My Favorite Season

Por SaturnFrog0202

17.5K 268 173

Samantha Maddux is the niece of Greg Maddux, and she's had a life long love for the Chicago Cubs. Having an u... Más

Best Phone Call Ever!
The 40-man lineup
Game Day
New Home, Old Friends, and a Date
A Dinner Date
I Get My Own Assistant?!
Ambulance and a Diagnosis
1 Month Later
Willis Tower
Almost Passing Out from Exhaustion and Pain
Secrets Out
Achillies Heel Tendon
Can't Breath
You Really Want to Watch Doctor Who With Me?
Definetly the Pain Killers
Packing and Random Crying
Arriving in Florida
Another Hopsital Trip
Surgery, and a Surprise
Puppy Love, and Something is Wrong
Another Diagnosis
Double Date
I Knew
Getting My Splint Off
Bringing the Families Together
Home Run Derby
Relapse, and a Mature Lung Infection
I've Got a Needle in My Chest
Sleep Deprived Love
Medications Galore
Charity Work
Dolphins' Game
Panic Attack
You've Got to Be Kidding Me
The Costa Rica Incident
I Finally Make it to a Walk
Hospital Trip on Christmas
Turning 25
Valentines Day
Unexpected News
Happy Anniversary
Telling the Family and a Home
Gender Reveal and Multiple Kicks
Father's Day Dance
All-Star Break
Brithday Dinner and Precedure
They Went All the Way!
Victory Parade

Halloween Birthday

224 7 3
Por SaturnFrog0202

Things have gone by fast these past few week. The Cubs have made it to a World Series, I've been imprisoned in Anthony and I's house, and I got my cerclage and pessary removed since I'm full term today. Anthony is a bit on edge right now since he thinks that I'm a ticking time bomb. I roll my eyes as Anthony flutters around me while I fold baby clothes. I grab his ankle, "Stop."

He sits down next to me, "Sorry. I'm just...."

I smile, "Excited? Scared? Worried?"

He nods, "All of the above."

I hide my face in his shoulder as I chuckle. I lift my head up to look at him amusedly, "Im fine, Tony. The twins will come when they're ready. Not before."

He smiles as he picks up a cubs onesie, "I know."

I smirk as I fold a pink onesie with forget me nots on it, "Ya know we haven't picked out middle names yet."

He thinks for a second, "How about Faith for the girl?"

I mumble, "Gemma Faith Rizzo. I love it."

Anthony smiles, "Rizzo?"

I roll my eyes, "I do intend on marrying you one day, you know? It all depends on when you pop the question."

He chuckles, "Soon. Now, what about the boy?"

I laugh, "We could make Kris really happy and go with Lee."

Anthony quickly shakes his head, "Please no. Also, that would make the Bryzzo fandom go nuts."

I shake my head with a shit eating grin, "Maybe not then. How about Micheal?"

He smiles, "Kristopher means to bear Christ, Micheal means one who is like God. Now, who's the Christian?"

I smack his shoulder, "Shut up. Do you like the name or not?"

He kisses my cheek, "I love the names."

I smirk as I peck his lips, "Good."

He pats my knee, "I'm gonna get that other bassinet, okay? I shouldn't be gone too long."

I nod, "Okay. Have fun carrying that to the car."

He walks out of the room after petting Wrigley on his way out. Wrigley set his head back against Kristopher's crib. I continue to fold baby clothes having to stop a few times when pain shoots up my spine. I put the clothes into their respective drawers before deciding on a shower.

The cool water feels nice against my sore back, but my eyes fly open when I feel a pop, and moisture roll down my legs. I quickly shut off the water, and look down to see pink tinged water. I look at the clock, taking note of the time as I rush to dry off and get dress.

I'm walking back to the bedroom to get my hospital bag when I notice that my stomach has dropped low on my hips. Definitely time then. I grab my bag, and go set it next to the front door. I consider calling Anthony, but I know he'll be back soon. I settle for making myself lunch. Might as well eat while I can.

I'm on autopilot as I prepare Anthony's favorite, Chicken Parmesan. I begin to pour marinara sauce over a chicken breast and penne pasta when I feel my first contraction. It's not strong yet, but it's distracting for sure. I bring my plate of chicken parmesan to the kitchen table, and begin to slowly eat. I'm not that hungry, which is a feeling I haven't felt in nine months. I stop after half of my lunch when another contraction begins. I glance at my watch again. 30 minutes apart.

This one is stronger then the last on though, and my eyes clinch shut. I feel sweat bead on my forehead, and I crack an eye open when the front door opens. I wipe the pain off my face quickly as Anthony drags a box with a bassinet in to rest against the kitchen wall. He turns to me with a smile that turns into a frown, "What's wrong?"

I relax as the contraction ends, "What makes you think something is wrong?"

He gestures to my forehead, "Your sweating, and you made my favorite meal. You only ever make my favorite meal when something is bothering you."

I push the half-eaten plate over to him, "Sit down, and I'll tell you if you promise to be calm."

He does, and finishes the chicken parmesan in a few bites. He then look at me, "Spill. I promise that I'll be calm."

I swipe at the sweat on my forehead, "I'm in labor."

Anthony blinks a few times as he processes what just came out of my mouth. He raises an eyebrow, "How long?"

"Let's see. You left an hour ago, so about an hour. If not a little longer because I was having back pain on and off," I answer.

He nods, "How far apart are your contractions?"

I sigh, "I've only had two so far, and 30 minutes apart."

He shifts in his chair, "So. Should we go? Or what?"

I nod with a smile at his awkwardness, "We should go. Twins. Lots of things can go wrong."

Anthony shakes his head, "Don't think like that."

I lean back, "Trying not to."

Anthony helps me up, "Let's go."

I whistle, and Wrigley comes running. He begins to nudge me, and I smile, "I know. I know. Babies are coming."

He jumps up to nose bump my stomach before following us out to the car. I look at Anthony sadly as Wrigley jumps in the backseat between two car seats, "It sucks that he can't be with me."

Anthony smiles sadly, "Can't risk infection. He'll have fun with your parents."

I nod, "Yeah. You got the bag, right?"

He nods, "In the trunk."

I smile before getting in the car, knowing that we would becoming home with two more family members.
My mom smiles when she's us at the door, "What are y'all doing here?"

Wrigley walks into their house as we stand on the porch, "He wanted to see his grandparents."

She raises an eyebrow, "Why don't Y'all come in for a little bit. You look dead on your feet Samantha."

Anthony and I share a look before we walk inside. Anthony whispers, "We can't stay long."

My mom nods and whispers, "I know. I can tell that she's on the verge of a contraction. Let's her stand for a minute. I always found that standing helped."

I double over and white knuckle the back of the couch as the contraction hits. I let out a very primal sounding growl between my teeth. Anthony gently rubs my back, "Breathe, Sam."

I let out a shakey breath as the contraction dies down, "Hospital. Now."

My mom nods, "Go. Your father and I will come see our grandbabies later. Go now."

My fingers crack as I release the couch. I wordlessly walk to the car, not even bothering to see if Anthony was following me. Anthony practically runs to the car after me, "That wasn't thirty minutes."

I nod, "I realize that. It was only twenty five. They're getting closer together. Now, a hospital room and an epidural would be nice."
Turns out getting an epidural means waiting for four hours for me to reach 5cm. By then I'm screaming as a group of nurses come in with the equipment for an epidural. I give Anthony a tried and half-hearted glare, "They're 5 minutes apart you asshole."

Anthony takes my hand, "I'm sorry."

I lean my forehead against his, "No. I'm sorry. It just hurts so bad. I didn't think it would hurt this bad."

He places a kiss against my sweaty forehead, "I can tell."

Dr. McCann walks in, "Is she just now at 5cm?"

The nurse nods, and she shakes her head. She grabs another nurses arm, "Get pitocin."

The nurse nods, and Dr.McCann walks around to be in front of my face, "Samantha. After your epidural I'm going to start you on pitocin. With the strength of your contractions you should much further along than 5cm."

I roll my eyes, "Of course. My body gives one last fuck you through out this entire pregnancy."

I then groan as another contraction begins to peak. The nurse waits until the contraction is at it's peak to stick the needle into my back. My pelvic region begins to feel numb, and I sigh in relief as some pressure is released.

The nurses, except for the one, who will be setting up my Pitocin, leave. Dr.McCann watches silently as the nurse sets up my pitocin line. I, however, am almost asleep because I feel good for the first time in four hours. I feel my stomach tightening again, but the pain is dulled significantly. I glance at Anthony, "They got me on the good shit now."

He laughs, "Let's see if that lasts."
Five hours later, and it's 11:00pm on October 30th. I'm still not moving along at all really. I've only progressed to 6cm. Also, I'm beginning to get a fever. Dr.McCann shakes her head as she finishes checking me again, "I'm gonna give you another hour. That's it."

I nod tired, "Okay."

Anthony brushes hair out of my sweat drenched face, "Do you want anything?"

I shake my head, "Besides for these two to be out of my uterus."

He chuckles, "Talk to them not me."

I shake my head tiredly, "I can't. I'm too tired. Can you talk to them?"

He nods sadly as he leans over my stomach, "Hey. You two are exhausting your mama. I'm sure you two will have your fun with that when you actually come out. Both of you need to hurry it up in there though cause I know as well as she does that your mom doesn't want a c-section."

I chuckle as I feel a little kick from both, "They heard you."

He kisses my gown clad stomach, "Good."

There's a knock at the door, and I smile tiredly at the sight of John and Laurie. Laurie smiles, "We came as quickly as we could. How are you feeling?"

I laugh breathily, "Like I'm trying to blow two watermelons out my ass."

Laurie's eyes widen, and she turns to Anthony. Anthony sighs, "You'll have to excuse her lack of a filter. She's beyond exhausted."

John smirks, "Oh your mother said some things too when she gave birth to you and your brother."

I arch my back slightly when I feel another contraction. The epidural stopped helping awhile ago, and I choke on a scream. Anthony groans when I dig my fingernails into his bicep. Thats gonna leave some nail marks.

Laurie feels my forehead, and she gasps at the warmth that radiates off of it, "You're running a fever!"

I nod, "Yeah. I've only got an hour to get to ten centimeters before they take me for a c-section."

Laurie frowns, "I'm sorry."

I shake my head as the contraction stops, "It's not your fault."

Anthony nods, "It's no one's fault."

Let's hope that remains true.
Against all odds I somehow progressed to 10cm in the next hour. I chuckle, "Halloween. Of course."

Dr. McCann smiles as she puts on her gloves, "Little ones have a sense of humor."

Anthony smiles next to me, "A cruel one at that."

Dr.McCann sits on a stool between my legs, "On the next contraction push."

I grip Anthony's hand in preparation, and when the next contraction hits I bear down with everything I have. Anthony smiles, "That's it. You got this."

Dr.McCann orders, "Stop. Wait for the next contraction."

I take a small break to breathe, and I bear down again. I can see Dr.McCann smile in her eyes, "That's it. I can see the head. One or two more."

Sure enough two more pushes later, and Gemma Faith Rizzo enters the world screaming bloody murder. Dr. McCann hands Gemma to a nurse, and she pulls the placenta out as well. She then turns to me, "I think you know what to do."

I smirk softly before the next contraction takes over. This one is the worst by far, and I scream as I bear down. Anthony rubs my back, "Keep going we still have a boy to welcome into this world."

However, I spent all the energy I had on our girl, and I lean back into the pillows, "I can't. I'm too tired."

Anthony shakes his head, and leans down to whisper, "Samantha Alexis Maddux. You are the strongest woman I know. You don't give up. Ever. That's not who you are. If I could I would, but I can't push for you. You've been fighting your body this entire time. Let go. Let your body take over."

I breathe a little before hesitantly sitting back up, "Let's go."

Dr.McCann whoops, "Alright. Push."

I let my body take over this time. I'm pretty sure I'm in limbo actually because I definitely was watching from above. I don't come back until I hear two little babies cry. Dr. McCann removes her mask, "Daddy would you like to cut the cords?"

Anthony smiles as he lets go of my hand to cut the umbilical cords.

I lean back against the pillows, and my eyes close. I hear a commotion begin, but I'm too far gone to actually make out words. Eventually, everything goes black, and it's eerily silent.
I wake up, and my head rolls to my right. I smile upon seeing two bassinets. I reach out for the one closest. I tear up when I see the blue blankets, "Hello, Kristopher."

He stirs slightly, and reaches for my finger. I move my hand further down so he can reach, and he tightly grips my pointer finger. I let out a sob, and I hear someone jump on the other side of me. I turn my head to see Anthony sitting with wide eyes with our little girl in his arms. I smirk, "Good morning."

Anthony tears up, "You had a hemorrhage. Dr. McCann said you were probably bleeding the entire time, but the babies applied enough pressure to stop the bleeding until.... well. You know the rest. I thought I actually lost you."

I smile sadly, "I'm okay, hun. Breathe. I'm here. I'm alive and well. It's gonna take a little bit more than giving birth to kill me."

He smiles at me before looking down at Gemma with tears still in his eyes, "She has your eyes by the way."

I chuckle, "All babies have blue eyes. They may change."

He tisks, "I hope not."

I smile, "What about hair?"

Anthony beams, "Both have full head of brown curly hair. Curtesy of both of us."

I sigh, "Poor kids."

He nods, "Yeah."

I turn to Kristopher, and I see a familiar nose. I raise an eyebrow, "Of course he would get your nose."

He chuckles, "If it's any consolation she has your nose."

I groan, "Great. She's gonna get called pug."

He smiles, "Well I think it's cute."

I roll my eyes, "Have your parent seen them?"

He nods, "Came in while you were asleep."

I nod, "And mine?"

He winks, "On their way here. They wanted to give us and the other grandparents some time."

I smile, "That's sweet of them."

I turn back to Anthony, "Can I hold them?"

He chuckles, "I thought would never ask."

He gets up from his seat, and slowly hands Gemma to me. She instantly curls into me, and I smile, "She knows who her mama is."

Anthony smiles as he picks Kristopher up, "So does he. They both know who Daddy is too. We're the only ones they curl into."

He places Kristopher into my other arm, and I begin crying. Anthony smiles, "Honey. It's okay."

I nod as I sniffle, "I know. It's just..... perfect. I've wanted to do this for nine months."

Anthony wipes a few tears away, "It's magical isn't it?"

I sob, "God, Yes."

I look up from the twins when the door opens, and my parents walk in with Anthony's close behind. I chuckle, "Finally came to soak your grandchildren in, huh?"

My mom practically busts into tears, and I laugh. My dad pulls her into his chest with a shake of his head, "You're a mess."

"Mom. Get over here, and hold one of your grandchildren," I order.

She slowly walks over to my right side, and I hold out Kristopher to her. She gently takes him out of my arm,and I miss the weight of him. She sobs as I look from my father to Gemma, and back again.

He gets the hint, and comes over to hold Gemma. I beam as I turn to Laurie, "Well. I blew the two watermelons out of my ass."

My mom sober up at that, "SAMANTHA!"

I chuckle, "Sorry. I could help it."

Anthony shakes his head, "Those two are gonna have the dirtiest mouth on the planet, and it's not gonna be from me."

I blush, "Sorry."

I shift a little, and wince from the pain quiet literally in my ass. Laurie frowns, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "Yeah. Fine."

Anthony rolls his eyes, "She's gonna be butt hurt for a little while."

I bite my lip trying to keep the smile off my face, "Shut up."

He winks, "Mikki told me that if you're nice you can get out today on good behavior."

I lean back against the pillows, "We both know that's a lie, but good. I want my own bed, and no sleep due to two babies in my own home."

The grandparents laugh, and I roll my eyes, "What? I hate hospitals. Can't stand them."

My mom rolls her eyes, "You'd think you would have gotten over that considering how many times you been to one."

I glare at her, "Watch it."

She smiles, "So you know how to take care of their umbilical stumps right?"

I raise an eyebrow, "One word for you mom. Gwen."

She gasps, "Oh yeah. I forgot you helped take care of her."

I shake my head, "Well, I wanted a Dodge Charger for Christmas."

My dad chuckles, "Oh, please. You did it because you loved her."

I shrug, "mmmmm... True. Very true. The girl has a way of getting in under the wire."

I close my eyes, and everyone continues to talk back and forth around me. I, however, fall asleep again. Probably due to the antibiotics I'm on for the infection.
When I wake up again Dr.McCann doing some tests on the twins, and Anthony is asleep with his head on the bed. His back is gonna hurt tomorrow.

Dr.McCann look at me, "Good Morning."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Is it still morning?"

She nods, "It's 10:00 right now. Your infection is doing much better now."

I nod, "That's good."

She smiles,"You and these two might get out early. Speaking of these two. They are some of the quietest babies I've ever met."

I smirk, "I was the same way." I watch Gemma squirm, "Are they hungry?"

Dr.McCann smirks, "I was just about to feed them." She hands me a bottle of formula, "I know you don't want to breastfeed."

I take the bottle from her, and she hands me Gemma first. She stops squirming when she feels the familiar presence of her mother. I bring the nipple of the bottle to her mouth, and she closes her mouth around it. Anthony stirs across the room, and he smiles upon seeing me feeding Gemma. He stands up and pops his back. I cringe at the crack, "If you need your icy hot it's in the bag."

He waves me off, "I'm fine. Can I feed Kristopher?"

I nod as Dr.McCann hands Kris and a bottle to him. He mirrors how I'm holding Gemma, and Kristopher begins to get his breakfast. Gemma finishes her bottle first and smacks her lips a little before shutting her baby blues.

I raise an eyebrow, "You weren't kidding. They are quiet."

Anthony smirks, "I think they get that from you."

I stick my tongue out at him, "Shuttie. Uppie."

He smirks as Kris finishes his bottle, and joins his sister in a nap. We share a look between each other, and between the twins. Well, our family of three is now a family of five.

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