
By Tophat

9.5K 1.2K 50

Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine

Chapter Seventy

123 18 0
By Tophat

Esme was perched in Lithgow's rooms at the top of the tower, curled on a sofa with Absolon sleeping on her lap, looking more solid. She was alone at the moment as the Tower finally caught up to the threat had been seeping into it and the lies of Denver. That Denver was the real killer of Grand Wizard Bloxham. It was a relief to Esme, to know she was now free, but it also brought a sense of exhaustion and the strong awareness she was grubby, her hair matted and still clothed in nothing more than a nightdress.

Esme sighed heavily and squeezed Absolon closer. She felt morose, her heart dreading the time she and Fox would be sent home. The time she'd have to leave him.

Esme didn't have much of a chance to go down that heart-breaking spiral and the door opened sharply. She sat up sharply, expecting her uncle, but instead found her eyes settling on Effie McGill.

'Effie?' Esme asked curiously, her mouth nearly automatically calling her Madama McGill and barely replacing it with Effie in time.

The old woman smiled as she shuffled across the room. 'The Everwood god should leave now, Esme, so long as you want him hidden from the Towers still. It's too soon to try and get the Towers to change their rules on helpful Gods and most certainly the wrong time.' She advised strongly. 'They'll only kill him.'

Esme paled. She didn't want that, not when her aunt's integrity was on the line. 'How?'

'Call him.'

She raised the whistle but froze when Effie waved her hand madly. 'No, lass, just call him. With your words, your mouth. You've already summoned him.'

She blushed a little then, very nervously, called out. 'Everwood God?'

She didn't expect it to work, just like she didn't expect him to not devour Denver and Sodden in one snap of his massive jaws, but, just like then, he proved her wrong. Little roots crowded out of Lithgow's carpet, spreading up the walls and entwining over his furniture, the, no bigger than a real wolf, the Everwood God was in front of her, his white ears perked up and tail swishing languidly.

Effie smiled at Esme. 'Now, tell him what I told you.'

She frowned and gazed at the little white wolf who tilted his head. 'What do you need, Bloxham Sprite?'

'The Tower is being taken under control now. Effie says that you're now in danger of being seen and, as the Tower has had one attack to destroy it, they're going to be quick to uphold their laws. I need you to go back to Everwood. You'll be safe there.'

Everwood twitched his ears then padded forward to snuffle at her hands. His breath was warm. 'I'll leave then. Call me again if you have need of me, Bloxham Sprite.'

He said no more, just vanished, taking his roots with him but leaving torn wallpaper and damaged furniture behind.

'He's gone Effie.'

'I know, lass.' She said as she settled down next to her, her eyes watching Esme with curiosity. 'Esme. What do you intend to do now you are free?'

Esme turned a little pink at the first instinctive thought. She was going to by Fox, no matter what, but that was impractical. He was a thief and he might not even want her around further than he had to.

'I don't know. Aunt Cassandra and I were talking about buying a place. I guess I'll do that; find a place of my own. Maybe try get a job.'

Effie bobbed her head as she listened. 'Do you mind if I offer a proposition?'


'Would you like to come with me? I haven't chosen an heir to Mother Witch and I feel you would do wonderfully.'

Esme stared at her, silent as what Effie had just sunk in, then laughed awkwardly. 'Madama McGill, I'm not a Witch.'

'Then how did you summon a God?'

'I didn't summon him. He just promised to come when I called.'

Effie laughed loudly, cackling slightly. 'Esme! That's what Summoning is! A Spirit offers his protection and friendship, bound together with a whistle. Whether he responds or not is always up to him.'

Esme knew that but it just wasn't fitting in her her. She had been raised in a Tower. She had a Grimoire. She wasn't a Witch.

'But I'm a Wizard.' Esme defended lamely.

'And not a very good one, or so Lithgow insisted. It's what got me involved.' Effie patted Esme's knee comfortingly. 'You're a Witch, Esme, and a bloody powerful one at that. You have bonded with Spirits with such ease. You even have a Sprite attached to you and is willing to destroy himself to protect you!'

Esme glanced down at Absolon as he slept, his body still slowly inflating. She remembered how he'd do anything for her; defend her from a shape-changing spell he couldn't possibly deflect and the onslaught of knives when someone tried to kidnap her.

'He's my friend.'

'And he's bonded to you magically. He follows you because you tied him to you.' Effie said. 'And you did it without realising.' She smiled softly. 'I imagine if I did a test, I would find only the smallest amount of Ego within you but a sea of Entity. Deep and endless.' She glanced at the damaged Everwood's roots had done, leaving behind ghostly veins on the walls. 'You have tamed a God, few have managed that, let alone one who has no idea she's doing it, and you broke a powerful spell not even a Grand Wizard could lift, simply because you trusted those around you and dug up your real memories.' Her old eyes swivelled back to Esme. 'So, I'd like you as my apprentice. I'd like you to take over my Coven. With your knowledge of the Towers and connection to Lithgow, I knew for certain you could keep my Coven safe and guided.'

Esme clutched Absolon to her chest, her heart pumping. 'But...I'm a Wizard in my head. Catriona and Glenna wanted to keep a Spirit alive and I didn't. I thought it was too dangerous.'

'And we still need to make those calls. It can be tough but it's a Mother Witch's job to decide when a God is too powerful or shouldn't exist at all.' Effie said firmly. 'But did you really think what they were doing was wrong?'

Esme hesitated. She remembered how the magic died the moment the butterfly attached itself onto Nightshade, how it became almost harmless. It made her wonder if there were other ways to keep Spirits alive, maybe even Gods.

'I didn't. I thought maybe the Wizards could learn from them a little.'

'Then you have the capacity to learn our ways. You are not entirely a Wizard.' Effie suddenly rose. 'Think on it, Esme. The power in you is strong and would go to waste if you didn't use it.'

Effie left her without another word, leaving Esme to sit alone, her head whirling at the thought she was a Witch, clutching at Absolon and desiring nothing but to go home with Fox.


Fox sat alone in the courtyard, watching as the Tower writhed with activity. Apparently, most Wizards had been dropped off to sleep by the Druids who had infiltrated the Tower or turned a blind eye to the brief battle. Lithgow was furious and Fox didn't need to eavesdrop to hear his voice. So far, over half of his Council members had been chucked into prison on bribe and corruption charges, some had been taken to a healer to remove the memory and control spells Denver had inflicted upon them and those remaining were simply cowards.

Fox sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with frustration. He didn't like that he was on his own, just sitting on the side-lines, twiddling his thumbs. Denver, Sodden and the rest of the druids had been dragged away, hand-cuffed solemnly, Esme had been taken away by Lithgow hours ago and even the massive wolf had vanished. He was beginning to wonder if he'd been forgotten about.

'Fox!' A familiar voice boomed.

He looked up sharply and smiled in relief at the sight of Badger and Bull making their way towards him, pulling out of a crowd of confused and relived thieves.

'They let you out?'

'Of course! The Grand Wizard isn't going to lock up the people who helped his niece, now is he?' Badger said, laughing heartily. 'Got close there though, didn't it, lad? If Vic hadn't got out, I don't think we would've lasted the week.'

Fox doubted it too. If Denver got away with shipping Esme off to be executed, she would've wasted no time in wrapping up loose ends, anyone who had the truth in their heads, no matter how small.

'Heard you nearly got shot.' Bull said, folding her bulging arms.

'Yeah. Denver tried offin' me. The stupid cat saved me.' Fox grumbled.

'Why'd she try kill you?' Bull asked curiously.

Fox felt the heat rising to his face. Because Esme loved him, apparently. But he couldn't say it out loud.

'Probably because he's been a thorn in her side.' Badger answered for him. 'Was the one who got her all the way here, didn't he?'

Fox nodded sullenly. 'Yeah.'

'Well, lad, you did it! This whole mess is over and the Towers still stand.' Badger tugged at his beard. 'You going home then?'

Fox sighed heavily. The thought of going home made him a little nauseous. Not only did he have to face the music of the Doe, but Elenore wasn't going to be impressed he didn't just abandoned Esme to the Tower. It didn't matter that it turned out Esme really hadn't done the killing and was just some pawn in Denver's game, all that mattered was he ignored her. She hated being ignored.

'Yeah. I'm goin' to go home.'

'You're taking Esme with you, I hope.' Bull asked with a steely undertone.

'If she wants. Wouldn't be surprised if she stays here with Lithgow.' He didn't mean to sound bitter but he did. It was odd how he felt his chest tighten with annoyance at the thought of her choosing to stay here and leaving him.

'Not what I've heard.' Bull said. 'Lithgow told me she intends to leave with you.'

Fox didn't say anything but he felt a little happier at the thought.

'Just take care of her. She's been through a lot and I don't imagine she'll be fully recovered from the spell that damaging that fast. She's wounded. Help her.' Bull said firmly.

'She might not want anythin' more to do with me.' Fox reminded him.

He didn't expect Badger to bellow a laugh and for Bull to pull an irritated expression. He scowled at them heatedly.

'Just take care of her, you fool.' Bull snapped then turned away. 'And don't do anything this stupid again!' She shouted over her shoulder.

Badger too bowed out. 'Come visit if you're ever this way again. It's been fun.'

Fox watched them leave, gathering up their confused thieves, arms folded and scowling, when he Absolon suddenly burst into existence, making him flinch.

'Absolon!' He snapped. 'Don't go doin' that!'

Absolon simply sang and whistled happily, twirling sharply, before floating away, darting towards the sweeping stairs into the Tower. It was then Fox noticed her. Esme. She was walking towards him, carrying a little suitcase, holding a sun hat to her head and dressed in a white summer dress that swirled around her knees. She was smiling brightly, hurrying to him and pulling away from Effie and Lithgow, forcing them to trail after her.

'Fox!' She said a little breathlessly when she reached him, tucking loose black strands of hair back into place. 'I'm ready to go home now.'

He found himself staring at her a little, his mind filled with that kiss she had given him and how much he'd like to give her one in return right now. She looked oddly beautiful to him, smiling with not a care in the world, a true smile he hadn't really seen before. It made her eyes glow and cheeks turn pink a little.

She frowned softly. 'Is that okay?'

'Yeah.' Fox said stiffly, pulling his head out of the clouds, and glanced at Effie and Lithgow who finally caught up to them.

'Are you sure about this, Esme?' Effie asked, her withered hands taking up Esme's.

Esme smiled gently. 'I'm sure. I was never very good at magic and I'd much rather go home. But I'll keep doing the work my aunt was trying to accomplish. I'll track Everwood and gather evidence he's okay to be left alive.'

'Just bring it straight to me, Esme.' Lithgow said. 'I'll be the Grand Wizard to take that first step for Cassandra.'

Esme smiled up at him, her eyes glittering. 'I'll keep Lake Tranquil and River Oak alive too. I know they'll become too old in a decade or so.'

Effie sighed sadly. 'Well, if you must, Esme. My offer will always be open to you if you wish to be trained properly.'

Lithgow laughed. 'Effie, you'll find your apprentice, don't worry.'

Fox was just staring at them, his expression confused. Effie wanted Esme to stay? To train her as a Witch? Why? Esme's caught his bewilderment and smiled timidly.

'I'll explain later, Fox.'

He just bobbed his head, his eyes gazing at her curiously.

'Fox.' Lithgow stood in front of Fox, bowing lightly.

'What?' Fox said guardedly.

'I thank you for everything you've done for Esme and Cassandra. If you hadn't helped Esme, the Towers would've eventually fallen or, at the least, been thrown in chaos, and Cassandra's true murderer wouldn't have been found.' Lithgow said, his voice thick with such honesty that Fox didn't know where to look. He hadn't done this out of the goodness of his heart. He'd done it because he was blackmailed.


'I want you to take this.' Lithgow pushed a slip of paper into his hands.

Fox slowly opened it, realising it was a check for a ridiculous amount of money. More than he'd earn in a year, easy, maybe two.

Fox glanced up wildly from the money he had just been given to Lithgow, then very quickly thrust it back at him. 'I don't want it. I did it for Esme.' He blurted out hotly, slightly insulted. 'I don't wanna be paid for that.'

Lithgow simply smiled. 'Then I'll put it aside. Come to me if you're ever in need of help, financial or otherwise.'

Fox just nodded tightly, his face hot. Did he really seem that poor? He knew he was that poor but, oddly, having it highlighted in front of Esme just made him burn with shame. He couldn't look at her anymore and kept his gaze firmly away from her.

'Then I'll take you two down to the airport. I have paid for tickets and you'll be down in Lakeside in a day.' Lithgow said lightly. 'Do you need anything Fox?'

He thought briefly about the pack but nothing of worth was in it. He shrugged. 'No.'

'Then let's depart.'


Fox was staring out the window of the blimp. He'd never been in one before and he felt very queasy. Watching the Granite Tower and the city surrounding it becoming smaller and smaller until the clouds began to devour his sight just made him terrified. He was that high up.

He stiffened when a small soft hand encircled his and he glanced at Esme as she pulled his hand into her lamp, her fingers stroking his comfortingly.

'It's scary for the first time but it's perfectly safe.' She said. 'I cried on my first blimp ride. My mother couldn't console me at all.'

He didn't say a word, just focused on the sensation of her hand around his, the softness and warmth. They sat in silence for a moment with only Absolon's purring breaking it, enjoying playing with her hat, until he noticed Esme's face becoming increasingly scrunched up. She was thinking about something but lacking the courage to say it out loud.

'What is it?'

Esme glanced up at him sharply, her face pink. 'Nothing.'

'Look, just talk to me. I could do with some distractin'.' He snapped.

Luckily she didn't take offence to his tone.

'Umm...' She hesitated. 'Do you mind if I still see you?'

'What?' Fox asked in confusion. Why was she asking that? He'd nearly got himself killed trying to keep her from death. He was the one who should be asking that question. He was a thief, poor and most definitely someone of her class to have hanging around her.

She was bright pink, her fingers squeezing his hand tightly. 'Do you mind if I still see you? I understand if you don't. I did blackmail you after all and nearly got you killed twice...'

'Of course I don't you moron.' Fox snapped, outraged. 'Doe wants you to give her hand, you know. You're indebted to us now and she's plannin' to run you ragged.'

Esme looked up at him, shocked. 'She has work for me?'

'Yeah, lots of it, although nothin' thievery mind. So obviously you're stayin' around me.' He didn't voice how uncomfortable it made him at the thought of her suddenly vanishing from his life. How bereft it made him feel and how much he wished to see her smile every day. He didn't fight hard to keep her alive just for her to waltz off. But he kept those thoughts to himself. He didn't understand them fully or when they started and they shook him a little. He had never felt this attached towards anyone, even his father.

'I'll help her.' Esme promised, smiling that smile he was growing to like very much.

Fox simply grunted. 'Good.' He said stiffly. 'So you're stuck with me.'

She didn't say anything more, just sat there smiling, entwining her fingers with his. He didn't argue nor tug his hand away and his mind was whirling with memories of her kiss and Denver's declaration she was in love with him. It made him warm and he felt comfortable being close to her, relaxed. He didn't get why. It confused him, especially the burning desire to find out if what Denver had said was true. He didn't ask about it however. There was no need. She was alive and safe, which was the important thing, and it wasn't like he was in love with her anyway...

So Fox sat there, closing his eyes to sleep and avoid looking outside at the world so far below, glad to see the back of Granite Tower and the mess Denver and Suellen had caused. His life could begin again.

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