Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

783K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

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1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

60. Oral Presentation

628 39 1
By RebelleMysteries

Chapter 60

Oral Presentation

Past Lives – Local Natives

Off She Goes – Bad Suns

The Way We Talk – The Maine


I leaned against the brick wall outside the school. I didn't know who the unknown contact was, just that they urgently needed to talk and that they did go to this school. The bell just rung so everyone was fleeing out like ants.

I held my books against my stomach and chewed on my lip. I looked at the crowd eyeing anyone who may be coming my way, none of which that I've remotely talked to before. I took out my phone staring at the screen for any text from this person, that's until I heard the faint clicks of a heel.

I looked up and saw Virginia Cristos walking my way. Her striking blonde hair in a high ponytail, and her tanned figure in fashionnova denim jeans and a small singlet. I couldn't tell if she was just passing by or not but the way her blue eyes locked on mine told me that it was her that I was meeting. As she got closer her heeled boots clicked louder and her features seemed almost, nervous?

"Hi Skye... thanks for meeting up with me." Virgina says while standing in front of me awkwardly. I gave her a questioning look, I didn't know what she wanted or what she wanted to do. Our last encounter was our fight in the cafeteria half a year ago over Dustin.

Oh, how much has happened since then.

"I bet you're wondering why I asked you to meet up with me.." Her eyes were darting back and forth from behind me to my face. She wasn't her usual confident or snappy self. I just nodded in return, tight lipped.

"Look... I never lied to you."

I frowned completely confused.

"I know I've been a complete bitch to you and thinking back at it, I was always acting like I was a goddess and put people down for my own benefit. You were one of them and I'm sincerely sorry for the way I acted."

I hope she's not saying this because she knows about my condition, my timid head and my lost memories. I don't want the pity party. But nevertheless I was grateful for the apology, she must've matured a lot in my absence.

"Thank you... I'm also sorry for the nasty comments I said in the cafeteria, I was immature and relished on the feeling of taking a bully down. I guess you were just suffering your own way too and I should've been the bigger person and walked away rather than attacking you."

Virginia gave a small smile and tucked a loose strand behind her ear. "I deserved it... I needed to be put in my place."

I returned the smile and then it went, "What do you mean you never lied to me?"

She looked down then back up at me, "Dustin and I did hook up... and I said those nasty things in the cafeteria because I genuinely thought you took him away from me. I thought you may of said some things that made him all of a sudden hate me. I had no reason to lie about getting with him, I mean it also took me by surprise of how such a perfect guy wanted me.. but then he didn't."

"When did you guys hook up?"

"Before he started school, I bumped into him while he was enrolling. I gave him my name and number and then a few days later he called me and ... yeah. Then a week or so after that, I caught up to him in front of the school wondering why he was ignoring my calls and messages. He pretty much shut me up by making out with me and then again after that, he ignored me. I then saw him all over you and assumed you took him away from me, I still don't understand why he was so stern on lying though. We did hook up, like I'm not a disease..." Virginia looked hurt whilst talking.

I don't know if she was saying the truth or not but what did she have to lose by saying this? Dustin's disappeared and wasn't entirely honest about his life, was this also something he lied about?

"I don't know why he'd lie..." I said in return. "I haven't seen him in months, not since this trip my friends and I had. He kind of disappeared." I shrugged and looked off, "Guess he's not what we all thought he was."

"About that... I'm so sorry Skye, of all that you went through. You're so strong to have gone through all of it and keep fighting." Virginia looked at me apologetically.

"Life goes on I guess. Can't avoid it, just got to get through it." I gave a reassuring smile. Its true.


"Wait wait! So Virginia apologised to you and then you two had a little heart to heart!?" Brooklyn looks at me baffled.

"Pretty much..."

"Another clue to the Dustin mystery!" She points a finger up as she paces about my room. "What is Dustin's deal? Seriously, from the ring to his double life.. who is he? Hannah fucking Montana? Like, calm down your tits bitch, you aint no Disney show."

I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling, hearing Brooklyn rant on and on about this revelation.

"Did Virginia seriously go from a snake to a bunny in a matter of minutes though? Like whoop, is this year all about redemption and transformation?"

-" And like what is Dustin's deal? Creepy sociopath!"

--"Can't believe I found him so charming and alluring, this fuck boy about to go down! And like... how can we trust her?"

I rolled to the side and stared at the wall with Brooklyn's words ranting on.

Buzz. Buzz.

I reach over from my phone and see a text from a number I couldn't recognise. I brought it closer and squinted.

'Hey Skye! It's Kaycee 😊 sorry for the random text, I got your number from one of your friends. I was hoping we can meet up? Need a bit of a study sesh since entering the school midyear means being behind! Lol.'

"Who's that?" Brooklyn peers at me, lips pursed and hands on her hips.

"Kaycee." I yawned with a shrug.

"Ew! What'd she say?"

"To hang out-"

'Would now be okay? 😊' ---- "Now."

Brooklyn grimaced and sat beside me, "And you've only met her, what... today? I don't like this girl, I'm telling you."

I dropped my gaze and gave Brooklyn the seriously look, "We don't know her and as a newcomer she needs friends. How about we get to know her and then you can judge?"

I tap a response of my address and what books to bring. A minute went by and the doorbell rang. Brooklyn and I looked at each other questioningly, that couldn't be?

I ran downstairs barefoot as Brooklyn and I playfully pushing each other side to side till we reached the front door. I looked into the peephole and didn't see anyone on the porch. Frowning I said to Brook there was no one, giving her a chance to also look through.

Ding Dong.

Brooklyn and I jumped a solid metre back, our shock clearly evident.

"What the hell?" Brooklyn mutters. "But there was no one there?"

I undid the chain and opened the latch, ready to open the door.

"Skye! What are you doing!? Have you not seen horror films and how stupid the people are? Allowing the intruder to come in or always fackin falling!" Brooklyn slams the door shut and puts the latch and chain back on. "No one is there! At least no one innocent. Hate to break it to you Bambi but we're going to die. And you'll be dying a virgin especially if you'll be doing stupid acts like that."

I laugh out loud and roll my eyes, "Come on Brook.. it could be one of the boys pranking us anyway."

"Good idea!" She chirped, "Message the guys for back up!"

I shake my head and unlock the door once again, slowly opening it with the loud creak.

"Hiya!" A voice beamed.

Brooklyn and I screamed, jumping a good couple metres back again. We looked at each other, heart racing and forehead's sweating. Looking back up I see Kaycee with a bright smile in her dark features. Heavy black eye make-up, white pale face, dark red lipstick. She was holding her books against her chest with a somewhat devilish smirk.

"Woah! Did not mean to scare yah darlins'."

I brushed myself off and got to my feet giving a nervous chuckle, "Did not see you through the peephole." Brooklyn soon joined me, I could hear her heavy breathing and snarls. "You got here rather.. fast."

"Oh yes! Surprise! Looks like I'm your neighbour!" Kaycee gave a toothy grin. Neighbour?

-"I'm right over there." Kaycee pointed towards the cream coloured double storey house that once was Dustin's. I didn't even know all his things were taken out and moved, I didn't know we had new neighbours. My obliviousness has taken up a new level.

Brooklyn looked at me giving me the same confused and weirded out look.

"Soo.. You going to let me in?" Kaycee giggles rocking her feet back and forth. I stepped aside allowing her in but Brooklyn didn't move, she just stared at Kaycee in disbelief.

"When did you move in next door?" I question, leading her into the kitchen so we could study.

"Few months ago now, just didn't start school yet. Wasn't up for it."

We pulled out the seats and sat around the circular breakfast table, taking out our books and tools.

Brooklyn had no intention in studying with us but that didn't stop her from being a part of any discussion, "So Kaycee.. if you've been here for 3 months, how have we not seen you? I mean, I come here most days a week and I haven't seen your jet black hair bobbing around anywhere." Brooklyn leaned on her fist flashing a smile.

"Yeah, been out most of the time. Actually.." Kaycee leaned closer mimicking Brooklyn's stance with a smile, "I've been in very close contact with my family. My mother is a fashion designer, ironically she's Jace's boss. Just been a good daughter helping her out with things and my other family members."

I took out my English exercise book, my notes and the pride and the prejudice novel. "Where'd you move from sweetheart?" Brooklyn's gaze set on Kaycee's.

"From the main city, I'm sure you could tell."

"So take out your notes for-"

"Is your precious family here too?" Brooklyn interrupted me.

"No," Kaycee batted her lashes and leant back with a smile, "All by myself baby."

I raised a hand, "If we could just get our English-"

"Why'd you question authority on your first day of school?"

"Now Now Brooklyn, what's with all the questions?" Kaycee bitterly laughs tilting her head back, "Lets not interrupt Skye anymore and study, I'd take all the help I can get. I mean, I rather invest my time and efforts on more interesting matters but I can't get those things until I do this."

There was something in her voice that made it seem that she wasn't just talking about school work. Like what she was saying was towards multiple things.

An hour went by and I think I was doing more work for Kaycee rather than her catching up or learning from me. I didn't mind anyway, I enjoyed helping someone even if it meant doing their essays.


"Hey Skye, where's your bathroom?" Kaycee enquired.

"Down the hall to the left." Kaycee said her thanks and went off to find the bathroom, meanwhile Brooklyn grabbed my arm tightly and faced me to her.

"She's a psycho bitch Skye, you need to make her leave." Brooklyn whisper yelled.

"What are you talking about? She's lovely. Sure a bit different and edgy but that just makes her her own person, you know?"

Brooklyn sighed frustrated, "Bambi.. this chick is up to no good and I can tell it by her green eyes, its sparking in all sorts of poison. I mean, her eyes represent her spirit animal!"

"And that is?" I frown confused.

"A snake! Crocodile! Boogers! I don't know, along the lines of those nasty things!"

"Back!" Kaycee returned making Brooklyn and I separate and continue the work. Or at least I was doing the work, Brooklyn was filing her nails.


It was the morning of another day. I was inside my locker exchanging books until I saw something fall out of one of my books. I picked it up and realised it was the keychain that Dustin gave me, the keychain with a photo of us and a few charms on it resembling our time together. I smiled at it as I twisted it around observing its features.

What happened Dustin? You were so genuine. At least I thought you were.

I shook my head and shoved the keychain in my pocket. Shutting my locker door I began walking to our meet up place. I passed Virginia and she looked up giving a small wave and smile, I gave both in return. It felt nice having that peace. But when peace comes, another problem uprises.

Dustin lied.. he was definitely a pathological liar. But, why?

Walking towards the exit to the courtyard, something caught my eye. I turned and saw the art room door wide open with canvas's all around. I walked inside and quietly shut the door behind me. I haven't been here properly since Dustin and I's paint fight.

I walked around and let my hands brush against the tools and works. I giggled to myself when I past a filbert brush, the days when Dustin tried educating me about the different textures and uses for paint brushes.

As I walked around with my eyes trailing all around me, at all the different types of work, I was stopped in my tracks. I saw a pastel filled art on rag paper hidden beneath one of the benched. I pulled it out and stared.

It was a girl laying down in the middle of the road, eyes closed in a sleeping position. The surroundings of her were forest and pine trees, quite similar to the place I had my accident. The girl laying had honey hair, olive skin and a petite frame. It kind of looked like me... just an off coincidence. Except she was sleeping and she was dressed in a flowy white dress, it was moulded over her body capturing every curve and bent limb.

I looked down and saw more of the same pastel arts. Picking up another, the same girl appeared in the same sleeping position but now in a white bed. The background didn't show her placement, but she was surrounded by clouds, soft fluffy clouds.

The next one was once again the girl but this time she was sitting at a cliff, same dress, same figure but now with another. She was looking off into the distance with one hand a little intertwined with a boy beside her. The guy had caramel waved and a white tank and black pants. Their backs faced the viewer as they stared into the distance of complete ocean.

I looked down at the bottom right of the large work and saw a scribble of a signature.

Dustin Lavendor

I opened my mouth in gasp but shut it just as quickly.

But it wasn't who it was by that took me off guard, it was the date that it was made.


We didn't meet till a solid 9 months after.

Skye, stop. It might not even be you even though it looks exactly fu-flabba doodle like you. It might not even be you. But one thing for sure is, it was made by Dustin and he hadn't enrolled into this school until September so why are these here? Did he bring it to finish them off or add onto them? He never signs and dates it until its completely finished though?

My head is starting to hurt.

I put away the sheets and shook my head trying to rid of all these thoughts and confusing feelings.

I walked to the meeting spot ready to give my greetings only to find a Kaycee eerily close to Jace. Both leaning against the brick wall, hips touching and her hands that are holding her books, very close to Jace's who's hands are just dangling there.

"Ayo! Kiddo!" Arthur sings out, putting his glasses on his head and giving me a big bear hug.

"No! Stop! She's mine!" Chandler huffs, flicking Arthur on the shoulder as a demonstration of 'fuck off now'.

Arthur sighed letting me go giving just enough room for Chandler to bulldoze him over and take his place. "Hi Little Skyrito!" CD beams wrapping me up in a burrito hug with a squeeze.

"HEeEllLo!" My response went from high to lows as his squeeze took me by surprise and made me lose all kinds of breath. I peaked out to see Jace give me his charming smile, dimple and all.

When I was finally released I greeted Carolina and Sammy with a group hug, literally felt like I was hugging my parents. Once I let go they resumed to holding each other in a loving embrace, eyes all twinkled and lips whispering loving nothings to each other.

I walked over to Jace and Kaycee, more so because Jace was doing the come here hand gesture nonstop.

"Greetings Kaycee." I smile, my back suddenly pulled into Jace's chest as he hugged me from behind. I could feel him taking in my scent.

"Greetings to you Skye Light, thanks again for the help last night. Needed it a lot, definitely helped." Kaycee smiled back, but it felt a little plastered.

"I misssss youuuu.." Jace whispered in my ear swaying me side by side. "I need help with homework too you know? Maybe you should tutor me tonight."

I bit my lip and turned to face him. "You're a smart cookie and way better at English than me."

"Oh but.. you're so much better with oral presentation." Jace's eyes lingered over me with hunger.

I choked on my spit and surprise. "Wha-at?"

Jace gave a cheeky laugh, planting a kiss on top of my nose. "Did you want me to repeat what I said?" Jace leaned in closer and stared into my eyes, "You. Are. So. Much. Better. With. Oral. Presentation."

I nervously giggled to myself, my mouth no longer dry but salivating.

"I'm pretty sure you're the skilful one here," I tapped his lips and bit mine, "after all, your hands are just so fast and skilled at writing, and your speeches are so renowned and clear."

His gave a smirk and raised a brow, "Trust me Skye, its never clear. Lets just say that my mouth gets an overload of excitement once its open."

Again, I was choking.


"L-looks like we got class, now I can escape from you." I turned to walk and poke a tongue out but was greeted with his lips on mine and his hands around my waist pulling me in.

"Sorry babygirl, first period is with me." Jace whispered in my lips, pulling me back in for another strawberry kiss.

"Booooooo! You two get your ass in class or find a janitors closet!" Brooklyn has now arrived.

"Sh-hut Uwp Barbei Bewbs!" And Chandler is talking with a mouthful of Dorito cereal.

We walked hand in hand to our English classroom, finding two empty tables to sit on. There was one but Brooklyn ran to it and slammed the table beside her, "SKYE IS SITTING BESIDE ME!"

"Dammit." Jace muttered under his breath.

I laughed giving him a peck on the lips before sliding in beside Brooklyn.

Jace got into the table behind me that was next to Jayden's. Beside me with a space between was Chandler and Sammy. As you can see, Arthur, Carolina and Allan are in English Advanced. Actually, Jace should be in English Advanced. Wait, when did he get into standard?

I was about to turn and ask him when the teacher Miss Something came in. Yeah, still don't know or remember her name.

It was a nice lesson of um, learning. But that whole class I was completely disinterested and close to falling asleep. It was first period and I'm already feeling this way? I'm not going to make it second period. Maybe I can go to the library and nap.

I bolted up right when I felt a squeeze on my butt put me in place.

"Pssh baby girl, you should be paying attention." Yes. Yes I should pay attention. "Otherwise a spanking will be needed." I smiled to myself, this felt like old times except now we can allow the spanking lead to other good times.

I looked over my shoulder and poked out my tongue. I could just catch a glimpse of his handsome smile before I turned back around.

"Oh Welcome." Miss Something said, introducing someone to the class. The someone was Kaycee, studded boots, net leggings and a black dress barely touching her thighs. I thought her class was the other standard? Guess not.

"Oh no bitch." Brooklyn sighs frustrated.

Kaycee looked at us and gave a wave. "Find a seat Miss Mitchell. Here's the breakdown notes for the upcoming chapters."

Kaycee gave her thanks and almost immediately walked towards us, taking the seat beside Jace that had the walkway between them. Good. There's space.

Why am I saying that?

There's 5 vacant seats and she went to the one beside him...

Skye, she's just comfortable with him, after all he was the first person she met here. All is well, all is good.

The rest of the English lesson was a burn to my soul, a literal dried out woodland filled with suffocation and sweltering embers.

I am poetic.

The whole lesson Jace didn't do anymore intrusive butt touches, even though I heavily wanted him to. It could've been the fact that Kaycee gave him a note she wrote and since then they've been exchanging scribbled conversations.

I am not jealous, I'm merely annoyed that he wasn't giving me attention.

Wow, I'm such a princess.

Also looks like we are having a literal oral presentation, we have to choose a partner to do a speech with about something that we're learning in class. I really should be paying attention instead of allowing every giggle Kaycee makes ring into my ear.

She's a nice girl.

"Are you getting annoyed just as much as I am?" Brooklyn whispers angrily. "Like, her giggles couldn't get anymore annoying!"

"Excuse me Miss Reese, is there something you wanted to share with the class?" Miss Something asks loudly, just enough loud to make me and half the class wake up.

"Err.. no Miss." Brooklyn mumbles, rolling her eyes and putting her head down into her book. Her book about... oh she's reading Guinness World Records, not Pride and the Prejudice.

When class finally finished we all filed out. I lingered a bit behind so I could walk with Jace and asked if he wanted to be my partner for the speech but it seemed like Kaycee was pretty much clung to him.

"Soo Jace..." Kaycee lingered on his name a little too long. "Did you want to be my partner for the project? I heard you're really good at English and.. oral presentations." She smiled with a lick of the lips.

I leant against the doorframe staring intensely at them waiting for his response.


Ooo, seems like pieces are finally fitting together

And some puzzles... falling apart

Keep Up Those Orals ~ Comment ~ Vote ~ & Fantasise

- Mysteries

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