The Movie That Changed My Lif...

By Louislovely

3.8K 107 16

Ashley gets hired to play the character of Ashton Irwin's girlfriend in the movie with all 5SOS boys in it. S... More

The Movie That Changed My Life (5SOS Fanfic)
Meeting the Boys
Training Day
Photo Shoot
Bad Days
Don't Worry
Surgery Prep
Award Show


178 7 1
By Louislovely

A month passes, Defenders already almost has the first season done it has been going really well. My head on the other hand isn’t.

Ashton was right and Luke and I made up the next day but our fights have been becoming more frequent, thankfully Ashton is always there for me.

I finally get a call from the hospital about my x-ray. They ask me to come into the hospital to show me the results as well.

I enter the room and wait for a doctor. “Hey Ashley, I’m glad you could make it.”

“Is it something bad?”

The doctor turns on a light showing my brain in different directions. “Do you see this?” He asks pointing to a little blob. I nod. “You have a shadow on your brain. We will need to do a closer x-ray to see exactly what it is. I can have an appointment for tomorrow.”

I can’t really say anything. I’m frozen.

The doctor leaves the room to get papers. I get up and look at the x-rays closer. The doctor comes back into the room, “If you don’t have anything happening today I just checked and we could get you in right now.”

I take a deep breath, “Let’s do it.”

They do the x-ray and then I’m good to go.

I go back to my hotel. I pass the counter and they call me back.

“There’s a gift here for you.” The lady named Diana says.

“Really?” I ask as she hands me a package. I grab the box and card, “Thanks.” I say and then head to the elevator. I open the card,

Can’t wait to see you in a month xoxo ~Luke

     P.S I hope you like the jewelry

I open the box and there is a ticket for their concert. I pick it up and underneath are three Tiffany blue boxes.

I open the first box and it’s a silver necklace with a key on it. There is a little card saying it’s a ‘Petals key pendant’. I close that box and open the second one. It’s a silver bracelet, the card said it’s an ‘Alternating Bracelet’. I open the final box and in it is a silver ring. ‘Hammered Ring’ the card says they are all beautiful.

I put them all back into the box and take out my phone. I finally get to my floor and go to my room.

I enter my room and call Luke.

“Hi.” I forgot him and I were in a fight still.


“What’s up?”

“I got something today, and it’s the best thing ever.”

“And what’s that?”

“A four beautiful gifts, a ticket, a ring, a necklace, and a bracelet.”

“You got them?”

“Yes they are amazing thank you so much.”

“No problem.”

“This must have cost you a fortune.”

“And you’re worth every penny spent. You don’t have to come to the concert if you don’t want too.”

“I’ll be there,” I say looking at the ticket, “Apparently front and center too.”

“I wanted to be able to see you.”

“You’re sweet. How is the tour going?”

“Same as the last three times you’ve asked.”

“Well you never know when something can happen.”

“If anything serious happened you would know.”


A week passes and I found out I have oligodendroglioma, or in other words, a brain tumor. They are trying to fit in an appointment for a surgery to try and get rid of it.


A week later I get a call saying Don’t Stop is finished and in a week the first premiere is in Australia, and then a month till New York.


Two more weeks pass and Luke and the guys are landing in Toronto. I’m waiting at the airport for them. They finally get here and are surrounded by security guards, I’m glad I only have one.

I start walking towards them and one of their security stops me, “I’m not a fan, I’m a girlfriend now let me see the guys.” He still doesn’t move.

“Move it’s just Ashley.” I hear Ashton say. The guy moves and I hug Ashton. “It’s good to see you.”


“Hey Ashley!” Calum says hugging me.

“Hey, where’s Luke?”

“Being slow.” Michael says and then hugs me.

“It’s great to see you all.” I say starting to walk with them.”

“Aren’t you going to wait for Luke?” Mike asks.

“He’ll catch up.”

“You excited to see us in concert?” Calum asks.

“Supper excited.” I say then arms wrap around my waist, I turn around and am facing Luke, “Hey!” I say hugging him.

“I’ve missed your hugs.”

“I’ve missed you.” We just look at each other for a while smiling.

“You’re wearing the stuff I bought you.”

“I was wondering if you were going to notice.” He kisses me and then we start walking out of the airport but the others are already out of the building.

 “The concert is at seven so we have to go there earlier and practice. I’m not sure how long we will be able to hang out.”

“Its fine around five I have to go to a photo shoot.”

“How long is it?”

“I’ll make it to the concert don’t worry about it.”

We get to a couple of taxi’s Ashton and Michael is already in one and Calum’s waiting outside of it.

“This one is full so you two love birds get to share the other one.”

“I’m not going to complain about that.” Luke says then goes to put his stuff in the trunk of the second one.

I get in the taxi and then he does. “What hotel are you staying at?”

“The one with the most beautiful girl in town.” He says then leans in and kisses me.

“Sweet, I can show you and the guys my suite after the concert then.”

We drive to the hotel so the guys can drop off their stuff and then we all go out for lunch. Once Lunch is over it’s already 4:00. I leave them and head off to the photo shoot.

I get there and I get into my first outfit, a long black dress with white across the chest. They take photos and then I change into the next outfit, a black/ silvery top with a black skirt , on it yellow little hearts. After that there is one more outfit, a black dress with a zip up sweater.

Once the shoot is over its 6:30 and the area is a ways away so I call a taxi and start heading there right away.

I arrive at the area as the opening band is finishing. I get to my seat and then they come on. On both sides of me I notice guards are sitting.

I watch the concert and it is really good. As they start to play their last song, I ask the guards to take me to the back so I can see them come off stage.

I hear them say their thank yous to the fans and then they come off. “How did you like it?” Luke asks.

“You guys rocked the house down,” I say then Luke tries to hug me, “Ew, you’re all sweaty.”

“I’ll go clean up then, you can chill with the guys,” He says and then walks away.

I sit on a couch beside Ashton and across from Calum and Michael. I know I wouldn’t hug Luke because he was all sweaty and gross but right now Ashton looks pretty hot being sweaty and all.

No. Stop it Ashley, you’re dating Luke, you’re not aloud to think like that.

“So you thought we were good?” Calum asks breaking me from my thought.

“Yup.” I say.

“Anyone want something to drink?” Ashton asks. We all say sure and he goes to a mini fridge. He throws chocolate milk at Michael and Calum. He takes out another one and looks at me, “You can’t have one.”


“Because I said so, unless you want to come over here and try to grab this one yourself.”

I walk over to him and he reaches his arm straight up making it so I can’t reach it even if I were to jump.

I try to trip him but he grabs my arm and I land on top of him on the floor. We just look into each others eyes and he pushes away a strand of hair from my hair. Then we hear one of the guys clear their throats. We get up and both mumble a sorry.

Calum and Michael just look at each other and then us, “We’re just,” Calum says.

“Going to go.” Michael finishes.

They leave the room and I look at the ground, I notice the chocolate milk that was suppose to be mine is spilled, I pick it up, “I don’t need this chocolate milk anymore, you can have it.” I say and then dump the rest of it on him.

I start to walk away and he wraps his arms around my waist and spins me around. “Now you’re covered too.” He says and let’s me to.

Then my head starts hurting out of control probably from falling or something. He must have noticed something is wrong because he asks, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine Ashton it’s just I can’t do this, whatever there is between us, it needs to stop. I’m dating Luke. I just need to go to the bathroom.” I say and then start to walk away realizing I don’t know where the bathroom is.

I go back and ask, “Where’s the bathroom?” He silently leads me there.

I enter the bathroom and go to the sink. I open my purse and pop out a few pills. I put them in my mouth and cup my hands and drink some tap water. They might not help for a while but it’s worth a try.

I get the chocolate milk off of me the best I can and then leave the bathroom and start heading back to the other room. As I get closer I hear a conversation between two people, Luke and Ashton. “Why are you covered in chocolate?” Luke asks.

“Why not?”

“You should go have a shower or something to wash it off.”

“No I think I’m good.” Ashton says and then I enter the room, “Actually yeah I think I’ll go do that.”

“Okay,” Luke says and then notices me, “Hey.”


“Can I have a hug now?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Come here.” He says and then gives me a hug I hug him back and lay my head on his chest. I look to the side and see Ashton looking at us and then look down and leave. “So what do you want to do now?” Luke asks me breaking the hug.

“I could show you and the guys my suite like I said I would earlier.”

“Alright I’ll call a cab.”

We go out back and wait for two cabs we split up and go three and two just like earlier.

We get to the hotel and the elevator is full so we start to take the stairs. Luke and I are in the front with Ashton behind me and behind him Calum and Michael.

I feel myself get a little lightheaded and then I close my eyes. When I open them I’m standing up from someone’s arms, “What happened?” I ask.

“You fainted.” Luke tells me.

“I didn’t realize I was so tired.” I say brushing it off. We get to my suite and I open the door. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“You were going to show us your suite.”

“Right, sorry, tomorrow I promise.” I say and then go into my room and go to sleep.

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