When it's arranged...

By zoec19

142K 4.9K 155

a normal girl living a normal life soon has a lifechanging experience... her dad is making her marry the man... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 27

3.1K 115 2
By zoec19

I woke up the next morning next to a sleeping Luke, I looked at his gorgeous face. I'm so in love, I could stare at him all day, I finally felt happy in this horrible situation. I was about to get up and as I shifted to the edge of the bed Luke pulled me closer to him

"good morning" he whispered in a husky voice making him even more attractive and then he started kissing my neck "how'd you sleep?" I felt like I was melting, this was all too perfect, he was all too perfect

I was about to answer his question but my ringing phone interrupted me

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Luke's mom yelled over the phone "you two better be here in less than an hour, we can't spend our whole day just waiting for you"

"uhm... be where?" I asked nervously as Luke just looked at me having no idea what's going on

"every reporter we know is here, you better have the best excuse in this world" she spat viciously

"Mrs Adams" Luke sat up straight and frowned at me "we don't know what you mean, where should we be?"

"shit" Luke suddenly said aloud "Mexico" he looked at me shyly "we have to have a publicity trip to Mexico and everyone's waiting on the airport to say a happy goodbye"

"I said no Luke" I completely forgot his mom was on the other side of the phone

"I don't care what you two are doing or where you are, I just need you both to be at the private jet within an hour or you will regret it" her firm voice scared me and she hung up before I could respond

I put the phone down on the bedside table and jumped up wearing only Luke's button up shirt

"Luke, what is this?" he stared at me, I could see the worry in his eyes

"what are you talking about Kate? I told you about this. and I must say you look extremely hot in my shirt" he smirked standing up and heading towards me

I dodged him "I said no, I said I don't want to go. Luke, I don't like having you control my life"

"why are we always fighting?" he sighed, I tried not to look at his abs "Kate" he moaned rolling his eyes "why don't you want to go? It's not like you have anything else to do"

I turned to face him, anger flowing out of me and I think he caught up on the anger

"wait wait wait" he said before I could speak "that was so wrong of me to say, I didn't mean it Kate" he sat down on the bed and berried his head in his hands "all we need to do is go to the airport, board the private jet and that's it, please" he sounded like he's giving up "we don't even need to go to mexico, it's just a cover for the magazines"

"ok" I got all his attention. he's right, we should stop fighting, it's not beneficial to either of us "but we aren't going to mexico, we're going to Australia, we have a company to run"

"thank you, thank you Kate love" he jumped up all excitedly "we need to get dressed and go, now"

"we don't have our stuff, you only have the suit you wore to the wedding and we have 20 minutes before your mom kills us"

"it's ok, I'll wear yesterday's suit and you can wear a dress you packed in for today, no one will mind" he stood up and picked up all the clothes we left on the floor and got into the suit he wore and I put on the dress

we got there 3 minutes later than the time Luke's mom said but all the paparazzi's were still there awaiting us. Luke picked me up in bridal position out of the car and carried me all the way to the jet, making the camera's flash more than ever before.

we got into the jet and his mom was waiting there impatiently "mexico" she said firmly

"Australia" Luke argued

"okay, Australia it is" she somehow instantly agreed and the jet was in the air "let's see what the media thinks about that entrance" she turned on the tv and instantly there was a report on us

"fake or real, how does the hit couple explain their sudden romance?" Luke's mom glared at us and then changed the channel

"is there anyone cuter than the it couple, I mean when was the last time your partner carried you all the way to a private jet" the reporter laughed "maybe we should get them to come in and give us a few tips on how to be romantic"

"that's an interview you're both saying yes to" Luke's mom switched off the tv "the wedding is almost planned and I think now is the time to choose a date, and a location. you can also start adding names to the guest list that I already began on, inviting only the most esteem people"

"wedding" I remembered "I want Lily to be the maid of honour and Catherine and Minette to be bridesmaids, then I want to invite a few more people but they aren't too important" Mrs Adams glared at me

"I want Austin to be best man and-" Luke started

"I'll stop you right there, neither of you can invite anyone who isn't top list" she spoke as she drew out a book and started jotting down things

"It's my wedding" I frowned looking at her seating arrangement chart "I don't want them to sit together this close to our table, hell I don't even want them at my wedding" I pointed to two names of reporters that I've never gotten along with

Luke came closer to the chart to have a look at it and put his finger on Christopher's name "he is most certainly not coming"

"stop being so childish" Luke's mom said harshly "he works at our firm, and these two reporters have never given our family's events a bad report, we can't have any more negativity in the media"

"mom, Kate and I are making the best out of the situation you got us in, she doesn't want those reporters there so they won't be there, she wants het best friends and sister to be in the wedding party so they will be." I've never heard his voice this firm, the same Luke that threw food on me all those years ago is now standing up for me to his mom "I don't want Christopher to come anywhere near Kate and that's final" he's mother looked defeated, she doesn't really have such a strong personality as I've always imagined

"Luke, honey" she said softly "What about we compromise?" she looked at the seating chart and picked up her pen "these reporters are coming but I'll move them further away, Kate can pick her own bridal party and Christopher will sit at the furthest table" she scratched a few names on to different seats "will that work for you" I didn't really like the idea that she is so weak compared to Luke

"that's fine" he said after getting a nod of approval from me

"why are we going to Australia instead of Mexico?" she sounded sensitive as if not wanting to step on anybody's toes

"we're going to work at Albatu industries, get it running nicely before our wedding" he said in a sigh

"Albatu industries?" his mom practically fell off her chair "isn't that John's rival?" she asked suspiciously

"yes mom" Luke sounded annoyed

"Kate, I don't care what you do to your family, but under no circumstances will you drag my family's name through the mud with you" I was shocked, only moments ago she seemed scared of her own son and now she looks like she's scared of nothing

Luke grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly and opened his mouth to speak before I stopped him by putting my hand on his chest

"with all due respect mrs Adams, you're inviting me into your family with open arms, everything I do will reflect on you, and that is thanks to the arrangement you've made with my parents. I will buy the competing company if I want and you'll sure as hell play along with it because I will soon be your daughter and according to the whole world you're very delighted about it." After making my statement I closed my eyes and laid back in my chair

22 hours to go I thought with a sigh

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