The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

3.4K 159 36

~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
Evan ran away again...
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1

Finding her

252 9 1
By DeathNice12

Ian's P.O.V:

I walked into school and immediately smelt the same vanilla mint scent as yesterday.

I started looking around for the source hoping I hadn't mistaken and it was that girl  I had seen yesterday.

I looked around and I saw Brittney, Jessie, and Tiffany crowded around her laughing but she wasn't laughing with them hurt was shown on her face and then it was gone making me a little angry what had they done that hurt her?

The girls stopped as they noticed me walking down the hallway Brittney in her short pink pencil   shirt, her tight white crop top, tall stiletto heals and her bouncy blonde curls ran up to me making me stop, Tiffany her hair also in curls but she had on short white shorts and a yellow crop top and Jessie, her  hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she too had on a yellow crop  top but she had on skinny jeans instead of shorts. They ran up to Micheal and Jace.

I glanced down at her squealing "Babe I'm so glad you're  back" and jumped up wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek I pushed her away and looked over at that girl she was looking back at me and with mixed emotions mostly curiosity then fear she quickly turned around and walked away.

 I looked at Brittney In disgust as I pushed her away and headed in the direction I saw the girl go.

"Hey wait where are you going" Brittney questioned as she grabbed my arm making me turn around I was about to growl at her but refrained remembering that she's a human.

"Brittney" I started she looked up at me with lust and adoration in her eyes "I broke up with you weeks ago so get over me and don't touch me" I said almost growling at that last part and pulled my arm free. She stared at me wide eyed I started to leave to find my mate when-

"Mr. Walker I know you have somewhere to be and it's not in that direction" Mrs. Madison said she looked around "as do the rest of you now get to class" I growled quietly hating that I couldn't go find her.

I have to know if she's my mate or not...Just one touch, look, anything would help me...

Thoughts of her filled my head and school whizzed by and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I was a little angry my potential mate wasn't in any of my classes so far so I hadn't seen her all day, maybe I could find her and see her at lunch.

Maybe she'll sit by me.

With that in mind me and my friends aka my pack mates went into the cafeteria I looked around but I couldn't find her. I smelled the air but she hadn't been in here I followed her scent outside and saw her sitting by a tree reading a book She looked beautiful sitting under that tree with the wind blowing the few stray strands that freed themselves from her ponytail framing her face. When I got closer I heard her stomach growl and she sighed but continued reading why isn't she eating?  Was she not eating properly?

Evans P.O.V:

I sat under a tree and started reading one of my favorite books I'm surprised they had it here. It's so good.

I heard foot steps and look up to see the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen he was around 6ft. tall maybe taller his tight black shirt perfectly outlined his broad shoulders and very large very toned muscles, he had a sharp jaw line that was freshly shaved making my mouth water a bit his jet black hair was short on the sides but long enough on top that it just barely reached the bottom of his brow...yes he was very attractive.

He came toward over me and I realized he was the guy from yesterday and this morning. A feeling of fear washed over me.

I closed my book and got up I  was about to walk away when a deep masculine voice the kind  that make girls shiver said "where are you going" I was shocked why was this gorgeous beast of a man talking to me I looked at him.

"Inside" I managed not to stutter which was surprising this guy was  huge and intimidating it probably didn't help that I tend to get intimidated easy especially by boys.

"Sit back down" he said coldly while he took a seat next to where I was a minute ago I looked down at him in disbelief did he really just try to order me?

I may have the courage of a chicken nugget but he doesn't have to know that...maybe I can...get away?

He looked up at me again he had violet-red eyes they were exotic and mesmerizing especially compared to my hazel I mean sure hazel eyes where cool cause in certain lighting they appeared to change colors in a sense but still his where absolutely amazing.

"why aren't you sitting down?" his voice boomed.

Maybe I don't want to sit down maybe I don't  trust you.. you freaking intimidating, ordering beast I shouted in my head knowing I wasn't brave enough to say that to him. I contemplated if I should sit down or just leave. I slowly sat down a few feet away watching him carefully.

"Why are you sitting so far away?" he said angrily.

I blinked a few times trying to contemplate what to do, I inched forward a bit and stayed still again.

He sighed "What were you reading?"

"Oh um...It's called the Princess Dragon"

"That sounds interesting what's it about?"

"Um well...It's about a princess is trapped in a tower-"

"Oh it's one of those cliche books"

"Now wait just a minute it is not cliche yes she's trapped in a tower and yes she gets saved by a knight in shining armor however it has a major plot twist and I would share but I don't wanna spoil it."

"It still sounds cliche"

"Then don't read it but it's great and not cliche" I huffed and started to back away.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me forward so I almost hit his chest but I caught myself and looked up and saw him smirk a hint of amusement. I quickly sat up and backed away from him, he growled and grabbed my hand again. I stopped moving only to see him raise my hand with his a kissed it. I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato.

"I just want you now" he whispered and starred into my eyes bringing my face closer to his.

I freaked out and instantly freed my hand smacking him I started to run toward the school. I heard a growl behind me I froze and turned around slowly the beast well that's what I'm going to call him since I don't know his name had growled and looked mad or at the very least annoyed.

What the heck happened we were having a nice conversation and now this!

I felt a hand grab my waist and I was pulled into a hard chest warmth immediately consumed me and large arms wrapped around my small frame I froze this is sexual assault or is it harassment either way he's violating me.

Then I felt his nose go into the crook of my neck and he breathed in deeply did he just smell me?

Definitely a creep I didn't know what else to do so I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow making him step back I don't think it hurt him but he was definitely surprised and I ran inside the school he can't do anything to me at least not right now.

I heard him growl again but I ignored it and went to my next class. I rubbed my elbow it hurt is he made out of stone like seriously what a weirdo I was however thankful he wasn't in any of my  classes though there's still a few more to go before I'm out of the clearing.

P.E came and of course that's the  class he has to be in with me the one where he can freely come up to me because we have no seating arrangement or seats.

I stood there awkwardly in the same leggings as yesterday and one of my dads old shirts It was a lot baggier than my other cloths as my dad was considerably taller and broader than me and his shirt reached just above my knees but it was the first thing I saw.

I heard a growl then someone grabbed my wrist roughly and turned me around so I was staring at a large chest. I slowly look up and there's that guy from earlier. The beast. He was fuming I just stared at him then, he closes his eyes breathing in and out.

His grasp was starting to hurt  probably going to cause a bruise jeez can't these people leave me and my poor arms alone.

I tried to remove my wrist from his powerful grasp only succeeding in making him tighten his grip more I winced it almost felt like he was going to break my wrist. I let out a whimper and he snapped his eyes open and looked down at my hand that was starting to turn purple and immediately he let go.

I started messaging my wrist and glanced up at him but he continued to glare at me

"What are you wearing?" His jaw tightened I looked down then back up at him saying.

"Clothes"I wasn't sure what he expected but considering he looked angrier I don't think he liked that answer, not that I care if he does this guy was pissing me off.

First, he and his friends are hiding out in a creepy alleyway.

Second, he tries to order me to sit by him.

Third, he hugs me without my permission

Fourth, he smelled me which is creepy on its own.

Fifth, he growls which I don's think is normal and either way is scary.

Lastly, He touched me without my permission yet again almost breaks my wrist definitely bruising it and now he has the nerve to question what I'm wearing and get mad over my answer awe heck no...

Oh I almost forgot he almost kissed me which I wouldn't mind letting my first kiss go to a hot guy like him but not him I don't even know his name for crying out loud and I didn't do anything to him so therefore I'm the only one in this situation allowed to be angry he's lucky I don't call the police.

Breaking me from my thoughts "Why are you wearing another mans shirt" the beast asks.

What does he mean another mans shirt like whose should I be wearing? His? I said in my mind oh yeah right.

I flash him my you're really annoying but I'm going to tolerate you while secretly I wanting to throw a brick at your face smile and say "I don't see how that's any of your business" I saw a scowl grow on his face he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when

"All right I'm picking teams line up" Couch Davis shouted and everyone started to line up I took this chance and  got as far away from the beast as possible, lucky for me we're on opposite teams and we're playing dodge ball.

Finally school ended and I went to change back into my jeans and shirt and as I exited the   locker room I saw the beast was there right outside the door with several girls behind him giggling and gawking at him, although he is hot I will admit that much, he's a creep and I knew I didn't want to be near him and turned to walk in the other direction.

I heard  footsteps follow me and then a large warm hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me  to face the beast.

"Where are you going" he said.

You know I still didn't know his name and I doubt he knows mine and definitely has no right to ask me where I'm going.

I'm getting really annoyed but I decided to just answer him I don't want to get into a fight and replied "Home" quick short and straight to the point.

The beast smiled a little then "How about I drive you" and he loosened his grip on my shoulders.

I immediately shook my head "No thank you" and I started to walk away again, this time he didn't stop me.

I looked back  and saw him following me maybe he just happens to be going the same way as me after all I did see him in an alleyway near the apartment building me and dad are staying in. I decided to just ignore him and keep walking.

When I got about half way down the hallway a figure stepped in front of me making me run into him I fell backwards landing hard on my butt I looked up to see a boy he wasn't tall but he wasn't short either with platinum blonde hair and beautiful forest green eyes.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked in a sweet voice I nodded and started to get up when his hand stretched out and I gladly took it.

As I was  getting up I gave the boy a small smile and stepped around him and he stepped in front of me again "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but I need to go so if you don't need anything can  you please move?" The boy looked at me for a moment then.

"I really am sorry for bumping into you I just didn't know any other way to get your attention" I looked at him for a moment and gave him a small smile.

"Well you've got it now what do you need?"

He looked at me smiling a bit "My name is Jackson.

"Smiling a little bigger I said "That doesn't answer my question"

"What question" He said giving me a innocent look.

"What do you need from me?" I repeated.

"I was wondering if a pretty girl like you would like to join me for a movie tomorrow?" I have to admit he is someone I would probably date but before I could answer I heard a growl.

I turned around to see the beast stalking towards us fuming he was defiantly mad about something.

"She's not going anywhere with you" He said clenching his jaw and putting an arm around my shoulders which I immediately pushed his arm off earning another growl from him.

Seriously how does he do that it makes him even more intimidating. I looked at the beast but his gaze was towards Jackson and let me tell you if looks could kill Jackson would be lying dead on the floor seriously the beast looked as if he was trying to summon laser eyes to melt him.

Jackson looked down at his feet before glancing up at the beast "I didn't know she was taken I'm sorry Alpha." Alpha? Is that his name? Nickname? Well whatever it is its weird none the less. The beast or Alpha I guess was still glaring at Jackson but looked less menacing if that makes sense and growled.

"Well now you know and I expect this won't happen again" I looked from the beast to Jackson back and forth I so want to tell this guy off but currently I'm afraid of what he'll do to me.

I shrugged and started to walk away I just have to endure this for hopefully only a month or two.

"Hey where do you think you're going" the beast yelled I just ignored him and kept walking. I think he stopped following me which was great.

I made it outside and was walking around when I saw a convenient store I decided to go get   some groceries.

After scouring the isles and shelves I found everything I needed, I ran up to the register to pay. After paying I realized buying everything at once probably wasn't the best idea since there were more bags than I wanted to handle this was going to be a long walk home.

I picked up the heavy bags in both arms. Now is when I wished I had taken weights and worked out more. I started walking home and guess who was waiting outside the store just for me...yep the beast. I don't think I have ever wanted to move so badly in my life! Normally I get annoyed when we have to move but this time I want to.

"Looks like you could use a hand" the tall brooding man said I looked at him and immediately felt my body shiver seriously is he stalking me?

"I'm okay thanks though" I said with a smile.

"Please I insist" I simply shook my head and started walking why on earth would I let my stalker walk beside me and have the chance to talk to me or rape me or worse kidnap me no way I'm keeping my guard up.

The beast grabbed my shoulder "please let me help you" he seriously needs to get a clue.

"look I appreciate the offer but I don't need help"

"At least let me drive you it can't be fun walking with all those bags"

"Look I don't even really know your name and I know for a fact you don't know mine, not to mention you're weird so excuse me for being careful I appreciate the offer but please do me a favor and leave me alone. " I was seriously getting tired of him.

"You're right."

I looked at him. "What?"

"You're right I'm sorry"

"I forgive you." I picked up my bags and walked away hoping he would finally leave me alone which he did for the rest of the day that is...

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