Pet | joshua

By onlyfordaddysukuna

42.8K 1.9K 1.4K

[Series] Book 3 of Seventeen // Hong Jisoo "I was happy to be by your side, but I never knew that it would hu... More

Pet | 1. Hyejeong
Pet | 2. Joshua
Pet | 3. Believe
Pet | 4. Come back
Pet | 5. Hate
Pet|6. Witch
Pet | 7. The Challenge
Pet | 8. Mystery
Pet | 9. Fish
Pet | 10. Jealousy
Pet | 12. Vice President
Pet | 13. The Boy from Before
Pet | 14. The8
Pet | 15. New VP
Pet | 16. Jealous
Pet | 17. Kwon
Pet | 18. Get even
Pet | 19. Move out
Pet | 20. Worth
Pet | 21. Wife
22. Go home
Pet | 23. Revelations
Pet | 24. Tell her
Book 5

Pet | 11. Understand

1.3K 71 70
By onlyfordaddysukuna

"Done!" I clapped my hand once after I placed the last dish on the table.

I looked proudly at the product of my hard work. After all I've been through in the market and my dilemma in the kitchen, I produced an edible meal for us.

"You really declined my offer to help you." Grandmother murmured. She was watching me whole the time as soon as she was done preparing for her date.

"You will have your date soon. How can I let you help me in the kitchen, grandmother?" I poked her side playfully and she laughed.

"It's not like me and your grandfather are still young. Even if I look like a witch, he will still love me the same." She boasted while fanning herself.

I could see how my grandmother cheeks reddened while her eyes twinkled. This was real love. It never gets old.

"Here I am, I thought that grandfather and you don't love each other." I confessed.

She looked surprised at my statement, but then bursted out laughing.

Grandmother gently held my hand and talked.

"The best love in this world is when you can understand each other. Your grandfather ran the company alone for me, so I can pursue the things that I want to. If you try to understand Joshua, you'll see how great man he is."

She was always saying that I should understand him. I thought that grandmother just fancied Joshua because he's good in his works, but she actually trusted him. Maybe, because she understand him better.

Lately, I've been always thinking about how can I make Joshua loves me or if he loves me. I was putting him in a situation that left me confused, troubled, and mad in the end.

A car honked, signalling that they have arrived.

I rubbed my hands on the apron while I panicked.

"T-they're here. I haven't fixed myself." I brushed my hair with my fingers. I almost ran in front of the nearest mirror, but grandmother stopped me and tucked the hanging strands of my hair.

"Darling, you look good." She complimented.

No. I definitely looked like a witch.

Still, grandmother pulled me to welcome the boys back.

Grandfather gave her a kiss on the cheek as soon as he descended in the car.

"Honey. I'm sorry if we are late. Joshua needed to fix what he left in the meeting." And he gave Joshua a sharp gaze. The latter massaged the back of his neck.

"My apologies, grandfather." Joshua said politely.

"Don't scold him. His wife needed him. Won't you do the same if it was me?" Grandmother comforted Joshua by lecturing grandfather.

The older sighed in defeat.

"Okay, I forgive him." He said with his tone much lower than before. "Now, let's go. You must be hungry." Grandfather assisted her inside the car with care.

He looked at grandmother with unending love. I wanted that love.

Joshua snapped a finger in front of me, forcing me to look at him. He was smiling sweetly at me. He slightly bent his knees so that our eyes would be at the same level.

"Let's go in. I heard you prepared the best dinner for me." And he winked.

My brain stopped on functioning till Joshua held my shoulder and pushed me inside the house.

We reached the dining room before I remembered something important.

"Ah. Let me fix myself." I moved away to face him. He looked way more proper than me because he's still on his office attire and I bet that I stink because of the cooking.

This was the only time that I don't want to be near with Joshua.

My heart skipped a beat when his gaze landed on me and observed me closely.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, gaze still plastered on me.

How could this man brush all my insecurities by just staring.

"You look proper while I..." I looked away while explaining.

He laughed and motioned me to sit down.

We were supposed to sit at the ends of the table till he moved the plates and placed it next to each other.

"Sit down and wait for me." Astonished, I obeyed him. Joshua was surprising me in every way today.

Shortly, he came back from the kitchen. His coat and tie have been replaced by a blue apron.

I was wearing the pink one by the way.

He showed me proudly his unmanly attire and we both laugh.

"Why does it look like a storm hit the kitchen?" He laughed as he sat next to me. His arm stretched on the back of my chair while the his other hand grabbed the chopsticks.

I would like to ask him if he could sit property, but I didn't want to spoil the moment. I wished to close our gaps.

"Time to judge the food." He said happily.

I clasped my hands and prayed when he start munching each of my cooking.

"Mmmh." He murmured while nodding. Sometimes giving me short glances as a tease.

"Don't mmmh me. I know it's not that tasty. I just follow the procedures from the internet and ask tips from grandmother." I pouted and hit his arm.

Joshua laughed at my reaction.

"Taste it. So, you'll know yourself." He motioned the chopsticks in front of my lips. He was trying to feed me! And he was looking at me intently!

I bashfully accepted his offer. Surprisingly, it tasted better now that it was him who feed me.

"I can get used to this cooking." He sang.


Did he mean...

He wanted me to cook for him?

Did he meant he can spend his entire life eating my food?

Joshua continuously feasted on the food with pleased expression.

He must be tired and hungry from working all day. I never knew how hard it was to work in such huge company then I always messed with him at home.

Joshua has been taking care of the Hong and my family's business endlessly. I wanted to lift any tiny burden for him by behaving.

"Thank you for coming to see me awhile ago."

He stopped and faced me.

"I can't do that again. Your grandfather had even threatened me to kick me out of your company if I left." He said in a slightly scolded way.

"Why did you still leave?" I pouted.

"I can build a corporation like yours in three days. It's no big deal."

I rolled my eyes then laughed.

He pinched my nose gently before he continued his rant.

"You got me worried. You should pay attention to your surroundings, Mei. The world is full of people that will hurt you. Some will love you."

"Are you part of the 'some' or the 'people"?" I wanted to slap myself for ruining the happy mood.

Joshua looked in to my eyes deeply. Like he wanted his words to be planted inside of me.

"I can become a man that will hurt you because that's how I can only love you." He replied after looking away.

Those words left me thinking. It was so vast that I could give it a lot of meaning. And he might actually confessing his love to me?

I wanted to ask. I wanted to know more.

"You should start eating." He reminded me while putting everything in my plate like a thoughtful husband.

We ate and laughed the whole time. I only asked him to end the night when I noticed the clock and it was pretty late. He still had an early work tomorrow.

"Go ahead and rest." I pushed him away while I fixed the table.

"I'll help you with the dishes." He still volunteered by getting the plates from my hand.

He carried it to the sink. We looked like a kid who's playing with the plates.

The cleaning was faster and funnier with him next to me.

Joshua and I accidentally grabbed the same plate. I became aware on his hand on mine that's why I accidentally pushed a glass on the edge, shattering it on the floor.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed and bent my knees, but Joshua pulled me up.

"What are you sorry for? I'll pick up the shards. You might get hurt if you do it." He gave me a smile before he picked the shards.

I continued washing the dishes but I heard him winced.

"You're bleeding." I hurriedly snatched his hand and looked at him guiltily.

"This won't kill me, okay? Get me the health kit and take care of me to help me feel better." I knew he only said those words to make me feel better. After all, it was just a tiny cut on his finger.

But I still feel sorry for him.

I nodded and walked to get the kit. I happily hopped back on the kitchen, but things wouldn't be as mushy like before.

"Hyejeong. Stop. I can't understand you." I heard Joshua pressed calmly. He was still on his knees, cleaning the shards.

His back was facing me that's why he didn't know I was hearing him.

"I'll go home. Hush. Wait for me. Please wait for me." Joshua plead.

He let out a frustrated groan when it seemed that Hyejeong ended the call.

He picked his phone and called again.

"Book me a flight back to Korea. ASAP." He asked in a serious tone. He maybe talking to his secretary because the calm Joshua was gone.

"The next flight is in the morning? I want it now. Fucking rent a whole plane or buy the whole airport! I don't care! Or buy me a helicopter. A jet!" I covered my mouth when I heard him shouted. This was new to me.

He lost his cool because of Hyejeong...

"Seungcheol. Hyejeong is in my mansion. Accompany her till I get home." The next call was still for Hyejeong.

I wondered was he this panicked when I called him.

When I realized that he wasn't making another phone call, I entered the kitchen like I knew nothing.

"Mei. I have to go home earlier." He said. His whole hand was damaged now. Maybe, he lost his focus because of Hyejeong.

"For what?" I prayed that he wouldn't lie.

"There's a business that needs my attention in SoKor. I have to tend it as soon as possible. We'll you be okay to stay here for awhile?"

I would understand him if he tell me the truth. I would allow him to go even if its Hyejeong.

He didn't need to lie...

"I can go home with you." I presented, but he shook his head.

"I'll be busy for now. I'm afraid that I can't look for you. Stay here with with grandmother till our flight?" He patted my head like a child.

"Okay... But how about your hand?" I said in low spirit.

"I can take care of this. Thank you for understanding, Mei."

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