Life Of Kaia (Complete)

By tuillaxoh

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"I look into his eyes and it's a never-ending sea of green that pulls me in. I can't find my way out, I'm los... More

Before You Read!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Part One
Chapter 27: Part Two
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Must Read: Author's Note🌹
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79 - Part I: Kaia's POV
Chapter 79 - Part II: Ash's POV
Chapter 80
T R A I L E R ! ! ! 🎬🎥
ATT: BOOK 2 🎉👐

Chapter 75

197 21 1
By tuillaxoh

Saturday, 4pm
"You fell asleep?"

"Yes, I fell asleep Dani. Is it that hard to believe?" I exclaimed, pulling my new outfits out of the closet.

"Just admit y'all were at it for hours. I won't judge" Dani said, chuckling.

"Dani!" I gasped out loud in embarrassment; swatting her arm, earning a fit of giggles from her.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Dani walked over to see who it was while I decided what to wear. Now that I have all three, it's even harder to choose what to wear.

"Hiya Kaia!" Todd squeals, wrapping his arms around me.

"Todd! Finally you're here" I squealed back.

"I know. I've been busy all morning. Samantha and I were helping out at the Country Club and there was just so much to do. I just got back from Eastbrook. I'm exhausted and in need of a night out"

"Then you've entered the right room. All set for tonight?" Dani asked Todd as they walked over to plomp down on her bed.

"Oh, definitely. Just one question though, is it okay if I bring someone along?" He asked, looking between Dani and I.

"Sure!" Dani and I say in unison, looking at each other. I know it's going to be someone he's seeing, even Dani knows it. That's why she's giving me googly eyes. I want to laugh but I conceal it with a cough.

× × × × × ×
Saturday, 7:30pm
We just spent the past hour wrapping up the gifts we bought for Elena. I handed back a hundred dollars each to Dani and Todd, just because Ash ended up buying the jacket that we had put in for.

We could've wrapped up the gifts in 10 minutes but Todd left his back at his place so he had to drive back to get it. Then Dani realised we were out of tape so she sent Todd to get some. It was hilarious watching the last minute panic. Once everything was done we all had a good laugh at ourselves.

Now it was time to get ready. I had a shower before Dani did, just so I could spend a bit of time on my hair and makeup. I'm guessing James would be out tonight with his camera so we all kind of want to look good. As I'm doing my makeup, Dani appears out of the bathroom in her towel.

"Kaia, what are you wearing?" She asks, rummaging through her closet.

"I'm not wearing anything new. I couldn't decide so I'll just go with one of my party dresses" I explained. 

"You want my heels?" Dani asks, dangling them infront of me; knowing damn well I was going to ask.

"Mm hmm" I nodded, grinning at her.

She set them down beside me before disappearing again to go get dressed. Todd stood beside me and was styling his hair, smothering it with hairspray to keep it intact.

"Do you use the whole can or..?" I joked, which made Todd laugh in return and spray my body. I quickly moved away from him, laughing hysterically.

"I'm not done with you, Kaia!" He called out as I went to get dressed.

Saturday, 8:12pm
Finally, we were all set to go. Todd looked amazing as usual in one of his famous printed shirts but this time he switched the khaki pants for plain black jeans. He looks quite good, I must admit. Then there was Dani, the life of the party who always looks stunning each time we go out. Tonight she had on a strapless two piece that clinged to her body. The nude color made it look even more beautiful against her tanned skin tone.

"You look freaking stunning!" I gushed, looking at her from head to toe.

"Aw, Kaia. Thanks. I thought the skirt would be a little tight but I guess my workouts are paying off" she said, smiling down at her outfit.

"They sure have, girl! One selfie for the road!" Todd bellowed, appearing with his phone already on the camera app.

We took around 5 good pictures and 5 crazy ones before we left the room, heading for Todd's SUV. Ash texted me saying that he's already down at Cardo's and that he didn't know Elena knew so many people. I guess the place really will be packed tonight.

I hope I don't run into Yvonne again, it would be awkward after our last encounter. I wonder how she's doing though, after what happened with Alexis that day. I've been meaning to ask Ash if he knew about any business between them, but it's actually none of my business. I don't think Ash would answer. I hate Yvonne for what she's done to my relationship with Ash but I can't help feeling sorry for her. Why am I like this?

We were now 5 minutes away from Cardo's. The traffic was seriously bad right now, maybe because it's a Saturday night and everyone was out and about. Todd spotted a parking space few doors down from Cardo's so he smoothly parked his car and we all got off, making our way inside.

As we pushed the doors open we were immediately greeted by dozens of black and gold balloons and a huge Bon Voyage banner. The place looked incredible. The decorations looked like it was done professionally, even though Elena's mates set it up.

The tables were set up neatly, each one with a black covering. I'm guessing black is her favorite color. Why am I not suprised?

There were some familiar faces from school, mainly from Elena's class. The staff were dressed in black as they did their rounds, serving drinks and finger foods.

"This place looks amazing!" Dani bellowed over the loud rock music that blared throughout the place. It wasn't as loud as the music in the clubs were, but it was on a pretty loud volume.

"I'm gonna go find us a good spot and hopefully spot Elena" Todd said, leaving Dani and I by the corner.

"Drinks, ladies?" The waitress asks as she shoves her tray infront of Dani and I.

I was shocked by her attitude but when I looked up at her face, I immediately knew why she was acting like a b&@*$.

"Alexis" I scowled, glaring at her. How could I forget that she worked here.

She narrowed her eyes at me and smirked, trying to intimidate me.

"Kaia, I'm happy to see you. Tell me; how's that hot mess, Ashton?" She said, biting her lower lip. Seriously?

"Wow, Alexis! Still asking about him even after he dumped you? How pathetic" I snapped, folding my arms and narrowing my eyes at her. Thank goodness I'm in Dani's heels or it would've looked so awkward being shorter than her.

Alexis tilted her head back, laughing evilly at me. I'm pretty sure she's psycho. She looks like it.

"Oh honey!" She continued, giving me a sympathetic look. "I have Ash wrapped around my pinky. One call and he'll be back in my bed, all over me" she spat, flipping her hair over her shoulder with her free hand.

I wanted to slap her so bad but I didn't want to cause a scene. It was taking everything in me to remain civil.

"Damn girl, you sure as hell can talk. Can you do your job too?" Dani stepped in, waving her off.

Alexis gave us an evil smirk before carrying on with her tray, serving other guests like nothing happened. She even put a smile on that evil face of hers.

"Thanks Dani" I mumbled, looking awkwardly at the floor.

"Don't mention it. I've got your back, always" Dani said, giving me a hug. "Don't think about what she said, too. She's just trying to get to you".

"I know" I muttered, resting my chin on her shoulder.

As I pulled away from Dani, Todd reappeared with a tray of his own.

"What's going on?" He asked with furrowed brows, a look of concern washed over his face.

"It's nothing" Dani responded, giving him a smile.

"Alright, then. Well I've got us a tray and oh Kaia, Ash is out the back. ..waiting for you" Todd informed me.

Todd led the way outside and Dani held onto my hand as we walked side by side. I was so thankful she was here.

As I stepped outside, the air was cooler and the place was more relaxed than the restaurant area. The outside was decorated pretty well with lights hanging from everywhere. There were tables to the right, near the bar and couches to the left, which made it look like a lounge. Wow, I'm impressed Ash and the guys were able to pull off this much.

Todd set the tray down on the small table by one of the couches and immediately sat down with a drink in his hand. I spotted Ash talking to James in the corner, looks like they were sharing a cigarette. They were laughing, and it looked like Ash was happy. I'm glad. I may look like an idiot, standing here from across the room; smiling at my boyfriend who's having a good time and probably hasn't seen me yet.
But I didn't care, I was so happy that he was happy.

Dani and I walked towards the table.Dani with her eyes fixed on the drinks, and me -- looking at how hot Ash looks tonight.

As if on cue, James glances my way and smiles; nudging Ash's shoulder. Ash gives him a puzzled look before turning my way. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he immediately handed the cigarette to James, before walking towards me. I met him halfway and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me like he always did.

"You look hot tonight" I whispered in his ear, running my hand down his shirt.

Ash chuckled shyly, looking around before fixing his gaze on me again.

"Stop that now or I'll be forced to take you in my car".

I gasped at his comment and quickly looked to see whether Dani and Todd heard it too. Luckily, they were already in their element - on their second round of drinks too.

"You can't just say things like that, you know" I said, smiling sheepishly. It was no point trying to hide the fact that I was blushing, my face felt like it was already heating up.

"Oh baby, I'll say whatever I want. Get used to it" Ash said, smirking at me.

"Yeah, yeah! Let's go sit before Elena gets here" I suggested, leading Ash over to the couch.

As I sat comfortably on Ash's lap, I couldn't help but wonder if what Alexis said was true. Could he really jump back in bed with her with just one call?
I want to ask him but now is not the time, it would have to wait.
I shift my gaze to Dani and see that she was already looking at me with a worried face, I guess she knows I'm thinking about it. I give her a smile, just to let her know I'm fine.

But I'm really not.

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