We're Brothers.

By LevixErenKitty

96.1K 3K 2.5K

With a mixed family, Eren Yeager and Levi Ackerman must now live together. The marriage of Kenny Ackerman (Le... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
The End

Chapter 17

2.5K 91 42
By LevixErenKitty

Erren's P.O.V.

I watched as Levi sat next to me holding Yukine in his arms. It just looked natural for him to be holding a baby, they way he held the back of Yukine's neck and supported his small frame easily was amazing. All I could do was stare at them in wonder. I cupped Yukine's cheek in my palm and gently stroked his face looking into his eyes. I traced over his nose, his eyelids, his soft, pink lips...

"He's adorable..." I heard Levi say, "his eyes are shining." 

I looked into his eyes, a twinkle flashed through them as he looked at me. He let out a coo and reached out his tiny hands towards my finger, he gave it a weak squeeze and smiled at me.

"Hold him Eren, he's your son." I looked at Levi, some insecurity in my eyes. "Go on, he wants you to hold him."

I reached out my hands and held him..he was so small and warm. I felt like I was holding a prized jewel. I rested him in my chest and gently stroked the frail hairs on his head, he nuzzled his head into my chest and cooed softly once more.

"He's...perfect..." I whispered and kissed his forehead. "Levi, how did it come to this? I never thought I'd end up pregnant, with you, or...with such a beautiful family?"

"I'd answer if I could, but i don't have the answer to that. All I  can say is that I'm glad you're still with me." I felt the tears in my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Waaaah!" I looked at Yukine who was starting to cry and bunch up his tiny fists.

"Oh um, Levi! Help!" 

He chuckled softly and checked Yukine's diaper, he then gave a smile. "He's hungry."

"Hungry?" I felt a blush rise up, I had milk, my body produced it in order to feed my child. But, I wasn't sure of how I was to feed him...I've seen those mothers that feed their kids in public, but it doesn't seem that easy.

"Would you like a nurse to come in and show you?" Dr. Reiz asked me with a soft smile. 

"Yes please." He nodded and left the room. I was gently rocking Yukine and trying to calm him down. It wasn't working, he kept crying and his little fists shook.

"That sound will haunt my nightmares for the next year." Levi gave a small sigh. "But I guess it's only natural, he has no other way to communicate other than orally."

I nodded and slowly started to rub his belly, it was so tiny. Dr. Reiz knocked and stepped inside with a nurse. She was kinda short but she had a decent sized chest and butt. I glance at Levi, he used to date girls only...and he's dating me now... But still, I felt insecure. I didn't have a big butt, I obviously didn't have big boobs...I was mostly flat chested, only now because of the milk it's been a little bigger than usual. I don't have a butt...I mean he said that my butt got bigger earlier...but that was just because of the extra weight I was carrying, some weight got put in other places. I kept staring at him from the corner of my eye. He looked at her when she came in but I didn't see him staring or admiring anything.

"Alright Eren, this is our head nurse that specializes in male pregnancy cases." He looked at her.

"Hi! My name is Hangi, it's nice to finally meet you." She walked over and shook my hand with somewhat soft hands. "I see you have a feisty one here."

"Yes, I don't know how to feed him... I don't want to do it wrong." 

"No worries Sweetie. Now I'm gonna need you to lay back a little." I rested up against some pillows. "Perfect! The hospital gown will have to come off somewhat, you're gonna have all of your chest out." I glanced at Levi and blushed. "If you're not comfortable we can ask him to look away?" I gave a slight nod keeping my head down. "Alright then hon, Sir, if you don't mind?"

"Not at all." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and turned away and got on his phone.

"I'm sorry Levi." I tried to apologize. 

"It's completely fine Baby, I understand you're embarrassed about it." He smiled and kissed me softly. I felt his lips leave and pouted slightly. "I'll kiss you more later."


"Alrighty then, hold him up to your chest supporting the back of his neck and keep one hand on his bottom. That's perfect, and now just nudge his face against the nipple."

I felt Yukine move and then felt his mouth on my nipple. "Ngh.." It was warm and wet, it just felt weird because I'm not used to it. I watched his suckle, his little mouth pinched in slightly and his left hand cupped my other nipple. He looked adorable, just sucking away at my chest. I looked at the nurse. "It feels weird."

"I know Sweetie, it'll feel like that for about a week until you're used to it. It'll eventually become just another sensation. You should try and feed him after every meal so that way you don't get confused. Are you planning on using formula?"

"No, I don't want to. I've heard some people use breast pumps too?"

"Yes, I can show you.'

"Please." She nodded and smiled. 

"He's adorable, what's his name?


"What about his last name?"

I looked at Levi, I could tell he was listening, his thumbs weren't tapping at his phone again. What would his last name be? I hadn't thought about it yet, he could have my name? Unless... 

I looked at Levi, he seemed stiff.

"I'm still deciding." She nodded and Yukine let go.

"Okay now that he's done and eaten his fill, you need to burp him."

Once she showed me how to do that, I lay Yukine back in his little crib and began to button up my gown again.

"Eren, can I turn around now?"

"Yes." I gave him a glance when he turned around as I was pretending to fiddle with a button. H e was staring at me and looking kind of upset.



"His last name, what do you want it to be?" He gently touched my hand. I looked at him uncertainly. I wasn't sure about what it should be.

"I... I don't know. I want it to be yours..."

"Then it's mine, simple."

"You really don't have much worries huh?"

"Not many, except losing my precious family." 

I signed Yukine's papers and wrote down his official name on the certificate. Yukine Ackerman. It had a nice ring to it, it made me happy.

~time skip two months.~

I was sitting at home feeding Yukine in the living room, Levi was sitting across from me watching T.V. I eventually got over him seeing me breastfeed, it's not a big deal anyway.

"Hey Levi?" I looked at me and smiled softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." He gave me a peck of the cheek then kissed Yukine's forehead. "How are you feeling? Your stitches are gone right?" I nodded. "Good, also we need to get ready, your two month checkup."

"Oh yeah, Mom said she'll watch him while we're there." He nodded and Yukine let go. "Can you burp him while I freshen up?"

"Of course, hand him over." I gave Yukine to him and went upstairs. I took a quick shower and put on some clean clothes. I fixed up my hair and walked back downstairs.

"I'm ready."

"Looking great as usual today Babe." I blushed and hugged him gently. "Your Mom already took our son. She said she was about to come snatch him up if you took any longer feeding him."

"Haha, Mom loves him."

We left and arrived at the hospital in about 15 minutes. After sitting down and filling out the information we were eventually called into the office room. Dr. Reiz was waiting and gave me a gentle hug and Levi a handshake. I saw the gown in his hands and went into the bathroom to change. Levi took my regular clothes and helped me onto the bed. Dr. Reiz went on with the exam.

"Well the stitched area seems healed now, since you said there's no pain and you're not having any trouble going to the bathroom...I'd say it's safe for you to be sexually active again. It's up to you of course, I'd suggest nothing rough for that area though." I felt my cheeks burn and turned to look at Levi.

"Thank you." We went home and I went to get Yukine again. 


"Yes Love?" He gently rubbed my head. 

"I don't wanna have sex for awhile, I'm not ready.."

"I understand, I'd only do it if you want to." 

I nodded. "Thanks Raven." He smiled and kissed my forehead for the millionth time that day.

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