Miraculous Phantom

By Natsu_D_Blaze

21.5K 572 343

Danny is caught in an explosion when he is trying to protect Amity Park from a bomb. When he wakes up he is g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22. The End.

Chapter 18

427 13 12
By Natsu_D_Blaze

Marinette P.O.V

"Chat about before. I'm going to tell you everything Master Fu has told me regarding the miraculous' and kwami's. I think it's only fair for you to know."

Chat looked up at me. "Wait, you know where they are from? I thought they just came from the miraculous."

"Well uh sorta but they were actually originally invisible beings. A sorcerer somehow found out about them. He sealed them to these accessory items and called them miraculouses. They have been around since the beginning of time." I told him everything I knew about them and our predecessors until finally that Tucker guy came out of the bedroom.

"So how is everything looking Tucker?" Sam asked.

"Well it was difficult but I was able to manage to make the ghost tech work on these akuma's as well, but remember even if we separate them, while they can't go back to normal unless both of them go through this thing, we will still have those shadowy things on the loose. Only this time we can go all out and kick their butts and not have to worry about the people who were in them."

"Ha! Good job Tucker! I knew you could do it!" Danny patted him on the back.

"I also took the liberty of creating a yo-yo that can go up against ghosts as well as a staff. Both of them have the original colors and everything of your current weapons." he handed the yo-yo and staff to me and Chat.

I held my new yo-yo in aw. I looked up at Danny. "That's it you are going home and we are keeping him." I joked.

"You have Max. Tucker stays with me." he laughs.

"Speaking of which we should leave him a note to say we needed to borrow equipment just in case things don't go back to normal." I said as I looked for a pen and paper.

Chat finds one for me and once I finished the letter, Chat found little stamps of a ladybug and a cat paw. "Our signature." he smiled as he stamped the letter.

"I don't want him to think he got robbed or something. This way he knows it was us and will assume there was a situation. I don't think he'd mind helping us out."

"Yeah. The joys of being Paris' hero's. Everyone loves us." Chat bragged.

"Lucky. I've had so many human enemies that it's not funny. You'd be surprised at how many ghost hunters are actually out there." Danny's town didn't seem as accepting about a new hero compared to Paris.

"Well it's time. Everyone ready?" I asked twirling my yo-yo's.

Sam put on the Fenton peeler and cocked the arm. "Ready."

Tucker held up his PDA. "Ready!"

Chat Started twirling his two staffs. "Ready when you are M'lady." he said as he bowed at me.

Danny just kind of looked at all of us. "You know the whole pose thing is a little overkill."

"This coming from a guy who sticks his arms in the air when he transforms."

"Shut up!" Danny sighed putting the fenton separator on his back. "Ready.'

"Let's go." We all walked out the door ready for a battle that could change our lives.

"Um...Tucker. Where'd you park the Fenton speeder?"

"It should of been right here!"

I looked around. "There's nothing here."

"Thank you for pointing that out captain obvious. It should of been right here! Don't tell me...did Ember and the Box Ghost get off of the speeder?"

"Come to think of it... I haven't seen them in awhile."

"Yeah I thought it was weird that no one was yelling "Beware" or flirting with Danny."

"She wasn't flirting with me."

"Either way we need to get moving."

Just then the Fenton speeder came by and landed with as much grace as an elephant.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I wanted to do a little shopping." Ember walks out of the speeder with some of Gabriel Agreste's designer clothes.

"The world could be ending and you went shopping....did you even leave money, or did you just take it?"

"I will let you take a wild guess with that one."

"Beware! For the Box Ghost has been updated with the latest fashion! Get ready for the new and improved Box Ghost!" he came out wearing the same clothes he normally does, only these were also Agrest line work.

"These are high end fashion pieces and you just ugh." Her normal self was starting to shine through the mask. As Marinette, she adored fashion expressively Gabriel Agreste's work. Only bad part was he might be Hawkmoth.

"I'm sure he wouldn't care about a few missing clothes"

"Let's just get going before they leave Paris is ruins."

"Sam your driving! Tucker your navigating. Ladybug and Chat Noir you're going to be on weapons. Ember you're with me outside. Box ghost..." Danny seemed to struggle with what to get him to do."Um...guard this box with your life!" Danny handed him some random box.

"I will not let you down!" the box ghost said as he lifted the box above his head.

"Don't cats have a weakness for box's? Don't get an ideas Chat." I teased.

"Danny do you have another box that I could play with?" Chat joked.

I laughed so much my sides started hurting.

Danny just tossed him another box. "Knock yourself out."


I wiped the tears from my eyes that built up, as I laughed. I couldn't help but smile. I had just gotten a really good feeling from being with all of them.

As we got closer to wherever we were going, we got swarmed by ghosts and akumas.

"Ha! Shooting these guys are easy!" Chat said while shooting. "Oops...I shot Danny...he looks mad."

"Well you shot him, what do you expect?" Sam pointed out.

"Alright so your going to want to take a right here."

I recognized the road we were headed down. This lead to the Agrest Mansion! "They are hiding out in the mansion!"

"What mansion?" Sam asked.

"Well the mansion belongs to the famous designer who, ghost rocker girl and box ghost technically stole from.

"Great. They better not of messed with my room." Chat said

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"Um...nothing. I didn't say anything. Don't question it." Chat fumbled on his words.

Well that was weird.

We finally got there and we all headed into the mansion. I hoped for once that Adrien wouldn't be home. I hoped he was safely lying low somewhere. "Don't let your guard down." As they entered the mansion something felt off. It was dead quiet. No ghosts or Akuma victims were around. "Let's scour the house and see if anyone is home. It's too quiet, something is up."

Danny went in with Sam right behind him Tucker went with the box ghost and Ember while Chat stuck by me. I kept my eyes peeled for anything suspicious.

"Just one sec." Chat ran ahead and punched something into the padlock. "There, we will be able to go through without anything going off."

"You secretly a code breaker Chat?"


"Well good because we don't want to set off alarms."

"Well I would of been able to do it but not without turning it off. You on the other hand aren't a cat like me."

"I'm a pretty flexible bug. I think I could have managed."

"Oh are you now?" he gave a sly grin.

"Focus Chat."

"Oh I am." He said looking at me.

I groaned. "On the mission not me."

"Right, right." he shook his head. "Mission. Not the flexible Ladybug. Lead the way."

We searched room by room until we came to the dining room.

"Is it just me or is it too quiet?" Chat asked.

"Yeah it is. Almost like no one is here." The picture of who I assumed was Adrien's mom caught my attention. I walked over to it.

"What are you doing?" he looked at where I was looking at.

"Something about this painting...." I moved my hands along it and found hidden buttons. A part of the floor opened up. "This feels like a trap waiting to happen."

"It really does." Chat seemed too stunned to even move. "This can't be happening."

"Well it's one of two things. Gabriel Agrest really is Hawkmoth like we said, or because he is super rich he has a hidden room."

"I really hope it's the second one."

"We should get the others first. If it is a trap then we have better chances together."

Danny and Sam walked in and it seemed like they just got done fighting. "So you guys have any luck in finding something?"

I nodded. "A hidden elevator."

"Here I will go check it. I doubt he has anything that can contain me."

"Unless he is working with that Vlad guy who you have said knows you."

"Well lets just hope he thinks I'm dead, and he went back home before I made the news."

I looked to Sam knowing she would answer truthfully and not be as stubborn as Danny. "How many times has he nearly died and Vlad didn't believe it?"

"He's actually only almost died twice before this. Once when facing the Ghost King, and another time when he went to gather ghosts to save the world."

"Okay change of question, how many times did this guy try and defeat Danny and nearly succeed."

"Stopped counting."

"I vote we send the box guy. It's someone they wouldn't expect if it is a trap. They wouldn't expect him."

Danny frowned at us. "Why must you two team up against me?"

"Well we want the best chances of winning. Sending you or either of us in might as well be a surrender."

"I would of voted for Danny to go in." Sam said.

"We need to know what we are up against. If he goes down and gets caught well they have part of what they want. If we go down first Hawkmoth has all he wants. If they aren't there then its safe for us but also bad news because we would have to start the search over."

"I'll go find the box ghost then." Sam walked off.

"Just me or does she seem angry?"

"Nope, she's mad."

"Any particular reason?"

"She's mad at me, because she thinks I'm flirting with you and Ember. She doesn't believe me when I say I'm not doing it."

"Well the only one who has been flirting around here...." I glanced to Chat.

"Hey! How dare you speak the truth." Chat protested.

"Maybe some girl to girl talk might change her mind?"

"Who knows"

"Chat stay here and don't go down either of you." I went after Sam.

"Look Sam if you are worried about losing him to someone you don't have to be. I care a lot for someone else so I get it. There is always girls, one in particular who is always trying to get the attention of the guy I like and I get jealous. I have no interest in Danny like that. He has just become a good friend to me. He doesn't care for anyone but you."

"Yeah, I guess I'm just kind of blaming him for disappearing on me, and what not. I mean I know its not his fault or anything, but he was ready to die for us. I just don't want him to die. I don't know what I would do if he ended up dying on me? I don't know if I would be able to take it. I thought he died once before. When I convinced him to go check out the ghost portal and when it turned on I heard his scream. I thought I had lost him and it was all my fault." Sam just stood there eyes tearing up at everytime she thought Danny had died.

"Well we kept him safe for you. Once this all over he will be coming home."

"I hope so. Amity Park has gone to the dumps since he's left."

"Well Paris has been a mess since he got here."

"Yeah. he can't leave, or come peacefully. Everywhere he goes trouble isn't far behind." she chuckled. "In the end though he always makes things right."

I smiled at her. "Let's go get that box ghost so we can get this all over with. If we don't hurry the boys will just get into some sort of trouble."

"Yeah they both seem to be trouble."

"Chat's a handful, but he always has my back."

"Same with Danny. Heck I can't count the amount of times I have gotten into trouble only for Danny to bail me out. Sometimes he was the reason I was in the mess though."

We finally found Box Ghost and Ember looting stuff from the Mansion. I groaned. "We need you guys to check something out so stop looting."

"Well we never know when we are going to find something good." Ember said.

"I the Box Ghost have found these cool shades!" he looks at Sam and I. "Beware!"

I groaned once again. "Just come on."

Hey guys, sorry for the late update I have just been too tired, or too busy to upload. Since I work overnights, I rarely don't sleep almost all day. It kinda sucks. I also know I promised that it would be done soon, or that same day several times...I think. I said it at least once anyways. There was also a time where I had to get my laptop fixed and it I couldn't remember the email or the password I used to get on Wattpad, so I had to figure that out as well. I have like four emails or something like that. I don't know why I decided I needed so many but I did.

On another note this story got ranked 3rd for Danny x Sam tag. Mind you its out of 24 other books, but still thank you guys! I looked at the others tags we have and we are doing pretty good in those ones too. We are between 600-700 for the other tags out of 1.5-2.5k stories. We have also reached 1.5k readers for this book. That's more than twice as many people who read my first book. Thank you so much, me and RoseMoon22 are very happy that you guys like this book, and hope you guys like the other stories that we are going to come out with. I will explain in more detail in the last chapter, of this book. The one after the story ends.

We couldn't of made it this far with out you guys, and I never would of thought that we would of even come close to the number one spot for any tag. Thank you all so much.

You also might of noticed that I changed my name, I didn't like Kurosaki all that much, so I decided to put Blaze instead because it sounds like 10x better than Kurosaki. So my tags will be different from now on. Also sorry for making you read all this A/N crap.


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