Sins Of The Father (TRLS)

By AlanaRiddle

808K 21K 5.1K

Complete with sequel published Roslyn has been given a very dangerous task by Voldemort himself. With her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Part:1
Chapter 9 Part:2
Chapter 10 Part 1
Chapter 10 Part 2
Chapter 10 Part 3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part 1
Chapter 13 Part 2
Chapter 13 part 3
Chapter 13 Part 4
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
If Tomarrow Never comes
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Facts and Sequel Trailer
She's So (Le)strange

Chapter 19

14K 331 75
By AlanaRiddle

      Today's the day. Leaving my kids alone with Maggie even for just a couple days was hard. Everything is pretty hard at this point. The exams passed quickly and to my surprise I did relatively well, but of course Tom exceeded expectations. Everything is going so fast, I thought as I packed up our things from our temporary home. I couldn't hold back my tears as I began to think of what was to come. I took a deep breath as I heard the babies waking up from their nap. This is my life now.

     We leave later today, we are officially Hogwarts Alumni. I would never tell Tom but I am so scared about the near future, especially concerning the orphanage. I guess I'm just trying keep a brave face and say I'm okay for the sake of Tom's sanity. I'm still so careful about what I say to him because I never know when he's gonna snap. I'm not sure how the whole ordeal will go but I'm sure the orphanage will welcome us. We are all underage, of course they have to accept us. I'm really going to miss having our own little place but this is just for now. Tom said he is going to get a job as soon as we move to the orphanage so he can get us a place of our own, and I trust him after all I know he will be able to get a great job with his grades.

   Tom is so much more than I expected and I know it's because ha has his ability to love. I know he has been awful to me a few times in the past but there have been amazing times too, and I know he's trying. You can give someone back their ability to love but remember even the worst people you've ever met can love, they just refuse to. I know he was reluctant at first and maybe he still is about letting me in, but I know for a fact that he's trying to, and that's all I care about. For the first time I felt like he truly cared for me and my well-being. He watches out for me and and asks if I need anything. He's even been trying to get close with the twins. He is so amazing with them it's honestly a little surprising. I know the twins weren't conceived in an conventional manner or under ideal circumstances, but they are still ours no matter how you look at it. Raven and Scarlett are a piece of both him and I. They are our children and nothing they or anyone else can say or do will ever change that.

Tom is out having a meeting with his followers and I'm here packing all our things with the help of magic. Tom and I have gotten so close to where all of his things are mine and my things are his. We share everything and I wouldn't have it any other way. His night shirt is my night shirt and my quills are his quills and everything in between. I didn't think we'd be able to have a real husband and wife relationship but this is slowly developing into one. Well as real as it can get with how it came to be. There's no scandalous romance but I think it's deeper than that. We actually go to each other for things like advice and we talk about how our day is. In the course of a few weeks we actually made more progress than in the beginning 9 months. I'm not sure if it has more to do with his full ability to love being restored or maybe it's something deeper, something to do with respect and the bond between spouses. It's more than I could've ever imagined from him even with his curse removed. I sent a letter to the orphanage some days back explaining our situation. Something long the lines of their current tenant Tom Riddle now having a family that requires room and board. Nothing too bad right? It worries me that I haven't received a reply but at least they'll be informed about us before we arrive later today.  I'm assuming that of course muggles do owl letters. They have no return address. I must be going absolutely bonkers with all that I've had on my plate lately.

Tom was finally back and I noticed some dirt on his white button up shirt. "Trip to the forbidden Forrest?" I asked absentmindedly. He sort of grunted in response. I didn't press further as he shrunk most of our things and stuck them in his pocket. I know he doesn't want to go back the orphanage, especially with the kids and I. I sighed as I got the children ready to go. "Everything will be fine," I said to Tom as I noticed his flustered state. "I know," He said as he picked up the children in their carriers before he existed the empty home. A quick walk around to make sure we weren't forgetting anything and then I'm off. This is the place I had my children, the place I died and came back to life in, the place I met and married young Voldemort and the place that pushed me head on into my new life. Some of the most important events in my life so far happened here at this school. Goodbye Hogwarts, I thought as I exited the room and followed Tom through the school and to the carts drawn by invisible beasts that would take us one step closer to our new temporary home.

Tom set the carriers inside the carriage carefully before helping me in. Tom glared at a girl that tried to enter the cart after him causing her to walk right back out. A laugh escaped my lips as I watched this small altercation. "You're too much Tom," I said as he sat down next to me. "I suppose so," He said absentmindedly. "I can't believe you're my husband." I groaned jokingly. "There are many things I can't believe at this point." He said whilst staring out into the woods. "Like?" I asked curiously. "I'm a husband and father, and I'm taking my wife and children to live in an orphanage, and no more." I frowned at this. I knew he was disappointed in himself for not being able to provide us with a better place to stay instead of his dreaded orphanage. On top of that he is leaving the only place he thought of as his home since he was a first year. "It's only temporary Tom. I believe in you I know what you are capable of I've seen it and you will conquer all. Everyone starts somewhere even the greatest wizard of all time." I said already seeing my words had an effect on him and in an instant he perked up. As I noticed early in our relationship he responds best with recovering the motherly love he never got as a child and I'm just the person to give it to him. He also loves his ego stroked very often. I also know he loves when I refer to him as the greatest wizard of all time, after all his ego really is something else. "I am already so proud of you." I continued honestly. "You're a great father and husband and that's all that matters to me." I said before kissing his cheek. He stared at me with an emotion swimming in his eyes that I can only explain as pure admiration. I also feel very accomplished knowing I just talked him of the edge, and I pride my self in knowing just what to say to make his day. "You're a good girl, Roslyn." He said with a smirk as the cart came to a halt. I offered him a smile as we began to board the great vessel that we'd be on for a while.

Finally we were situated in our compartment and maybe I'll be able to relax a little before we get to muggle London. However Ray and Scar had other ideas, and began to grow restless. I know they're hungry, but I'm a little shy to breast feed in front of Tom. He always gets a bit uncomfortable when I fed the kids in front of him only because I was usually shirtless. He usually walks away but he's gotten used to it. I guess I don't see what the big deal is, after all we're married and I'm his and he is mine and that includes our bodies. He was polite about it and gentlemanly he never stares or makes me uncomfortable, he usually keeps himself preoccupied. Tom didn't flinch as I slipped off my jumper and began to unbutton my blouse. With a wave of his wand the windows were covered as he saw what I was doing. "I hope no one comes in," I said as I slipped off my bra. "They wouldn't dare," Tom mumbled keeping his eyes stuck to the book in his lap. I guess I do feel a little uncomfortable being shirtless in front of him but he never really looked or at least I never notice him stare that is until I looked up and saw him looking at me as if absorbing my image into memory. I sort of gasped and turned to the side covering what I could. It's just a shock is all, I wasn't expecting that. "Tom," I exclaimed uncomfortably. "What's the use of having an alluring wife if I'm not aloud to look at her." He smirked to which I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well you never do really," I said timidly as he went back to reading. "Oh I do." He said as I blushed intensely at his comments. I mean he's been in the room while I'm feeding the twins a few times but I just ignored it thinking he couldn't care less. "This is a beautiful thing, it's natural you pervert." I said as I began feeding the twins. "Yes dear I know," He said sarcastically looking at me and for a brief moment catching my stare. It wasn't so much awkward as it was almost sensual. It was interrupted quickly though by the door opening causing me to gasp and Tom to jump up confronting the person. He stopped the door in its tracks as to not expose me to anyone. I'm a bit flustered from our little moment we had but I keep reminding myself that he's my husband and it's okay, this is normal. With one look at Tom I could tell he was seething and that whoever was on the other side of the door was getting and ear full. It must be one of his followers. He turned to me briefly to say he'd be back before exiting hastily. I sighed as the tension in the air evaporated as he left. Dare I say it was sexual? I don't know if we've ever had a moment like this before. It's just bizarre that it happened while we were with the babies. I wonder if he ever thinks about being that way with me. I mean like how actual spouses are with each other. Would it be too strange for our relationship to grow into something more than fondness? I pondered this as I placed the twins in their carriers as I put my shirt back on. Maybe I'm still just experiencing a high level of hormones gone haywire from my recent pregnancy. These are sinful thoughts that have invaded my mind.

I really have to use the restroom but Tom is still gone and I will not leave my babies alone. They were calm and just staring mindlessly above them without a care in the world, the most beautiful babies I have ever set my eyes upon and they are mine. These two beauties depended on me for everything and though it intimidates me a bit I love it more than anything. I stroked Ravens little cheek and smiled. They smell so good! I'll never get enough of the new baby smell. Just then Tom came back in and sat down. "What was that about?" I asked. "Foolish business, pay no mind." He said, picking up his book again. "I'm going to head to the restroom," I said before exiting our compartment. I ran into Milly and the girls on the way back and I decided to stay for a bit. It's nice to gain a little separation and just have some girl chat. They had so many questions, after all I've hardly seen them since I gave birth to the twins. Some of them acted odd towards me but I paid no mind more so because Milly is an absolute gem. She's a true friend I wonder if I'll ever see her again. I finally excused myself and we said our goodbyes, Tom must think I've gotten lost.

I was prepared to enter a room of cries and groans but to my surprise there was complete silence. In front of me was my gorgeous twins napping in the arms of my sleeping husband. I couldn't help but smile at this beautiful sight. I sat across from them, absorbing the image into memory. After a while I got a little restless as I'm always tending to at least one the three sleepyheads. My purse was the only thing I had that wasn't shrunk or in the luggage portion. I dug Into it for something to do but all I have are breath mints and a broken hair tie among other worthless things. I spotted the book Tom was reading and picked it up. "Objects of the dark," I quietly read aloud. I noticed something sticking out from the book so I curiously slipped out the paper between the pages and saw it was a letter approving Tom for employment. I smiled excitedly upon learning that Tom was employed until I saw where it was at- Borgin and Burke's. How could he even think about working there when I know for a fact he could easily become an auror or something and work within the ministry of magic. He would being making way more money than he would working at this thrift shop of dark objects.

  I grinded my teeth in anger and frustration, at this rate we'll be stuck living in the orphanage until they kick us out for turning 18! We'll be living on the streets. How could he be so selfish?! He obviously is doing this so he can feed his obsession with the dark arts. I grumbled as I angrily stuck the paper back into the book and tossed it to the ground. We are definitely having a serious talk later on about this. Borgin and Burke can kindly bend over and kiss my arse. I won't hear any bit of this nonsense. If he thinks I'm going to be okay with this he has another thing coming. No more shirtless shots for him that's for sure. That's right I'm holding back the good stuff until I get some answers. He better have a pretty good explanation for this. I'm far to grumpy I need a nap. Wool's Orphanage here we come.

Anyone here a mommy?
1k reads wow that's so awesome! I'm so happy you guys chose to give my book a read! I have great stuff in store for this book including a sequel in the future. Please remember to vote and comment because I appreciate it so very much.

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