You Are My Heartbreaker

By nelenawritesxoxo

34.3K 1.3K 200

How does it feel to fall in love again? To fall in love with your ex? Your first love? The person that shatte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

934 32 1
By nelenawritesxoxo

Rachel drove me back home as she had to meet up with Adam for dinner and I had to hand myself in to my parents for dinner. Or just to the TV and some Chinese take out or Mario Pizza, which not to mention, serves the best in town.

"Thanks sis," I whispered and giving her a hug, since the boys were asleep again at the back.

"Don't forget next time I need full story," she giggles, pulling away to her wheel.

"Alright... Alright..." I chuckled, getting out of the car to go into the house. Her car drove out of the driveway and into the streets. Man was I tired, once I reached my room, I flunked down onto my bed that was nicely made. But I was too tired now to realize.

Before I knew it, I think I fell into a coma rather than a sleep. I didn't even care about dinner, nor hear my parents come home. They were in their office working... Again. And I didn't even notice Demi in my room until I opened my eyes and a loud shriek left my soul.

"OH MY GOD DEMI!" I shrilled, clutching my chest and breathing heavily, "Don't do that! Holy mother pigs, I nearly shat some piglets from that."

She was lying next to me in bed laughing her guts out and clutching her stomach.

"Ugh not funny!" I rolled my eyes, standing up and fixing my hair, "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Hmm... Can't a best friend visit?" She toys, sitting up and balancing her weight with her elbows, "I'm taking you out! We're going to a party, my friend from the country club invited us to go to his party tonight."

"What?" I spun around from my mirror, fearing it was the same one of Nick's, "Where is it?"

"His house," she cooed, getting up now, "C'mon we have to go! His house is apparently ten times our shabby homes!"

I glared at her and giggled after, "Demi, we live a life of fucking princesses. You're the mayors daughter-- woah shabby house? My house isn't shabby, it's three times a family home AND I have live breathing maids standing."

Demi just laughs again, "Okay but his house is like perfect for a party & his parents gave him permission for this party... It's just by the hills!"

"Near a beach?" I crooked my brow to match my tone in the question.

She scrunched her and giggles, "What beach? It's up by the hills, there ain't no bridge there."

"Fine," I got up and changed into some party appropriate clothes before I left with Demi. My parents wouldn't even notice if a robber came in to steal some gold, so sneaking out at night was by far an issue. I could just walk out like it was a sunny afternoon and I go for a walk.

Demi drove again, she was a bit too pumped and excited for this party, or for that matter, to see the boy. Whatever, as long as she's happy. She continued to gush to me about the party and how's it's been a major issue since it was planned. And who knew that server boy was a rich ass kid that owned a mansion?!

And I swear...

From the bottom of the hill we could hear the speakers pounding the earthy atmosphere. I sighed as Demi barged into the house, and yes, it was just as if like she said. I followed behind slowly, like a total death. His street was filled with piling cars, I wonder how many people came? Well that answers my question as we entered the house, it was like a fucking club here.

The music was booming from the house and the backyard, he was just lucky this area was deserted and he had no neighbours he has to worry about. People grinned against one another in every spec of the room and some mingled in the proper ways while some outrageous and obnoxious imbeciles played some old time party games. Not to mention, tossing toilet paper everywhere.

"Demi, where are you going?" I tugged on her elbow as she was just about to depart from me.

"He's over there!" She yells over the music, at the server boy that waved at us cooly. And he as really hot in this new attire of his, shirtless and trunks.

Those abs... Like damn.

Demi gave me no option and just dragged me over to him.

"Hey ladies, I'm so happy to see you," he bends down giving me a kiss on the cheek then Demi's straight on make out.

OKAY! Selena, OUT.

I scoffed and walked away to a table that served some drinks, beer... Beer.... Beer... More beer.

OKAY! Now where are the good kids in this party house? I desperately searched for the kitchen in this downright big ass mansion for some water and something that will not get me drunk. I squeezed through the crowded people that hounded at one another, until I got my way into the kitchen. Great.

It was like porn in front of me, these two asses made out and practically NAKED, yea naked, as they made out. I groaned loudly, not like they could hear through the music. I went back to the beverage table and grabbed a bottle of beer.

"Damn stupid party," I groaned to myself and sucked on the beer bottle, I felt the alcohol burn down my throat. Man I missed this stuff, I think I was literally a party pooper, I sat there watching the party move on as I drank down the bottle.

After a while watching people shuffle around the party, I see Nick. Wasn't he at some rad beach party? And he had his arms around that miss universe, he laughed with his forehead over hers, and she giggled staring at him. They were by a wall near the corridors, which I had perfect view of. He leaned down and kissed her, his soft hands squeezes her side making her giggle and tug him closer to her as they made out.

Talk about fucking public display of affections.

I rolled my eyes at the jealousy that overcome me, I spun around from them after realizing how annoying they were such show offs on their relationship. It was a complete rub in to me, he could at least pretend he cared and do this elsewhere. Well it wasn't like he knew I was here.

Ugh, screw this jerk. I chugged down another big puddle of beer.

"Hey cutie..." I turned to some hot blond head, which looked a lot like Justin, "you alone tonight? I'm Jake."

I scoffed, and see a rude side of me, "And I'm I don't care."

"You're cute," he chuckles, leaning on the table next to me.

"And you're being annoying," I replied drying, turning to the party and watch young adolescent like us, get drunk or high.

"Fine bitch," he throws his anger at me before walking away. I rolled my eyes and took a few beers before walking upstairs. I stumbled a bit, well, I guess this is what happens when you don't drink for a while. One bed already has me down.

I saw a beautiful rooftop view earlier when Demi and I were going through the backyard, before we went back in to find her beloved date. I searched for the rooms at the back, which had me lost already through the hallways. And each room was used for sex.

Of course.

Wow. So he kept this beautiful view in the washroom window, stupid. I stepped over the ledge and squeezed my way out to the roof top that was slightly a slope. I looked down and made sure if I do fall, I would land into the pool. I sat down on the roof, stretching my toned legs out. The rooftop was compiled by black tiles, which felt cold against my bare legs but it felt kind of good against this heated weather.

I took off my jacket and laid down, staring up at the starry night as I sipped more of my beer.

Hmm... So many memories. I began to think, a lot of flashbacks come along as I stare into the night. Remembering how Nick and I used to stare at the stars in grade 9 for our astronomy project. He knew all the constellations and was so fascinated by outer space, he told me that one day he was going to be an astronaut so he can be closer to a star. I think that was the first time I really saw Nick as something more of a friend, his fascination was so refined and pure, that I really fell for that charm.

I smiled thinking back, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt me. Going through old memories was like stepping on your mistakes, that dagger into your feet, reminding you all the wrong steps you took in life. Looking back into our high school years, it was probably the worst.

Nick was always so sure of himself and what he wanted (FYI another reason that I fell for him), but when it comes to girl, he was just as lost as any body in love. He dated Miley, (a crazy popular bitch--well a sweet heart that became a backstabbing-mind craze-stupid bitch), but he always gave me the impression he liked me. And he did treat me better than Demi, and it was a very gentleman way too, like how you would court a lady.

Yea sounds cheesy but that was Nick. In sophomore year, we took things to the next level and began dating, but that was when he told me him and Miley had officially broke it off. And I, like, sure I mean as long as I'm not some mistress breaking up a happy couple. I guess what we shared was dating, he treated me to dinners and we went to do a lot of his hobbies most of the time, which I swear was not considered a date. We never held hands, like never. But we kissed, and that wasn't even public.

Which enrages me everytime I think back on it. But our relationship didn't last so long when I found out I was just a rebound, because on July 4th at his mom's barbecue, they got back together and he never called me his girlfriend, HINT HINT! And everything we had was literally thrown off a bridge that summer, I cried over nights to Demi about him and even my sister who was on her frigging honey moon.

Ugh! Then somehow I decide to give him another shot when this time it was definitely officially over between the two, she cheated on him with another douche. And he promised, this time around it was not a rebound relationship and so stupidly a silly girl like me, believed him.

But that was just until I noticed how he tried to keep our relationship a secret all through out. We had always argued on this, we practically argued over it throughout the entire senior year, then between the fights, we would make out and make up. But on graduation-

"I didn't expect you to show up?" I heard the familiar voice speak behind.

I nearly jumped off the roof from him, I shot up and threw a glare at him when I noticed it was Nick, "I didn't want to see you either." I scoffed turning back around.

"Selena," he leaps over the ledge and squeezes through the window to join me, "I thought you wouldn't come, since I just got a message the party got moved to the beach. I texted but you didn't reply."

I was staring out far away and not even looking at him, "It wasn't like we were going to talk, Nick."

"We're talking now," he chuckles, bearing his weight on his hands.

"Yea and the conversation ends now," I spat, getting up with my jacket in my hand and standing up to go back in.

He got up to and even grabbed me by the elbow, "Wait, Selena. Why can't we talk, just like before, like friends?"

"Friends?!" I scoffed, turning back at him, "when were we friends Nick? I think we've been through that and you clearly blew it."

"I didn't blow it," he jerks back defensively, "you know how I felt-"

"Bull shit, friends don't date and clearly, friends definitely do not date when they are unsure of their feelings," I spat at him, angry and pissed that this Jack ass had the nerve to come here and yell at me... Well talk to me.

"I wasn't unsure, Miley and I did were complicated," he complains.

"Yea and to add some oil to the fire, I had to lose a friend because I fell for you Nick Jonas and in return I was just a stupid rebound girl that did not know her place," okay, this must be the alcohol speaking on the behalf of me, because sure as he'll I would not confess this to Nick.

He stayed silent for a while, "But I liked you Selena, and you knew that."

"But you just didn't like me enough," I felt the tears come fresh now, "Was I not good enough for you? Was that it Nick? Or was it that I was such an embarrassment to you that you cannot bring our relationship to public. Oh! Or was it that you didn't want me to wreck your chances to reconcile with Miley?"

I left him speechless, because I was right. And I knew I was right.

Nick Jonas is never the one to be speechless.

Until now.

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