Jerrie One-Shots

By For_Legit

679K 15.3K 4.8K

Yeah...the title is pretty self-explanatory. These are requested Jerrie One-shots More

Jerrie One-Shots
In The Morning
Choose Me, Not Him
So Wrong, Yet So Right
Tutoring The Softball Captain
I Get What I Want
Don't Play
I Know You Want To
Texts To My Heart
I Never Said I Didn't Love You
Fun Under The Sun
Hate That I Want You
My Soldier, My Love
Save Me (Part 1)
Save Me (Part 2)
Save Me (Part 3)
If Only You Knew The Truth
Can't Live Without You
Winning Her Over
Ghost Hunting?
Ghost Hunting? (Part 2)
Somewhere Only We Know
A Soldiers' Love Is Forever
In The Office
Steal A Kiss
She Came To Give It To You (Warning: Not finished)
Let Me Explain
I Love You...And Your Eyes
Be My Captain
Ghost Hunting? 2.0
Ghost Hunting? 2.0 (Part 2)
Black Magic
Insane (Part 2)
Trojan Princess
Meant To Be
On The Sea
Take Care Of Me
It's You
Winning Her Over (Part 2)
An Old Flame
Don't Let Go
She Came To Give It To You
Don't Let Go (Part 2)
Jerrie Time
Benchwarmer & Varsity
The Sisters
Falling Again
It's You (Continuation)
The Sisters (Snippet)
Put A Ring On It
I See You
Random (Part 2)
Wrong Room
The Sisters (Announcement)
My Hero In Shining Glasses
Communication (Beginning?)
Random Part 3
The Door
Christmas List

The Principal's Daughter

11.4K 264 122
By For_Legit

A/N: this is based off of: 'hey can you do one wher jade is a player and the principal at the school hires her (he's perries dad or something) to date perrie. at first jade it's just for the money, but then jade starts to fall in love with perrie, but then there's some drama or something like perrie figring out her dad hired jade' this was very interesting, and i hope i do it justice :) (it's also kinda long...)


Jade smirked when the girl pressed up against her let out a breathy and needy moan. She continued to bite and nip at the girl's neck while her hand traveled lower and lower, she hearing the girl's breath hitch when her hand slipped past the waistband of her shorts, her fingers teasingly rubbing to make the girl cry out and whimper.

Just as Jade started to push the girl's underwear to the side, the door to the janitor's closet swung open to reveal their topless bodies, Jade's head moving back from the crook of the girl's neck to make eye contact with a very pissed off looking janitor.

"Shit...", she muttered, disappointed that they were stopped before the real fun began, and also because she knew she would find herself in the principal's office (once again) very soon.


"I was walking in to get some supplies, and I found this one at it again!", the janitor explained, gesturing to Jade because this isn't the first time he's caught Jade in the act of pleasuring one of her many 'girl toys'.

"Cockblock.", Jade mumbles, and the janitor quickly glares at her, only to have Jade smirk back.

The principal sighs. Jade really is notorious for her 'hook-up's during school hours (and with half the population of females at this school), so it didn't come as much of a surprise to see her back in his office.

"You may leave now, Jackson.", he says, dismissing the janitor, and the man does as he's told after one last scowl towards Jade. Once he's gone, the principal takes in the two girls in front of him. Jade's girl of the day was fidgeting in her seat, obviously nervous about being in the principal's office, while Jade herself was swinging her legs over the arm of the chair, picking at her nails and being totally ambivalent. "Ms. Pinnock, I'm very disappointed in you."

Leigh-Anne looks up from her lap, nodding shamefully. "I'm sorry Mr. Edwards. It won't happen again." She was a good student, and the principal knew she was being serious.

"Alright, you may leave." She quickly gets up to leave, making Jade roll her eyes. Once the door closes, Mr. Edwards turns to focus his attention on the rebellious teenager in front of him. "Care to explain yourself?"

"I was horny.", she replied. She wasn't scared of the principal. In fact, she's been here so many times (all for the same reason) that he barely seems like a member of the staff.

"Ms. Thirlwall, this is the seventh time that a teacher or staff member has reported you having sexual relations with another student...and that's just this week."

"Hey, new record!"

"Ms. Thirlwall this is a serious problem!"

"You know what's a serious problem? Your bald head man, you should see a doctor about that." Mr. Edwards shakes his head and sighs. Jade is anything but respectful, so he doesn't even know why he's trying. "Look, dude,-"

"Mr. Edwards.", he corrects, and Jade makes a funny face at him to mock him.

"Whatever. Anyway, Mr. Edwards, dude, should be thanking me."

"Thanking you?!"

"Your teachers stress my ladies out so much that they're desperate to relieve some of it. Luckily, I'm there to save the day in the best and most satisfying way possible. I should really get paid for my services.", she explains, leaning forward to play with some of the pens on the man's desk, he quickly swatting her hands away.

"What you are doing is inappropriate, and I cannot accept that type of behavior from you."

"But you already let me do whatever I want." Jade leans back in her chair, her feet propping themselves up on Mr. Edwards' desk.

"First of all, off.", he commands, pointing to Jade's feet. She scoffs and drops her feet, much to his approval. "Second, I give you ten hours of detention every time I see is that not effecting you at all?"

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.", she says, leaning forward a bit in her seat. "It's not that difficult to get out of detention when you're as sexy as me."

"Ms. Thirlwall, are you saying that you are having affairs with my staff?!"

"No?" Mr. Edwards just glares at her. "Oh come on, it was only once."

"Ms. Thirlwall, you have broken far too many rules. I know that you are rebellious, and I know that you are obsessed with sex-"

"Am not!", she argues, but the man completely ignores it.

"-so I know it's going to be extremely difficult to get you to stop your bad habits. Therefore, I have come up with a compromise."

"A compromise?"


"What type of compromise are we talkin' here?"

"A good one, Ms. Thirlwall. Now please hear me out." Jade nods, so he continues. "My step-daughter is going through a tough phase at the moment. She's been diagnosed with depression, and my wife is worried about her. So, that's where you come in. I want you to date my daughter and make her happy again."

It's silent for a couple of seconds, then Jade bursts out into laughter, her face turning red and the vein on her forehead starting to pop out from how hard she's laughing. When she starts to calm down a bit, she wipes away the tears from her eyes with her index fingers.

"'Date'. Ha, that's a good one.", she says, still chuckling a bit, but her laughter stops when she notices that the principal isn't laughing along with her. "'re serious?!"

"I am very serious."

"Okay, woah, woah, woah!", she says, scooting her seat closer to the principal's desk so she can get her point across better. "I don't know if you've noticed...but I'm not one to 'date'.", she says, making air quotes with her fingers.

"I realize that, and that's exactly why you're such a troublesome student.", he replies. "So, that's why I'm making you date my daughter. She'll be happy again, and you won't be skipping classes to have sex with other students."

"And what makes you think I'll actually date your daughter?", she continues, the word 'date' sounding weird and foreign to her.

"Because I'll make sure that your grades for this school year end up as straight B's, and I'll make sure that you are not required to turn in any homework or projects for any classes. I'll also throw in a hundred dollars for each month you stay with her."

"What does she look like?", she asks, knowing that she doesn't give a damn what she looks like because that deal sounded so good, but she wanted to keep the principal on edge.

"She's actually a student here, but nobody knows she's my step-daughter because she asked me to keep it that way. She doesn't have many friends, and most teachers have reported that she's very shy and quiet in class. Her name is Perrie Edwards, and I think I have a picture of here somewhere..." He starts rummaging through his desk drawers, and exclaims happily once he finds what he's looking for, placing the picture of his daughter in front of Jade.

The first thing she notices are the girl's crystal blue eyes. Then the girl's marvelous cheekbones, all the way down to her heart-shaped lips. Her perfectly sculpted collarbones, and her full chest. Jade continues to let her eyes gaze lower and lower down the girl's body in the picture, and she feels a new level of desire take over her. She wants this girl...bad.

"How the hell have I not noticed this girl before...she's freaking hot!"

"Do you have any respect at all, Ms. Thirlwall?" Mr. Edwards is a bit uncomfortable with the girl in front of him shamelessly checking out his daughter.

"Sign me up man! I'll totally date her if that means I can bang her at some point!", she says giddily, already getting excited (and slightly aroused?).

"Now, Ms. Thirlwall, I want you to do more than just take her out and hold her hand. I want you to actually date her, like, the full thing. Make her happy and all that jazz. I don't want you to just be having sex with her, because that's not what a relationship is about. You are also not allowed to go sleeping around with other girls while you're with Perrie, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, make her happy and treat her right, blah blah blah. Now, can I go?"

"You are dismissed, Ms. Thirlwall. But also know that I have transferred you into her science class so that you can talk to her today, and also spend more time with her." He knows that she's barely paying attention to what he's saying, but it's worth a try.

"Deuces!", she calls over her shoulder as she walks out of his office, and he just shakes his head, hoping he's made the right decision.


Jade walks into her new science class with her trademark smirk on her face, everyone in the class having their eyes glued to her as she walks up to the teacher.

"Ah, Ms. Thirlwall, welcome. There's an open seat right over there." Jade's smirk grows even more smug when she looks to see that she's going to be sitting next to Perrie.

"Thanks Ms.", she says before making her way over to the lab table, the two girls across from Perrie starting to squeal when they notice that THE Jade Thirlwall was walking towards them.

The teacher starts to get into her lesson once Jade takes her seat next to the gorgeous blonde, dropping her bag carelessly to the floor as Perrie's table-mates stare at her in awe. Jade winks at them, then turns her attention to the principal's daughter.

"I'm Jade.", she says in her usual confident tone, holding her hand out for Perrie to shake. The blonde's eyes widen, and she slowly raises her hand to meet Jade's. Jade tries to ignore the tingles she feels when their hands touch.

"I-I know.", Perrie mumbles in response, and Jade can obviously see why teachers classify her as being shy and timid. "I-I'm P-Perrie." Jade feels something tugging at her heart when she hears the girl's name fall from her heart-shaped perfect lips. How could someone be so diffident when they had a body like that? How could she be so cute, yet totally fuckable at the same time?

"And I'm Brittany!", one of the girls on the other side of the lab table announces, clearly eager to get Jade's attention. Jade can see Perrie start to frown slightly at how the attention was now taken off of her, and she knew right then and there that there was something different about this girl. No girl has ever made Jade want to give her full attention to them.

"And I wasn't talking to you.", she says with a sarcastic smile before turning back to Perrie, her heart melting when she sees a small dimple appear when the girl smiles and quickly covers her mouth with her hand to keep her from laughing at the way Jade just rejected Brittany.

"Damn, you're hot even when you're rejecting me.", the girl says with a purr, trying to flirt.

"You.", Jade says, turning to the girl sitting next to Brittany. "What's your name?"

"U-Uhm, uh, Chloe.", she whispers.

"Well, 'U-Uhm, uh, Chloe'...get your friend to stop bothering me, would ya?" Chloe turns to Brittany, and Jade smiles proudly when she sees the girl whispering something to the other girl.

"Now class, you have forty-five minutes to finish the lab, get started.", the teacher says, and Jade suddenly scrambles. She wasn't paying any attention to what the teacher had been saying for the past twenty minutes. What were they even doing?

"Relax, I got it. You don't have to worry.", she hears a small voice say from next to her, and she smiles when she realizes it was Perrie. "But next time, maybe you should pay attention to the teacher."

"How did you-" Jade can't finish her question because Perrie is already standing and walking off to get the supplies needed for the lab. She wonders how the girl read her so easily, but she get's distracted from that thought when she sees a girl from across the room smirking at her. Jade subconsciously licks her lips, checking her out shamelessly as the girl runs her own hand up and down her thigh for Jade to see, trying to seduce the 'player'.

"If you could stop eye-fucking her, that'd be great." Jade's head snaps to the side, seeing that Perrie has returned. She mentally notes that it's really hot when Perrie swears.

"You jealous?", she says, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yes, I am. I'm jealous of her because she and her partner have actually started the lab.", the blonde states, handing Jade a pair of safety-goggles.

Perrie is surprised when Jade actually helps her throughout the lab, and she never knew that the brunette was actually...dare she say Jade knew what the chemicals were called, and she proved that Perrie could trust her to do the measurements. It was strange. Jade also felt as though the whole thing was strange. She's never actually tried in any class before, but now she felt like she had to impress the girl next to her.

When they were done, Jade helped Perrie clean up. Once they were done with that, Perrie started to do some of the data analysis problems on the back of the lab paper, but she noticed that Jade was back to staring at the girl across the classroom. She rolled her eyes, then brought her hand up to flick the girl's head.

"OW!", Jade grumbled, bringing her hand up to rub the spot that Perrie flicked. "What'd you do that for?!"

"You need to focus."

"No I don't."

"Jade, we're turning this in at the end of the period."

"Stop worrying about me, princess, and go back to your work." Perrie slightly blushed when Jade called her 'princess', so she quickly got back to work in order to hide her red face.

When the bell rang, all the students started to exit the classroom, turning in their worksheets to the teacher as they walked past her to get out the door. Perrie furrowed her brow when she noticed that the teacher didn't ask Jade for her paper, but she ignored it and walked off to her class.

Jade started to walk off towards her English class, but then remembered that there was an actual purpose for her being transferred into Perrie's science class. She was supposed to start dating her as soon as possible.

"Wait, Per-" Jade stopped when she saw the girl from earlier walking up to her, the same smirk on her face that Jade quickly returned. The girl let her hand rub against Jade's thigh as she walked past her with a murmur of 'follow me, Thirlwall'. Jade looked back and forth between Perrie's gorgeous body walking away, and the sexy girl that wanted her to follow her as she walked away. Her eyes took once last glance at Perrie before going back to focus on the other girl, her hips swaying in an alluring fashion.

'Fuck it...I'll talk to Perrie after school', she decided in her head, then licked her lips as she quickly turned to follow the other girl.


"You what?", Perrie asks in a shy and confused tone.

"I want to go out with you.", Jade replies simply like it was no big deal.

"We just met."

"Just call me Romeo, and you'll be my Juliet.", the brunette joked with a wink.

"You know Shakespeare?"

"Who doesn't? Anyway, we're getting off topic here. So...what do you say?"

"Uhm...n-no." Jade's eyes widen. She's never been rejected before.


"I said no."


"Because I know who you are, Jade. I know that you just sleep around with a bunch of people, and I don't want to be another name on that list."

'Remember what her dad said. A hundred a month. Now come on Thirlwall, get cheesy', Jade thought in her head, trying to think of the best way to convince Perrie to date her. "You won't be another name on that list, Perrie. Why do you think I rejected Brittany? I've never rejected any girl before, so that makes you pretty special."


Jade sighs in frustration, punching the locker beside Perrie to get her anger out, making the blonde jump a bit as Jade calms herself down. "Look, I know I don't have the best reputation. I know that the last thing you want to do is trust me. But, I really like you, Perrie. I like you so much, that even if you don't say yes today, I'll keep asking and fighting for you, no matter what. You're different from all the other girls here. It's hard to explain exactly how I'm feeling, because this is the first time I'm feeling anything like this, but maybe you can help me figure it out. Please, Perrie?"

Jade surprised herself, because that was pure honesty. Perrie can tell as well, and she's confused as to why Jade Thirlwall would want a boring and depressed girl like her.

"I don't know..."

"I promise I won't touch you inappropriately or anything. Just...please say yes."

"Pinky promise?", Perrie asks, holding up her pinky. Jade quickly wraps her own pinky around the blonde's, a smile on her face.

"Pinky promise."

"Now, you know how these promises work, right? You break your promise, and I get to break your pinky."

Jade gulps nervously at how serious Perrie sounds, but she quickly covers it up. "Well, then you won't be breaking any pinkies any time soon. Tomorrow after school meet me by my car."

She doesn't give Perrie the chance the say anything before she walks away. The blonde just shakes her head, wondering what she's just gotten herself into.


Jade kept her promise, and she continued to keep that promise the entire first month of dating Perrie. Yup, they were officially together now after Jade asked Perrie to be her girlfriend last night when they went for a walk on the beach. The news quickly spread, and now the entire school knows that they're together.

Jade proudly laced their fingers together when they walked through the halls. She caught Mr. Edwards nodding at her as they passed him in the hall, and that's when she actually remembered that she was 'hired' to date Perrie. She had honestly forgotten all about that, and she was only focused on making the blonde happy. Could she actually be falling in love with someone?

Some of Jade's old hook-ups narrowed their eyes at Perrie, all of them jealous that the sex goddess was all hers. Perrie was worried that some of the girls would bully her and hate her because she was now dating Jade, but Jade reassured her that she'd be fine, and that she'd protect her no matter what.

Jade dropped Perrie off at her first class, smiling when she felt Perrie's lips peck her cheek. She then started to walk off to her class, ignoring all the girls in the hallway that tried to send her sexy glances and looks. Now that she remembered what Mr. Edwards said, and now that she really cared about Perrie, she really wanted to change and resist temptation to have sex with all of the very willing and needy girls.

She was doing good so far, but she was really scared that she'd fuck up somehow. She doesn't want to hurt Perrie. The blonde has told her about her depression, and she's opened up about her dark and painful past. The girl has gone through so much already, and she doesn't want her to have to go through any more pain and sorrow.

"Ms. Thirwall to Mr. Edwards' office please.", a voice said over the school PA system, and Jade already had a feeling of what this was about.

She walked into the familiar office, however, she softly smiled to herself because she hasn't been here in a while, and she's kinda happy about that. Mr. Edwards smiled at her, telling her to have a seat.

"It's been a while.", he states.

"Yes it has. I also see you've been working on that baldness issue.", she replies, looking up at the hairs that are starting to grow back on his head.

"I'm quite proud of it.", he says with a proud smirk. "Now, Jade, I'd like to thank you for making Perrie happy. She doesn't need to take her depression pills anymore, and she's always bursting with so much energy...and it's all thanks to you. You've done a good job this first month." Jade smiles, proud of herself for treating Perrie so well. Her eyes widen when she sees him taking out some bills from his wallet. "Now, just like I's the first hundred for the first month."

Jade blinks a few times before reaching forward to take the money. She knows it's wrong...God, it's so wrong, but she can't help herself. Sure Perrie has changed her, but there's still that small part of her that's remained the same.

"Continue to make her happy.", he orders, and Jade nods before leaving without another word.


It's now been six months, and the happy couple were still going strong. It was summer time now, and Jade was currently at Perrie's house, the blonde cuddled up to her as they sat on the couch and watched TV, stealing a few sneaky kisses here and there.

Perrie couldn't be happier. She was going through such a hard time all those months ago, then Jade entered her life and became her hero, saving her from the darkness even though Jade seemed like the last person on Earth that would take time to try and help her. Jade was surprisingly the cutest and sweetest thing ever. She didn't touch or do anything that Perrie wasn't comfortable with, hell, they only kissed after the second month. Though, Jade's patience showed Perrie that she could trust her, and that's why she was ready to have her 'first time' with the girl she loved at the end of the fifth month (she realizing why all the girls went crazy over Jade, she was absolutely amazing in bed, knowing exactly where and when to touch her, and she had an expert tongue).

Jade never knew that she could feel like this for someone. She never knew she could ever become so attached and protective over something. She never wanted to let Perrie go, and all those other girls she used to sleep with never even crossed her mind when she was with the blonde. She'll admit it. She, Jade Thirlwall, is head over heels in love with Perrie Edwards. She'll always remember the night she told Perrie that, the way the girl's eyes widened as a smile started to grow on her lips. They cuddled up as close as possible that night, muttering 'I love you' to each other between kisses, both of them not remembering a time in their lives when they were this happy.

Perrie's father walked into the living room, smiling at the two on his couch. "Hello, lovebirds.", he said, announcing his presence, winking at Jade. Jade knew that he still thought she was acting, no matter how many times she's told him she wasn't. He even offered to give her a 'raise' because she was doing so well with pretending.

"Dad, leave us alone.", Perrie whined, her pout turning into a smile when Jade kissed her forehead lovingly.

"You sure do love Jade, don't you?", he asked with a small smile on his face, already knowing the answer.

"With all my heart. I couldn't be happier.", she replied, looking straight into Jade's eyes the entire time.

"She was a good investment then.", he said without thinking about it, and both he and Jade's eyes widened once the words were out in the open. Perrie furrowed her brow, looking between her father and Jade.

"What?", she asked, turning to narrow her eyes at Jade.

"I'm gonna go into my study.", her father whispered, leaving the two alone in the living room. Perrie leans over to the grab the remote and turn off the TV, scooting away from Jade.

"What is he talking about, Jadey?"

"It's nothing-"

"Bullshit.", Perrie replied, knowing her girlfriend better than anyone. She could tell when she was lying. "Tell me the truth Jade. Right now."

"Please don't get mad at me Perrie, alright? Let me explain until the end, because it's going to sound bad in the beginning.", Jade said softly, reaching out to grab the blonde's hand, but her heart cracked when Perrie pulled her hand away from the touch.

"You know how I was before I started dating you. A janitor caught me and this girl doing 'it' in the janitor's closet, and he turned us in like the prick he is. Your father dismissed the girl and the janitor, and he talked to me about how I'm so notorious for sleeping around and stuff. He then said that he would make a compromise with me to get me to stop having sex all the time. He told me about you, and how you were depressed and stuff. He told me that if I dated you and made you happy, he would make all my grade's an automatic B, and that I wouldn't have to turn in any work for the rest of the year. He, uhm, he also said he would pay me a hundred dollars each month-"

"HOW COULD YOU!?", Perrie shouts, getting up off the couch to distance herself from Jade. She was fuming at this point, absolutely enraged. How could Jade do this to her? How could she have lied all this time? "YOU FUCKING DATED ME BECAUSE MY FATHER HIRED YOU AND PAYED YOU TO DO IT?!"

"Perrie, you didn't let me finish-"

"I DON'T NEED TO!", she screamed, tears running down her face. She loved Jade with all her heart, and she thought Jade felt the same. Jade's heart shattered when she saw the tears, immediately wanting to kill herself for making Perrie go through pain and heartbreak yet again. She quickly stood up off the couch, slowly walking over to the blonde she loved so much, she looking like a kicked puppy when Perrie quickly took steps back to stay away from her. "DON'T GET ANY CLOSER! I HATE YOU!"

"I know, and you have every right to. But please, Perrie, just listen to me! I love you, I love you so much it hurts. Please, just please hear me out!"


"HERE!", Jade shouted, grabbing her wallet and yanking out all the bills Perrie's father gave her, she not having spent any of the money she was given for dating Perrie. She slammed the money on the coffee table. "I'll give it all back, I don't care! I don't care about any of it! The only thing I care about is you, Perrie! I love you! I didn't spend any of the money because I felt awful about taking it. I didn't spend it because I didn't need it to make me keep dating you. All I needed was you."

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!", Perrie shouted. She wanted to forgive Jade, she really did...but this hurt. How does she truly know that Jade wasn't just dating her for the prizes her father was offering her?

Jade ran forward and wrapped her arms around Perrie, pulling the girl closer to her as she tightened her hold on her. "No. I'm not going to leave.", she whispered into the girl's ear, trying to ignore the pain from Perrie's fists pounding against her chest to try and push her away. "I'm not going to leave you because I love you. You've gone through so much, Perrie, and I don't want you to have anything added to that. I want to stay with you and protect you. You're worth so much more than free homework passes and some money every month. I tried to tell your father that I wasn't pretending, but he wouldn't believe me. I'm used to it, you know? I'm used to people not believing me because of my infamous history, but when it comes to you, it hurts to hear that you can't believe me. I care so much about you, and it was never my intention to hurt you. Please Perrie, you have to believe me when I say I love you with all of my heart, with every fiber of my being."

Perrie starts to calm down after Jade's speech, her heart fluttering from the words that her girlfriend said with pure honesty. She leaned her head against Jade's strong shoulder, her body leaning against her as all the fight left her system.

"You can tell your father to take the money back, I don't care, because I don't want it. All I want is you."

Perrie lifted her head off the girl's shoulder, surprised to see that the girl was crying. Nobody has ever seen Jade Thirlwall cry. She lifted her hands to cup Jade's cheeks, slowly wiping her tear-stained cheeks with her thumbs.

"God, you're so perfect.", she whispers.

"No, I'm not.", Jade replies, quickly starting to shake her head. "I hurt you, and I'm the worst girlfriend ever. I'm not perfect."

"Don't say that."

"But it's true, and I'm so sorry."

"Jade, I love you. It was hard to hear that my father hired you to date me, but I trust you. I know I can trust you when you say you love me. You gave back the money, and you stayed to try and explain yourself. If you were lying, you would've left with that money still in your wallet."

"I love you more than anything in the world, and as cheesy as that sounds, it's true."

Perrie smiles before leaning up to press her lips against Jade's, the kiss slow and filled with passion as they both try to convey all their love for each other.

When they break apart, Perrie lifts her pinky. "Promise you won't ever leave me?"

"Pinky promise.", Jade responds with a small chuckle, linking their pinkies together and leaning her head down to kiss Perrie's, making the blonde smile fondly.

"Please don't make me have to break your pinky."

Jade laughs and pulls Perrie closer to her. "I won't, babe. I love you."

It was true. Jade Thirlwall, the school player, was in love with the principal's daughter.


A/N: sorry if it sucked :/

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