My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

104K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Taken Back

1.1K 34 0
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Raina's POV.

Raina landed her X-Wing beside Luke's in what seemed to have been an old Jedi temple. It had now been turned into a New Republic base.

Luke and Raina both climbed out of their X-Wing's to be greeted by a male New Republic pilot. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

He greeted them both with a smile. "Luke? Raina? Is that really you?"

Raina looked over to Luke and saw a large smile grow on his face. He walked towards the pilot, meeting him half way.

"Hey, Wedge!" Luke said happily.

The two friends hugged, while Raina watched in confusion. So Luke knew this man? Luke and the man named Wedge began conversing. She watched as the two men smiled and laughed.

After about a minute Raina saw Wedge glance over at her. She gave him an insure smile, then saw Luke glance over at her. The two men began talking once again, but this time it seemed more serious. Raina watched as Wedge would occasionally glance over in her direction, then look back Luke and nod.

Finally Luke turned around with a smile on his face and waved Raina over. Raina walked cautiously over to Luke's side.

"Raina, this is Wedge Antilles. He's an old friend of ours from the rebellion." Luke introduced.

Wedge smiled kindly and offered his hand. Raina shook his hand and smiled. "It's wonderful to see you again, Raina."

Raina grinned shyly and shook his hand.

"I'll be right back." Luke told her.

Raina nodded and watched him walk over to an officer.

"Luke told me what happened. I'm real sorry." Wedge said.

"It's alright. I'm sorry I can't remember you. I really wish I could." She apologized.

Wedge shook his head. "Don't worry about it. From the plan Luke told me you'll be gettin' your memory back in no time! Just relax and don't worry."

Raina smiled. "Thanks, Wedge."

"No problem." He answered.

Just then Luke walked up. "Alright, well everything's set. I just talked to General Dodonna. They have two quarters ready for us."

Raina nodded. "Alright."

Luke looked to Wedge. "Well, it was great seeing you again, Wedge, but Raina and I should probably go and get settled in. We'll see you later."

Wedge smiled widely. "Okay! See you guys later!"

"C'mon Artoo!" Luke shouted to the little droid who was still at their X-Wings.

Luke lead Raina to her quarters which were right next to his.

"Why are we staying at a military base again?" Raina asked him as her door slid open.

"We're staying here because this was where we stayed on Yavin the last time, during the war. Hopefully it will help you regain some of your memories."

Raina nodded thoughtfully and set her pack down beside her bunk. She sat down on her bunk and looked around her room. It was quite plain with beige colored walls and metal furnishings. The room contained a cushioned, beige colored bunk cut into the wall. A small metal table and two chairs and a refresher.

Seeing that she had her own private refresher let Raina know that she was staying in higher ranking officers room. Most likely a commander or lieutenant commander's quarters. Raina paused in her thought. How did she know that?

"What? What is it?" Luke asked, making Raina look at him. He must have felt something was wrong through the Force.

"I-I think I remembered something." She whispered.

"Really? What?"

"I have a private refresher..."

Luke glanced over to the door to the refresher then looked back at her. "Yes you do. And?"

"I seem to remember that only a lieutenant commander or commander would have a private refresher. It couldn't be any lower rank because they have to use public refreshers and it couldn't be a colonels or generals because their rooms aren't so small and they have more furnishings." She explained.

She looked back at Luke to see him smiling. "That's right and you just happen to be a commander." He told her.

"What rank are you?" She asked.

"I'm a lieutenant general."

Raina furrowed her eyebrows. "Then what are you doing staying in lower ranking quarters?"

"I didn't want you to have to be alone so I requested to stay in the room next to yours."

Raina looked at Luke sweetly. "You didn't have to do that. I would have been okay."

Luke smiled and shrugged. "I know, but I wanted to be near you."

Raina felt a soft smile grow on her face as she felt her heart flutter at his words.

Luke's smile faltered and he cleared his throat. "You know to uh, check up on you and uh, yeah. . ."

Raina blinked. "Oh. I see."

Luke took an audible deep breath. "Well, I should um, go and unpack. I'll come back at around six? For dinner?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Raina stood up and nodded. "Oh yeah, yeah I'll uh see you then."

Artoo beeped happily at Raina.

She smiled. "Bye Artoo."

Luke smiled tightly and walked to the steel door. With a hiss the door slid open and closed again.

Once Luke was gone Raina released a heavy sigh she hadn't even know she had been holding. The emotions she was feeling around Luke were very strange. Very strange indeed. With a shake of her head she began to unpack.

Later that evening Luke came to get her around six just as he had said. Raina wore a green shirt, a brown jacket and black pants with black boots.

When she opened the door she was greeted by Luke dressed in a military uniform. He wore an off white uniform that looked much like his black Jedi uniform, except it had more pockets and a jacket to match.

Artoo was waiting by his side. He beeped and whistled excitedly when he saw Raina.

She giggled at the droid. "Hi Artoo!"

He beeped again in response.

Luke smiled down at the blue and silver droid, then looked up at Raina.

"Ready?" He asked.

Raina nodded.

They walked down the corridor to the elevator. They rode the elevator down to the main floor. Luke led Raina into the cafeteria.

Raina observed all the military men and woman filling

the room. It was actually quite intimidating. She felt Luke touch her for arm. She looked up and saw him nod his head forward, indicating they needed to get in line. After standing in line for what seemed like forever and getting their food the two sat down at a long table.

As soon as Luke was seated everyone at the table began conversing with him. They began asking about Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke's new Jedi Order. They also started telling stories from the war about Luke.

Meanwhile Raina just stared at her plate and ate. She felt quite uncomfortable and no one was talking to her.

After a while Raina stood to throw her plate away, when Wedge came over to her.

She smiled. "Hey, Wedge."

"Hey, got tired of hearing old war stories huh?" He smiled.

Raina chuckled. "Well, when you can't remember any of them it's not really as fun."

Wedge nodded. "Hey, let me show you around the base. Maybe it will help jog your memory."

Raina glanced over at Luke and saw him talking and laughing with the others.

She turned back and nodded. "Alright."

Wedge took Raina on a full tour of the base. From the bunk rooms to the meeting rooms. He told her stories of she, Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie. One that stuck with her was a story of when Luke blew up the Death Star. Wedge told her how Raina had stayed by his side the entire time and how when they all got back from the mission, Wedge saw Luke run to Raina with an expression on his face that he'll never forget.

As he told her the story Raina felt as if she were actually there.

"I think that was the first time you both actually connected. After you two hugged you just stared at each other. Then later at the celebration party you and Luke just disappeared. You came back in later, but for a while no one knew where you both were."

"We were that close huh?"

Wedge chuckled. "Close? You guys we're inseparable! It was amazing just how close you both were."

Raina looked down in thought. "And Luke still feels the same about you or more. I can tell."

"More?" Raina asked.

Wedge nodded and smiled softly. "Yeah. It's not exactly a secret that you two held flames for one another. Everyone knew, except for you and Luke of course."

Raina blinked in shock. "We...liked each other?"

Wedge nodded. "Yup. We were all sure that something would happen between you both, but after he went off on a mission with a girl named Nakari, things changed." Wedge explained.
"Then after about a year or two things started going back to normal, but then after the Battle of Hoth you two didn't meet up at the rendezvous point and we're missing for a long time. Then when you did meet up you didn't come together. Actually after that you brig didn't see each other again for about a year. It was only after the Battle of Endor that you both went back to being good friends again."

Raina looked down in confusion. What had happened during that time?

"Well, I should probably go to my quarters. It's almost curfew. You need me to escort you back to your room?"

Raina shook her head. "No. I'm fine thanks. I think I'm gonna go outside for a while and get some fresh air." She said.

"Okay I'll see you later then."

Raina smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Wedge. I'll see you."

Raina walked outside of the base and sat on the large stair. It amazed her to know that the base used to be a Jedi Temple.

As she watched the night sky she began to think about what Wedge had said. Had Luke really looked at her like that? Was it possible? Had the two of them really liked each other?

'Where are you?' She heard a voice ask through the Force. It was Luke. She felt his growing concern through the Force.

She smiled softly. 'I'm outside sitting on the north side of the base.' She told him.

She felt his concern leave him and be replaced by relief. 'I'll be right there.'

After a few minutes she felt Luke's presence approaching her, followed by fast paced footsteps.

"Hey." She heard him say as he sat down next to her.

"Hi." She smiled.

"You okay? I saw you leave with Wedge, but when you didn't come back I got worried." She nodded.

"I'm fine. Wedge just showed me around and after he left I decided to come out here."

Luke nodded. "Something on your mind?" He asked.

She looked at him, wanting to deny it, but knowing she couldn't. Not with him.

"Yeah. A few things actually."

He turned his body toward her. "Like what?"

"Just some things Wedge told me." She said quietly, looking out in the distance. She glanced at Luke and saw him swallow.

"What did he tell you?" He asked in a low voice.

"Just about how close we always were. Then how one day all do that seemed to change after you and a girl named Nakari went on a mission. And then how after a year we were close again, but it changed after you and I left after the Battle of Hoth and then returned separately."

Luke listened thoughtfully and nodded. "I see. And he told you all of that?" He asked.

"That and more." She answered.

"So I take it he didn't really help answer your question, he only helped add more." He said with a amused smile.

Raina mirrored his smile and nodded. "I'm afraid so."

Luke chuckled. "Wedge sure knows how to leave a woman wanting more." He said sarcastically.

Raina laughed at his joke. Soon Luke's playful attitude became serious.

"Alright, so you have questions. Understandably." He said. "I'll do everything I can to answer them."

Raina looked down. Debating on whether she should ask him.

"It's alright. You can ask me.' She heard him say in her mind.

She felt him lay his hand on top of her own. Raina looked at their hands then up at him.

She looked away and spoke softly. "What happened to us after you left with that girl? Why did we drift apart?" She asked.

Raina could feel that Like knew the reason, but that he was wary to say.

He looked down and sighed. "Well, at the time I didn't really notice that we drifted. If we're being completely honest here I really didn't know we drifted. Although now that I think back...we sort of did." He sighed again.

"But why?" Raina asked.

Luke glanced at her and leaned forward, clasping his hands together. "You and I were very close. Because of that we tended to spend all our time together." He paused. "When I went on the mission with Nakari, she and I developed feelings for one another. I even convinced myself that I was inlove her."

"Were you?" Raina asked.

A small smile grew on Luke's lips as looked down thoughtfully. "No." He answered simply.
"Did I care for her? Yes. Very much, but did I truly love her? No."

"So why did you believe you were?" She asked.

"I was a wide eyed, kid from a desert planet who hadn't ever experienced love. When I started developing feelings for Nakari I immediately assumed I was inlove with her." He explained.

Raina nodded.

"And when she was killed so suddenly...I suppose my feelings for her magnified." He added.

Raina gasped quietly at his words. She had died?

"Oh Luke. I'm so sorry."

He smiled softly at her. "It's alright. I've made peace with it now, but when I came back form the mission I hadn't." He sighed. "Us drifting apart after that was all my fault. I was so crushed by Nakari's death that I pushed away. Not purposely, but I did. I didn't even continue training you until you asked almost a year later. And even then I was reluctant." He admitted.

"I understand, but what about after Hoth? Wedge said we became close again, but suddenly grew apart. What happened?"

She felt Luke waver through the Force. There was something he didn't want to tell her. "We uh, went to Degobah to find Master Yoda right after Hoth. We stayed there and trained together for about two weeks.  It was great, until we both were tested."

"Tested?" She asked.

"Well, I was tested and shown a possible future. You on the other hand were only shown a possible future." Luke's attitude became very serious. "What you saw it frightened you. And because of that. . .you left." He said.

His gaze was distant as if he was re-living it all.
"You left me. You didn't say goodbye or where you were going. You just left and never came back."

Raina could feel the pain coming from Luke. She looked down. She had left him suddenly and didn't come back to him. And she had left him again when she lost her memory. No wonder he was in pain.

Luke took a deep breath and turned to her. She listened closely as he continued in a matter of fact tone.

"I was really hurt and angry. I didn't understand why you would have left. At the time you hadn't told me what you had seen. Anyway after about a month or so I left Degobah against Master Yoda's wishes to rescue Han and Leia."

He chuckled sarcastically. "Which didn't go as planned and I ended up getting beaten by Vader. I was taken back to the rendezvous point by Leia. I searched the ship for you, but they told me you had gone on a mission with Wedge. A year later we both met up again by accident at a rebel meeting. I was very angry and confused so I confronted you on it and you kept pushing me away. A lot of mistakes were made by both of us, but in the end we made up and were never closer after that." Luke told her with a tight smile.

Raina could sense he was leaving something out, but she didn't push it. "I see."

"Anymore questions?" He asked.

Yes she had many more questions, but they would have to wait.

"No. Not right now at least."

Luke nodded. The two sat there in silence, gazing at the stars.

Raina thought about all that Luke had told her. How she left him, saw him again, but pushed him away and finally made amends. It all reminded her of something. Something she heard. . .

. . . . . "Master Yoda. I have to go. I can't stay here any longer. I'm sorry." She heard herself say in panic. . . . .

"Why, Raina?" The strong male voice asked angrily. "Why what?" Her own ask. "You left. You gave no explanation, no way to contact you, didn't say where you were going or what you were doing, you didn't even say goodbye! You just packed up and left. Now, what I want to know is why?" The voice asked firmly.
"I don't owe you an explanation for anything I do with my life." She answered heatedly. . . .

"Raina, I was-I am your friend. I care for you." The voice said gently, holding sadness. "Well, I don't care for you." Her own snapped.

"I never should have said any of those things. And I am so sorry. . .I could never stop being your friend. I care for you too much. I was terrible to say those things and. . .I'm sorry." Her voice spoke. "I forgive you." She heard the man's voice answer softly. . . .

Suddenly Raina understood. Part of her dreams she had been having. . . the one she had the other day. It all made sense. They were memories of when she left Degobah, when she and Luke met again a year later and when they made up. She had actually remembered something!

"You alright?" She heard Luke ask.

Raina blinked and looked over at him in an expression of both shock and disbelief. "I remember." She breathed.

Luke Looked at her in confusion. "What?"

A smile grew across Raina's lips. "I. . .I remember. I remember leaving you. I remember us arguing. I remember me asking you to forgive me. I remember!" She exclaimed breathlessly.

Luke smiled widely and breathed a laugh. Raina laughed happily and jumped up.

"I actually remembered!" She squealed.

Luke stood up quickly and hugged her. She hugged him back tightly, both laughing happily.

Luke pulled away, smiling. "Raina this is great!" He exclaimed.
"This means you can gain your memory back!"

Raina smiled and nodded. "And it's all because of you. You never gave up on me."

Luke grinned a shyly and looked down.

"Thank you, Luke." She said softly. He looked up and met her eyes. "Your welcome." He answered looking deep into her eyes.

'I'll never give up on you, Raina.' She heard him tell her softly, through the Force.

Raina let a small whisper of a smile grace her lips as she stared into his blue orbs. He was looking at her with an expression she has never seen before.

Raina noticed Luke's face moving closer to her. With out thinking she mirrored his movement and moved her face closer to his. She saw him look down at her lips, causing her to glance at his. Just as her eyes closed a voice yelled out to them.

"Commander Starlight, Lieutenant General Skywalker!"

Raina immediately pulled away and looked down at her feet, while Luke closed his eyes obviously calming his frustration.

After a second he backed away from Raina and stood up straight. "Yes?" He asked stiffly.

Raina was oblivious to how Luke was acting of course because she was busy feeling embarrassed.

"I'm uh, sorry to. . .interrupt, but it is past curfew and the general wanted me to make sure you both got back to your quarters." The lieutenant said uncomfortably.

Luke nodded. "Thank you, lieutenant. We're coming."

The lieutenant nodded and saluted Luke. He turned around and started up the stairs. Raina heard Luke clear his throat.

"Well, we should um get going then."

Raina looked up and nodded. "Yeah."

Luke nodded taking a deep breath. "Yeah. . ." He lingered. "Let's go." He finally said as he started to walk up the stairs.

Raina released a breath and followed him.

Had Luke Skywalker tried to kiss her? And had she almost let him?

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