
By homegirl38

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Andrea Simons is a 17 year old girl who has recently lost her sight to a terrible accident. Its been three y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

442 18 2
By homegirl38

Chapter 8

"Psst, Andrea. Hey Andrea can you hear me." I have been hearing this constant tapping on my window and an annoying voice of my stalker. So I do the natural thing when it comes to stalkers, I give them a piece of my mind.

I walk over to my window where Jake is unfortunately ruining my quiet time, and open the window just a couple of inches. "You know, I strangely remember someone telling me not to keep my windows open for stalkers to get in my house."

"That's a weird concept. But I forgot to tell you something" Jake says in a rush.

"And what is that?"

"I will pick you up at 5."

"What time is it now?"

"It's about 1:30."

"How far away is your window?" I ask.


"How far away is your window? I don't want you falling out of a window on the second story of a house just to talk to me."

"Not that far. Maybe a little over an arms length, but what's the fun in not being in danger to talk to the pretty girl I'm taking out tonight." I can just imagine the smirk on his face. I smile anyways.

"That's nice. But you could always call me."

"But I don't have your number."

I go over to the table by my bed and feel around until I grab my phone and give it to Jake when I get back to the window.

"Put your number in and I'll tell you mine so you can have it."

"You have an iPhone?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Nothing. I just thought that you would have gotten something that helps you call and stuff."

"That's what Siri's for."

"I like your thinking" Jake says with a laugh.

After exchanging numbers, Jake says he has to go because his mom needs his help with something.

Finally, quiet.



"What's up honey?"

"Can you help me get ready?"

After telling my parents that I was going out with jake tonight, which surprisingly my dad took quite well, I had to ask my mom for help. I couldn't really get ready and look half way descent, for a date, on my own. I'd probably poke an eye out if I tried putting mascara on. So I ended up going to my mom.

"Of course sweetie" she replies.

"Jake said to wear something casual so I just want to wear jeans and a nice shirt. And maybe some mascara" I say as we walk into my room.

"Whatever you want, I'll do it. I'll make your hair a little wavy to if you want."


After about twenty minutes of my mom searching for an outfit and me trying things on, she finally picked one that would work. Now the hair and makeup.

"Go sit on the toilet and ill get my makeup." I do as instructed and wait for her.

Once I hear her coming back in, I go to speak. "Can you do it light? I don't really want all that much on."

"Well I wasn't going to make you look like a wanna-be Barbie."

Then she starts, and I'm just waiting for her questioning to begin.

"Are you nervous?"

"No, not really. I don't really get why people start to freak out when they go on dates. I mean, this is my first one and I couldn't be any calmer."

"Well lets just hope Jake's nothing like your father."

"Why's that?"

"For our first date he took me to McDonalds and threw food at me."

I just couldn't help it. I started laughing, really hard, and tried to talk at the same time. "He did that? That is so funny!"

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun." I could just hear the love radiating off of her. Thats what I wanted. I want to be able to talk about someone who I love and know that they love me back. "Okay, all done."

"Thanks mom, you're the best" I say, standing up and hugging her.

"Oh trust me, I know." I chuckle at what she says.

"Can you help me find my cane?"


We both go into my room, tring to locate my cane.

"When was the last time you used it and where did you put it?" my mom asks.

"I dont know. Oh! Its in my closet. I put it in there after my room expadition." I hear some shuffling then a muffled 'Found it!' from my mother.

Once she hands it to me, she asks, "You're not bringing Edger?"

"No. I'll have Jake with me and this as a back up plan" I say, refering to my cane. Just then, I hear knocking at the door.

"Can you help me down the stairs?" I ask my mom, while folding up my cane and tucking it underneath my arm.

My mom takes my hand and pulls me towards the door of my room. "Do you have your phone?"

"Yup, its in my pocket." I remember putting it in there after she put the makeup on me.

Making it down there, we head to the door were I hear my dad's and Jake's voices. Once we get there, they stop talking to what I suppose, look at us.

"You look really beautiful, Andrea" my dad says.

"You really do" Jake says, too.

"Thank you."

"Well, get her back by ten and have fun kids" dad says.

"Okay, we will. Love you guys." Hugging both of my parents, I go to stretch out my walking cane, until I feel Jake, I presume, slip his arm through mine.

"I'll be your eyes" he whispers.

"Have fun!"

"Not too much fun."

"Dad!" I yell as I try to push Jake away from my house I hope. " Okay, we're leaving."

Jake pulls on my arm and we start walking. After about a minute of walking in silence, Jake slips his hand into mine with the same arm that was holding mine. "Where are we going? I thought you were going to drive someplace."

"I thought about it, but then I remembered you telling me that you like to take walks so that's what we're doing" Jake says.

"Never thought that you would have remembered."

"Of course I would remember."

"So what else are we going to do tonight?"

"Well, I've given this date a lot of thought and I have no idea what we are going to do."

I laugh at his response. "So we are just going to walk around town until you come up with something" I say with a smile on my face.

"I was hoping you could help me."

"Hmmm, we could go to the park. I haven't been there in a long time."

"Okay, let's go."

Once getting there, I can't seem to contain my excitement. I'm basically bouncing in my spot, waiting for the thrill of the park.

"Are there swings?" I ask Jake.


"Is there anyone on them?"

"No. No ones here."

Awesome. "Can you take me to them?"

"Of course. Right this way."

Jake starts pulling me and I can feel the shift and unsteady footing my feet take that reminds me so much of sand.

"I love sand parks. They remind me of the beach."

"Me too."

Jake takes my cane from the other hand that he isn't holding mine with, and pushes me down to sit in the swing. I hear a dropping sound then I feel hands on my back.

"You don't have to push me. I can do it myself, you know."

"I know, but what's the fun in that."

I smile and start moving my legs back and forth so that I'm moving on the swing without Jakes help. He huffs and the clinking of chains indicates that he took a seat next to me.

"Now we both can swing" I say.

After squealing and acting like a kid for about an hour, Jake gets up and takes my hands, one with my cane, and pulls me so I'm standing.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought we could get some ice cream."

"Ok! I love ice cream."

"I know."

"Are you sure you're not a stalker?" I ask.

"You told me you love ice cream when we were at the beach, so I'm not a stalker."

"Yeah yeah, let's go."


Feeling a coldness on my nose, I lift my hand up to feel a wet and sticky sensation on my face that must be Jakes chocolate ice cream.

"Why did you just put your ice cream on my face?"

"So I could do this."

Before I could even utter a word, I hear the scraping of a chair and the feeling of worm lips and a wet tongue on my nose, licking the ice cream off.

"Eww! Why did you do that!" I say while laughing.

"So I could kiss you."

"That, wasn't a kiss" I say sternly.

"I tried." It must be getting pretty late by now, but I don't want to go.

"It's 8:45 now so if you want, we can start heading back to your place" Jake says.

"That's fine."

The walk was peaceful and short, way to short. It was filled with mild conversation, holding hands, and the sound of cars zooming by.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you, I really enjoyed it."

"Any time." A couple of seconds later Jake asks, "Can I kiss you again?"

"I suppose you can" I say with a smile.

"You suppose" Jake mutters before pressing a kiss to my long awaited lips.

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