•puzzle• TEEN WOLF(1)

By sammy_boyo

36K 757 215

A anxiety ridden girl with pretty green eyes and a bad past meets a constellation boy with ADHD - - - - Embry... More

Part I
Act I Scene I
Act I Scene II
Act I Scene III
Act I Scene IV
Act I Scene V
Act I Scene VI
Act I Scene VII
Act I Scene VIII
Act I Scene IX
Act I Scene X
Act I Scene XI
Act I Scene XII
Act I Scene XIII
Act I Scene XV
Part II
Act II Scene I
Act II Scene II
Act II Scene III
Act II Scene IV
Act II Scene V
Act II Scene VI
Act II Scene VII
Act II Scene VIII
Act II Scene IX
Act II Scene X
Act II Scene XI
Act II Scene XII
Act II Scene XIII
Act II Scene XIV
Act II Scene XV
Act II Scene XVI
Act II Scene XVII

Act I Scene XIV

862 19 3
By sammy_boyo

Some Cute Stembry For Ya

"Mom! Embry! I'm home!" Scott yells through the house. Embry just flinches and covers her ears. She is curled up in her bed, covered in blankets. Her blinds are pulled shut, her room almost pitch black. Every sound, light, and smell is causing her pain.

A hiss can be heard throughout the house. Embry shoots straight up. Not caring about the pain in her head. She bolts from her room, finding the kanima choking her mother with it's tail, and a smirking Gerard.

"Oh, Embry, I didn't know you were home," Gerard smirks as spots blind Embry's vision. Pain exploding in her head. The girl gasps, "You stay there." Gerard points to the kanima. It tried to help the girl.

"What.... What are you doing?" Embry's eyes droop.

"Just having a little chat with Scott here. Now, about Derek's Pack," Gerard practically growls.

"Please," Embry whispers to the kanima as Scott and Gerard argue, "Please, you know how I... I lost Charlie. I can't lose her too." The kanima has a pleading look on his face. Wishing he could stop.

The kanima suddenly drops their mother, leaving with Gerard, he barley hesitates.

"Mom," Embry breaths out and collapse next to her.

"Are you okay?" Worry laces through Scotts veins. He can't lose his mom.

"I don't know what's happening. I don't know what that thing was or even what you are, but whatever he wants, just give it to him," Melissa cries. Scared to death.

"Mom, it's not that easy," Scott winces.

"Do what he wants. Just give him what he wants," Melissa pants. Embry wraps an arm around her and pulls her into a hug.

"I don't know if I can," Scott pinches his eyebrows together. 100% terrified.


"Embry, are you sure you're okay if I go to work?" Scott stands in the threshold of her door.

"I'm fine, Scott. Go," Embry whispers and rolls overs. A new pain forming in her head. Scott could hear the small jump in her heartbeat. The boy just shakes his head.

"I know you're lying Embry," The small girl just pulls her head in between her knees.

"Just. Go." Embry pants, "I'll be fine later. I just have a headache," Again, Scott can hear that she's lying.

"Okay. I'll send Stiles to come check on you later," Scott turns and Embry just clenches her hands in her hair.

"I don't... I don't need a babysitter," Embry rolls her eyes, but tightly closes them when a pain shoots in her brain.

"He's coming over," With that, Scott leaves. Embry throws a pillow at a door to shut it and slams her head into a different one.


About an hour later, Stiles shows up. Slightly knocking on her door. When she doesn't answer, he just walks in.

Embry lays in her bed. Her hair in a messy bun, one of Scott's shirts covers her small body, her mouth is slightly open as she sleeps. A pillow tucked up under one leg, the other leg is straight out. Her arms wrapped around the pillow.

As soon as the light hits her eyes, she groans.

"Go away, Scott," Embry shoves her face in her pillow.

"Wrong, it's me... Stiles," The boy stands awkwardly in her doorway.

"Oh," Embry sits up and squints, "You can come on in, I don't bite." Stiles chuckles, knowing how wrong she could be, "And please. For the love everything holy, shut the door?"

"Okay, okay," Stiles puts his hands up in surrender. Shutting the door, he is blinded. It is so dark in her room.

"We can watch something, sleep, whatever you want to do," Embry yawns, pulses of agony running in her head and chest.

"Um, okay, well, let's watch something," Embry grabs the remote and turns the tv on. The light immediately hurts her eyes.

"Stiles? You can sit down, it's okay," Embry smiles weakly. Stiles awkwardly sits next to her. Laying down. Embry glances him over.

"Yes?" Stiles turns his head to her.

"Why haven't you been sleeping?" Embry can tell from one glances. Small purple rings have formed under his eyes, the sparkles that was once in them is now dull.

"Just can't sleep I guess. The nightmares, ya know," Stiles turns his head. He doesn't want her to see him like that. Not again. He doesn't want her to see him when he's weak.

"Hey, come on, let's take a nap. I'll fight off the bad dreams if they come to get you," Stiles has a small smile on his face.

"Okay, yeah," Stiles nods and rolls on his side. Facing Embry. Embry smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulder. Holding him close to her chest. Stiles soon falls asleep to the beat of her heart.

Embry stares at the tv. Not really watching. Her hands running through Stiles hair. The boy throws and arm over her waist, pulling her closer. Stiles rests his head on her chest, Embry chuckles. He's like a little puppy.

Then it hits her. She is no longer in pain. Like being around him makes it go away. Embry sighs and leans her head back. Stiles arms wrap around her tighter. For a second she thinks he's having a nightmare. But then a smile crosses his cheeks. Embry kisses the top of his head and continues running her fingers through his short hair. The motions lulling her to sleep.


Scott opens the door to the house. Running up the stairs. He can hear two soft heart beats. Matching in rhythm. He pokes his head in Embry's room.

Star Wars plays softly on the tv. The two teenagers lay on their sides. Embry's back facing Stiles, his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. A small grin etches itself on Scott's face. They are cute together.


"Stiles," Embry sits up and stretches. It is now morning, they slept peacefully all night, "Stiles, we have to get ready for school."

"Mmmm, five more minutes," Stile moans and pulls a pillow over his head.

"No, come on," Embry shakes him, trying to get him to wake up.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," Stiles sits up, rubbing his eyes. Embry smiles, "What time is it?"

"About seven. Now go home and change, I'll see you at school," Embry shoves him a bit, glad they are back to how they were in the beginning. Before he knew about Charlie.

"Okay, I'll see you then," Stiles yawns and stumbles from her room. Embry smiles and changes into a white tank top crop top, high waisted dark blue jeans, and Stiles' flannel. He accidentally left it there. Having it on makes it seem like he's actually there. Dulling the pain to a low throb behind her left eye. Embry throws her hair into a cute messy bun and puts on some makeup. Eyebrows, concealer, mascara, and chapstick. The usual. Embry takes her medication, grabs her bag, and heads down the stairs.

Scott already left. So, Embry calls Derek. Her 'personal' driver.

"Hey, can you give me a ride to school? Scott and Stiles already left, and I don't want to talk to Allison for obvious reasons," Derek sighs on the other side.

"Be there in five."


"Is that my shirt?" Stiles wraps an arm around Embry's shoulder.

"Maybe," Embry smirks a bit, her heart fluttering, "You have to admit, I look better in it then you do."

"Oh, okay, so maybe you do," Embry chuckles, "Are you coming to the game tonight?"

"Of course," Embry nods. Walking into Mr. Harris' class.

"Wanna wear my jersey?"

"Yeah," Having him, or something of his, around makes the pain stop, or become a little less annoying.

"Okay, cool," Stiles presses his lips together, trying not to grin.


"Hello, Embry, aren't you supposed to be in school?" Dr. Deaton comes to the front desk.

"It's my free period, and I have a couple of questions. The kind that don't really involve animals," Embry clears her throat, trying to be brave.

"Well, just flip that sign over there, and meet me in the back. I'll answer as many as I can," Embry nods, and follows his instructions, "So, what do you want to know?"

"What would happen... I'm talking hypothetically, if I got bit?" Embry fidgets with her fingers. She remembers what Scott and Stiles were talking about the other day in the hospital.

"Well, two things could happen. You change, or your body fights it, leading to your death," Deaton leans back against the metal table.

"What would would rejecting the change be like?" What if all the pain she is experiencing is just her dying?

"You would bleed black substance, from your eyes, ears, mouth," Dr. Deaton points out all the places, "and the bite itself. Can I ask why you'd like to know?"

Embry sighs and closes her eyes for a second, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can," Dr. Deaton smiles a bit.

"After I got shot by Allison, when I was in the hospital, I healed. Really fast, to fast for a normal person. Then I heard Scott and Stiles talking about how Derek offered to bite me to save me. Because the doctors wouldn't be able to. Scott said no, but thought Derek might have done it anyway. But when I got home, I started getting these pains, feelings, and all light, sounds, smells, everything was just overwhelming. I even went blind once or twice, and I was hallucinating. I thought, maybe, Derek did bite me. And this was just part of me changing," Embry stares at the floor.

"Can you explain these pains, feelings, and hallucinations?" Dr. Deaton starts moving around, looking at jars of stuff.

"Um, the pain, it was like someone was taking a knife and stabbing me in the head, eye, and chest. Then twisting the knife, over, and over, and over. All my senses just made it worse. The feelings. It was like, like they weren't happening now, but they will. I was scared, happy, and crying all at the same time. It just made the pain even worse," Embry's voice trails, remembering everything.

"And the hallucinations?"

"I couldn't see anything, then it was just little bursts of light. Like one of those old projectors, where you put in each slide. But a broken one. So It's was only bits and pieces, it was blurry."

"You said you went blind, can you explain that?"

"After each hallucination, I couldn't see anything. I would cry and it didn't make a difference. When I could see again, I would wipe my tears, but they were silver. Like... Like-" Embry can think of the word. It was a chemical they used in science one time.

"Like this?" Dr. Deaton holds up a small bottles, a sliver substance swirling around inside it.

"Yeah, exactly like that," Embry nods.

"It's mercury, the chemical. Somehow it seems you were crying mercury," Dr. Deaton furrows his eyebrows, clearly confuse, "Has the pain stopped?"

"Yeah, it did when Stiles came over," Embry nods, remembering him falling asleep on her chest. A small blush dusting her cheeks.

"Has it stopped now?"

"Not really. Now it's just a headache," Embry shrugs.

"Is that Stiles shirt?" Dr. Deaton knows. Just like Scott with Allison. Stiles is her anchor.

"Yeah. He left it this morning. I noticed when he or something of his is around, the pain stops a bit," Deaton knows.

"I don't know what to tell you Embry," He is lying, for her own sake, "I'm sorry. My best guess is to keep that boy around."

"Okay, thanks for trying," With that, Embry walks home.


"Hey!" Embry runs up to Stiles. A smile on her cheeks. All the pain goes away when he hugs her.

"Hey," Stiles has a small smile on his face.

"Is your dad coming?" Embry tilts her head, her ponytail swishing along with it.

"Yeah, he's already here," Stiles nods towards his father.

"Well, good luck out there tonight. I have a feeling you'll get to play tonight," Embry grins.

"Yeah, keep thinking that," Stiles chuckles and jogs towards the bench. Embry walks up to sit with Stiles dad.

"Hey, Sheriff," Embry waves and sits next to him.

"Hey, Embry." Embry glances at her brother and best friend. Trying to hear their conversation.

"It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?" Stiles seems pretty worried.

"Looks like it," Scott nods.

"Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can do. I can't-" Stiles sounds like he's about to cry.

"It's okay," Scott cuts him off.

"Dude, we're losing," Coach walks up behind the boys.

"What are you talking about. The game hasn't even started yet. Now get out tere, you're playing for Greenberg," Coach sounds completely disgusted.

"What? What happened to Greenberg?"

"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks, you suck, slightly less," Embry tunes out.

"What is my son doing on the field?" The Sheriff groans.

"He on the team?" Melissa sits on the other side of Embry. Embry just smiles and takes out her sketchbook. The sketch is Stiles. Winning the game.

Embry looks up for a few seconds. Jackson is on the field. Jackson is on the field? Embry twists her head around, Gerard stands at the end of the field, muttering under his breath. Embry's breath catches in her throat. He's going to kill someone.

"I'll be right back," Embry stands.

"Where are you going, Kiddo?" Melissa looks up.

"I forgot something in the school," Embry puts on a fake smile, "I'll be right back. Watch my stuff?"

"Of course," Melissa turns back to the game. Embry walks from the bleachers towards Gerard.

"Miss McCall. What a lovely surprise," A sick smiles comes over the old man's features.

"Mr. Argent. Can I have a word with you?"

"Of course, I always have time for my students," Gerard offers his arm.

"I'm not here as your student," Embry turns and walks. Anxiety building in her chest. She is so tired of being scared.

"What can I help you with?"

"If you hurt anyone tonight, I swear, I will demolish you," Embry crosses her arms, trying to stop her hands from shaking.

"And how, does someone like you, expect to cause any harm to, someone like me?" Gerard patronizes.

"I can destroy the one thing you hold over Scott. Your only leverage against him," Allison. She won't really. But he doesn't have to know that.

"You can't hurt her, she is much stronger than you," Gerard snarls.

"Just because I can't, doesn't mean he can't," Embry glances at the boy on the field. Jackson Whittemore.

"Jackson? He won't listen to you," Gerard scoffs. Embry smirks and raises her eyebrow, begging her hands to stop shaking.

"He won't? Jackson," Embry whispers his name. Not really sure if that was gonna work. Luckily it does. Jackson stops, turning his head to Embry. Even though he can't see her, "He'll do anything I ask." A grin comes across Embry's lips.

"You," Gerard growls, "you're his mate?"

"The one and only. Now, if you hurt anyone, I will make sure you never see that little granddaughter of yours," With that, Embry turns, and walks back to her mother.

"What'd I miss?" Embry plasters on a smiles and sits down.

"Nothing much. We are losing and they won't play Scott. Stiles keeps freezing up," Melissa presses her lips together.

"I'm sure we'll pull through. I have a good feeling we'll win," Embry smiles.

"Oh, their finally putting Scott in, I'll be right back," Melissa runs out to the field.

Embry gets a really bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. One she doesn't like. Her thoughts turn to Erica and Boyd. They are the only part of her friend group that aren't here. She is worried about them.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Stilinski puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Y-yeah, just a bit light headed," Embry chuckles and stares at the field. Scott is gone and no one can find the ball. Embry furrows her eyebrows and looks to the ground.

"Stiles, that ball is by Stiles," Embry starts hitting Stilinski's shoulder, excitement filling her. Stiles scoops up the ball and looks hella confused.

"Shoot it!" Stilinski screams and stands. Everyone starts standing. Embry does to and starts yelling.

"Shoot it! Shoot the ball, Stiles!" Embry screams. Time stops. Stiles glances at Embry, everything is slow. The small brunette bounces on her heels, the light sparkling off of her. Stiles doesn't even care about the girl with strawberry-blonde hair next to her. A grin overtakes Stilles cheeks as her throws the ball.

"Yes! Go Stiles!" Embry screams, a large smile on her face. The crowd cheers as Stiles makes shot after shot. The buzzer sounds as Stiles throws the ball. The crowd stands, roaring with happiness. We won. Embry leaves her stuff and runs down to the field. Stiles, sweaty and nasty, wraps her in a hug and spins her around.

"You did it," Embry giggles as he sets her back down. Suddenly, Stiles lips are against Embry's. Embry pulls back quickly, a blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, my god. Oh my- I'm sorry, That was-"

"No," Embry laughs a bit, panic filling in her chest, "It's okay." Everything feels tight, like something is sitting on her chest. There are too many people.

"Embry," Stiles grabs her shaking hand.

"It's okay, really, I'm going to go find Scott," Embry takes off. Trying to find the quickest way out. Instead, the lights go out in the stadium. Causing her panic to heighten. She is about to have a panic attack.

"Scott," She chokes out, tears in her eyes. Somewhere, someone screams. People start running around, knocking Embry towards the ground, "Someone, please." Embry's voice is small as the lights come back on.

"Somebody's hurt!" A random person yells, "Somebody's down on the field!"

"What?" Embry swallows, trying to slow her breathing. Embry stands, staggering towards the crowd. It's Jackson.

some good tea and some stembry. This is a loog ass chapter, bloody hell.
the first part of this book should be ending soon. I'm going to do a bit of an qna in between the first and second part. you guys can ask as many questions as you want. i really dont care.

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