30 Day OTP Challenge

By ArceusInsanity

4.9K 287 139

My Ship is Blue x Green x Red x Shadow x Vio. So I will be doing the parts and building up to the grand final... More

Day 1 Holding Hands (Blue x Green)
Day 2 Cuddling Somewhere (Blue x Red)
Day 3 Gaming/ Watching a Movie (Blue x Shadow)
Day 4 On a date (Blue x Vio)
Day 5 Kissing (Green x Red)
Day 6 Wearing Each Other's Clothes (Shadow x Green)
Day 7 Cosplaying (Green x Vio)
Day 9 Hanging Out With Friends (Vio x Red)
Day 10 Animal Ears (Shadow x Vio)
Day 11 Wearing Kigurumis (Blue x Green x Red)
Day 12 Making Out (Blue x Shadow x Green)
Day 13 Eating Ice Cream (Blue x Green x Vio)
Day 14 Genderswap (Blue x Shadow x Red)
Day 15 Different Clothing (Blue x Vio x Red)
Day 16 During Their Morning Rituals (Blue x Shadow x Vio)
Day 17 Spooning (Shadow x Green x Red)
Day 18 Doing Something Together (Green x Vio x Red)
Day 19 In Formal Wear (Shadow x Green x Vio)
Day 20 Dancing (Shadow x Vio x Red)
Day 21 Baking (Blue x Shadow x Green X Red)
Day 22 In Battle (Blue x Shadow x Vio x Red)
Day 23 Arguing (Blue x Shadow x Green x Vio)
Day 24 Making up (Blue x Green x Vio x Red)
Day 25 Gazing into Each Other's Eyes (Shadow x Green x Vio x Red)
Day 26 Something Involving Marriage
Day 27 On One of Their Birthdays
Day 28 Something Ridiculous
Day 29 Something Sweet
Day 30 Something Hot
Day 31 Bonus (Lemon)

Day 8 Shopping (Shadow x Red)

154 11 17
By ArceusInsanity

Red pov.

"Shadow, you really do need to get new clothes," I state putting my hands on my hips. The last time he went clothes shopping was nine months ago. And that was with Blue dragging him kicking and screaming. 

"But I already have enough clothes!" He whines kicking his feet on the couch. 

"You have three pairs of pants, two of which are ripped. All your undershirts are ripped. Your tunic is barely wearable. You're going to freeze this winter because you have no damn clothes." I grab his foot starting to drag him.

"No! I Don't Want to go Clothes Shopping!" He yells trying to find something to grab on to. 

"Well too bad, we're going, don't make me get Blue to drag you." I threaten knowing Blue would end up doing more than that. He stops struggling, crossing his arms, making no effort to get up. At least he isn't fighting anymore.

When we finally get to the market, Shadow gets up glaring slightly. "If you behave for an hour we can leave, if you don't we're spending the whole day here. Misbehaving includes whining, picking something horrible on purpose so I end up picking everything, sneaking off, and lying about trying something on. Am I clear?" I state Shadow nodding not saying anything.

I go over to a clothes stand, looking over a few of the designs. Shadow comes over picking up, a large dog collar, "what are you doing?" I ask crossing my arms. 

"I like it," he tells me messing with the adjustments. I roll my eyes seeing him buy it. 

"Shadow, pick a shirt and pair of pants," I demand, watching him bite back a compliant.

He picks out a plain long sleeve shirt in a solid black. The pants being the same in colour but a lot looser. I take them, comparing them to him to figure out if he needs a larger or smaller size. "This looks nice," I buy them putting them in the bag I brought with us.

The rest of the hour Shadow avoids talking, biting his tongue, I think he started bleeding honestly. But he definitely behaved so we're going home now.

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