The Movie That Changed My Lif...

By Louislovely

3.8K 107 16

Ashley gets hired to play the character of Ashton Irwin's girlfriend in the movie with all 5SOS boys in it. S... More

The Movie That Changed My Life (5SOS Fanfic)
Meeting the Boys
Training Day
Photo Shoot
Bad Days
Don't Worry
Surgery Prep
Award Show


170 7 0
By Louislovely

The next morning I show the guys my suite and then we go out for breakfast.

“When are you guys going to Australia for the premiere?” I ask.

“We have a show tonight and then we are leaving tomorrow bright and early. How about you?” Michael asks back.

“Not sure yet, we finish the first season today and then I have to find a plane there and back.” I tell them.

“I could get you a plane ticket so you’re on the same plane as is.” Luke suggests.

“Its fine I’ll just find one whenever.”

 “The premiere is in two days.” Luke reminds me.

“Oh.” I totally forgot when it was. How could I forget something that big? I was the one that even brought up the subject.”

“I’ll get you a ticket, just make sure what you’re bringing is ready tomorrow morning.” Luke tells me.

“What time?” I ask.

“Three.” Calum says.

We finish breakfast and then I head to set where we are doing retakes from spots through out the season the need redone.

Once everything is finished all of the cast goes out and celebrates.

I get to my hotel at one in the morning and pack all my stuff. I don’t plan on staying in this room or maybe even this hotel once I get back. I’m thinking of buying an apartment here.

As soon as I zip up my suit case I hear a knock on my door. I open it up and Ashton’s there, “The guys are packing the taxis and wanted me to get you. Need any help with your bags?”

“No thanks I only have a couple.” I say and then we go down to the lobby. “Actually could you take these to the taxi I have to talk to the counter,” I say to Ashton.

“Sure.” He says taking my bags.

I walk up to the counter. “Hi I know it’s a little short notice but I’d like to check out tonight.”

“That’s fine, Miss. Kat right?” The man asks.


“Will this go to the same account?”

I look out and see Ashton packing my stuff into on of the cars. He’s been paying the whole time? I thought it was just going to be a deathly big bill at the end.

“I guess.” I say and then hand him the keys and then leave the hotel and get into one of the taxis.

We get to the airport and on to the plane. I sleep most of the ride but it’s off and on.

We land and get our luggage, “Where are you staying?” Luke asks me.

“At my old house, I haven’t gotten a notice or anything so it should still be mine.”

“Alright I’ll see you tonight.” He says and then kisses my forehead, “Bye.”

And then he gets into a taxi and it drives away. I get into the next one and it drives me to my old home.

I unlock the door and entre the home, I turn the corner to the living room and Becky is right there, “I didn’t expect to see you here.” I say.


“I’ve tried to contact you but you wouldn’t respond.”

“You didn’t even come to your own mothers’ funeral.” She says with water in her eyes.

“I was out of town.” I say walking past her.

She grabs my arm, “She was my everything and you could care less that she’s gone. How could you be so heartless?”

“It’s called not being weak. Showing that kind of emotions is weak.” I say taking my arm back.

“My life has been hell and ever since you’ve been living your dream it’s like I don’t even exist anymore, as soon as you got that movie part mom didn’t exist anymore too.”

“When someone dies there are two things you can do, dwell on it, or learn from it, grow from to become greater than you were.”

“That may be easy for you, but it’s a little harder for me. I’m just going to go to Laura’s place while you’re here.”

“Fine, but just think of why mom’s death didn’t affect me because I never had her, you did.”

“But you had dad!”

“You know not to bring dad into this.”

“Why, because that way you actually have to show emotions?”

I walk up to her and slap her across the face. Her lip opens and a small bit of blood comes out of it.

“Careful,” She says wiping the blood off, “I wouldn’t want you to be weak.” 

“Get out of my sight.” I say and then she leaves leaving the door open.

I close the door and sit down on the couch.

I don’t do much until around 9 when stores start to open. I go and find a dress from the premiere. I find a strapless red sparkly long dress.

When I get home it’s almost time to start getting ready. I have a shower, then put the dress on grab a black purse from Becky’s room and a pair of her black heels that don’t fit her anymore.

I wait outside for about ten minutes and then our limo gets to my house. I get in and sit next to Luke. Other than Five Seconds of Summer and I, everyone else is getting a different ride there.

“You look beautiful.” Luke says and then kisses me on the check.


We get there and the guys get out first and then me. There are so many people here to see this movie.

We get to our seats and Lois, Emma, and Ally are already here. Calum sits next to Lois and then we sit down with Michael at the end with one seat left. After five minutes pass Laura gets here and sits next to Michael.

We watch the movie and it’s so good, but it’s kind of weird seeing yourself on screen. After we all go to and after party thing and take lots of photos together. We get a lot of ‘congratulations’ and fans even ask us to get photos with them.

On our way back to my house I feel a shiver.

 I say goodbye to the guys and then entre my home.

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