The Missing Girl

By tiawiggins

6.3K 452 124

"This is kidnapping," I remind him. "Why does it have to be kidnapping?" he asks. "Kidnapping is to take with... More

It's Complicated
Heartless Bastard
What's Going On?
I Can't Believe He...
Her or Money?
Coming Home
Return It To The Owner
Happy Ending?
1.95k reads????

I Don't Hate You

454 32 0
By tiawiggins

I wake up. I fell asleep. With my hands still tied tied behind my back with the white rope tied around my wrists. I try to break free and got nothing.

My wrists sore from being tied to rope all night.

Minutes later, Zayn walks in "Having fun?" he teases.

"Har har har, very funny," I roll my eyes.

"Are you going to behave?"

"Maybe," I say.

"Okay well then your just gonna have to eat breakfast with no hands," he says.

"I don't want breakfast anyway," I say.


I can smell pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast but I resist.

I try squirming out of the rope but it only makes my wrists worse.

"Can you at least... make the rope loose a little, my wrists hurt," I whine.

"No," he says flatly and walks to his room.

Minutes later, he walks back out with his tray of food empty.

I look at the floor. I can feel eyes on my face.

I look at him walking to the kitchen.

"Can I just take a shower? And change clothes?"

I heard a tray being set on the kitchen counter.

"Can I trust you? Even if you do try to run away I'll find you," he says.

"Yes," I say quietly.

"C'mon," he walks to me, bends down and unties the rope.

I wince as I feel the rope like sores appear on my wrists.

"If you try to run off again I'll have to put you in rope again with tape on you mouth," he says.

I roll my eyes "Where's the bathroom?"

"I'll show you," he says and I follow him to the bathroom.

"Everything you need is in the closet right next to the shower," he says.

"Ok bye."

He walks out. I look in the closet. Full of shower gel, bath towels, robes, shampoo, conditioner, shower flip flops, bars of soap, Gillette Venus razors, shaving cream, detangle wet hair brush, and drain protectors.

Tons of them neatly filed in this closet.

I grab flip flops, a drain protector, bar of soap, shower gel, Detangle Wet Hair brush, robe, shampoo and conditioner.

My hair is pretty long and the Drain Protector will basically prevent and clean the hair from being stuck.

I lock the door, turn the shower on warm water, turn it on and strip out of my clothes.

As soon as I'm in the shower I feel the warm water glide my back. Relaxing.

I stay in there washing up my body and washing my hair for about twenty five minutes.

Then after I have a soft, fresh, clean feel to my hair and body I turn the water off and grab the robe and put it on. I slip on the flip flops and brush my now kind of tangled hair in the mirror.

I unlock the door and open it.

"What do I do with the stuff I used in the shower?" I ask loudly.

"The maid will get in soon," he says.

"Can I go to my room and change?"

"Whatever," he says.

I walk to my room and close the door. I lock the door. I go in my closet and find a outfit.

Random but cute. Grey sweater with black jeans and Converses.

I walk out and sit on the couch.

Zayn eyes me and his phone rings. He ignores it.

The maid walks in the door.

"Hey boss sorry I was kind of late," she says.

"It's okay, just clean up in the bathroom," he says to her.

"Alright," she says.

"You can watch TV, you know," the maid says to me as she walks to the bathroom.

"Oh um okay," I say to her.

I turn the TV on to cartoons.

"Dork," Zayn laughs.

"I like cartoons, go away."

"Go away? In my own house?"

"Well go do something significant," I say.

His phone rings "I'll be back, I have to take this," he says loudly to the maid.

"Okay," she responds to him.

He steps outside then minutes later he walks back in the house "Tomorrow I have to go to the beach. Your staying here," he says.

"What? Why?"

"Because I said so," he says.

"Your the worst."

I walk to my room, not caring that Zayn is looking at me and just get depressed.

"Why do you want to go? I thought you hated me?" he says close to my room door.

"I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you though."

"Ughhh, fine. Do you have the proper clothes?"

"Yeah douche bag," I say.

"Fine but if I have any problems with you I'll-" I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, you'll tie me up and put duck tape over my mouth," I finish for him.

"Try not to act like a child tomorrow," he says.

I mentally curse him out.

I turn the light off and lock the door just in case if the unspeakable thing happens to me.


I snuggle with the covers and soon go to sleep.

Sorry if this chapter wasn't as interesting...

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