Twice The Trouble

By DenielleAbolencia

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Meet the Sta. Ana Sisters: Sophia is labeled as the Goody two shoes-Twin. She lives by the rules in and out o... More

Chapter 1: The Twins
Chapter 2: Two Non-Royal Princesses
Chapter 3: A Blind Date
Chapter 4: Starting College
Chapter 5: Foes and Friends
Chapter 6: Broken Hearts
Chapter 7: Sophia Meets A Twin
Chapter 8: Stacy Meets A Twin
Chapter 9: More Rivals
Chapter 10: The Realization
Chapter 11: A New Friend
Chapter 12: Orion's Goddess
Chapter 13: Soul Sisters
Chapter 14: Stacy's Heartbeat
Chapter 15: Sweeter Than Candy
Chapter 16: Liam's Fall
Chapter 17: She Broke Him
Chapter 18: Sibling & Therapist
Chapter 19: Give Up, Liam
Chapter 20: Tears of a Duchess
Chapter 21: Falling For Lucas
Chapter 22: Sophia's Secret
Chapter 23: Stacy's Denial
Chapter 24: The Cold Twin
Chapter 25: The Favor
Chapter 26: Lunchtime Drama
Chapter 27: The Tiff
Chapter 28: Invisible Envy
Chapter 29: Serious Stacy
Chapter 30: Love is Fire
Chapter 31: Falling
Chapter 32: The Author
Chapter 33: A Martyr
Chapter 34: Clarification
Chapter 35: Text Buddies
Chapter 36: An Old Flame
Chapter 37: Stacy's Past
Chapter 38: Falling Harder
Chapter 39: Reliable
Chapter 40: Just A Crush
Chapter 41: The Helper
Chapter 42: Not A Date
Chapter 43: About Stacy
Chapter 44: Into Pieces
Chapter 45: Sophia's Past
Chapter 46: Circumstances
Chapter 47: The Return
Chapter 48: Chained Heart
Chapter 49: The Rage
Chapter 50: War and Peace
Chapter 51: Why Me?
Chapter 53: Yearning
Chapter 54: Mr. & Mrs.
Chapter 55: Married
Chapter 56: Partners in Crime
Chapter 57: Chained
Chapter 58: Transition
Chapter 59: Onward
Chapter 60: Doubts
Chapter 61: Hints
Chapter 62: Call It Fate
Chapter 63: Kismet or Destiny?
Chapter 64: Warm Hearts
Chapter 65: Girl Called S
Chapter 66: Love Hurts
Chapter 67: Sophia's Denial
Chapter 68: A Flicker
Chapter 69: The Cage
Chapter 70: Pain
Chapter 71: Official
Chapter 72: Ships
Chapter 73: She's a Model
Chapter 74: A Pink Flower
Chapter 75: The Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 76: Undefined Status
Chapter 77: Tarnished
Chapter 78: Dead End
Chapter 79: Who Did It?
Chapter 80: Stacy Finds Out
Chapter 81: Confrontation
Chapter 82: Heat
Chapter 83: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 84: Worry
Chapter 85: Reluctance
Chapter 86: Closer
Chapter 87: Unbearable
Chapter 88: Almost
Chapter 89: Bad Feelings
Chapter 90: The Revelation
Chapter 91: Sophia's Fury
Chapter 92: Sick Sophia
Chapter 93: Another Revelation
Chapter 94: Stacy's Abduction
Chapter 95: On The Way
Chapter 96: Rush
Chapter 97: Rescued
Chapter 98: Pain and Tears
Chapter 99: Chance Meeting
Chapter 100: A Miracle
Chapter 101: Hope vs. Fear
Final Chapter: Goodbyes
5 Months Later: Part One
5 Months Later: Part Two
Bonus Chapter: How It Started
Special Chapter: Before It All began

Chapter 52: Wrong Name

18 0 0
By DenielleAbolencia


"Good morning, Orion Hunters. This is Dean Archie Cortes, head of the Humanities Department. I would simply like to call in Miss Sophia Ann Sta. Ana from Education into my office for a very important matter. Again, Miss Sophia Ann Sta. Ana, kindly come to my office as soon as possible. That is all. Thank you, and study hard, Hunters."

What the hell? My sister NEVER gets in trouble. I inwardly groaned, knowing I had no valid reason to excuse myself from this class.

Come 10am, I felt my cellphone buzz inside the pocket of my gray vest as I stood from my seat.

From: Your Nutty Sister

I'm not in trouble. The dean's niece was an S. Green fan and was visiting him. I'll meet you at lunch later.

I breathed out a collective sigh of relief while pocketing my black phone. She's fine, so I'm fine.

"What's the matter, Sta. Ana? Did your precious sidekick get punished for being a goody-goody?"

I shot daggers at the tall girl with buttery blonde hair. She was making duck faces in a compact.

"Be careful, Rivera," I warned Alison. "Your face will freeze like that if you don't stop soon."

The governor's daughter glared in my direction. "Whatever, Sta. Ana."

My friends, Miles, Dylan, and Selena walked up to me, their backpacks behind them.

Dylan fixed me with a curious smile. "So what did Sophia text you?"

"You're such a girl sometimes, Dy," I told him. "It's nothing serious. A book thing."

Miles snorted, folding her arms. "Books plus Sophia? Always a major situation."

Even Selena nodded her head in agreement. She looked at me then at Miles and Dylan.

"Remember the Book-Utopia Sale three years ago? Damn, it was insane," mulled Selena.

Dylan gave a chuckle. "It was AWESOME. Remember, Ace? When your sister did the thing?"

A nostalgic smile crept its way onto my pink lips. I replied to him: "How can I forget?"

When we were fifteen years old, Sophia and I had saved up a lot of money for the once-in-a-lifetime sale, Book-Utopia. The sale took place in Mall of Asia, and all the books were slashed to unbelievable prices--from 20 pesos to 100 pesos. Bundles were under 150 and 200 pesos. I couldn't delete the details from my mind because my twin kept screaming them in my ears.

It had been a very eventful day,thanks to Sophia. I had been subjected to pushing the grocery cart containing our sweet finds (I was more into Sara Shepard's Pretty Little Liars Series) while my adrenaline-filled sister was on war mode---Her brown hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, she wore two army green horizontal marks on both her cheeks, a soldier-print cap, a silver whistle dangling from her neck, and she had been dressed in a white shirt, khaki pants, and rubber shoes. Several heads turned to gawk at her military getup. Some took pictures.

She loved being melodramatic about her passions.

But not even I had expected her to pull that stunt three years ago.

The Mall of Asia was filled with massive crowds, an ocean of kids, teens, adults, and senior citizens. There were hundreds of them with their own suitcases, dozens of them pushing their grocery carts stacked with staggering towers of old classics and modern fictional books.

Book-Utopia extended up to the second floor, and the tidal wave of people kept me trapped on the first floor, so I stayed in my spot while Sophia managed to weave through the upper story.

And then it had happened.

It sounded like a jungle girl's battle cry. I found myself looking up to the heavens, and I gaped.

Sophia was peering into her binoculars while leaning against the metal railing. What was she..?

By then, everyone in the mall was staring at her in astonishment---several had their phones up.

"THIS IS THE DAY YOU ALL REALIZE, WE ARE NOT BOOKWORMS!" Sophia screamed into the air.

To my cold terror, she began to put the soles of her sneakers. Everyone gasped in horror. I could see from a short distance, a chain of three security guards sprinting up the elevators.

My crazed sister quickly reached for the nearest promotional Book-Utopia flag hanging from the ceiling and gripped her arms and legs around the colorful vertical flag, and then she swung herself into the cold air of the first floor.

"WE ARE ALL BOOK DRAGONS!" she yelled as she swayed to the right.

"SOPHIA!!!" I shrieked, all blood draining out of my face.

"I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS!!!!" My twin cackled with sheer glee as she swayed left to right.

Cupping my palms over the sides of my mouth, I shouted up at her: "SOPHIA! GET DOWN!"

"I DON'T KNOW HOW,"  she bellowed, her voice full of joy and laughter.



I distinctly recall a giant trampoline being carried from the Toy Kingdom department store.

"Ace." I felt someone touch my shoulder. "Let's go get a snack."

My sky blue eyes blinked twice at Dylan. I told him and the girls: "Yeah, sure."

Selena abruptly said: "Bryce De Los Reyes is so hot, isn't he?"

"What?" I frowned at her. "What the hell, Lena?"

Her lips formed a mischievous grin. "Just testing if you're still with us, Ace."

The four of us were already walking out of the university, which coaxed me to realize that we were going to eat fast-food snacks, which I detested greatly, and they knew this.

"Milk-tea," Miles told me upon reading my expression.

Oh. Then, perfect.

But when we stepped inside Milky Way, the nearest and most popular Milk-Tea shop in Manila, I felt my face turn sour.

Not perfect.

The dilemma wasn't the environment. Milky Way had leaf-green walls, a cream ceiling, and varnished brown tiles. My first visit here always had me coming back for more of their comfortable atmosphere and delicious smoothies. And oh yes, the cozy bean bag chairs.

I chose to ignore the two people in the other line, which was three lines away from mine.

When it was my turn, the male barista in his early twenties gawked at me with an open mouth.

"G-Good morning, miss. What would you like today?" he asked me.

"Fruit tea," I complied him, leaning my arms on the counter. "Strawberry. No sugars."

He scribbled my order over the transparent cup. He then stammered: "N-name, please?"

"Stacy," I said loudly. "And you better spell it right."

In my peripheral vision, I could see a number of heads pop up with interest from the other line.

Ugh, why did those two have to be here at the same time as me?

From the opposite side of the counter, the female barista called: "Honeydew for Miss Scarlet."

"Bee, my drink," said a girl, whose boyfriend rose from his bean bag chair and got her milk-tea.

"I've got it, Stacy," replied the tall guy.

Everyone in the Milk-Tea shop became paralyzed in awkward silence.

I stole a glimpse over my shoulder and saw Scarlet's jaw had dropped. Her hazel eyes hardened.

Her voice cold as glacial ice, she glared at her boyfriend,who was standing still, cup in his hand.

"What did you call me?" Scarlet demanded Bryce.


Where had the peaceful ambiance gone?

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