A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE)

By LilithaAngel

11K 819 41

This is the third story of the Blackbloods series. If you haven't read the first two never fear as this book... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Sequel is OUT!

Chapter Three

466 32 1
By LilithaAngel

Sitting up from the cold wet floor I grimace as pain lances through my head, screwing my face up as I realise who is crouched next to me, Byron, well hell ... How did he find me?

"Finished napping brother?" Byron asks through gritted teeth, definitely not a good sign.

"I wasn't napping, I don't know what happened." I reply, feeling the warm balm in my head as my body naturally heals whatever damage was caused as I try to recall what the hell happened. One moment I was staring into the mesmerising green eyes of the most beautiful female I had ever seen, the next I was waking next to my brother.

"Well apparently you got jumped. And some little she devil had the audacity to taunt me when I tried calling you. Then she had the cheek to wait around to watch me arrive. She's damn lucky that I came alone otherwise she would not have breathed another breath." I almost breathe a sigh of relief as Byron's anger is directed at the mystery female that already my body yearns go find again.

"You leave her be. You can't just go around killing humans just because they best one of us."

"You're a damn vampire. This should never happen. Especially from a single human, a female one at that."


"The fuck did you say?"

"Pretty sure you would have my head on a spike if I said that about Lara."

"That's different!" I raise my eyebrow at his defensive tone as his mood improves slightly, a grin creeping across his face.

"What are you smiling at?"

"You might want to wash your face before the others see you." Just as he finishes speaking and before I can question any further the limo pulls up to the curb as he retreats, slipping into his bike before taking off into the night.

"What in the holy hell happened to you?" Kurt asks as he slides out of the drivers compartment, his eyes methodically rake me up and down, checking for any serious injuries, as his gaze gets to my face he bursts into laughter.

"What the hell is so funny?" I demand as Kurt doubles over, tears in his eyes, stomping to the wingmirror I study my face, frowning at the neat writing screwn across my forehead before focusing on the perfect lip impressions, my finger absently traces the shape before i straighten abruptly, scanning the area but I don't see or sense anyone watching. I can't help feeling slightly disappointed by that fact, but the predatory side of me lives for the hunt and this is a perfect challenge, I will find the little green eyed vixen and when I do, well, I haven't got that far yet. Hastily wiping my forehead with my sleeve I turn back to Kurt who is trying to compose himself and failing miserably.

"Kurt. When you have finished being an ass. Take me home."

"Yes, sir." Kurt replies, still grinning stupidly before blowing me a kiss. Rolling my eyes I smack the back of his head as I walk past, sliding into the limo I keep looking out the window, almost desperate to catch a glimpse of those green eyes again. The limo journey is quick and in no time at all we are pulling through the gates to the manor we now call home, it's been 2 years but I'm still trying to adapt to living above ground rather than below it, somehow living above ground makes me feel more vulnerable but I am dealing with it. I have no choice since almost half of our family are humans now. No sooner has the limo stopped, the door is wretched open, thin arms yank me out of the plush interior before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank the gods that you are okay. You are okay right?" The soft voice panics, a head of deep brown and red hair rests against my chest, my hands absently wrap around the figure and my fingers gently stroke her hair softly.

"I'm fine Lara. You worry for me far too much. No wonder my brother is trying desperately to get me into a relationship." Lara leans back laughing, her green eyes flaked with purple shine bright in amusement, her fangs glint in the moonlight.

"You're such an ass. If you didn't get yourself into such situations then I wouldnt need to worry about you. Idiot." Glancing around my shoulder she smiles widely, launching over my frame and the car and leaping into Byron's arms, their faces nuzzling each others necks and I can't help the warmth seeping into me at seeing them both so in love. Just 3 short human years ago i could have easily lost my family but one little human saved us all, the human race is a funny thing.

"I hear you got your ass handed to you brother." I roll my eyes before facing Dylan and Violet who both look like they're trying to hold back grins.

"Sod off the pair of you. I'm going to bed." Trying not to smile myself I race off towards my room only narrowly missing ploughing down Yasmin, her book falling from her fingers as I speed past, in a split second I am back at her side holding the book out towards her apologetically.

"Alex! You're back. How was your date? Byron didn't sound too pleased when he was on the phone to you, the poor front door was almost ripped off its hinges. What did you do?" Her childish delight is contagious.

"Well the date was awful. But I did meet another girl this evening..."

"Another girl? Is she pretty? What's her name?"

"You didn't let me finish. I met another girl under less pleasing circumstances, she had a couple of friends, one hit me on the head, next thing I know Byron is looming over me."

"Surely you remember something about the girl." Yasmin replies in disbelief. I can't help but chuckle at her confused yet gleeful expression.

"Oh I will always remember her. Her eyes were like emeralds, her lips full and red, her head only reached my chest but there was something about her, a sadness that even I felt." Yasmin looks up at me dreamy eyed before smiling widely, her white teeth shining.

"You're going to find her again right Alex?" I playfully ruffle her hair.

"You know me too well. Shouldn't you be in bed anyway missy?" A blush spreads over her cheeks, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"I was curious why Byron was so mad."

"You were being a nosey Parker you mean."

"No! ... Well... Maybe. But can you blame me?"

"No I don't blame you but now it's time for us all to get some sleep. I'm sure I will see you later."

"Night Alex."

"Night Yas."

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