The Unknown Mistress

By Nadineb1

711K 18.7K 1.4K

Mia is 24 years old married to her childhood sweetheart Brian Walker. They have been together since the age o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41- The Wedding
Chapter 42
Thank You

The Final Chapter..

22.3K 367 88
By Nadineb1


Ava Winters was finally ready to come home, after a month of being kept in the hospital she was finally ready to come home. After I thanked the nurses and doctors for everything we made our way out of the hospital and into the car. 

"Is the car seat ok?"

"Yes its fine"

I strapped the baby seat in and made sure it was secure before I hopped into the passenger seat and made our way. 

"Are you ready for this" 

"Yes, I'm ready" 

We pulled up to the big white house and there were 3 pretty excited girls waiting at the top of the steps. As soon as they seen us they ran down as fast as they could to the car and stood right in front of us. 

"Can we see? we will be good promise" pleaded Annabelle

"And then me too" pleaded Amy

"Girls let us at least get inside the house first" 

Annabelle took the baby bag off my shoulder and Amy took the empty bottle and we were rushed inside. They dropped the stuff off in the kitchen and made there way to the end of the stairs, and stood there whispering to each other. 

"Dad, Mia we have a surprise for you" 

I looked at Alex and he looked at me with a puzzled look, I was slightly worried what a 8 year old and a 6 year old have done. Annabelle took Alex's hand and Amy took mine, we walked up the stairs and stood us in front of a large brown door. 

"Go on, open it" they insisted. 

Alex swapped the baby car seat from one hand to the other and began to open the door. Inside was a light pink room with grey furniture and Ava in gold letters on the wall. There was a white cot and little pink teddy bears and a matching blanket inside. 

"You guys did this, its... beautiful" 

I kneeled down and they both ran into my arms and hugged me, I could feel the tears start to creep up on me. 

"Well the baby needs a room too." 

"Now we can be a proper family" the two girls smiled and was lapping up the attention. 

"Can we see her now Mia, please" 


I took her out of the car seat and wrapped her up in a blanket and placed her in the moses basket. They stared in awe of her admiring her little toes and feet, and Amy counting them all to make sure they were all there. Kourtney and Matt walk in with baby Amanda in her arms, they hug and congratulate us and of course wanted to meet Ava. We began to hear little cry's coming from the moses basket as it was feeding time. 

"Girls lets go downstairs and start setting the table for dinner and let daddy and Mia get settled in" 

I sit in the large chair thats in the bedroom and lift up my top, the bond with breast feeding is something I am so grateful to have experience. She latches on straight away and began to suck. 

"Mia, can we talk" 


"I want you to stay here with me and the girls, I want you to be in our family. Its been a hell of a journey but looking at you and us now its was worth it"


"I know its a messed up crazy ass situation and how we started wasn't right but were here now and I wanna forget that and make new memories with Ava and the girls better ones to take away the pain" 

I was staring at him walking up and down mumbling and stuttering the entire time. No matter how hard I tried he just wouldn't stop. 


He stopped dead in his tracks and faced me 

"Just tell me one thing"

he nodded as he kneeled down and watch me put Ava into the moses basket

"Was i ever the mistress?"

"Never, you were the one and I'm gonna make sure i spend the rest of my life making sure you know it"

He kissed me gently and turned around leaving me in my own thoughts. Was I ready to be a mother not just to my kids but to his? I didn't know the answer and I didn't know how I was going to decide. My heart was telling me to stay but my head was telling me to run. I walked half way down the stairs and seeing them all at the table warmed my heart. 

"If I want to marry Thomas dad I will"

"Oh no you want Annabelle Winters, you will never marry until your 30!" 

"YEAH! who needs boys anyway they smell and have germs" 

"Thats right see she listens to me" 

As the girls and Alex bickered I laughed as I slowly made my way into the dining room

"Mia, tell him its ok for me to marry my boyfriend" 

"Hey, don't get me involved in this" 

I put my hands up and sit myself in the last place on the table.

"You know my friend Katie has a step mom I was asking her about it in school and she said its cool like everyone has one these days" 

I choke on my dinner and take a sip of water as everyone stares at me. 

"You ok" Amy asks

"Yeah, sorry, just went down the wrong way" 

After dinner, we went outside to play before the girls go to bed. I sat on a bench with Ava wrapped up in blankets and watched them jump around on the trampoline, and play chasing with Alex. 

Alex stumbles over to us gasping for breath, and throws himself down beside me. 

"I need to get back into the gym" he huffed and puffs

"Ive made up my mind" 

He stops breathing and turns towards me with a look of worry on his face. He looks at the ground and stares. 

"I would like to stay" 

"REALLY!" he shouts

"Yes, really" I giggle

"You have made me the happiest man alive" 

The girls run over and see what all the commotion is about, and is slightly confused

"I love you so much Mia and I'm gonna spend my whole life showing you and telling you every day."

"I love you too" 


Thank you to everyone that has read the story, I know some bits were short and some bits were long, I will go back and edit the whole story when I have a bit more time. I can't believe already so many have read it and I love reading your comments and views. I just wanted to say thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed it. 

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