slight smile. 

As we got to the hangar floor, we were sort of mobbed by everyone nearby. They were congratulating us, whistling, giving us high-fives and we all got our share of attention, me especially. I had a bit of a crowd around me and they looked at me in wonder, obviously at my accelerator. Couldn't blame them, this was my first time on base outside of my room or the training area, so seeing a girl with a chronal harness with two blue circles hovering on it on her chest was bit unusual.  They mostly gave me high fives, some asked for a picture while some stayed back and chatted about me.

"Is that...?"

"No way."

"That's the missing pilot!"

"I thought she was gone."

"Looks like they found her."

One girl with her curly hair in a short ponytail came up to me, "Excuse me, but what is that on your chest?"she asked while pointing at my accelerator.

"It's called a chronal accelerator, it's what's basically keeping me here." I went on to explain my condition and did my best to tell her and everyone around us how it works, course (Y/N) or Winston could explain it better. Then a couple of guys came up to me with sly, cheeky smiles. "Hey," one called to me, he was a bit taller than (Y/N), had slick hair to his near shoulders, was wearing sunglasses, inside mind you and had some muscle on him, too much for me at least, especially on his chest. "Pretty great, what you did out there." He said in a low voice but I ignored what he was saying after as I saw Dr. Ziegler looking over (Y/N) while telling the medical team what to do. "So how about some drinks later to celebrate?"

"How about you exchange the testosterone and greased wig for some common sense and maybe you'll be good enough for someone else? Also I'm not into guys with fake boobs. Excuse me." I said immediately and swam through the crowd to where Dr.Ziegler was. Rather go with Torbjorn than that tosser for pints, no thanks. They were rolling (Y/N) away as I reached Dr.Ziegler, "Where are they taking him?"

"ICU for a bit, just to look over for any heavy injuries and if all is well, (Y/N) will be admitted shortly after to rest. Don't worry, Ms.Oxton. You shall see your friend again soon." She told me as she walked away with the med team. Looking over her shoulder, I could see (Y/N) slowly raise his right hand. From what I could see, (Y/N) managed to raise his thumb at me, telling me that he was going to be okay. Smiling, I raised mine back at 'em. 

"Tracer!" A voice called to me and turned to see it was my favorite gorilla. Winston walked in wearing a lab coat and with a holo tech-pad in his one hand, "Winston!" I blinked over and gave the big guy a big hug. "Tracer, you were simply outstanding in the field! In fact, you may have shattered all expectations to what the accelerator could do."

"Really? I did that good? Guess I got a knack for this agent stuff." I said with my chin up.

"Indeed, I also see that you found (Y/N). It brings great relief that a mind like his will live another day to solve the world's next issue."

"You won't believe how I found him. I saved his life, twice!" 

"I would like to hear it all, Tracer. You can tell me during your debrief. Follow me." Winston said. We began to walk side by side to the doors of the hanger that led to the base. As they slid open, Winston looked over to me.

"I believe this is the beginning of an exemplary career for you, Lena." We walked through the exit and headed down to the debrief room. I could definitely get used to this.

1. Jeff Goldblum's character from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.

2.Hot Fuzz 

3. Star Wars Battlefront II (The Classic)

4. Sherlock (A Study in Pink) 

5. Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End. Bit of a recreation of the proposal scene.

6. Captain America Civil War

7. Avenger's Infinity War- Star Lord

8. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

9. Avenger's Infinity War- Spiderman (Wipes away tear for hundreth fucking time!!!)

Author's Note- The terror is over...for now. Sorry for the long wait, I got crazy busy with life in mid-july. Why? I WENT TO SAN DIEGO COMIC CON!!!!! HOLY SCHNIKES IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST WEEKS OF MY LIFE!! I met my current favorite writer in comic books, Donny Cates! If you haven't read his work on Venom, Doctor Strange, Cosmic Ghost Rider or Thanos, I highly recommend it, especially Thanos Wins. I also got to be in a panel with the creator of My Hero Academia! Kohei Horikoshi, he was cool too! Then school has started again and I'm barely finding time to write. That and like the R5 that uncle Owen almost bought, I got a bad motivator for a bit. But it's all good. 

So now, we are no more than two chapters from getting to the present timeline, maybe one...maybe. But I always enjoy letting out another chapter, cause I get closer to write out the scenes I've been planning for months. Next up, we're gonna get you and Lena to spend some time together and make some memories.

One more thing; I got some inspiration for a 



Overwatch Story!

BUT! (With one finger up to hold up the excitement) With a twist! (Not M.Night Shamylan twist)

The story shall be a collaboration between Me and another Wattpad writer, who I believe you all know and love. I mean, what other Tracer story did you read while you waited for us to update both our Tracer X Readers? That's right.



What are we writing?

Well, not to give anything away, buuuuuut...we hope you form a nice SYMBIOTIC relationship with the story we come up with. Oh, if you could see the grin on my face right now.

Alright, that's all for now. See ya' on the flip side, True Believers! 

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