Heard the Blaze

By MaddyisRoll

178K 8.5K 212

Book #2 of the 2&2 Novels I can't hear. I'm deaf. Now for a werewolf it sucks. You basically can be snuck up... More

Heard the Blaze
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chaper Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four

Chapter Fourty-Three

1.7K 97 2
By MaddyisRoll

"Poisons? I don't know what you mean" she giggled again, picking up one of the cups. She swirled the liquid in her cup.

"This is Batrachotoxin basically the poison dart frogs use. Can kill anyone with a single touch. This especially is from a golden poison frog from Columbia. A single touch of this is enough poison to kill a dozen men" she smiled at me then dipped back her head, drinking from he cup. Caleb's eyes widen as he went to snatch the cup away from her but she pulled away, drinking a bit more. She then put the cup down, wiping at her mouth with her sleeve. "What sucks is now you can't kiss me for a while now" she then frowned.

"T-That did nothing to you? Wait. How do I know your not lying about what's in the cup?" She hummed looking around. She shrugged then disappeared. He looked around confusingly until someone tapped his shoulder. He turned to see her, with a rat being held by its tail.

"Drink...drinky drinky" she sang. She lowered the rat to the cup, submerging it's face in it. She took it out, setting it on the table. He stared in horror as the rat began to spas. Almost in a seizure state. Squeaking and squeaking until the pupils rolled back into his head, then falling. Dead. No heartbeat. "Just think what it will do to a man" she grinned ever so evilly.

"I don't get why I'm here. With poisons"

She rolled her eyes. "If only your brains matched your looks...we are trying to see if you and poison, go together"

"What chance do I have of dying?"

"Hmm about a 99% chance. Very slim" she piped. His eyes widen staring at the cups. "Just try. I won't let you die." Her voice almost soothes him to do it.

What if it's her plan? To kill us?

She won't idiot. I trust her.

You can't trust a women you barley know, your playing a dangerous game

Shut up!

He hesitantly took a cup, swirling the liquid inside. It was a waters color. Clear. It was odd. She then took it out of my hand. "Actually let's try something different before we get to that" she handed me another cup, a yellow liquid now. It's now or never. He then put the cup up to his lips. He took a small sip, then as it didn't effect he took a full sip. She hummed.

"That's interesting...if anything would take effect it would've immediately-" then the pain. Almost as if my body was beginning to shut down. The toxic drink burning at my nerves. Caleb began to loose his breathe, choking almost. He tumbled to the ground, having a spasm on the ground. The poison was eating away at him. Contracting his nerves.

"V-Vero-nica...h-h-Help..." he went to reach out his hand, he could barley move it but he did. His hand shaking. The veins running through his arm were bulging, pumping and pumping abnormally.

She isn't moving why isn't she moving?


His eyes began to droop, he was losing consciousness. "Oh right...I forgot for a second you are a hybrid...okay don't resist please" she went to her knees next to him. She bent down, her fangs skimming across his neck. "Don't resist little hybrid..."



Bloodshed. Rouges fighting off foreign wolves. Emily was no where in sight. No one knew where she was. Just seeing a war unfold without listening to any screams or anything was a horror in itself. Watching as more of my kind were slaughtered, still fighting back. Joseph and my father were on either side of me, Jonathan leading us through the chaos.

Another pack wolf, stopped us in our tracks. Growling at Jonathan in challenge. Jonathan shifted wolf, standing tall compared to petite wolf. Easily he had taken the other wolf out of our path, bowing his ears foreword to lead us quicker.

"*Wait slow down. Slow down...I-*" My hands signed shakingly. My face scrunched up in pain, the mark on my shoulder burning as if I was being branded like a cow.

"No! Cmon. We must go. Let's go" Joseph went to pull up my hand but dad smacked him away.

"It's not the baby. It's that boy. Look at her mark...it's...bleeding" I went up to touch it and sure enough it was. The blood oozing from the two holes present there.

"*We need to go faster. I can't do it on my own...I feel ill*" without hesitation, I felt myself being scooped up like a child in my fathers arms.

"She's right. We need to keep going. Emily...if Ryder is anywhere controlling her...they are standing by their borders tree lines" I watched his mouth move. Why was I beginning to feel dizzy? I can't be that far along to experience such sickness right?

Then they began to run.

"*Daddy?*" Sleepy again. His eyes shut. He wouldn't hear me. I sighed, staring back at Uncle Ryder. "*He's asleep. Come back later*" Uncle Ryder picked up one of daddies drinks off the floor. He narrowed his eyes mumbling something. I wasn't able to read his lips, I've been trying to learn to do it...it's always been hard.

"*Kamali...please wake him up for me. It's important*" he signed back. At least I think that's what he said. I was still very rusty. I nodded, walking over to the couch. With my tiny hands I had grabbed onto his face, smacking him lightly. He began to stir, fluttering his red eyes open. He had said something, I tilted my head towards my uncle. He looked past me, why did he look sad? I felt my uncles hand on my shoulder, making me face him even more. "*Do me a favor sweet pea, go into your room and*" something... something..."*Daddy will come get you*"

I didn't bother understanding what I missed. I nodded, going up the stairs of our really big house, and into my room. I shut the door. Just so I didn't feel, open. Just so if anybody came I would give me a chance to turn. I let out a breathe, jumping onto my queen sized bed and grabbing one of my dolls. I couldn't hear anything, so instead of giving my dolls voices like I would normally, I simply stared at them, moving them around, imaging them talking.

It didn't take long until daddy came into my room, his face bruised and scarred. My eyes stared at him in wonder as he grabbed the luggage from my closet and started to take out my whole wardrobe inside of it. I jumped off the bed, tugging at his arm. What are you doing? I wanted to say, but my hands were firm around his arm. He snatched my hands away continuing to pack my things. What is he doing? I now noticed the streams of tears falling down his face. Why was daddy crying again? Why-

I know understood why. Why he cried and why we had to leave. It was because of the man in front of me, my damn uncle and now father in law. Dad had set me down on the ground, watching me like a hawk so I wouldn't loose consciousness.

I now noticed that Emily was behind him, being shielded by her father as normal. She glanced at me with confusion, staring right at the mark on my shoulder.

"*You need to stop this Emily. Please. There is a greater enemy we both have in common*" she rolled her eyes.

"What's that Miss Alpha? Bunnies? Oh please...Rouges have been killing off our kind since the early ages. This is our chance to finally rid of you. You didn't follow my orders and now you pay"

"*How could we possibly move west? You know no pack lives there for many reasons. No food in the winter, no fresh running streams. Overrun by humans*" I could list more but that's all I gave her.

"Daughter I think they understand your power. I think they are trying to get into your head to stop this war they know they cannot win" hopefully I let out a growl, it was a noise none the less.

"*Shut it backstabber. Emily we have a link between us. Other than cousins*" Ryder's eyes flared up. He didn't tell her. "*He's been keeping you from the truth. All this time*" I felt Jonathan back up into my legs, his body vibrating meaning he was growling. I looked around, wolves. From the tree lines. They formed a circle around us, creating a boundary between us and Emily.

Then they attacked before another word was spoken.

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