You And Me||Carl Grimes X Rea...

By thosefandomstho

302K 5.9K 2.7K

Ally used to be a foster kid. Out of her adopted family, Jamie, her little sister, is the only one she'd do a... More

Hello! (A/N)
Gunman, Katniss, and the Korean Man
Prisons Are Safe
The Beginning, The Middle, And Now
You're Gone... But I'm Still Here
The Boy With The Pretty Eyes
The Badass Mom
After She Died
The Girl With The Green Eyes
The Girl With The Blond Hair And The Baby
Carl Can Help
Peanut Butter
So Long And Goodnight
Stop Blushing, Carl
Carl Or The Cactus
Midnight Talks
He Likes Her And She Likes Him. Maybe
Goodbye Friend
The Flowers Are Down
No, You Cannot Come With
On Watch
Battle Scars
Thats Where It All Began
Peanut Butter Promise
Dead Inside
Blood Rush
Dying Isn't The Most Fun When You're In Love
She's Awake Y'all
Coversations With My Favorite Cowboy
Lots Have Happened
Our Cell
Things Are Actually Going Okay For Once
They Found Us... Kissing
Good Shot
Treat The Dying
Together Again... Again
Late Night Talks
Walking, Walking, Walking... Car!
There Was Five But Now There's Six
We're All Not Okay
Invasion At The Church
Lost One, Gained One
A Good Man Gone
Beating The Innocent
We Have To Find Her
We Can't Kill Them All
She's A Fighter
She Is Cared For
Tell Me Everything
Water, Soda, Chips, Energy Bars
Sweet Melody

The Group

3K 62 10
By thosefandomstho

(Ally's POV)

We had another funeral, this time for Tyreese. There has been so much death lately, and I just feel so stuck. People keep dying and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel broke and empty. This place between surviving and death, is where I am.

No, I don't want to die. But sometimes it seems like the only thing I have left. The only reasonable explanation. But Hunter and Carl keep me going. Keep me distracted.

We're on the road again, walking, looking for shelter. And it's taking goddamn forever. "Ally?" I look back at Carl who is slightly behind me.

(Carl POV)

"Ally?" I finally got her attention and she looked back at me. She's got a convincing smile on her face, even though its fake. There's fear in her eyes and I can see it. She's sad and she's scared and I can see it, but no one else can.


"Um..." And I forgot what I was going to tell her.

"Spit it out, Grimes." She grins.

I shake my head, smiling back. "Never mind, Alison."

She rolls her eyes. "Ugh, let's go back to that cowboy, supergirl thing, instead of our names."

I laugh lightly. "You really hate your name that much?"

"I think Ally is a beautiful name." She states, giving me a small smile.

"Ally, Alison... still beautiful." I smirk.

She shakes her head, not having anything sarcastic to say back. And it catches me off guard. She's always got something to say. She's not herself and I'm worried. If Daryl was in his right state of mind, he'd notice too, but he's still mourning Beth.

I wrap my hand around Ally's, she doesn't look at me, but at our hands and squeezes mine. We continue walking and the flow of the whole group just gets extremely slow paced.

"Hey, Ally." Noah walks up to us, standing on the side of Ally I'm not on.

"Hey, Noah."

"I was just thinking... whatever happened to Bunny?"

I can feel Ally's shoulder tense. The last thing she needs right now is to be reminded of the one thing she loved the most, that is now dead.

It takes her a second, but she acknowledges Hunter a few feet in front of us, walking independently. "Hunters watching him for Jamie." Her voice is quiet and a bit shaky.

"Aww." Noah smiles, nodding. "He's in good hands, then."

Ally gives Noah a tiny smile, nodding her head. "Yeah. Great hands."

Soon, we settle down by the side of the road, each person taking turns to keep watch while the others slept. But, we were running out of supplies. Food. Water. Things needed for survival.

So, Dad, Daryl, Ally and I went on a supply run while the group stayed back at the tiny campsite. Dad decided it, but Ally and I didn't argue. We wanted to go, we insisted actually.

Hunter wanted to go too, but Ally told him he needed to stay with Noah while we were gone. "Can you watch Noah for me?"

"Really? Me?" Hunter gasped, excited that he was assigned a 'job' for once.

"Yep. He really needs someone right now, and you're the next best person." Ally explains, smiling brightly.

Hunter grasps Ally in a hug. "I love you, Ally. Good luck."

"I love you too, Hunter." She rubs his back. "And you too, good luck." She winks at him. "Oh, and I'll get you some medicine for that bite."

Hunter has this huge bug bite on his forearm, it's like he's allergic to whatever bit him. It's a large bump that's big, round and puffy and he keeps scratching at it, even after Ally tells him not to.

"Thank you!!" Hunter grins. And then we have to leave.

(Ally's POV)

Two hours from the campsite and we got nothing. I sigh, stepping off the trail of the woods to gaze around for a lake or pond or something.

I walk a little too far off the trail and lose sight of the guys(Carl, Daryl and Rick). I turn around to look for them, but someone else is already waiting for me, their knife gazing my throat.

They grab my arm tightly so I can't move and hold the knife against my neck so even if I did move, they'd kill me.

I gulp, looking up at my attacker. And I know him. My heart skips a beat and my hands begin to shake instantly. Sure, he's grown since the last time I've seen him, but I still recognize him.

Harry. The (no longer)small, blond kid that used to be in my group with Noah a long time ago. "Harry?!"

He grins, knowing exactly who I am, like he's been planning to attack me for a long time now. "Hello, Rory."

"What... How... I thought..."

He held the knife closer to my neck, drawing a bit of blood, and that made me shut my mouth. Apparently Harry isn't as kind as he used to be.

"Shut up, you little bitch."

He gripped my arm harder, pulling me with him. We walked back to the trail and I instantly spotted the guys a few feet away, their backs turned to us.

"That's your group, isn't it?" Harry hisses in my ear.

I didn't respond.

"Call them over." He demands, tightening his grip on the knife.

Again I don't respond and out walks from behind a tree is Abby, a girl also from my previous group, who's a tall brunette with large muscles, and she's holding a gun that's pointing towards me. "Abby?!"

The guys heard me yell, all turning around, eyes bugging out in shock at the scene being played before them. "ALLY!" Daryl screams, running closer to us.

They all come to a halt at a certain point when Harry yells, "STOP!" And the guys are about five feet away from me. "Don't come any closer or I'll kill her."

"Just... let her go." Daryl says through clenched teeth.

"Put your weapons down..." Abby warns, but they don't move, testing her. "DO IT OR SHE DIES."

And all three of them quickly throw their weapons on the ground in front of them. "What do you want?" Rick asks, trying to figure out the situation.

"We've already got what we want." Harry responds, gripping my arm as tight as he could, probably leaving marks or bruises.

"What?" Rick raises his eyebrows, just as confused as I was.

"We'll give you whatever you want! Just please let her go!" Carl speaks up, voice shaking.

"Didn't you hear me, little boy? We have what we want." Harry grins, pulling me back towards him, making me almost trip.

Daryl tries something, quickly reaching for his gun in his waistband, but Abby catches him. "Put that gun down." Abby pushes her gun against the back of my head while Harry pushes the knife against my throat again, drawing more blood, making me hiss in pain.

"Okay, okay!" Daryl puts his hands up in defense, quickly dropping the gun. Abby reaches for her pocket, pulling out a walky talky. Great, there's more of them.

"Clear." She's says into the device before sliding it back into her pocket.

"Look, Daryl, Carl, R-" But Harry cuts me off, making the cut in my throat deeper. I winced, biting my tongue, feeling the warm liquid leak down my throat to my stomach.

"PLEASE!" Carl begs, eyes watering.

"Sorry," Abby sighed. "No can do, kiddo."

And just as she finished her sentence, a van pulled up behind us. A skinny redhead kid with lots of freckles was driving the vehicle. I recognized him as to be Charlie, also from my group from before.

Harry held the knife to my throat forcing me into their van. Abby held her gun at the guys, testing them not to try anything.

"We'll find you, Ally!" Rick yelled before Harry slammed the car door shut behind us.

"What do you want with m-?!"

Again I tried to say something, but Harry only made the bleeding worse, so I just decided to shut up for good.

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