Jjuice 🌺

By RockyyDior

5K 274 37

When your whole life has been nothing but a lie, but in order too reveal the truth you will have too Lie to d... More

Lil Youngn 🚺
Mr. Wrong🚮
Is it a Blessing 🙏🏾🤰🏾
Its a Boy or a Girl 🚼
Mr. Valentine 💘
Isabella Valentine 🤰🏾👶🏾
Just Friends 🤫
Deceit & Lies 😈
A fathers love 💙
The Ball💖
Forgotten past ⚔️💔💘
No more pain 🚮💘
Death Day☠️🚨
True colors 💔
New Me ???
A Bitches Prayer 🙏🏾
Stomach virus ??
Tell me were your Luv lies 🤷🏾‍♀️
Fall thru 🗣

My Best friend 👫

187 13 0
By RockyyDior

________ Its been 3 months sense I moved into this Townhouse, my father bought for me!!! Unfortunately Isabella has been given me trouble alot so when Zayne not working he comes an help out with her, he'll sleep on the couch if he gets to tired to leave Even tho it's a 3bedroom I don't see why he doesn't just go in the spare room!!!🤦

As I lay on the other side of the couch him an Isabella are sleep, and it's a cute sight I just have to take a picture of them!!!!💙

Click up, click up🤳

I get this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I see zayne or when I'm near him. I hate that I don't know much about him or the fact he won't let me all the way in, but he has never caused me any harm or Isabella !! I like him but I don't think he feels the same way he treats me more like a sister then some one he would want too be with !!!

Ring, Ring, Ring

"Hello, what's up Reni??"

"What's up, ckuz I got a surprised for you!!"

" Ok, what's the surprise???"

"I met, this guy who I think you just might like !!"

"Ok, you got me a blind date??🤦"

"Yah, give it a try it might be fun!!"

"Seriously Reni!! Blind dates never end well"

" Just give it a try you might just like him. But he wants you too meet him at this Restaurant downtown round 3pm!!"

" Okay, I have to take bella too my Dads house first so zayne, can do what he has to do today!!!"

"Ok, Yanii i seriously hope you have fun!! Where a dress something elegant is what he said !!"

"Ummm, ok !!"

" I'll be sending a Car for u so u can meet him so it will pick you up by 3:15"

"Ite Reni!!"

Click up!!!!🤳

Seriously I should of known I couldn't keep my love life private, I mean the blind date don't sound all that bad. I just hope he not so creep smh, Reni will definitely get a curse out if he is !!

"Sooooooooooo, you going on a Date??"

I look over too see Zayne & Isabella  staring at me, when the hell did they wake up!!! ( Ughhhhhhhhh, me an my big mouth most Likely woke them up)

"Umm, yah I guess my cousin hooked me up with some one. I mind as well it might be fun!!"

For some reason I could see the irritation,  written all over Zayne Face!!

" Do you think it's a bad idea zayne??"

" Nah, Yanii i want you too enjoy your self just be safe!!"

He gets up with Isabella in his arms and walks too the kitchen!!!

For some reason I feel like he doesn't want me to go ⚠️, he so mysterious when it comes too stuff I've been knowing him for 5 months an I still get a hard time out of him.  I know he don't mean too, but it's still irritating how he babies me and that's not fair because I'm 18 years old And i work an I do what I got to do for my daughter !!!

It puts me in even more of a irritation, I get off the couch an walk up stairs !! As I start too pack Isabella bag, zayne walks up behind me & holds me!!🤦🙌  I don't move away I like this warmth it feels so good like how can I stay mad at him when he just trying too look out for me !!
I turn around too face him, an are eyes meet we so close that if I lean forward we probably would be mouth to mouth!!  He tucks a pieces of my hair behind my ear an that moment I think he's about too kiss me but I'm sadly disappointed because all he does is kiss me on my forehead !!😏

I guess he'll never get, it i give him a faint smile an push pass him!!

"Yanii, I just want too keep you safe you mean alot too me !!"

"Yah, I know like a little sister  I completely understand zayne!! Let's just forget the convo ever happened ok !!"

"If that's what you want !!"

I see something in his face expression but I brush it off  my mind because i dont want too read into it!!

" Can you get Isabella dress and put her in the car seat please ??"

"Yah, wea y'all going tho??"

"My dad's house he wants too see her, so I'm dropping her off!!! "

I start too think to myself zayne hasn't met my pops yet, I think they would get along more then him an Dante I just hope Dante not there !!! That's a face I  kind don't want too see he calls an checks on Isabella from time to time an when Mr. Santiago has her he takes Isabella too see Dante!! Shit, I got a good idea I'll invite Zayne over with me seeing how Zayne will be paying a big part in my life even tho I can't really say in what way cause I don't know .. (lol) but I think it's best Mr.cortez been trying too be a father figure he really has and I can think him enough for it!!!

"Hey, zayne would you like too come with me so you can meet my father & his wife an maybe my brothers if they're their !!"

I see a smile creep alone his face, I swear his smile is everything!!!

"Yah, if you want me too meet them I'm down !!"

He takes my hand an squeezes it 😍, I seriously have too get over this feeling I have when I'm near zayne its obvious he doesn't feel the same about me. If he did he would let me in... Sometimes I wonder how I got thru all this with out him he has really became my best friend I can't picture my life with out him!!

15mins later we inside his truck🚙

" No driver today" I burst out laughing

" Lol, nah I can do things myself you know !!"

He winks at me 😉

"Ok, well let me drive I'll get there faster "

He looks at me with amusement, an gets out the car too trade seats with me !!

" I finally get too meet your pops, I feel special!!"

He starts laughing!!

" Well I mean I only met him the day of my baby shower the same day i went into labor with Isabella!!"

"Oooh, I didn't know Yanii that's probably a tuff subject for you!!"

"nah it's not he's, trying so I give him that it's not his fault he wasn't around !! It's actually pretty weird on how I got too meet him!!"

"how so??"

" Well hisb step daughter, is Dante's girlfriend!!🤦 "

"Damn, I know that was a tuff pill to swallow!!!??"

" Yah, because I haven't liked her for years she's the same age as Dante an I guess she's a better match for him!!"

"You really loved him, didn't you Yanii??"

I stopped too think too myself , because he was right !!

" I think love isn't the right word for it, It was more then love with Dante!! He was my biggest fan an I was his, I feal for my brothers best friend ! But I'm over it now its life an I've moved on!!"

I didn't even notice that I let a single tear fall, an at that moment Zayne was wiping it away!!

" You know, Yanii any dude who gets you would be the luckiest man & if he would ever leave you he would be a fool!!"

All I could do was smile, an drive off into the distance, because he was right. My mom  built a strong talented women an im proud too be who I am !!

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