Why me?

By acnaiv5390

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She was a nerd. He was Mr. Popular. Samantha discovers that everything can change with just a mere incident... More

1. First day
2. Those stairs
3. In Limbo Land
4. Sara's family reunion
5. The new girl
6. Truth or Dare
7. My birthday
8. The conclusion
9. Surprises are everywhere you go
10. Carla's Wrath
11. Mall Day
12. Too many kisses
13. Bro and sis time
14. Dressing up
15. Halloween party
16. Disaster
17. The news
19. Sara rules!!! -part one-
20. Sara rules -part two-
21. Make up and surprises
22. My dad
23. Dinner with her papi
24. Surprises never end
25. Faith
26. Firefly
27. Jobs
28. Come together
29. Forgive and Forget
30. Epilogue

18. Hospital

270 6 1
By acnaiv5390

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18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Chapter 18: Hospital

Keithlin's pov

I gasped and held the arm of the sofa for support.

Judy let out a desperate cry. I think she decided to make a call to her cousin, Ian's father, because she stood up and walked to the kitchen in a hurry murmuring something about not informing her about the incident.

Taylor was still at the same spot, unmoving. But her eyes gave her away. The sadness and concern that bore her eyes was enough to say that she was just as shocked and sad as I am.

But I still had my eyes wide open, locked to the screen, even when Judy had turned it off before leaving the room.

'Ian Ford' The news lady repeated in my mind. 'In critical state'...

No one could describe the shock, sadness, concern, tragedy I was feeling right now.

The worst was the guilt.

Guilt of not knowing that this would happen. Guilt of not telling Ian what was going to happen. I had left the boys in that party to brace themselves to anything that might have happened, and this were the results. Ian was shot.

My heart tightened, as realization dawned in me. Ian has been shot. One of my friends has been shot. I should have told them all. Should have told Jake. Should have told Ian. Should have told Ron. Should have told Hunter. I should have told everyone. To those girls, even Carla. I should have told them all... But I didn't.

Everything happens for a reason. I had that strange feeling! Something bad was going to happen and indeed it did!

Suddenly that crazy dream made sense. The boys screaming at me for not warning them.

What if that bullet wouldn't have landed on Ian's shoulder? What if that bullet had taken away his life?! Do you know the sadness I'm feeling right now? The sadness that Samantha must feel right now?



I snapped out of my shock and with nerving hands pressed call on Samantha.

Each ringing sound made my heart heavier.

'What's up? Already miss me?' Samantha said with a chuckle.

Is it possible to make a person cry with only three words?

''Ian was shot.'' I said rapidly with a lump on my throat.

You will wonder if I'm feeling guilty for telling Samantha something so delicate like this on those specific chosen words and on the phone. But the truth is that the faster she knows the better.

Samantha didn't say anything for more than a minute. Eventually she asked:

'What do you mean Ian was shot?'

I turned on the sofa and looked at Taylor, she had composed herself and was staring at me with huge eyes. She mouthed 'Samantha?'. I nodded.

I took my phone away from my face and told Taylor.

''Taylor, Samantha is on the line, waiting for an explanation. I don't know how to give her one...'' I mumbled.

Taylor gulped. ''Um... Put it on speaker, so we both can explain it...''

I gulped. ''Just don't tell her it was Antonio who shot him." I didn't know how to explain that to Samantha.

I put the phone on speaker.

Firstly, there are some facts we have to obviously know. Antonio was the one who shot Ian, and if the news lady hadn't said Antonio was drunk, I would have guessed it was with all the intentions. Or maybe it really was on purpose, making it worse for number two:

Samantha hasn't told Ian about Antonio stalking her, and she will think it was all her fault for not telling Ian about Antonio (Even thought I told her specifically to tell Ian all about the stalking).

And thirdly, Samantha will be desperate. Ian survived, but is still on a critical state, and by now, who knows? That news was in the early morning, so he could be just as stable as dead.

My heart froze. No, he couldn't be.

Of all the people in that party, Ian was shot. It could have been anyone else, but it had been him. Samantha would be out of her mind in minutes.


Samantha's pov

I stepped into the house to be greeted by my brother sitting on the sofa with his back to me. He held a knife, twirling it around. He looks like a creeper.

Edward said in a serious voice. ''So you must be Sami's boyfriend, am I right?'' He placed the knife roughly on the table.

I rose my eyebrows. I deepened my voice. ''Oh yes. I'm here to screw her, where is she?''

I burst out laughing when he turned around with a shocked face while screaming. ''What the f*ck man! She's my little sist- OH! It's you Sami...''

I crunched on the floor holding my stomach from laughter.

''So you think that was funny, huh? Well, let's see if it's funny when I tell mom and dad about your secret boyfriend.'' Edward said in a serious voice.

I stopped laughing and stood up. ''No! No no no no. NO! You wouldn't!''

Edward burst laughing. ''You should have seen your face!''

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. ''Dude, stop laughing. It's not that funny!''

''Oh yes it is!''

I rolled my eyes again and waited for my idiot of a brother to stop laughing. ''You done now?''

My bro nodded with a big smile.

''Well good, because you are not going to be Mr. Creeper when Ian comes, am I understood?''

Edward started to protest. ''Come on Sami! I want to scare the shit out of him!''

''I said, I am understood?'' I yelled. I felt like a sergeant.

Edward grumbled . ''Ok, understood. But I wanted to show him my evil face, so we can come to an understanding.''

I rolled my eyes again.

''Girl, stop rolling your eyes, or they'll stay that way.'' Edward said taking the knife from the table.

I answered him with a roll of my eyes. HA!

I stepped into my room with my bag and laid on my bed. My mind drifted to Ian. Why hasn't he called me? Why hasn't he arrived? Did he bail? He would have called me if he bailed.

I searched for my phone and was about to dail Ian's phone number when Keithlin's name appeared on my phone and the chorus of 'What the hell' by Averil Lavinge started playing. I chuckled. Keithlin loves that song.

I picked up and said amused ''What's up? Already miss me?''

'Ian was shot.' Keithlin said instantly.

At first I was confused, really confused. I soon realized Keithlin was serious.

She did say Ian was shot, right? Or did I hear wrong?

''What do you mean Ian was shot?'' I asked. My heart tightened. I hoped for this to be a prank.

I can't believe he... Oh God no. Please don't let it be... it must be something else! Please God let it be that I hear wrong!

'Sami, Ian was shot at the party after we left.' I think it was Taylor who said that.

My heart started to beat at an unstoppable pace.

A mental picture of Ian on the floor surrounded by blood with a bullet wound on his chest popped into my mind.

I gulped hard; the tears that wanted to spill were many.

Taylor continued. 'There was a drunken guy and he had a gun...'

I interrupted her. ''Is he...?''

My chest tightened even more. A sunken feeling deep in my gut appeared.  I can't imagine... If she says yes... No, please no!

'Is he, what?' Taylor asked confused.

''Is he dead!? Is he?" I snapped.

'No, he is alive...'

I felt like a ton has been lifted from my shoulders. He is alive. He's alive. He is still alive.

'Sami, he is still in a critical state at the Hospital.' Keithlin said this time.

I stood up and ran downstairs.

Edward stood up startled with a concerned look. ''What's wrong?''

''Take me to the hospital. I'll explain on the way.'' I said holding back a few tears. At least I know Ian is not dead.

Edward grabbed his keys and we both fast walk to his car.

'Samantha?' Taylor asked.

''I'm still here, explain.'' I mumbled buckling my seatbelt.

Edward finished closing the house and drove us out of the house.

'Well, he was shot on the shoulder by a drunk dude. He is in critical state at the town's hospital. It occurred around 9:40... Sami? What are you doing right at this moment?' Keithlin asked.

''I'm heading to the hospital.'' I answered.

'Pick us up on the way.' She hanged up.

I placed my phone on my pocket with a sigh. At least I know he's alive and breathing.

''So, what's going on?'' Edward asked.

I gulped the lump that was forming in my throat.

''Ian was shot on the shoulder last night. He is in a critical in the hospital.'' I explain briefly.

Edward's hand on the steering wheel tightened. ''Why didn't anybody tell you earlier?''

I shrugged. ''I don't know. What I do know is that he's at the town's hospital and you have to pick the girls up at Sara's.''

''Thank God that mom wasn't at home, it would have been chaos.''

I frowned. ''By the way, where is she?''

Edward shrugged ''I on't kno.'' He said leaving letters out of the words, sounding like a little boy. I chuckled and decided to just pay attention to the road.

After a while, a tiny grin appeared on his face. ''Do you think he shot himself to not get to meet me? I mean, I would. You see 'Edward' and everybody knows he is a serious and awesome dude. Only you don't see how cool and serious I am.''

I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. ''Idiot.''

Edward chuckled. ''And you love me just like that.''

I smiled at him and said sarcastically. ''Suuuure.''

Edward shook his head chuckling.

''So... who shot him?'' Edward asked.

I shruggled. ''I don't know. They said the guy was drunk. The girls didn't say name.''

''And how did they got to know before you?'' Edward asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. ''You already asked me that and I said 'I don't know!'.''

''Sheesh, just asking! Drama queen...'' Edward murmured.

''Did you just call me drama queen!?''


''That's what I thought. Could you hurry up, Ian might be at the verge of death and you are here insulting me!''

''See, you are a drama queen.'' Edward said speeding up.

''No, I'm not! If you had a girlfriend and she was shot by a drunken freak, you would be just like me, don't you think?''

''Nop. I would be civil, not a drama queen.'' Edward answered.

I rolled my eyes frustrated.

''Don't do that or they'll stay that way.''

''Shut up and drive!'' I yelled at him.

''From my point of view, your friends didn't tell you all the information. When we pick them up ask them how they got to know before you, who shot your smoocher, and what was the scene. I'm refering to: did the dude did it on purpose? Did the police arrest him? Ask all those questions.''

I ignored the nickname he picked for Ian and decided to tease him. ''I'm sorry, what?''

He looked at me for a moment with narrowed eyes and then turned his vision back to the road. I chuckled at him, but at the back of my mind, concern was always there.

Silence filled the car and minutes later Keithlin and Taylor joined the ride.

''Where's Sara?'' I asked after a few minutes of silence.

''She's smooching with Ron.'' Taylor said with a grin.

I chuckled. ''Don't let her know you said that... Does she know about Ian?''

Keithlin shook her head. ''Nop. We saw the news after Sara left with Hunter.''

I frowned. ''You got to know by the news?''

''Yup, Sara's mom had recorded the morning news." Taylor explained.

Keithlin took out her phone and called her mother to tell her to pick her up at the hospital. They exchanged just a few words.


''Carla was injured too, you know?'' Taylor blurted out.

A surprised look came to me. ''Carla was injured?''

Taylor sniggered. ''Yes, Carla, your archenemy, was injured. Ha, for the first time everybody walked over her. You get it, walked over her!''

''What happened to her? Did she get shot?'' I asked ignoring Taylor.

''Samantha, I just told you people walked all over her! What part of people running over her don't you get!?'' Taylor exclaimed.

''Oh, so she was ran over?'' I asked unbelievingly.

''Samantha Rivera! Are you really asking that question when I just told you!?'' Taylor exclaimed from the back seat.

I chuckled.

Edward coughed and asked ''So, who shot him?''

I looked from the front mirror as the girls exchanged a concerned look and stared at me.

At the same time they answered:

''We don't know.'' Taylor stated.

''We can't tell you.'' Keithlin mumbled.

I rose my eyebrow at Keithlin's answer.

Taylor came to her safe. ''What Keithlin means to say is that we can't tell you, bacause we don't know.'' She said it with an edge.

''What the...?'' I murmured confused. ''You know something I don't know. Spill.''

Taylor groaned and looked at Keithlin ''She'll know sooner or later.''

I rose my eyebrow. Keithlin looked at me with concern. I was getting a feeling that I won't like the answer.

''Sami...'' Keithlin bit her lip and refused to speak.

Taylor took a deep breath. ''It will be better for you to know after checking how Ian's doing."

Edward frowned. ''I guess the person with the gun is not in your friendship list?''

''Shut up.'' Taylor mumbles.

''And why should I shut up?'' Edward said messing with her.

''Because you're a smart ass.'' Taylor replied now starting a debate.

''So I'm smart?'' Edward asked amused.

''No. I'm saying only your ass is smart!''

From then on I ignored the conversation and rest my forehead on the window glass. I counted the trees that we passed, which was almost impossible. I gave up and admired the view while it lasted. Once we reached the town, there will be less trees and more buildings, not that there will be much of those either.

Vegetation rules over this small town.  It's the type where everybody knows everybody. You study with the same people you did in kindergarten. That's how the girls and me still are friends. We have the same classes and live near each other.

We started to pass a gas station and stores. We had to pass a bridge and we finally reached the town's hospital a minute later.

We found a good parking space and we hurriedly entered. There was a young woman, I would say around 25, in the front desk that was typing away on the computer.

''Excuse me.'' Edward asked the lady.

The lady placed her attention at my brother and her eyes sparkled.

''What can I get you?'' She said with an edge to her tone that gave me the sensation to gag.

''Yea, -nervous cough- I came here to check on Ian Ford.'' Edward said trying to be as nice as possible.

''Anything for you.'' And she winked at him. She then started to check on her computer.

Ewwww, she was hitting on my brother! Kill me now! Well, now that I think of it, this situation is rather funny. Where's a camara when you need one?!

Edward turned slowly to me with wide eyes and a twisted mouth that could only mean one thing. 'I'll get you later for this.'

I chuckled. ''I didn't do anything.'' I said shrugging.

He glared at me.

''Here it is.'' The lady said. ''Ian Ford is in room 303, third floor. Visiting hours have just started. If you hurry, you can enter his room without any disturbance.''

"He is accepting visitors?'' Edward asked shocked. "Isn't he in a critical state?"

"He was transferred to that room earlier this morning. He isn't in a critical state.''

''Oh, ok. Thank you.'' Edward said politely.

''No, thank you.'' She said giving my brother a look.

Edward laughed nervously and took my forearm, yanking my chuckling body to the elevator. The girls followed in the same state as me.

When the elevator door closed we burst out laughing.

''Shut up you three!'' Edward said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

We obviously ignored him.

Reaching the third floor, we were greeted with a few nurses pushing some karts. Many family members too.

301... 302... here it is! 303.

Edward knocked on the door and Ian's mother (Who I learned was named Mindy) opened the door with red puffy eyes and a handkerchief in one hand. When she saw me she burst into tears and hugged me tightly.

She sniffed and cringed into my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her, a bit awkwardly, but understood that she needed comfort.

''It's ok, Mindy. Everything's going to be fine.'' I reassured her, and at the same time hoping my words were true.

A while later she let go of me and excused herself for her behavior. I reassured her it was nothing, and that I understood. She let us pass.

Mindy doesn't have the same features as Ian. He only has her eyes. Mindy is short, around 4'10. Black hair, around her 40's.

Now, Ian's dad is like seeing Ian in 30 years. Same jaw, nose... same everything! Now, the only thing that neither parents have is Ian's hair color. Mr. Ford has dark brown hair, not compared with his son's caramel one.

Now that you have a little image of who Ian's parents are, back to real life:

In a white bed, covered by a white blanket from waist to toes, was Ian. He had his right shoulder bandaged up and was wearing a hospital gown. He had his eyes closed. I supposed he was sleeping or sedated.

Mr. Ford was sitting next to his son's bed. When he saw me he reacted totally different from his wife.

''Samantha! So glad to see you!'' He stood up and kissed my forehead, like if I was family... come to think of it, I'm like family to them now in a low key way.

He came to greet the others while Mindy sat on the chair Mr. Ford sat recently and started to softly stroke Ian's hand.

Mr. Ford turned to the others. ''And who might all of you be?''

Edward was the first to come forward and shake Mr. Ford's hand.

''Nice to meet you Mr. Ford. I'm Edward Rivera, Samantha's brother.''

''I'm Keithlin Pagan. Samantha's friend.'' She said a bit shy.

''I'm Taylor Reed. Sami's and Ian's friend, too.'' Taylor said with a little smile.

''Pleasure to meet you. I'm Mr. Ford, or like some call me, Charlie. But I'm more known as Mr. Ford.''

The girls nooded.

Edward coughed and started to have a conversation with Mr. Ford.

''Mr. Ford, today I was supposed to meet my sister's boyfriend, but you know that at His state, I can't actually meet him. I would like to know how your son is, since our father isn't with us recently.''

One word: Awkward.

Another few words: Kill me now.

''Oh yes. Well, I have met Samantha by Sara, my cousin's daughter, and I would say she is the perfect girl for my boy. He is responsible and hardworking. Has straight A's and is a skilled basketball player, which I'm very proud of. He can be trusted with anything. Ian has never been in a serious relationship before, or any, from what I know. And, from my view, he is really interested in your sister. He has my full support.'' Mr. Ford talked with deep pride for Ian.

Mr. Ford kept describing Ian, but I shut out the conversation and analyzed what has been said.

There where some points in the conversation that my face might have shown shock, awkwardness, and happiness.

One- I was happy because he said I was perfect for his son and had his full approval. Plus, he said Ian was really interested in me... I have butterflies in my stomach.

Two- Awkwardness because he was describing Ian to my brother.

And Three- He said that Ian has never been in a relationship before.

The third one was the one that had my mind drifting far. Ian has never been in a relationship before? That can't be. He is a hot boy that can get any girl he wants. But the fact is, I had never thought about it. I never have imagined or seen Ian with anybody before. Am I his first girlfriend? I have to ask Ian when I get the chance.

The conversation soon rung in my ears again.

''Samantha hasn't told our parents about her relationship with your son.''

''Oh. That could be a problem...'' Mr. Ford mumbled.

''Why is that a problem from your point of view sir? If anybody would be in a problem, it would be Samantha.'' Edward said. I sent a glare at my brother.

Mr. Ford smiled cheaply. ''Mindy was planning on making a special dinner and inviting your family, to get to know each other.''

Edward whistled. ''Huh. Our father is usually away. His work requires travels for long periods of time. It'd be luck to find him at home for a whole week. He comes and goes. As for my mother, she sees Ian as a good boy. She is always at the house, and when not, is at the grocery store. Neither of them know about Ian and my sister. As for me... I work from 7 am to 8 pm as a mecanic. I only take Sundays off. So having a family diner even in our house is almost impossible...''

Recognition seemend to cross over Mr. Ford's face. ''Are you the mecanic that runs his business next to the ice-cream shop?''

Edward nodded. ''Yes sir.''

''Oh! Well son, you have made quite the reputation there. Everybody says you are the best in town.'' Mr. Ford said with a smile.

Edward looked a bit amused but at the same time proud and happy of what he was hearing.

''There's no need to exaggerate, sir.''

''But it's the truth, Edward. This must mean you studied with my other son, Stevan?''

Edward chuckled. ''Yes. I studied with him.''

''That's great son. Stevan would be happy to see you. Well look at my good luck. My truck is in bad shape at home and I was planning to take it there this week, but I need a tow truck.''

''Oh, don't worry sir, I have one back at the shop. What type of truck is it?'' Edward asked curious.

And this is how a totally awkward conversation changed into a discussion about cars, in which I had no idea on what they were talking about.

So I left the two of them talking aside and kneeled beside Ian's bed. Mindy looked at me with gratitude.

''Mindy, if it's not much to ask, what happened after Ian got to the hospital? We saw on the news that he was in a critical state, but he is stable.'' Taylor asked bringing a chair, which I hadn't notice, next to me and giving me a sing to sit. I did as told and sat on the chair.

Mindy sniffled and began to explain.

''The police gave us a call around 9:50, saying that our son had been shot and received an injury to his right shoulder. Around ten we arrived to the hospital and the doctors told us that he was in a critical state. The bullet had to be removed, but it could damage the limb in which they thought the arm could be lost...'' She paused for a moment.

Shock as I realized what she was referring to.

''They told us to be ready for any outcome, since an amputation could happen if something went wrong.''

Taylor and Keithlin gasped. Keithlin brought her hand to her mouth and tears started to consume her eyes at the story.

Mindy continued. ''At two o'clock the operation was over. The bullet was removed and they had to wait for the results. We waited 'till eigh o'clock when they finally told us our son was stable but in a very weak state. He was sedated for the pain. We have been here since then. Stevan (Ian's older brother) and Jake left about three hours ago.''

I now saw the bags under Mindy's eyes. She hasn't slept and hasn't eaten either. She's been almost 12 hours in this hospital looking out for her son. A wave of pity hit me.

''Mindy, go and get something to eat. We'll stay up here looking out for him.'' The words left my mouth before I even registered them.

Mindy smiled at me and mumbled a thank you.

She picked her purse and told her husband to stay and watch Ian with us while she went to the hospital's cafeteria and bought food for both. She walked out and closed the door leaving us five in the room.

Mr. Ford was doing a horrible job looking out for Ian. He was talking non-stop with Edward, leaving us three to stare at his son.

I moved the chair closer to Ian and stroked his caramel hair. It felt so soft.

I stared at his patched shoulder. I'm resentful, angry at the dude who did this to him. Ian did survive and is recovering already, but I'm still angry at that bastard. I looked up to see both of my friends staring at me with pity.

''Who shot him?'' I asked.

Taylor gulped. ''If I tell you, will you promise not to blame it on yourself?''

I frowned. What kind of question was that!? If there's someone to blame is the bastard that carried the gun.

''I don't know what that has to do with anything, but ok. Sure.'' I said with a raised eyebrow.

Taylor gave Keithlin a look of concern. They have been exchanging that face for a while now and it's getting creepy.

''Samantha...'' Keithlin began with the same face as before.

''Just tell me!'' I groaned.

''It was Antonio.'' Taylor finished.


The girls held a concerned look while I was expressionless.

All at once my heart started to beat fast. My eyes started to water. I started to tremble and the sobbing began.

It was my fault Ian was shot. If I had been a good girl and listened to my friends and brother, Ian would have been on guard. But I had left him in the dark. Antonio must have done it to finish his evil plan. F*ck it! It's all my fault.

''Sami! You promised!'' Keithlin whined.

How could I not blame myself?

''B-but...'' I couldn't even get out a right word.

''Samantha Rivera! No but's! You did nothing wrong, and even if you had told Ian, there wouldn't be any difference! He would have been shot!'' Keithlin said turning angry.

''But Ian would at least be prepared! -sniff sniff- He would have known something!'' I said/yelled, earning the attention of my brother and Mr. Ford.

Keithlin grabbed my shoulders and held me in place. She whispered so only us three could hear.

''Samantha. You listen to me right now! Even if Ian would have known Antonio was stalking you, that bullet would have reached his shoulder anyways. What happened has happened. You can't change things now!''

I hiccuped trying to hold the tears, but that didn't last long.

''Antonio was stalking you?''

Ian had just woken up.

I ingnored what he just questioned and let out a shrink of happiness. ''Ian! You're awake!"

I wiped my tears and hugged Ian by his left side, avoiding the wound.

"Y-yeah. I'm awake.''

The girls smiled and patted his leg.

"You gave us quite a fright this morning.'' Taylor said.

"Don't ever do that to us!" Keithlin shrieked.

I chuckled. "How are you feeling?''

Ian looked at his arm and tried to move it, he ended up groaning. "Not totally ok, but breathing...'' he looked at me and chuckled.

I smiled sweetly. ''Your mom just left to get something to eat. Your father is here and... OH! someone's here to meet you!''

Ian yawned. ''Who?''

I smiled a bit. ''My brother.''

Ian's face was priceless. His eyes bulged out.

''Your big brother?''

I nodded. ''Breath. For now, just rest. Meeting him can wait.'' I reached down and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

He frowned and something flashed by his eyes. ''What did Keithlin mean by Antonio stalking you?''

I tensed and looked down. ''Um... I really didn't want you to know on these circumstances.'' A tear ran down my cheek. ''It's all my foult. If you would have known, if I had told you...''

He reached for my hand. ''It's ok.''

I shook my head. ''No, it's not! If you had known, maybe you wouldn't be in these circumstances!''

''That's just it. You say 'maybe'. We don't know for sure if I would have been shot or not. There's no reason to beat yourself up for something that already happened.'' Ian said giving my hand a little squeeze.

I hiccuped and sniffed. ''I still should have told you sooner. I was planning on telling you today during diner, but... you are at a hospital."

I looked up and he was smiling at me. ''You know I'm always there for you, no matter what.'' He said this with so much emotion.

I smiled. ''I know. Now rest before your mom gets here. I bet she won't let you sleep afterwards.''

He nodded and closed his eyes.

There was a chorus of 'Aweeee's

Keithlin was wipping a stray tear and Taylor had goggly eyes. ''You guys are so cute!'' Keithlin gushed.

I stuck my tongue out at both.

Well, lets make a mantal list on things that have occurred and still wait to occur.

Ian is ok. He now knows about Antonios' stalking, I don't have to worry about that anymore. He will soon meet my older brother and get along. I just hope Edward doesn't go all serious dude on Ian. The biggest and hardest problem standing is telling my parents about my relationship.

Beside that stuff about me, Sara doesn't know about the incident with Ian. She's gonna freak when someone tells her. I don't even know if Hunter knows.

The bet is still on. I don't know if Keithlin has made any progress on pairing up with Jake. I suspect the feeling is mutual since they've been talking.

The mystery dude of Sara still roams my mind. Who knows who or what he is?! He might be a gentleman as a killer. He can be a nerd as can be a jock! I hope Sara watches her back. Well, she IS a fighter, karate fighter.

Taylor has made progress on forgetting Andrew.

And last, but not least, I have to figure out what Keithlin puts in those pancakes she makes, cause, woo wee! Those are good!

''Samantha?!" Keithlin screamed.

I snap my head up. ''What? What's wrong?!''

She giggled. ''You were mumbling about how good my pancakes are!''

I burst out laughing and soon was joined by Kaitlin and Taylor.

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