By PhoebeBuffay20

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•°•To Possess Is To Destroy All Possibility Of Love•°• Hailee Erickson :- A girl with a broken heart. A girl... More

Writer's note+ Character List


41 9 5
By PhoebeBuffay20

     ~The sense that you're not making.

        The liberties that you're taking.

            Leaves my cabeza shaking.

                 You're just un poco loco~


2 weeks. It's been 2 weeks since that cafeteria incident. 2 weeks since I talked to Ryder. To say I felt lonely would be an understatement. Crystal has been ignoring me because apparently because of her reputation she can't hang out with the "murderer". She said she'll get back to me when all of this murderer incident has settled down. I don't blame her. Now who would want to hang out with the freak and be pushed around with them? She is my step sister but that doesn't mean she has to do everything with me. I don't expect anything in return of her so-called friendship. She did leave me before so why wouldn't she now?

No one has bullied me or called me a murderer. Simply because they don't have the balls to call me anything and also because I only take bullying from Luke. Ryder hasn't tried to talk to me these 2 weeks. He sits beside in me in some classes but never talks. He just steal glances at me and goes back to his work. I wish he would just say something. But again I pushed him out so I deserve it. He didn't knew about the reason he bullied me. It was not his fault. Maybe I was kinda harsh on him. Maybe I should apologize.

My train of thoughts get cut off with the sound of engine shutting off. Since my car needed maintenance, Andrea offered to drive me and Mike to school. She took off her seat belt and offered to walk Mike to his side of the building. Before she could get out of the car I grabbed her wrist. She looks at me confused.

"Mike can you walk to school yourself. I need to talk to Andrea." I said,not removing my eyes from Andrea. "What are you guys gonna talk about?" Mike says, his eyes full of suspicion and curiosity. "Girl talk." I said waving my hand, dismissing him. He sat there stubbornly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Mike." I said, sighing. "I'm not gonna get out of the car until you tell me what is so important that you have to cut me out of it." He said. Sometimes he's and asshole. No sorry, make that all the time.

"Get out!!" I yelled at Mike. Andrea looked between us amusingly. "No! Hailee." Mike said. "Okay you wanna listen, FINE! Hey Andrea, yesterday I got my period when I woke up. Blood was dripping down my..."

"Okay okay shut up I'm leaving." Mike looked at us disgustingly, before finally leaving the car.

"Finally." I said sighing and turning back to Andrea. "I wanted to ask you something. So there's this person who is obviously new in the school and does not know anything about the bullying and all. And they just so happens to be friends with my bully. And they don't know to what extent he would bully me. And I don't wanna tell that person the reason why he bullies me. And this person also stood up for me but I still was kinda harsh on him. So what is the right thing to do here? I mean do I apologize or do I let that person apologize? I mean I'm kinda confused." I said finishing my ramble.

"Well if this "person" doesn't know about the bullying and this person also stood up to the bully even though the bully is their friend, than I say you should apologize. You were definitely kinda harsh on him." She said.

"Thank you And.... Wait a minute who said it was a he?" I said, trying to mask my shock. "Oh come on Lee. I know you. You never talk about someone in third person unless it's a guy. So what's his name? How is he? Is he good looking? Did you hit it off with him?" She said, her eyes thirsty for gossip.

"Oh no Andy. I'm definitely not gonna tell you." I said, shaking my head. She's wayyyy too thirsty for gossip. "Hailee and this person sitting in a tree..." Andrea said in a sing-song voice. "If you complete that sentence Andy I swear to God I will tell Chris about the time you peed on the couch while watching the conjuring." I said, warning her. That's her biggest weakness. Her eyes widened with fear and she immediately stopped talking.


I got out of the car and made my way to school. As soon as I opened the doors, all eyes turned towards me. I ignored their stares and walked to my locker. As soon as I opened the locker door it was pushed back hitting me in the forehead. Yup I was definitely expecting that. The culprit was none other than Luke. He walked past me challenging me into a stare down. He shouted "murderer" when he reached the end of the hallway and disappeared. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. That's definitely gonna leave a bump.

I slammed my locker door shut with a lot of force than needed and stomped towards English Lit class. Everyone got out of my way, as I was fuming. I went to the class and sat down at the back. A few minutes later, Ryder came and his eyes connected with mine. His eyes never left mine until he was sitting down right beside me. He gave me a hesitant smile. I smiled back at him. His tense posture relaxed visibly.

"Hey so I..." We both said at the same time. Awkward. "You go first." I said looking at my hands on my lap. "No you go first." He said. I inhaled deeply and looked at him. His eyes were swirling with anticipation.

"Look about the incident in the cafeteria. I'm sorry I was so harsh on you. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know the kind of bullying here. And I really wanna thank you for standing up to him but please try not to do that again. You'll only make it worse. Once again Ryder I'm sorry." I said, as I lowered my eyes, unable to maintain eye contact.

His warm, calloused hands covered mine. His breath hit my ear as I realized he was leaning wayyy too close. "You don't have to apologize, Rose. I'm sorry for not listening to you. And I wanted to hurt that bastard and smack some sense into him. Even though he's my friend it is still wrong. And I'm not gonna stop standing up for you. Because if you're not gonna do that, Rose then you might as well let me do it. Okay?" He said. As soon as I opened my mouth to protest he stopped me.

"No, Rose. You do not get to stop me from shaping my friend into someone he was." He said. I finally lifted my eyes to look at him. His nose was almost touching mine. My heart started beating faster.

I immediately dropped my eyes, unable to gaze into the intensity of his eyes. The bell rang making me jump a little. He removed his hands, making my hands cold again. He turned around and looked forward. As soon he caught me looking at him, he flashed me a dazzling wink and looked ahead as our most boring teacher came into class.

After half an hour I heard snoring from somewhere. I looked at Ryder to see him sleeping peacefully. His hair was covering half of his eyelids. His lips were pursed. He was snoring so loudly. I stifled a giggle as he scrunched up his nose, his bangs tickling his nostrils. His eyes opened, dazed. He sat up straight and stretched like a kitten. The action cause the girls to swoon as his V-Neck shirt tightened everywhere. I could faintly make out the six-pack he had under his shirt.

"Why the hell are we still in this class?" He asked a little too loudly and everyone chuckled, mostly the girls. Good thing the teacher was sleeping. Otherwise he would've given him detention.

"I don't know." I said after a few seconds. "Hey do you wanna ditch? It would be better than hearing Professor PittStain snoring." He said, looking at me with a hopeful expression. As soon as I heard what he said I started laughing. I covered my mouth so that no one can hear my hyena laugh and instead settled with slapping my hands on the table.

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. Ryder was looking at me with a strange smile. "Ryder it's PITTAIN not PITTSTAIN." I said looking at me, incredulously.

"I know. It's just.... It's been a while since I've seen you smile or laugh." He said, smiling. Okay he does not get to say that. Instead of calling him out on it I decided to keep quiet.

"So do you wanna?" He asked. "I'm kinda a nerd y'know. I don't ditch classes." I said. "Oh come on, Rose. Live a little." He said, leaning back in his seat. "Last time I tried to do that someone died." I mumbled to myself. "What did you say?" He said. "Nothing. If you wanna ditch go ahead." I said, propping my elbows on the desk and resting my head on them.

"What makes you think I'll ditch you, Rose?" He said. "Well there's only 5 minutes left so there's no use in ditching." I said. "Really? Woah! I sure can't keep track of time when I'm with you." He said, smiling at me. I frowned as I tried to figure out what he just said. The bell rang signaling the end the class.

I got out of the class and started walking towards my locker. I saw a crowd gathered around ny locker. I pushed people out of the way to see what was going on. My heart dropped at the sight. My whole locker was covered in blood. The words "MURDERER" were written with blood. But that wasn't what caused my shock. A picture of me and Landon was torn apart. Landon's face was covered in blood. And my face was ruined by making devil horns on it.

Ryder pushed through the crowd. I heard him mutter 'Jesus Christ' as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't believe Luke would do that to the picture of his own brother. The crowd parted as Ryder pulled me along and started heading for the entrance.

"Where are we going?" I said, my voice shaky. "I'm obviously not gonna let you stay here, Rose. I think that's enough torture for one day." He said, his eyes blazing with fury. I heard a distant voice calling me. I turned around to see Crystal running towards us. She tripped a few times as she was wearing heels.

"Hails where are you going with him?" She said, her eyes clearly showing jealousy. Christ! I'm this close to having a panic attack and all she cares about is the boy who's taking me home. Classic Crystal.

"I'm going home, Crystal." I said tiredly. I was feeling exhausted all of a sudden. "Then come with me." She said. I really didn't wanna be around her. "I'm fine going with Ryder." I said. "Oh so you're now choosing Ryder over your own sister." She said, glaring at me. Ryder's eyebrows shot up at the mention of my sister.

"For the love of God Crystal. I'm just going home. You can be jealous later. I can't deal with this now." I said turning around and getting in the car.

"This is the last time I'm ever gonna talk to you bitch." She said. I didn't reply, as Ryder pulled out of the parking lot.


He was silent most of the time. As soon as we turned in a street, a car started following us. At first, I thought it was just any other person going the same way we were. But this car has been following us since we left school.

"Ryder. I think the car behind is following us. Pull over." I said, my heart racing. "What? Come on, Rose. This isn't pretty little liars." He said, smiling at me. "No Ryder! You don't understand this car has been following us since we left the school." I said, my eyes frantically looking back. "Hey! Relax okay." He said. The car behind us started speeding up.

"Look the car is speeding up. Ryder please pull over!!" I said, yelling at him. "Stop screaming Hailee. Okay I'm doing it." He said, as he started speeding up too. The car chased us to the end of the block. As soon as Ryder tried to pull over, the car rammed into our side, sending us straight into a tree. A scream left my throat as the car zoomed pass us.

Ryder was breathing heavily. My throat started closing up. My heart felt heavy. My vision aas blurring. "Are you okay? Rose! Are you okay?" Ryder kept saying but his voice was distant. He held my face in his hands.

"Breathe. Just breathe." He said. I did as I was told. Sometime later my condition was back to normal. But then the tears started escaping my eyes. Ryder looked alarmed.

"Hey hey hey. It's okay, Rose. It's okay. It was probably some bastard from school trying to mess with us okay? Everything's fine." He said

"I told you to pull over. I told you. We could've been killed." I said, hiccuping. He pulled me into his arms, running his fingers through my hair, trying to calm me down. For the first time since Landon, I felt at peace. I pulled away, immediately missing his warmth. He looked into my eyes.

"It's okay, Rose. We're alive." He said. He got out of the car and called a tow truck. Instead of taking me to my home, he took me to his. His house was huge. It was a mansion. As soon as I walked inside, I knew I was gonna love this place.

"Doesn't it feel alone living in this huge house?" I said. "Yeah it does." He said, sighing sadly. "Where are your parents?" I said. "They're in New York. They live there." He said.

"Why did you bring me here?" I said. "To kill you, obviously." He said, smirking at me. I gave him a flat look. "Okay. I brought you here to apologize." He said. "Ryder you already did apologize. You don't have to do it again." I said, looking at him confused. "No just saying sorry doesn't cut it for me. Actions speak louder than words, Rose." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so what do you got for me?" I said, feeling excited. He lead me into the living room. I sat down on the couch. He sat on the coffee table, a few feet away from me. He picked up the ukulele from the table and strummed a few cords.

"So that's what it is. You're gonna serenade me with your hyena voice." I said. "Don't insult me, Rose. You might get surprised by my singing abilities." He said, smiling. "Okay then let's see what you got." I said, challenging him.

He started playing the cords. I immediately realized which song he was singing and I started laughing.

What colour is the sky? Ay mi amor. Ay mi amor.
You tell me that it's red. Ay mi amor. Ay mi amor.
Where should I put my shoes? Ay mi amor. Ay mi amor.
You say put them on your head. Ay mi amor. Ay mi amor.

He started singing the song from the cartoon movie 'Coco'. I started singing along with laughing at how stupid we both must be looking.

You make me un poco loco. Un pouqi-ti-ti to loco. The way you keep me guessing. I'm nodding and I'm yessing. I'll count it as a blessing. That I'm only un poco loco.

We both kept singing songs from all the Disney movies. I realized, that in that moment, I felt truly happy. I felt light. I felt free. And it was all because of Ryder.


Soooo did you like this chapter?? If you did click that star button and share this story!!

Question of the day!!

Johnny Depp or Leonardo Dicaprio?

Imma go with Johnny Depp❤❤

Leave your answers in the comments.

Until next time.

M.K 💖

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