~Weird~ Connor Murphy x Rea...

By jxllycee

358K 10.6K 16.5K

Unlike the majority of weird things that happened to me, I'm glad you happened, because I was able to find so... More

thank you


7.7K 203 381
By jxllycee


4th grade

"That's a good book." I said as I looked down at the boy with the spider-man shirt on the curb. Connor lowered his book and eyed me. "I've read it before. What chapter are you on?" I asked. He went back to looking at the book.

"Go away."

"I'm just wondering what-"

"I don't want you spoiling it for me!" he almost yelled as I quickly looked down at my small shoes.

Frowning, I said "I'm not gonna spoil it for you. I don't like spoilers and I would never spoil anything for anyone." Connor glanced at me again and his eyes softened. I could hear him mutter a "thanks" under his breath.

"Sorry for being annoying." I smiled and shrugged and walked back to the swings. Before I left, he glanced at me again before paging through his book.


"Hey Y/N?"

I stopped zoning out and focused on the worksheet again. "Crap, sorry." My voice was raspy and Alana looked at me with concern. "We're on the last two pages, right?" I asked.

"You know, I think we should take a break." she suggested as she set her textbook down. I stared at her a little shocked because Alana Beck never takes a break from work.

"We're only on the last two pages, we can finish it pretty quick." I insisted on finishing the homework. She shook her head and took the pencil out of my hand. "Hey-"

"You're sick. I do work when I'm sick too, but I usually rest. You should really rest too."

"Okay, mom." I coughed as I sunk down under the blanket that was covering me. Alana looked around.

"Do your parents know that I'm here? I don't want to come in uninvited."


Alana's eyes widened. "So no one is here to take care of you?"

"I can take care of myself, and my dad should be here in about an hour anyway." I explained as I got up and walked to the kitchen like a zombie. The cold floor made me shiver a bit.

"Watcha doing?" Alana asked.

"Making some hot chocolate." I answered. "You can make some of your own you want, I don't wanna get you sick." I paused, "You probably will get sick since you're here right now."

"The doctor said I have a good immune system, so I think I'm good." Alana chuckled as she put her finished papers in a neat pile.

I sunk back into the couch and took a sip. I breathed a breath of relief as the warmth soothed my throat. We started working on the homework again and ended up finishing only the math worksheet and two other worksheets from other classes. A buzz from Alana's phone caught her attention and she grabbed it. She looked back up at me and gathered her things quickly. "I'm sorry Y/N, I have to go."

"That's oka-"

"I have to help with some errands. I'm really sorry."

I chuckled and dropped my pencil on the table. "It's fine Alana."

"Hope you get better." She finished gathering her stuff and opened the door.

"Thanks." I yawned. "See you."

She gave me a small smile before leaving out the door. I lazily reached for the remote and turned on the tv for some kind of show. It didn't matter since I was probably going to zone out again. I flipped to a channel that was showing a documentary about the Black Plague and made myself comfortable on the couch.

"At least I don't have the Plague." I whispered to myself as I dosed off.


After jolting awake at the sound of the garage door opening, my dad stepped into the house. "Hey kiddo." He greeted, setting his keys down. "How are you feeling? And why are you watching a movie on the Black Death?"

I squinted at the TV. "How long is that documentary?" I mumbled and turned to face my dad who was digging around in the fridge for something I could eat. He explained that I couldn't take medicine on an empty stomach.

"Sorry for not staying and taking care of you." he sighed, keeping his eyes on the inside of the fridge.

"It's okay."

"Yea, I was gonna call Mrs. Johnson to come over and watch over you." Dad said before dropping a bottle of ketchup on his toe. "Agh, dammit."

Mrs. Johnson was this nice plump middle-aged woman who lived somewhere around the block in our neighborhood, and was my "sitter" for quite some time. She knew my dad pretty well and usually came over to watch me while he was at work. That was back when I was younger, and I haven't seen her since then.

"She's moving." He explained as he got leftovers from my favorite food out of the fridge. "She said she'd be leaving around this summer." Dad walked over to me with the warmed up food. "I know you probably don't wanna eat but the medicine will give you hell if you don't."

"I didn't know she was moving." I said as I sat up. "Where to?" I cupped the dish with my food in it, being careful not to drop it.

"Not sure. I was planning on going to help her pack later this week."

After eating the lukewarm meal and almost gagging on the medicine that tasted like shit, small snowflakes began to fall slowly.

"It's snowing." I stated as I sipped my second cup of hot chocolate. When I turned to my dad, he settled down in his chair and sighed.

"You okay?" I asked. Dad turned to me and chuckled.

"Work was hard today, kiddo." He pointed at me. "Now you need to get upstairs and get some sleep."

"But-" I could almost hear the whiny child in my voice.


Laughing softly, I wrapped my blankets around me and waddled up the stairs. "Good night." he called out.


I didn't bother brushing my teeth and just plopped down on my bed. My eyes weren't too heavy yet, so I just stared at the ceiling and entertained myself with the lines decorating it. I could tell my dad turned up to the TV volume slightly because I could still hear it a bit.

He was probably finishing the documentary.

Just as my eyes started to get heavy, my phone rang and vibrated. Squinting at the lighting, I answered the call. I didn't feel like holding it up to my ear, so I just inserted earphones in beforehand.

"Hey." Greeted the familiar voice.

"Hi." I said back, smiling. "So what did I miss today?"

Connor sighed over the line. "Today wasn't the best day, for me at least."

"Spill the tea."

He chuckled again, and the butterflies in my stomach were back. "That's really fucking cringy."

"I don't care." I say, "What happened?"

"Right, so obviously you know Derek."


"Exactly. He and his posse confronted me today and-"

"He didn't lay a finger on you, did he?" I asked, worried. Derek wasn't as nice anymore, so he wouldn't think twice.

"Let me finish, calm down." Connor explained everything, and I let out a small sigh of relief. He also told me about how his parents were still fighting. He's talked about them fighting before, but each conversation is different.

"Why should I care anyway?" he asked. "They fight all the time. Hell, it's even gotten to the point where Zoe has to spend the night at Alana's place." There was a pause and slight shuffling from his end. "It's not new though, they fight all the time and Zoe leaves almost every week. I'm here at a park right now."

"That bad, huh?" My hands fiddled with the blanket wrapped around me. We had one of those pauses again, the ones where we would just be silently comforting each other or something.

"Sorry I called. I just wanted to talk to you and shit." Connor sighed. Chains rattled on his end, so he was probably getting on the metal swings.

My voice came out dry again. "That's fine. I don't mind."

"I probably woke you up."

Assuring him, I tell him it's fine once again. "Connor, it's okay. Really."

"You want me to hang up?"

"No! Don't hang up." He couldn't see me but I shook my head slightly. Connor didn't need to worry about bothering me.


"I wanna talk to you."

"You'll lose your voice."

I argued with a smirk on my face. "I don't give a shit. I wanna talk to my boyfriend."

He let out a goofy laugh and sighed. "I'm still getting used to that."

God, I love him.

The moon seemed to shine brighter as I sank further under the covers. I rested my head comfortably on the cold pillow. "Is it okay if I talk to you?"

"I don't have a problem with that." He said, "So uh, if we're talking, what exactly are we going to be talking about? I don't wanna talk about school. That place sucks."

"We're not gonna talk about school, Murphy."

We're gonna talk about the Black Death.


kay so hope you enjoyed? this is a little short and literally nothing much happened and the ending was pretty fricken random. i'm also writing this winter part when it's summer so that's fun.

also, mike faist leaves/left Dear Evan Hansen today and i'm kinda sad but really happy for him since he's been part of the show for four years and he's worked really hard on it. alex boniello (i think that's his name?) is replacing him and i couldn't be more excited.

happy trails to mike and good luck to alex!

once again hoped you liked this chapter lol

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