love to remember

By Beeziexox

11.6K 196 4

sorry if some of the chapters are mixed up. but thanks for reading(: More

Love To Remember
love to Remember (part 2)
love to remember (part 3)
love to remember ( part 4)
love to remember ( part 5)
love to remember ( part 6)
love to remember ( part 7)
love to remember ( part 8)
love to remember ( part 9)
love to remember ( part 10)
love to remember ( part 11)
love to remember ( part 12)
love to remember ( part 13)
love to remember ( part 14)
love to remember (part 15)
love to remember ( part 16)
love to remember (part 17)
love to remember ( part 18)
love to remember ( part 19)
love to remember ( part 20)
part 21!
part 22!


190 2 0
By Beeziexox

AUSTIN'S POV - what was taking gg so long in the bathroom? she has been in there for a while. i have to go see what's going on. i'm getting worried.

GG'S POV - i fell on the floor all i could hear was the two laughs of two girls. they were evil laughing.

i couldn't breath its like my whole world just shut down.

Austin's pov - i walked in and i couldn't believe what i saw. my girlfriend laying on the floor covered in blood.

my eyes went out and i was yelling " WHO DID THIS TO HER????" there was no one in the bathroom. i picked her up and yelled through the restaurant. everyone was shocked because they saw blood dripping and everything. my mom started crying. people were calling 911 asap.

we were in the ambulance and she was becoming conscious now. "Austin" she said. you barley. heard her. 

A: sh sh baby. just relax we will be there in a second.

i didn't know what to do i was panicking. but i tried to stay relaxed. 

* we finally arrived at the ambulance and they rushed her to the room. they were doing all types of things. they were moving so fast i couldn't keep up. my mom was still crying and i called and told gg mom she was crying but i told her everything will be ok. she is still on the line. i told her to listen to everything that was going on. 

the cops had arrived and they asked me questions but tbh i couldn't answer any of them because i don't know who stabbed her. ugh just saying that made me sick to my stomach. i can't believe this is the first day of my tour and this happen. who ever did this they were gonna get it.

Cops: we have some leads mr.mahone we think that a girl named alicia did this. she escaped from prison a few days ago. isn't she someone that tried to go something before.

A: yes she said. i was so angry right now. i couldn't believe she came back.

Cops: there is also someone else we think was apart of this. Angel synating. isn't she one of your enemies too?

A: yeah i said. i was so angry. i was going to snap.

it was 10 mins later and the cops ran back and said 

Cops: mr.mahone we captured both alicia and angel. 

A: they were looking like hookers.

Cops: they were on the way to your tour bus. they had bombs setting off. we got there just in time. 

A: oh thank god. this is all over. DON'T let them get away AGAIN. of i will do something about it.

Cops: yes sir.

i went to see what they were doing with gg. when i went in she was standing up talking on the phone with her mother . she was smiling, i loved seeing that. when she was done she ran up and kissed me. i smiled into the kiss.

GG: thank you for saving me AGAIN. i love you so much. i'm so happy they are gone again.

mama: i'm so happy you didn't have any really bad damage. gg i'm sorry for everything i said to you. i understand that you and austin will be together. and i respect it. he has been so happy since you came into his life. 

GG: aww mama he's happy to have a mom like you. but thank you. she smiled and walked out. to go to the car. dave gave me a big hug and walked out.

*back at the hotel*

GG: well i'm feeling so much better now i think we need to do something(;

A: oh really?(; 

GG: yes(; i mean we are going to indiana tomorrow for your new show i want you to have this in your mind while you are performing(;

A: oh ok then come here sexy(; 

* so whatcha think? haha that was short drama. so i wanna end this story and start a new one soon. so any ideas? and what should happen in part 44?(: cause after the tour and during it something else will happen. and thanks for reading mahomies! it means alot<3

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