Lurk (NSFW) | Kylo Ren x Read...

By supremekylo

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After the sudden death of the First Order's CEO, Snoke, a new face takes over the weapons manufacturing compa... More



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By supremekylo

Eyeing the young woman, seeing her brunette hair tied back in an odd hairdo of what seemed to be three stacked buns, flyaways hanging loose, you blinked as she stuck out her hand for you to shake. "Rey..." You repeated, not recalling any Rey...

That is until you remembered Leia mentioning a daughter.

"Oh god..." You mumbled as Kylo instantly looked over at you as your heart skipped a beat.

"What?" He asked as Rey eyed the two of you in confusion.

"Hi, Rey... Sorry, I'm Y/N and this is Kylo." You presented before shaking her hand as she nodded.

"Oh, right, mom mentioned we'd be having guests tonight." She said as she took a step back to allow you in, you tugging Kylo with you as he stood there, uneasy.

"Sorry! I would've answered the door but I was setting up the table." Leia nearly panted. "Hello." She greeted with a smile, pulling you and Kylo into a hug. "I'm sure you've met Rey?"

"Yes, she introduced herself." You said, taking in a small breath.

Nodding, Leia then looked up at Kylo and saw the look on his face. "Oh... B— Kylo... Uh—"

"Why do you look so familiar?" Rey asked, looking up at Kylo. "I feel like I've seen you somewhere? In photos? Do I know you?"

"No..." Kylo answered as Leia gulped.

"Rey... This— This is Ben." She said as Rey looked at her mother for a moment, unsure of what she meant. "Your older brother..." Seeing Rey's eyes widen, her heart skipped a beat.

"Th— That Ben?" She questioned as Leia nodded, Kylo standing there as his heart sank.

"I have a sister?" He asked with furrowed brows as Leia nodded.

"I'm sorry, I never mentioned her earlier... I was so caught up on catching up with you and—" Sucking in a deep breath, Leia grabbed Rey's hand. "Well... This is your little sister."

"Oh..." Was all he could say, completely thrown back. How would he have known that he had siblings? He was kidnapped at such a young age to even know... And she must've been born after he was taken. "How... How old are you, Rey?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"Just turned 24." She said as he blinked. "What about you?"

"About to be 30..." Kylo answered as her eyebrows lifted. "You must've been born after I was taken..."

"Taken?" Rey's eyebrows narrowed but Leia gave her hand a squeeze.

"There's a lot we need to discuss, but I rather we do it around your father." Leia nodded as Rey took in a small breath before looking over at you.

"I'm— I'm just Kylo's... Uh, Ben's girlfriend." You nodded as Kylo sucked in a breath at the sound of Ben leaving your lips.

"His girlfriend?" Rey asked with a small smile. "Well, my brother's got good taste, you're gorgeous." She chuckled as you smiled.

"Thank you." You blushed as Kylo tightened his grip around your hand. "Your family is beautiful, inside and out... So I'm lucky." You said as Leia smiled at that, Rey doing the same as you leaned your head on Kylo's arm.

"It would've been a nice warning to know our guests were Ben and his girlfriend... You know, that's a very big secret you don't keep." Rey muttered to Leia as Leia patted her back.

"It's a surprise, sunshine." She said. "And your father doesn't know, either... Which is why we should move to the dining room." Leia gestured for you and Kylo to follow.

Letting go of Kylo's hand as you could feel him shake, you rubbed his lower back while you walked alongside him, entering the dining room and seeing a long, dark wooden table, filled with food.

"How did you make so much in such short time?" You asked as Leia shook her head.

"I actually bought it all, I wasn't sure what Ben liked..." Leia said with a small smile as Kylo shook his head.

"You— You shouldn't have." He said, eyeing the array of food.

"Look, you're a big guy and I'm sure Snoke hadn't fed you well. Well, when you were growing up. And, it's no big deal, your father and sister eat for four people." She teased as Rey rolled her eyes.

"I do not..." She grumbled but Leia gave her a look, as if saying sure.

"Sorry I took so long, I—" Stopping mid sentence as the old man walked into the room, everyone turned and eyed him. "Oh, they're here." He said as you blinked, eyebrows lifting at the sight.

Then, there was Kylo. With wide eyes and stutter in his heartbeat, he fell still. He was staring. The man before had struck something in him, as if a memory long lost. And it was a long lost memory that hit him. "Dada..." Kylo mumbled as your eyebrows narrowed, looking up at him—as everyone else had.

Gulping in his spot as the old man stared back at him, his heart dropped to his feet as his eyes widened. "Ben?" He muttered, but shook his head. "No..."

"It's him." Leia nodded as she walked over to her husband. "It's Ben... Or, Kylo."

"Kylo?" The man narrowed his eyebrows. "What the hell is a Kylo?"

"Snoke named me Kylo Ren..." Kylo spoke up. "That's the only name I ever knew..."

At the sound of Snoke, he snarled. He hated that man. He always believed he was the one who took his bandit from him. "Well, you're Ben Solo to me."

Nodding, Kylo gulped. "I don't know your name..." He frowned as the old man took in a deep breath.

"Han... Han Solo. Your father that never gave up on finding you." He said as he eyed his son with narrowed eyebrows and watery eyes.

Giving Kylo a small nudge, insisting he greet his father properly, he walked over to Han, unsure of what to do.

"27 years..." Han muttered before grabbing Kylo and pulling him into a tight embrace, bitting down as he held his son close. "It's about damn time!"

Hearing a sad laugh come from the old man, Kylo wrapped his arms around Han, easing into the embrace. It felt so familiar, it felt like he had been in those arms before... as a child. And he had. And he missed them.

Smiling at the sight, you couldn't help but take a photo of it: just like when he and Leia hugged.

Pushing back and looking at Kylo, Han took in a deep breath. "You're so damn tall and... All muscle... Bigger than me..."

"Well, when you have a false father like Snoke and zero social skills... You've only got yourself... And I put all my focus on me." Kylo said as Han sucked in a breath.

"There's so much we have to know." Leia chimed in. "But we should eat, I don't want to keep Y/N starving." She said as you shook your head with a small smile.

"Or me." Rey chipped in but Leia nudged her.

"Forgive me, I completely dismissed this young lady." Han said as he looked over at you. "Y/N? Right?" He asked as you nodded. "Leia talks a lot about you."

"She does?" You blushed as Han laughed with a mhm.

"Dad, this is Ben's girlfriend." Rey wiggled her eyebrows as Han's own lifted.

"Girlfriend?" He asked, looking over at Kylo, who nodded. "I get my son back and meet his girlfriend in the same day?"

"They're getting married tomorrow." Leia winked as Han grew wide-eyed.


"We're— She's joking." Kylo shook his head with a small smile as Han couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, do you love her?" Han asked, and Kylo nodded.

"A whole lot. It's obvious." Leia snickered as you and Kylo blushed. "And she's his first girlfriend!"

"What?!" Han and Rey exclaimed as you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Please..." Kylo looked over at his mother.

"You're his first girlfriend? And he's about to be 30? I've already had—"

Cutting off Rey, Leia spoke up, "I think it's cute. His first girlfriend could be his wife." She winked as Han grumbled a she better. "Now, come on, let's eat!" Leia gestured as everyone went to take their seats. Han took the head of the table as you and Kylo sat side by side, Leia in front of Kylo with Rey in front of you.

Kylo had never stuffed himself this much before with food, plate after plate, eating as much as he was able to. By the end of the dinner, he had a small pouch that you jokingly called a food baby when you saw it faintly protruding through his light grey t-shirt.

"You eat a lot, kid." Han teased as he drank a glass of wine, Kylo leaning back in his seat as you teasingly rubbed his belly.

"As a child and growing up with Snoke, my food was limited. The portions and all... I never knew what a McDonalds or Pizza Hut was—"

"What?" Rey interjected as she leaned in, holding her spoon as she was eating a slice of pie. "What kind of man..."

"Snoke is a cruel bastard." Han huffed. "Taking my son from me to hurt my family and wife's business." He said. Kylo had told them what he overheard that day he found out he was kidnapped. "Pathetic."

"Well, he's dead now." Leia said.

Sucking in a breath, Kylo looked over at you, as if asking should I tell them? while you narrowed your eyebrows softly. It was up to him to make that decision, but you knew that telling them would be the right thing when you were positive his own father would've probably killed Snoke with his bare fists.

"I have to confess to something." Kylo cleared his throat, turning his attention to his parents and away from you as you reached over to hold his hand. "Only Y/N knows this..." He breathed as Han and Leia narrowed their eyebrows.

"What is it, kid?" Han asked as Kylo felt his heart sink.

"I..." Clearing his throat again as Han and Leia, as well as Rey, leaned in intently, Kylo gulped. "I poisoned Snoke. I was the reason why he... died."

Feeling the sudden silence suffocate him, Han only sat up and leaned towards Kylo, resting a hand on his son's shoulder. "You did this world a favor—"

"Han..." Leia sighed.

"Listen, Snoke kidnapped Ben at the age of three, gave him a shitty life, made my son suffer and kept him away from us for almost three decades." Han spoke over his shoulder. "Snoke is rotting in hell, where he belongs."

"Amen to that." Rey spoke up as Leia and Kylo looked over at her. "What? All these years I could've had an older brother to piss off..." Smiling at her comment, you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Snoke had it coming." Kylo said as he looked back at his father. "I had a horrible childhood. I was always lonely, no one spoke to me, I never made a single friend and... honestly, my first friend was probably Y/N and one of my colleagues, Phasma." Hearing that, you brushed your thumb against his knuckles. "I didn't have a good time growing up. I'll admit, it was very dark and a bit morbid... I can understand why people labeled me as a loner. I had no social skills whatsoever and I was a nervous wreck." He confessed as Leia's heart snapped. "I even had dark thoughts... Nights were long, days were even longer... I really don't know how I made it this far."

"Ben..." Leia breathed as she held her chest.

"I just— The idea of finding freedom one day was what kept me going, you know? To find a way out... I just never expected it to take this long, almost 30 years. And, I'll be honest, I don't even want to run his company. I want nothing to do with him... But, I have nothing else—"

"That's not true." You shook your head. "You're very smart and talented and you could do anything you want and I'll support you along the way." You said to Kylo with a soft smile as everyone looked at you—Leia's heart melting as Han nodded—both knew you had to be the one for their son. He had to keep you forever.

"All of us will." Leia nodded as Kylo half smiled. "The past is in the past... What matters is now. What's around you. You've reunited with your family and you have a wonderful girlfriend. Ben... You don't need anything from your past, you can focus on your future." She said as Kylo took in a small breath.

"She's right." Han nodded, patting Kylo's shoulder. "But, I have to point out the elephant in the room..." Blinking as Kylo didn't know what his father meant, Han leaned his forearms on the dining table. "That scar on your face... Did he do that?"

"No, oh no." Kylo shook his head, taking in a deep breath as you nibbled on your bottom lip. He looked down, at your hand that held his, trying to think of how to word his next sentence. "I uh... I was trying to— Uh... I was—" Gulping, he sucked in a breath. "I got in a fight thinking some man was pulling something on Y/N and it got ugly... He pulled out a knife and if I hadn't moved Y/N in time she would've gotten the hit..."

Gasping, Leia leaned in. "Ben!" She scolded, almost as if he were a teenager. "A fight?!"

"Over a girl?" Han asked with a raised eyebrow.

Seeing how Kylo shifted in his seat and rubbed the back of his neck, you jumped in and saved him from drowning. "The man was reading the situation wrong and kissed me and Kylo—uh, Ben—thought the man was doing something else but that wasn't the case and—"

"So it's jealousy?" Han asked as you and Kylo sighed.

"Basically." You and Kylo chimed, only for the two of you to exchange looks.

"Huh..." Han nodded, looking over at Leia as she sighed. "So you took a knife for her..."

"His intentions weren't to hurt Y/N, but she got in the way and I had to think quickly so... yeah, my face took the beating." Kylo explained as Rey lowered her spoon.

"Dad, I think that's true love right there. Ben risked his beautiful face for Y/N—"

"Rey." Leia scolded as Rey bit back a laugh.

"No, it's okay." Kylo said to Leia. "I wouldn't forgive myself if Y/N got the injury and I didn't." He admitted as you took in a small breath and wrapped your other hand around his.

"Well, you're okay and you put Y/N's life before yours which is what matters. You're considerate." Han said as Kylo nodded.

"Of course. Y/N comes first." He said as Leia gave him a soft smile.

After spending another half hour talking, with Leia telling you stories she remembered about Ben when he was a toddler, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of her showing you photos of him and explaining each. The love was strong and it was still there, and you knew a mothers love was powerful, but this proved it.

"Ben had this bad habit of running around naked." Leia laughed. "He'd be fresh out of the bath tub and he'd just run for his father yelling dada! and it was the cutest thing ever."

"Aww, so that's why you said it earlier..." You nearly whispered as you sat close to Kylo, his arm around your waist as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"It slipped." Kylo defended as you chuckled, looking down at his watch and seeing it was half past ten. "I think we should get going..."

"Of course." Leia nodded as three of you stood up, saying your goodbyes. "Thank you for coming."

"Anytime." Kylo smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Leia smiled over at you before Han had emerged from the kitchen after helping Rey clean up the dishes.

"It was a nice surprise. I hope you two will visit often." Han said as he went to say goodbye.

"Definitely." You nodded as the married couple walked the two of you out. "Get home safe and have a good night."

"Thank you and likewise." Kylo waved as he walked off with you, to his car and opening the passenger door for you.

"That went amazing." You said as Kylo nodded in agreement before rounding the car and getting in the driver's seat. "Far better than expected."

"Yeah." He smiled, reaching over to hold your chin and giving you a sweet kiss to the lips. "Thank you."

Shaking your head, you lowered his hand and kissed his knuckles. "Don't thank me. It was time life did something nice for you." Letting go of his hand and reaching over to push your fingers through his hair, you gave him a wholehearted smile. "I'm glad you're around. I'm beyond glad to have met you, Kylo... And I'm thankful to be in your life, as your best friend and lover." Leaning over, you kissed his cheek as he smiled at the feeling of your lips against his skin. "Now lets go home so I can cuddle you."

Sniggering, Kylo nodded before doing as told, bringing the two of you back home. Eventually, after washing your face and dealing with your night routines, you found yourself in just your panties with Kylo nude beside you; your leg was draped over his hips as you nuzzled your face into his neck. You were practically a Koala bear and he was your tree.

Falling asleep easily as you rested against him, Kylo lied there with a hand holding your thigh as his other draped over your waist, tracing shapes against your skin. He was physically tired, but his mind was wide awake, running through nearly every moment of his life. From the most darkest moments where he found himself crying, locked up in a bathroom, hunched over a sink, all the way to the lightest areas... like the moment he first laid eyes on you. Even to something that happened not that long again: when he asked you to be his girlfriend.

Smiling to himself, knowing that he finally achieved his freedom from Snoke, Kylo lowered his chin and kissed the top of your head before nuzzling it, taking in your scent. He loved you more than the universe loved love.

And, no matter if he had been officially dating you for two days and known you for a few weeks, he knew he could never love anyone else the way he loved you.

He was going to make you his forever... and he would be yours.

With a simple question... But, first? He needed a ring.

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