You're Mine. Not His. (Narry...

By WhatsAnAwesomeName

98.1K 1.2K 722

Okay guys so this story is a boyxboy so if you are not into that stuff (you're crazy if you aren't) then gtfo... More

Sex God vs. Sexii Beast
Grab Somebody, Cause We're Having a White Trash Party! Part One!
Grab Somebody, Cause We're Having a White Trash Party! Part Two
Are You Drunk?
What Hurts The Most Is Being So Close
Fuck You Thunder You Can Suck My Dick!
I'll Let You Rest Your Head On Me If Thats What You Need
Kiss Me already!
If I Can't Have You Why Won't You Let Me Go?
Confessions, Sex, Couples? Oh my!
Give Your Heart A Break Part 1
Give Your Heart A Break Part ll
You're In Love, Why Does That Make Me So Mad?
Jealous Much?
I'll Give You Some Food ;)
The Talk
Fuck Part 1
Fuck Part 2

Did He Just Say That?!!?

4.4K 72 39
By WhatsAnAwesomeName

Ello Carrots!

So I don't know how y'all like the no authors not at the beginning and stuff....anywhore....I'm posting again! :D I try to post within 0-3 days, no more, no less haha but I hope you like my frequent updating! <3 some of you know...none of my family really knows about me having a wattpad, or being a pervert and reading a bunch of boyxboy ;) haha and whenever I try to write, they always interupt me! So of course I have to hide it from them cause my mom would freak if she saw what I wrote ;) haha and my family is kinda homophobic....I know you don't even have to say it...I wanna punch them in the throat everytime they say something offensive!

Like this one time (at band camp ;) jk I'm in orchestra) me and my sister got into an arguement and she was like "I wish you were a boy!" and i was like "That'd be so kool! Then I could be gay!" and she was like wtf?! and told my mom and she was like what? and I was like that's right bitches! if I were a boy I'd take it up the ass! haha not really like that but you know...



~Niall's POV~

I was laughing with Zayn and watched as he covered up his sexy body with clothes. He turned and looked at me while trying to put on his chinos. He smirked and winked.

"Like what you see blondy?" Really blondy? That's the best he has? I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the blush that made its way onto my face.

"Maybe, maybe'll never know..." I said to him cheekily. He smirked and walked up to me making me back ul at the same time. I bumped into the wall and he put his hands on either side of my face I swallowed hard and looked everywhere but him. He grabbed my face and turned me so our eyes met. Deep blue meeting golden Brown. I blushed a deep red and he chuckled.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" He said and I scoffed.

"He Mr. Conceited! Just cause your obsessed with your image doesn't mean everyone else has to-" He cut me off by pressing his lips gently to mine. This wasn't like any of our other kisses we shared, it was soft and gentle, not heated and lustful. I pushed our bodies closer to each other and I felt him smile into the kiss. My hands found their way to his neck and he had one arm around my waist and the other on my cheek.

I pulled away slowly, keeping my hands around his neck. Wow he was a good kisser...he is still shirtless...I can see his tattoos. I groan and turn him around.

"Put a shirt on!" I yell and he laughs.

"Oh yeah...I enjoyed the kiss too by the way, thanks" He added and pulled on a black V neck (which didn't help at all). I pulled on some of his clothes that were kinda big on me and he pulled me with him down the stairs. We walked into the kitchen and I was greeted by Lou staring daggers at me. I gave him a small smile and he looked away. Liam coughed awkbergly (awkwardly) and I looked up to meet a questioning look. I gave a small nod to tell them that it had worked, well I didnt really think this through. I didn't consider the possible factor of Louis hating me...

I grabbed Tarah and Liam's Arm and dragged them to the living room. Leaving Lou and Zayn in awkward silence.

"What the hell! You guise forgot to mention that he would hate me afterwards!" I yelled/whispered. I didn't want Lou to over hear us.

"Oh come on Leperchaun, I'm sure he doesn't hate you!" Tarah said. I just gave her a "really?" look and she smiled slightly.

"Oh so staring daggers at someone and wanting to kill them qualifies as love?! Where was I for that change?"

"Who hares you Ni?" Shit. I forgot that Harry and Brodrick were here.

"No one." I said as calmly as possible. I couldn't handle this right now. I am pissed at him for leaving me this morning, for dating that prick, and most of all for just being...him! Why do I like him so much?!

"Ni, what are you talking about? Who wants to kill you?" Harry asked. Fuck him! He can go suck Brodricks Dick! I don't want him doing that...

"I need a drink" I said and walked to the cabinet where all the liquor is kept and grabbed a beer.

"We should have a party tonight! Well just us but you know..." I said taking a drink of my beer. Nobody said no to it so I got out some drinks and passed them around.

~~~~~~~~~~~a "couple" drinks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Still Ni's POV~

I felt a bit better now, a bit buzzed. (Just a bit...nothing too bad...) Lou started to loosen up a bit and he actually sat next to me. Zayn was sitting on the counter next to the table, he wasn't that drunk he'd only had about 3 beers I think...

Zayn. I know Zayn!

"I know you!" I yelled out while pointing at him. He laughed and nodded. I had sex with him!!

"I had sex with you!" I yelled and his face turned from happy to shocked to embarrassed. Harry spit out his beer that he was drinking and Lou just looked shocked.

"Erm....he doesnt know what he's talking about...he's drunk!" Tarah shouted trying to cover up my outburst. Harry slammed down his beer and looked at me.

"You did WHAT!" He yelled. I think he was a bit drunk...I'm not sure though. Damn did I have to spell iit out for him?

"I. Fucked. Him." I said slowly and pointed to Zayn. Harry looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"He is very talented. Did you know he has like NO

gag-" Someone put their hands over my mouth to stop me.


~Zayn's POV~

"I had sex with you!" He yelled and I immediately stopped laughing. Did he just say what I think he did?! Holy shit way to embarrass us! Well technically he only embarrassed me seeing as he's drunk and doesn't give a flying Fuck right now.

Harry spit out the beer he had in his mouth and looked at me. I blushed hard and looked anywhere but him.

"Erm....he doesn't know what he's talking about...he's drunk!" Tarah shouted. Oh bless her! She is trying to save me from Niall.

Harry slammed down his beer bottle and turned to Ni.

"You did WHAT?!" He screamed. Oh shit. No Ni, don't do it! He looked at Harry with a smirk and I knew he was going to say something way worse.

"I. Fucked. Him." he said slowly as if Harry couldn't understand him if he talked any faster. He pointed towards me and Harry slowly followed. I could tell he was pissed. He looked back at Ni with wide eyes and an open mouth. As if it wasn't enough torture, he continued.

"He is very talented. Did you know he has like NO

gag-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. Great. I looked over to Lou and he was passed out. Thank god!!!! If he would have heard I think if I would've died of embarrassment. I sighed and looked around the room. Harry still had that looks on his face, Brody was sitting next to him trying to cover up a laugh, Dick. Liam was just as shocked as us and he gave me a sad smile. Tarah was blushing hard, she looked like she was debating whether this was a good or bad thing. I slowly pulled my hand away from Nia's mouth, I mean I couldn't hold it there forever!

"Did you know he is a screamer?!" He shouted out. I groaned loudly and Tarah went to slap him in the back of his head.

"Ow!" Niall screamed and looked at her in shock. Brody slowly got up from his seat and looked down at Harry.

"Ugh...I should...erm..go" I heard Ni mutter a "Finally!" and Tarah squeezed his arm, he quieted down. Harry got up to walk him to the door.

"I think you need to go to sleep..." I told him sternly. Damn I feel like Daddy Direction! Where is Liam and why isn't he doing his job?! I looked around and found him putting away all the liquor away.

"I'm not tired!" Niall whined. Liam quickly finished and turned to face Ni. He gave him that look and Niall tried the puppy dog eyes, biut Li shook it off.

"I think you've caused enough trouble today...get to bed." Liam said. He didnt look that mad, but he didn't looks super happy either. Harry came back into the room and rubbed his hands over his face.

"So...where am I sleeping?" Niall interupted. I looked over at Harry and he made eye contact for a second then left shrugging his shoulders.

"Well thanks to you too douchebag!" Niall screamed as he walked away. I think he was hoping he would tell him he could still sleep with him. Poor Ni. I mean yeah, he just told a huge thing to everyone, including Brody, but it didn't mean that he could treat him like that!

I pulled Ni to me and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled at him and wiped the tear that slid down his cheek that was caused by the rejection from Harry. I didn't like seeing him like this. He had been like this ever since Harry announced his "good news". Sure he would smile, but there was still sadness in his beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't help but think that if I was with him, I would never treat him wrong. Never make him cry, unless it was the happy kind of tears.

"Ni, babe, you can sleep with me, yea?" I asked him. I got nervous when he didn't answer back right away. Why am I nervous? I shook it off and smiled when he whispered "I would love to" to me. I looked over at Liam and nodded towards Lou.

"I've got him, don't worry bout it." he said. I nodded at him.

"I'm sorry about tonight..." Tarah said. I gave her a small smile. We didn't know each other THAT well, but she was pretty damn kool. And I knew Ni liked her a lot (as a friend, calm yo jubblies).

"It's not your fault, hell its nobody's fault. It was bound to come out sooner or later, and its not like om ashamed of it or anything, but thanks"

She gave me a big smile when I said I wasn't ashamed, she pulled me in for a big hug and went with Liam and an unconscious Lou upstairs. I looked down to see Niall smiling at me. I smiled back and picked him up, his legs around my waist and arms around my neck, and carried him up to my room.

I opened turned the knob on the door with my left while holding Niall's waist with my right. I put my left hand back around him once it was opened and closed it with my foot. Ni released his grip from my neck and waist and took off my clothes that he was wearing til he was in his boxers. I striped down as well and helped him into bed with me.

I pulled him under the covers with me and he turned to face me. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I heard his breath start to even out and knew he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around him as well. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


~Haz's POV~

'I. Fucked. Him.' those words kept replaying in my head.

Niall gave his virginity to Zayn.

Niall lied to me when he said that it was just a kiss.

Why did it bug me so much? I'm with Brody!

Brody. He was next to me the whole time and heard the whole thing.

He was laughing a bit. that was rude. I will tell him something later.

I guess it was a bit funny, if you were someone else and were like reading this in a story or something (A/N (;) but actually hearing it. It wasn't funny at all.

Well, I guess there is a possibility that he was just drunk and saying stuff. But then why would Zayn look so embarrassed?

Well like I said, it hurts to know that he had sex with him, but its better that it was Zayn than some douche off of the street.

I shouldn't have just walked away when he asked that. That was a Dick move. I have to admit though, it did hurt a bit when he called me a douchebag, not only cause he yelled it at me, but because I hurt him that much to where he felt that he had to call me that.

*Sigh* I suddenly felt really tired. It was aa long day. I think he was still hurt from me leaving him this morning, plus that happened. I need to apologize to him.

Here I am. Laying in our bed, naked. Wishing Niall was here. I turned to on my side and pulled Niall's pillow under my head. It smelt like him.


~Ni's POV~

I woke up with a massive headache and with arms around me. Haz? No, he has boxers on...cant be him. I opened my arms to see Zayn. I sighed in relief. It's not some rapier, that's good. Why am I here? Why am I not in my own room?

Did I have sex with him again?! I wiggled a bit. Nope I'm not sore, was I on top again? I moved my hand slowky towards his ass. I squeezed it. Myabe he's. sore not me...

I slipped my hand into his boxers. He shot up, pulling me on top of him, my hand still in his boxers.

"What are you doing?" he asked. His accent. His morning voice. His accent mixed with his morning voice? Perfection.

"Hello?" Oh bad....this must look pretty creepy.

"Erm...I was seeing if we had sex last night or not....and I'm not sore, so I was checking..." He looked at me like I had grown extra nipples or something...haha...I made a funny.

"So you thought you would feel me up instead of just waking me up and asking?" I blushed when I realised I still had my hand there.

"Oh you know you were enjoying it! And it didn't cost you anything!" I joked and winked. He just shook his head and chuckled a bit. I slowly pulled my hand from his boxers.

"So, what happened last night?" I asked. I guess that was the wrong question to ask cause he shot me a worried look.

"Oh...nothing..." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his chin to make him looks at me.

"YoujustkindasortatoldeveryonewehadsexandIwastalentedcauseididnthaveagagreflexandthatiwasascreamerohandyoumayhavecalledHazadouchebag no big deal..."

"What?!" I yelled. I cant believe I did that. I groaned and threw ky self back on the bed.


Ello carrots!

I didn't edit, nor do I know how long it is...

Anyways my sister stole my burger, so I iz upset...tell me a joke?

So I really want a male reader on this chiz! It would be AmaZayn! Haha and if there is not one...then I need a volunteer so I can draw a mustache on them and they can pretend to be one....hehe PWEASE! I will be your bestess friend in the whole high world! <3

So my brother's 21st birthday party is tomorrow, well technically today cause it's 2:30am right now :D haha and I'm ready to PAR-TAE! (too bad I'm not old enough to drink -_-)

So...I have 3 piercings in each ear, and I want to get the bar...Hehe...and My mom said I can get it sometime in August...YEAH BUDDI!

Well...I think that's it....oh!

Fun Fact: Marrying a gay guy is on my bucket list! (And don't you dare say it's not possible, or that the guy wouldn't be gay, he would be bi....-_-...DONT CRUSH MY DREAMS! *sniff*)

NOW that's it....wait....

OVER 2,000 VIEWS!!! Y'all spoil me too much! :D (don't stop though...)

-Beth xxxxx

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