Af hawkeyedhemmo

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"The Streak? What does he do? Run around naked to scare the villains away?" Doctor Emily Stone is a young sci... Mere

Chapter One - Wake Me Up
Chapter Two - Moving On
Chapter Three - You Can Fly!
Chapter Four - Bang My Head
Chapter Five - Cosmic Girl
Chapter Six - Kitty Band-Aid
Chapter Seven - Saving Your Bacon
Chapter Eight - Hey, Forget About It!
Chapter Nine - New Digs
Chapter Ten - Charlie St. Cloud?
Chapter Eleven - You Bet We Can Duet!
Chapter Twelve - Midnight Visitors
Chapter Thirteen - Friend or Foe?
Chapter Fourteen - A Mini Disco?
Chapter Fifteen - In My Head
Chapter Sixteen - No, it's Drake.
Chapter Seventeen - Christingle? More Like Chris-single.
Chapter Eighteen - 'Tis The Season
Chapter Nineteen - Busted.
Chapter Twenty - Race Day
Chapter Twenty-One - A Damsel In Distress
Chapter Twenty-Two - A Warm Welcome
Chapter Twenty-Three - Bacon Boy? Bacon Boy.
Chapter Twenty-Four - Breakfast at Tiffany's Mark II
Chapter Twenty-Five - Mother Knows Best
Chapter Twenty-Six - Heart to Hart
Chapter Twenty-Seven - That Ramen Kid
Chapter Twenty-Eight - My What Now?
Chapter Twenty-Nine - I'm Sinning Tonight
Chapter Thirty - Cry Me A River
Chapter Thirty-One - Girl Talk
Chapter Thirty-Two - Roy Pretends He's in Moulin Rouge
Chapter Thirty-Three - Martin's My Sugar Daddy
Chapter Thirty-Four - Not Quite 'Walking in the Air'
Chapter Thirty-Five - Worst Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Six - Déjà-I-Love-You
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Fight Club
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Dr. Dolittle
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Burn, Baby, Burn
Chapter Forty - Not My Kind Of Shot
Chapter Forty-One - Gary, the Fastest Snail Alive
Chapter Forty-Two - Papa Does Preach
Chapter Forty-Three - A Fool on Fools
Chapter Forty-Four - Birthday Blues
Chapter Forty-Five - Purple Rain
Chapter Forty-Six - Things That Go Bump In The Day
Chapter Forty-Seven - A Not So Super Day
Chapter Forty-Eight - Mr Steal Your Parents
Chapter Forty-Nine - Definitely Not The Band
Chapter Fifty - A Meditation Minibreak?
Chapter Fifty-Two - Oh My God, She's Back Again
Chapter Fifty-Three - She's a Maneater
Chapter Fifty-Four - The Heat is On

Chapter Fifty-One - The Cosmohold

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Af hawkeyedhemmo

"Come on, Emily, admit it! You're her!" James insisted, pressing his arm harder into my neck as I gasped in response, purposely playing a weaker version of myself.

"Get off of me!" I cried out, writhing to get out of his strong hold as I forced tears to spring to my eyes.

"James!" I heard a voice yell from the basement as the sound of footsteps running up the stairs became ever louder before the door opened and quickly closed as Brendan ripped his younger brother off of me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, rubbing my sore neck as it was now James' turn to be roughed up a little.

"I thought I made myself very clear. If you keep insinuating such utter crap about her, you'll be barred from this club!" Brendan shouted, slamming his hand down on his desk as he narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"It all makes sense, though! Your need for a rooftop garden, you coming here almost every day, and going to S.T.A.R Labs, your sudden disappearances whenever Miss Cosmic is gone, it all adds up!" James exclaimed, looking at Brendan and me in disbelief that we weren't convinced.

"Have you been stalking me?" I seethed, glaring at him. "Because that is a criminal offence, and need I remind you that my father is one of the best lawyers in the country and I happen to be friends with two detectives at the CCPD."

"N-no, I, well," he stuttered, realising the implications of his obsession.

"Get out of my club, James," Brendan barked, lightly hitting him on the back of his head as he obeyed his older brother's commands and left the office.

"Well, that's all I need," I sighed, running a hand through my hair in stress. "Sorry, a lot's happened recently. How are you?"

"I, uh, yeah, I'm good. It's been a bit slow here for a few weeks," he muttered, clearing up some of the papers on his desk.

"I'll have a think about it if you want. Maybe we could run something Cosmo endorsed?" I suggested as he nodded, finally taking in my dishevelled appearance.

"You look like you haven't slept in three days," he snorted, patting me on the shoulder in concern.

"That is surprisingly accurate," I sighed as I followed Brendan downstairs to our lair. "Dickbard Thawne has kidnapped my parents and sent a ten-foot meta-gorilla after me that has telepathy and some advanced agility by the looks of it."

"The fun never stops with you, does it?" Brendan weakly smiled.

"That gorilla beat up my suit, leaving me looking like had just escaped from Arkham Asylum or something," I shuddered.

"So you're suit-less?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Cisco's been working to try and patch me something in the meantime. He wants to do a complete redesign, but for now, I'm relying on my gym clothes and a bandana with holes cut into it tied across my face, but hey, at least it's purple," I shrugged, hearing him chuckle in response.

"And how's Barry?"

"Let's just say he's at the bottom of my list of priorities right now," I shook my head, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. "I'm more worried about my parents. My mum's been off of her support machines for four days now, she won't survive much longer."

"What about that old lady? Have you asked her for any advice?"

"What old lady?" I asked, scrunching my brows in confusion.

"The bald one and that moron dude," Brendan clarified as I nodded my head in understanding.

"Oh, the last time I went to the Cosmos it didn't go too well," I snorted, leaning on the wall opposite Brendan's desk. "I mean, I could give it a try, but I don't know how long it'll take me. I haven't quite figured out whether the time flows faster here or there."

"I'll let them know if they come asking about you," Brendan agreed as he gladly took my phone in case I was gone for longer than anticipated.

"Thanks. Hopefully this time I don't end up miles away when I land," I sighed as I prepared myself to enter the Cosmos.

Closing my eyes, I remembered the place I had been to before with the red, pink and purple swirling walls of energy that flowed like lava across the ceiling, walls and floor.

I could feel my feet leaving the ground as my body felt weightless, the sensation of pins and needles prickling my skin accompanied by a sharp tug at my navel. The strange aliments were quickly replaced by a dull ache on my face, caused by my body slamming against the floor as I had landed flat on the ground.

"Well, that's new," I groaned as I got myself back on my feet and looked around.

The room had changed since I had last been to the Cosmos. It looked more like a central convergence of the Cosmos as a whole now, with several large window looking structures that each had different landscapes inside of them. Looking behind myself, I could see I had come through one of these windows as the image inside resembled Brendan's gym.

"I really wish you guys had a help desk or something, heck, even an email address would be great," I grumbled aloud.

"What is an email, ma'am?" A voice called out to me as I swiftly turned around to see a green-faced alien wearing a rather magnificent purple silk robe.

"Oh, hi. You're that dude who was telling me about a prophecy I'm in, aren't you? Iquireus, isn't it?" I greeted, subtly rubbing my sore face that I prayed wouldn't bruise.

"Indeed, Doctor, it is I, Iquireus," he nodded, giving me a smile which contained extremely sharp and long teeth.

"So, what's happening here? Is this some kind of interior upgrade?" I asked, pointing to the windows.

"Oh, no. You're in a different part of the Cosmos than before. This is the Universal Rotunda of Gateways. These entrances can take you to any planet where there is a cosmic wielder if you so wish."

"What about that door over there, the red one that you came out of?" I asked, looking the deep burgundy door that had intricate designs of what reminded me somewhat of the paintings from the Renaissance.

"That one leads to other doors containing different universes, for example, the universe containing the planet where the Ancient One and Master Mordo reside," explained Iquireus as I nodded in understanding, though, it was rather strange that something as complex as the Cosmos could be dwindled down to a mix of window portals and doors.

"Can I go to her planet? I have a few questions."

"No, I mustn't, it is strictly forbidden to travel across the universes. You may only talk with those from other universes during a meeting in the Convergence," declared Iquireus rather forcefully.

"Well, isn't that great," I sighed with a shake of my head.

"Is there anything I may be able to help you with, Doctor?"

"Unless you can to tell me how I can find three kidnapped humans where my telepathy doesn't reach," I huffed, deciding to motion my hand for the red, pink and purple energy to morph into a seat as I sat down on my newly made chair.

"Doctor Stone, you forget that I am also a cosmic wielder, do you not?" Iquireus replied as he too formed himself a seat, this time a chaise longue as he laid down on it, his face directed towards mine.

"Sorry, I probably shouldn't be doubting anyone who's here, should I?"

"Besides, I am not a telepath so I cannot help you," shrugged the alien as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Good lord," I sighed, facepalming my forehead before regretting it as my face was still sore from my unfortunate landing.

"Doctor, if I were you, I would apply for your cosmic allowance to be increased," advised the green-skinned being as I looked at him rather quizzically.

"My what?"

"The access you have to the forces of the Cosmos," he explained.

"All right, so how do I go about that? Is there a quick turn around?"

"The office has a seven to ten days policy, depending on how fast the time flows on your planet."

"Is there a fast-track application? Heck, why do they even need an application process? I mean, who decides that we need one of those?" I asked, thinking about how preposterous the whole idea was.

"It's for a very good reason, Doctor Stone. We have to regulate every wielder's access to power based on their usage of said power. If one being has disastrous amounts of cosmic power and turns against the Cosmohold or their planet, it would be catastrophic, they would have the power to end all universes," Iquireus began to ramble before he looked up and saw my confused expression. "The Cosmohold is the council which governs the Cosmos."

"And I just fly and see dead people, when people can destroy entire universes? That's hardly fair," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest in dissatisfaction.

"You are fairly new to your awakening, some wielders have mastered their powers over a thousand years," muttered Iquireus as he raised one of his three eyebrows at me.

"Is there any way I can get more access while I'm here? Surely, the office can't be that busy," I desperately asked, not knowing what else I could turn to.

"We can go and see if you would like."

"Yes, please, Iquireus, that would be most helpful," I thanked, giving the alien a smile as he led me through the red door. "Also, just so you know, I don't want more power just so I can say so. I need this to help stop a very dangerous meta-human from murdering innocent people."

"Yes, yes, I understand your motives are for the good of your planet," nodded Iquireus as I followed him through a series of doors and hallways until we had reached what looked like the central hub of the Cosmos.

The walls were a pristine white quartz which seemed sprinkled with red, pink and purple crystals resembling the power that ran through the Cosmos like blood through a vessel. It was nothing like I had ever seen before, so captivating and even contained an element of familiarity as if it knew me and was greeting me like an old friend.

I continued to marvel at the stone as I could feel myself questioning whether I should touch it, whether I would be allowed to touch it. Deciding that I would be able to deal with the latter, my hand seemed to outstretch itself for me before my fingertips skimmed the angular surface.

Suddenly, as if it reacted to my touch, the point where I had barely even felt the quartz itself, erupted into a bright shade of violet, the colour bursting onto the plain pearlescent white stone. It seemed as if everybody had stopped to watch the tiniest of spots of purple dispersed around the entire room, cascading up all of the levels until it reached the highest floor.

"Oh my," gasped Iquireus as all eyes seemed to swivel on my person as I turned to face him.

"I, uh, well, I take it that doesn't happen much," I nervously chuckled, scratching my neck in awkwardness.

"Well, Doctor, if I'm not mistaken it was I who warned you about the prophecy," nodded Iquireus as he noticed that whispers had broken out across the main Cosmohold floor as he pulled my arm for us to continue our way to wherever we were going. At this point, I didn't really know what we were up to.

"Warned? I thought it was a good thing that I'm destined to align the realms of the living and dead?"

"I've already said too much, right this way."

"Wow, that guy's body is just covered in eyes!" I whisper-gasped, trying not to point as all of his pupils unsettlingly glared at me.

"Oh, Doctor, they are most certainly not eyes," Iquireus quickly replied with a sharp shake of his head. "This way."

"Where is it exactly we're going again?" I asked, my brow furrowing in confusion as Iquireus rolled three of his eyes at me.

"We have to get you registered first if we want to increase your access," the alien explained, gesturing to the sign on the wall reading 'Registrations and the Department of Cosmic Related Incidents'.

"Oh, all right, that makes sense," I nodded in reply as I glanced at the series of large elevators that seemed to go up for miles. "Why do you need lifts when we can fly?"

"Your powers shouldn't work here, it's to prevent fights from breaking out, you see," explained Iquireus as my lips parted slightly from confusion until I thought about the sense behind what he was saying.

"I suppose some discussions in the Convergence can get rather heated."

"Indeed," he muttered.

"Good afternoon, Cosmohold Registrations how may I help you today?" A yellow-skinned lady smiled, showing a distinct lack of teeth.

"Hello, Fetulia, Doctor Stone here wishes to be registered as a cosmic wielder," Iquireus told the receptionist as her eye widened in surprise once she had given me the once-over, though, she quickly cleared her throat nodded.

"Of course, come with me, Doctor," smiled Fetulia as she moved from behind the desk and motioned for me to follow her.

"I'll wait here for you, it shouldn't take long," Iquireus replied as I worriedly looked at him from over my shoulder as I was being rather forcefully dragged into what looked like a police interview room.

"Thank you!" I shouted through the doorway in response as the large metal door slammed shut behind me as it made a strange sealing noise as if a vacuum had been turned on.

"So, Doctor Stone, I just need to ask you a few questions to determine your role here in the Cosmohold. Every registered cosmic wielder must perform a duty to the Council which is to be carried out on your home planet," politely responded Fetulia.

"I understand."

And so, Fetulia asked me a series of mundane questions that would need to be given on any kind of form, such as a providing a picture, giving my full name, date of birth and the current planet I lived on. Apparently, just saying Earth was not a satisfactory answer as there are "many Earths," meaning that Fetulia had to scan me with some weird red beam that would answer her question properly.

"Doctor, I have finished these questions for a moment, but I must ask that you present your range of abilities to me in order for the correct position to be allocated to you," Fetulia explained as a projection of a keyboard appeared near the back of the room, the table began to recede into the floor, along with the chair I was currently sitting on, until it became evident that I would have to stand up.

"I assume that in this room my powers should be fully functional?"

"That is correct, please begin your demonstration."

"All right, here I go," I muttered, trying not to begin singing Peter Pan as I flicked my fingers outwards as my energy burst out of them, forming a free-flowing bundle around my hands. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Fetulia had started to type on her hologram of a keyboard.

I continued to demonstrate my powers by levitating myself and flying around the room a little before I discussed my connection to other energies and my use of them to map out various locations in my head, as well as my telepathy. According to Fetulia, it was very interesting that I could speak to and understand animals, as well as my connection to my sister and the land of the dead.

"Well, Emily, now that's been recorded we must detail how you intend to use your powers on your planet, as it seems that you are the only wielder for the planets in your system," instructed Fetulia as she continued to tick boxes on the hologram projection of the form.

"Of course, well, I currently do as much as I can to help the humans that do not have any powers. I fly around the city and mainly aid the emergency services with issues like bank robberies and fires in buildings and sorts."

"I think I get the idea, let's see what our systems come back with, shall we?" Fetulia nodded as she submitted my form and I assumed she was waiting for an algorithm to determine which position I would be best suited to.

"Congratulations, Doctor Stone, you have been awarded the position of Protector of the Cosmos, one of the most prestigious positions in the Cosmohold."

"What exactly does that entail?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"It's not entirely different from what you're currently doing, however, you may be called upon for assistance by the Council should a disaster strike a planet or universe."

"And how exactly will I be called upon?"

"Well, if we go back to the desk I can equip you with everything that you'll need," she nodded as the large metal door opened, causing my body to feel a little heavier again, signifying that my powers had been dampened.

"Awesome, thank you so much, Fetulia. I also have a question about increased access to the forces or whatever Iquireus said," I replied with a smile.

"That shouldn't be hard to sort out now that you're a Protector."

"Oh, so you're a Protector now, I can't say I'm surprised," muttered Iquireus as we had returned to the reception desk where he was looked rather bored reading through an intergalactic magazine on spaceships.

"So, here is your ID badge that will give you security clearance from the ground floor to level twenty, a Cosmophone which will alert you if you have been selected for a mission and give you information about voluntary task force posts if you are interested. For every mission, you will be paid for your services and increased experience as a Protector will earn you a higher rank and access to more dangerous missions, along with a pay rise."

"Cosmophone has a good ring to it," I grinned as I quickly analysed the ID card, grimacing at the terrible picture that had been printed on the corner before pocketing it. Now, the Cosmophone was a thing of wonder, feeling like a piece of electrified glass that looked unlike anything on Earth.

"If you want to know more about the information I have just told you, it will be available to view of your Cosmophone. Regarding increased access to the forces, I have put through a request and it has been accepted, so you should notice a difference once you are back on your home planet," smiled Fetulia as she gestured to the message that had flashed on the screen of my Cosmophone.

"Excellent, thank you for your help, Fetulia,"

"Not a problem, and it was lovely to see you again, Iquireus,"

"You too, Fetulia. Now, Doctor, shall we get you back to your planet?"

"Yes, I think so."

Iquireus led me back through the series of corridors as we successfully located the Rotunda that my planet was on. I looked through the strange window-shaped portal, realising that the location on Earth was set to Paris and not Central City. Explaining this to Iquireus, he turned the dial beside the window as the image in the window flicked across to the more familiar skyline of Central City. Bidding him farewell, I stepped through the portal, finally filled with hope that I may be able to locate my parents after all.


Okay so I'm very glad that we're all ignoring the fact that it's been nearly four months since I've updated but I am a sporadic author people

Also, I have no idea what the gif at the top of the chapter is called but I thought it was cool 

Hopefully half of my audience hasn't turned to dust lol

See you on the dark side,

Charis xo

P.S. I hope you guys appreciate the new cover lmao

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