Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

783K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

All Rights Reserved
1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy

64. How to Cure a Hang Over

1.2K 48 20
By RebelleMysteries

Chapter 64

How to Cure a Hang Over


Jace's POV

"Well, here we are." I whisper, my eyes gazing around the neon scene called Fuzzy Holes.

"Well this place is banging!" Chandler excitedly exclaims, ready to jump out of the vehicle. I frown to myself. Skye is going here? Looking like that?

Like a shiny diamond of perfection?

She sure will be getting lots of male attention even if she was in a potato sack. 

I park a block away and climb out, following Chandler's lead. When we got there, Skye and her friends weren't in the line, probably getting an exclusive in.

I stood behind the long line and saw how some girls turned over and gave me a smile.

"Uh, Jacey Poo.. why are you standing there?"

"Because I'm waiting in line like most people." I gesture towards the people in front.

"Uh," Chandler huffs giving an eye roll, "You forget who we are and where we can go. We are superior for lines. Look, follow my lead."

I sigh to myself knowing what's to come. I followed Chandler as we past the line of a solid hour wait, when we reached the security guard Chandler smiled and flicked up his jacket collar.

"Hey man, its Jace and Chandler. You know. The Ultimate Duo." Chandler says with a put on deep voice while giving his most charming smile while leaning against the metal door.

The intimidating security guard stared at him. His arms pulsating even though he wasn't flexing. He looked down at his clipboard for a few seconds then looked at us. I swear smoke came out of his nostrils as he huffed.

"Nope. Don't see a Chandler or Jace here."

"Well.. we used to be usuals and we were pretty popular with the crowd. So just wave your magic hand and allow us through." Chandler remained with that smile.

I looked around and saw the impatient crowd stare at Chandler, a few of the females giving me slight winks and constant moving of their hair.

"Look Kid, you either stand at the back of the line like everybody else or be courted back to the yellow brick road that you can follow till you reach home." The security guard stood over Chandler, his eyes blank with no expression.

"Uh.. look." Chandler awkwardly shoves his hand in his pocket grabbing his wallet. "Will a $20 do?"

The security laughed, "You're wasting my time and the people in the line's time. If you're going to bribe me at least make the money worth it."

"Shit.." Chandler frowns quickly shuffling through his wallet, "I only got a card." He mutters to himself.

I shake my head, "I got you." I grab a $100 note from my wallet and give it to the security guard. The security guard subtly nods, lifts the red rope and allows us in.

"Thanks Jace, I'll pay you back."

"No you won't." I chuckle in return.

"I know I won't, I'm broke but I thought I'd still say it out of kindness. I can give you some Doritos though." He smiles with teeth in reassurance.

I laughed it off and continued to enter the impulsive room of Beats, Bodies and Booze.

Or in Chandler's case – Booties, Babes and Boobs.

"Aw Yeaaaaah Bud!" Chandler sings out in a thick aussie accent. I squint my eyes at him wondering when he went from a normal functioning teenager to a bogan.

I walked through the crowd and followed Chandler. His arms already lifting up and pumping to the music, I however was gazing around till I saw that beauty.

"Mm yeah, strongest you got Bartender!" Chandler shouts out.

The Bartender gave something that sparkled with green. Now I know my liquor but I don't know my experiments and this was already an introduction to Chandler losing his Dorito Mind.

"Chill there buddy." I pat his back sitting beside him on a stool.

"Aren't you going to drink Jace Daddy?"

I shake my head. "I'm driving." It wasn't my only reason, it was also because I was still in recovery from my car accident from reckless intoxicated driving. I'm very hesitant when it comes to alcohol, and if I do have any its in the smallest doses. I'm being gradual with it. I was stupid and reckless with my doing, I could never forgive myself if I did that again and this time actually hurting someone other than myself.

If I think of that, I think of Skye, an innocent in critical injury from a car accident and it breaks my heart.

I order a lemon, lime bitters and just drank while gazing around. A sparkle caught my eye, something shiny. I look into the complex body of people and see a girl dancing so beautifully. Her head leant back and her body moving in unison with the music.

It was Skye. I knew that almost immediately.

I lost my breath. Unknowingly I walked closer towards her, slipping through the crowd effortlessly. My eyes were stuck on her and only her.

I was a few metres away when I stopped. I saw her dancing with..

I squint my eyes for a clearer look. Carter?

There was nothing provocative about their dance together. Just two people enjoying the music. I don't mind Carter, sure he can be a loose tool sometimes but I always knew why. He was a lot like me than I thought with the same affection for Skye, whether it be protection or love. We both bonded over the fact that it was easier to go with random girls than face the one that we want. Neither of us spoke our truth on who the girl was, but mine was obvious- Skye. I never knew who his was.

I didn't know Skye was meeting Carter but then again, I think I saw Josh around. I guess they bumped into each other.

I just smiled to myself at the vivacious glitter of silver.

She's safe, she's okay.

I turn back around aiming to find Chandler and go home. It's only right to. It feels like I'm invading her personal time, promising to not contact her let alone, pretty much stalk.

"Chandler?" I call out near the bar.

I look around and walk through unable to find him.

I don't know how long I was trying to find him until I was face to face with two bodies moulding all over each other. One being Chandler, the other being a girl in a nude pencil skirt and a black top.

The girl looked familiar, too familiar.

But it was too dark to distinguish who she was.


"mm? Mhmmm, murble slurp." I cringe at the sound coming out of both of their mouths. Both seeming absolutely out of it and drunk.

His hands were wrapped around her waist, one of her legs were wrapped around his, both their arms and hands were entangled in all sorts of places. They were stuck lip locked with enough saliva to call it a river.

I cough loudly interrupting them. I was behind the girl, having eye contact with Chandler. "We've got to go."

"Ugh.. already?" He sighs, wiping his mouth of drool. I don't know who's drool.

I nod silently and watch how his expression of disappointment and distress glows in the colours of blue, green and red from the neon lights.

"Fine.." He sighs. "Here babesicle, that's my number." He gives a pre written small paper of his number from his pocket and closes his eyes giving her one last sloppy kiss. Before I knew it she had disappeared through the crowd.

"What a babe! Nice hakoona mabubas as well!" He slurs.

I support his back and lead his drunken self towards the exit. His entire body mass on me since he can't stabilise himself.

As we walked through the crowd towards the door, my eyes met a black hooded figure passing us. Piercing blue eyes.


He brushed by us..

I tried to turn to confirm what I saw but Chandler was too far gone. Bloody hell Chandler, if you're going to party at least start with an apple cider, we all know you're a light weight.

Might not be Dustin anyways there's a lot of Instagram looking dudes here.

Skye's POV

Pleaser - Wallows

I raise from my bed with a pounding headache. "Ugh.." Look, I didn't even raise half way before I fell back down and resumed groaning. "Why am I dying?"

A bit of sunlight peaked through the blinds only making me snarl at it. "Stupid friggen sunshine. Go away with your happiness and go jolly self."

"Well well well, if it isn't Skye and her unlimited amount of alcohol infused body." Ryan smiles brightly leaning against my door frame.

"I.. I.. wha?"

He laughs walking over. "There there, There there." He mocks, caressing my forehead. "This is a learning experience of what you should and shouldn't do. You also look like racoon."

I frown slapping his hand away. "Go away!"

"Aw.. so you don't want this?" Ryan picks up some pain killers and a glass of water on my bed side table.

"I do." I try grabbing it, one eye closed because it can't stay open.

He teasingly pulls it away from me only making me snarl more. "Don't think you do Racoon."

"You're such a poo face." I sigh, rolling over in bed so I could just fall asleep again.

"Ouch. Rude. Didn't have to go that low." Ryan sulks sitting on my bed and starting to poke me.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He annoyingly repeats with every poke.

"Whaaaat you sucker poop?"

"Hey Hey!"

I grit my teeth and pout looking away. What did I do to deserve such a lovely brother?

"Hey Hey Hey!" Poke. Poke. Poke


"You look like a racoon."


"You want to see how much you look like one?"

"No thanks."

"Here." Ryan says grabbing a mirror and placing it front of me.

Ew. My eyes drooped with black and silver, my face looked like it was melting and my hair was equivalent to a nest.

I immediately jump up and run to the bathroom locking it, trying to tame this beast.

Ryans POV

"Heh, knew it would make her get out of bed. Racoon."

Skye's POV

Last nights events were clear, well most of it was. I however, was standing in front of my naked self in the mirror fresh of the shower. Make up gone, gaunt looking inhumane creature wasn't gone.

"Fun fuggin tastic." I smile to myself in complete sarcasm wrapping myself in a towel and entering my room. Ryan had already gone. I closed my bedroom door and locked it, also shutting my blinds completely because the sun and I are kind of on a break.

I walk over to my bed and drank down some pain killers and sip the steaming green tea beside it.

Mm. Totally Zen.

I finish up dressing myself in trackies, a hoodie and woolly socks.

My head is going to explode and my body is going to break down.

"Knock Knoccck!" A male high pitch voice sings out from my door.

And then a harmony of multiple male voices singing out various, "Let us come in!" "You are sooo hang over!" "First Time For Everything!" "I too am absolutely hung over and they forced me to come here!"

I ignore the calls and wrap my hair in a towel, sitting on my bed and sipping on my tea. I don't want to socialise right now, I just want to focus on my breathing and calming myself before the migraine turns into a monster.

But they continued with their loud voices and horrible singing. I couldn't handle a little bit of sunlight, but with this? I am about to pull my hair out.

"We aren't going to stop unless you open up!" One sings out.

I feel like my brain is having a haemorrhage and I have thin breath because someone is stuffing my mouth with sand.  Fast Relief, the package says. Absolute fu-flubba doodling Lies.

"Better open up Skye, they aren't going to budge. And yes I called them, you can thank me later." Ryan sings out. I just sat there staring at the door in front of me contemplating.

Maybe I'm not hung over, maybe I just hate people. Sure I'm an extrovert but a lot can happen in 12 hours including distaste of human society and rather dying alone in a hole.

I'm not dramatic.

I'm just..

Wow, hang overs make you moody.

I groan with as much exaggeration so they can hear it. Opening the door I see the boys with big smiles holding all sorts of things varying from movies, teddies, snacks and gaming things. 

Arthur however was holding a bag of water bottles, a bag of ingredients, sport drinks, pain killers and a portable massage wire?

Heh. Bet I'm not the first girl.

"Oh Skye. You look terrible." Chandler smiles, him too looking like a pale wendigo.

"You too Mate." I yawn, nodding to them all. "Greetings you invasive people."

They all laughed coming through, each giving me a hug and a compliment on my looks.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm just going to.." Chandler in pretty much the same attire as me, plops on my bed and gets comfortable to sleep. I shrug joining him, I need to sleep too.

"Nope, you two get up! Its time for Hang Over Remedies!" They all smile, a little too much smiling.

"Now Skye, as its your first time for an intense hang over we are going to introduce the 3 methods of getting over a hang over which you will be doing through Arthur, Sammy and I." Jayden smiles.

"Skye.. don't do what they want.. trust me, it's torture." Chandler whispers to me, trying to pull me away from them, "I save you."

"Oh hush Chandy Bear, you'll also be doing it. Since when have we ever allowed you to get away with it?" Arthur laughs, walking over and pulling Chandler off the bed.

"No! No! I will sue!"

"Anyways Skye, Method 1 will be with me and that is exercise. Now up and change into sporty wear." Sammy smiles radiantly. Even his white teeth is too bright for me.

My jaw dropped and my eyes glazed, "you're kidding.."

He shakes his head crossing his arms together. "Lets go. You knew it was bound to happen, us taking you to a Hangover Joy Ride." He states already in complete sport attire.

"I'm not going to get out of this am I?" I mutter. Sammy and Jayden just shook their heads. Arthur was attending to a crying Chandler.

"Fine Fine." I upped and changed into sport attire in my bathroom, coming out with still a hood over me and sunglasses to protect me from that distrustful friend called sun. Chandler was also on his feet, now having changed in borrowed sport clothes from Ryan. I couldn't tell if he was still crying or not.

Kick On- Sticky Fingers

To Cure a Hangover- 1. Exercise

"Doesn't it feel great?" Sammy says while running.

I couldn't focus, I don't even know my surroundings. Every leap I took looked like my feet were collapsing under me. Chandler was having it bad too, he was already out of breath and sweat stains were evident in his underarms. 

We are 5 minutes in.

"Now just take in the fresh air, continuous deep breaths and exhale!" Sammy jogged with such energy and drive that it was inspirational. Like IG Inspo.

However, Chandler and I jogged like incompetent frogs on lily pads.

"Sweating out all that alcohol is great. Also endorphin is released when exercising and that improves and boosts your mood. Plus, losing a few calories is always good."

"What are you trying to say, I'm fat?" Chandler remarks.

"C-can't breathe..." I stutter trying to keep up with Sammy's lead.

"Right... I think I have asthma now too." Chandler cries out.

"You two are such whiney babies."

"Its good practice for you and Carolina then." Chandler remarks. I saw Sammy blush a little while still running.

"When do we stop? Or have a break?" I whimper.

"We'll stop in 25 minutes, half an hour is nothing so no breaks."

"No!!!" Now I was the one crying, pushing my sunglasses back on and tightening the hood on my head.

"Don't worry, when we return there's pizza waiting. Greasy food is great for hang overs, its absorbs all the alcohol." Sammy says.

"Thank god, I need some cheese in my system." CD mumbles.

I don't know how long it was when we finally reached my house but it felt like 3 days. I smelt horrible with sweat , grime and dirt from falling over. Chandler sharing the same exterior.

"Oh my god.. air conditioner.." Chandler yells out the second we entered the living room. Plopping on the couch he sighs happily.

"Get your cheesy ass off my couch." Ryan comments.

"No!" Chandler sulks, turning closer into the couch.

"Ahem." A cough interrupted. "Come here guys."

"PIZZA!" I excitedly sing out racing to the kitchen, Chandler having upped already to join me.

"Where's the pizza?" I frown, taking a seat on a kitchen stool.

To Cure a Hangover- 2. Carbs and Home-made Remedies

"Hello guys, now with me I love the variety of home made remedies." Arthur smiles excitedly. "I've always wanted to share this!"

"Oh no." Chandler and I mumble in sync.

"Now, no pizza.. instead you will be having crackers and toast." Arthur pushes over plates of bland toast and crackers.

"Can I have some butter with this?" I ask.

Arthur shook his head and kept still in his position, on the other side of the counter. "Normally when blood sugar levels dip, your liver reacts by producing more glucose from stored carbs. But if you've been drinking too much, your liver is busy metabolizing the alcohol and can't handle the extra work, so your blood sugar levels stay down, and you can feel irritable and tired. Which is you two right now."

Chandler and I both look up growling, taking a bite out of our toast with stern howls.

"And in both of your cases, you are animals. Now I will be making a concoction of scientifically proved supplements that help hang overs."

That's not good. Nope. Doesn't sound good.

Arthur took out a blender and began putting in all sorts of unflattering things. "So some red ginseng, some slices of prickly pear, 2 eggs, shaved ginger, borage oil, eleuthero and water." My face went grim staring at all that disgusting ingredients mixed into one.

"No, keep drinking water its good to keep hydrated." At this point the bread and cracker residue in my mouth was dry and I wasn't able to swallow it so I just kept it there. I think I'm only on my second bite.

Arthur began pouring the poisonous mix into 2 glasses. "Smells like.." Chandler cringed, "Oh god, that smells like the pits of my underwear."

I wince at the comment, grabbing the glass and smelling it. "Urgh."

"Its great guys, its healthy and good for the body, it not only decreases hang over symptoms but boosts uh.. some other things, I need to read into it."

"Are you sure this is healthy? I mean, if this kills us I bet our funeral expenses will be a bitch to pay." I stare at the brownish green filtrate.

"Yes, now come on guys you have yet to finish your toast and then you'll be with Jayden and I believe its video games."

"Oh my god, video games! Now that sounds like a good hang over cure. Lets just hurry this Skye so we'd be closer to freedom!" 

I nodded to Chandler, stuffing the remainder of the dry toast in my mouth and chewed. When finally finished I cheered Chandler with the glass of Arthur's concoction and sculled.

Urgh. No.

This is far from Amazeberries.

If there was the complete opposite it would be called, Rotzucchini.

I squeezed my nose together as I finished the remainder, whimpering when I finally finished. Chandler in the same state as me except again tears in his eyes.

"Good hey?" Chandler and I looked at Arthur while sculling down water, expressionless.

To Cure a Hangover- 3. Games

"Now now Little Skye and Baby Chandler, we will be playing video games." Jayden greets us.

Chandler and I were internally screaming and gave each other a high five. "So what are we playing? Mortal Kombat? Until Dawn? Super Mario?" Chandlers asks excitedly.

"It will be along the lines of horror, but something that will keep you more alert, your hearts pumping and you fully awake. It will definitely tick up some adrenaline."

"Oh my god, Sims 4 but starting all over?" I comment.

"No," He laughs, "We will be playing Resident Evil 7 on VCR."

I grabbed my water bottle, sculling and avoiding eye contact. What's with the torture guys?

I can't tell if I'm hungover or if everyone in the universe is mad at me.

"Now Chandler, would you like to go first?" Chandler pouts shaking his head, knees up against his chest in the corner of the couch.

I sigh stepping up as sacrifice. "I will be the one."

~10 Minutes Later~

"oh, I guess I didn't get much of the scary parts and pop ups." I sigh satisfied. "Definitely made my adrenaline rush and my hairs stand up, never knew what was to come."

"phew! So hopefully when I play I'll get the same. Sweet." Chandler says thankfully, getting the VCR from me.

~5 Minutes Later~

"Ah! AHHHHHHHHHH!" Chandler cries out, shooting all over the place in the game. He was unlucky, he's gotten 3 jump scares from the moist monsters and mutated Baker family.

Randomly a little girl appears and then turns into a death defying monster, "AH SWEET MOTHER OF DORITOS! WHAT THE FUDGE?"

If I thought Chandler was sweating a lot when running, I was wrong because right now he was drenched.

~5 Minutes Later~

"Fuck you Jayden." Chandler pants, wiping his forehead. "You purposely made me go through a shit ton of pop ups. I hate you." Chandler pouts turning to walk away.

"But Chandelier, you're sweating out all the alcohol. I'm helping you." Jayden pouts in return.

To Cure a Hangover- 4. Grease

Self-explanatory, grease absorbs all the alcohol in the best way possible.

"Here I am!" A lovely voice calls out. Jace comes out with boxes of fresh pizza and a bucket of chicken.

"Oh my lawd." I moan, walking towards the table. Chandler already beat me to it, jumping on a chair like an animal in foetal position and instantly grabbing a pizza and stuffing his face.

"Hello my Babygirl." Jace smiles, wrapping me in his arms and kissing my forehead. "How are you feeling beautiful?"

I grumble and mumble all sorts of indecipherable things but somehow he understood it all.

"I know the feeling. Eventually this becomes routine and won't feel too forceful. Welcome to the Hang Over Club and its Works." Jace says giving me a tighter hug.

"Do you have a method too?" I yawn looking up at him.

He's pretty.

He gave a chuckle and leaned in with a whisper, "It's Method 5, I'll show you it later."

I haughtily smile to myself. Oo.

To Cure a Hangover- 4.5. Hair of the Dog

After stuffing my face in all grease glory I had taken a shower. Exiting my room in a new change of trackies, hoodies and woolly socks I bump into a refreshed and post showered Chandler.

"How are you feeling?" He yawns ruffling his hair.

"A little better, still not feeling A Game though."

"Well... welcome to Chandler's method to cure a hang-over." He gives a wicked smile taking out a flask from his pocket, "More alcohol. Hair of the Dog- they call it. Numbs the pain and puts you on that previous buzz."

I laugh to myself grabbing the flask and inspecting it. I sigh and return it to his hands. "No thanks CD."

"And.. I'll take that!" Jace sings out, grabbing Chandler's flask and lifting it above his head so Chandler couldn't reach it.

Chandler groans defeated, "Every time.."

You & Me – The Hunna

To Cure a Hangover- 5. Sex

The boys are downstairs playing video games while Jace and I are in my room, doors locked, lip locked on my bed.

I sat on his lap while his hands roamed my back and under my hoodie. I wore nothing under the hoodie. "Oo. Do you always go bare under your jacket?" Jace whispers against my lips excited.

I cheekily nod in return allowing his fingers to roam my bare back and then towards the front.
"By the way.." Jace stopped us for a second and his gaze locked on mine. "You were so beautiful last night.. well sexy, and hot and.. oh my.. and I know it's bad that I went and saw you but I don't regret it because you were the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen."

I smile crashing my lips on his and interrupting his complimentary serenade. "You're not mad?" He mumbles in the kiss.

"No.. some part of me was hoping you'd see me in that dress."

Jace gave his cute dimple smile, licking his lips and lip ring as he looked at my face then down my chest, unzipping my hoodie further down. "What was your Hang over method?"

Jace smirked, putting my hair behind my shoulders and slowly taking the jacket off my torso with his hands remaining on my shoulders. Leaning in he began kissing my collar bone to my shoulders and then up my neck. "Sex."

I hiccupped with shock and excitement running through my veins. "There is no research that says sex will make a hangover go away?" I question breathless.

"Yes, but it will make time go faster."


I know. How relatable right?

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