Rose Petals (Discontinued)

By littlenerdrosey

176K 3.2K 382

"Why? What's the problem? I thought you didn't love her anymore," Klaus grips Rosalie's hair. She winces and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five

Chapter Five

4.8K 108 17
By littlenerdrosey

Season 1: You're Undead to Me

"How was the founder's party? I would've gone, but I wasn't interested" laughs and closes her locker. Matt grins.

"It was fine. Tyler apologized. I think your big scream-off got him to realize some things. Damon also apologized. I danced with Stefan and Damon which, first off they are great dancers and it's unbelievable that someone in this time would be able to dance like that" Rosalie smiles.

"Wow, I must've missed out," Rosalie nods. "Elena texted me this morning. Guess who was in Jeremy's bed?" Matt chuckles. Rosalie's eyes widen and her mouth opens.

"No way! They didn't"

"Vicki was brushing her teeth and Elena walked in. She said she played it off but I bet her face gave it away" Rosalie grins ear to ear.

Her best friend finally got the girl he wanted. Rosalie wonders how Tyler will feel about it. I mean with the whole stunt yesterday at Jeremy's, he sounded like he was beginning to have genuine feelings for Vicki.

Stefan walks up behind Matt and smiles at her. "Hey Stefan" She smiles back. Matt glances over his shoulder and looks back at Rosalie.

"I'll let you two be" Matt walks over to some of his football friends. Rosalie bites down on her bottom lip embarrassed at how obvious he was. Rosalie gazes up at Stefan, who seemed upset.

"Hey, how did things go with Damon last night?" Stefan nods.

"He left town after my Uncle kicked him out. He has a place in Vermont so he'll be fine" Rosalie licks her lips.

"No trouble at all?" Stefan smiles. "Good. If this is what's best then so be it" Stefan appreciated that she wasn't pushy.

"Everything is fine. So, I hear Caroline's holding a car washing fundraiser? Are you up for it?" Rosalie grins.

"Wow, Stefan Salvatore wanting to participate in something scandalous? I wouldn't miss it for the world" Stefan smiles down at her and shakes his head. Caroline spots the two laughing together and stomps over to them, ignoring Rosalie. Caroline flips her hair and crosses her arms. Stefan internally gags at overpowering floral perfume.

"Stefan, where's Damon? He has some serious apologizing to do" Stefan and Rosalie share a look.

"He's gone, Caroline. Damon left town last night" Stefan explains slowly. Caroline frowns.

"Well, is he coming back?"

"He's not coming back," The way Stefan said it made Rosalie shiver. He made it sound like he murdered Damon. "I'm sorry, Caroline. If you'll excuse us" Stefan wraps his arm around Rosalie shoulders and the two leave Caroline at Rosalie's locker.

"Vermont huh?" Rosalie's whispers under her breath. Stefan caught it but didn't make a comment.


"How the hell do you keep beating me!" Matt throws his hands up in frustration. He puts on a goofy smile as Rosalie knocks in the eight ball.

"Yes!" She cheers. She rounds the table over to Matt who sticks his pool stick into the holder in defeat. "You owe me some fries and lemonade now" Rosalie smirks. Matt rolls his blue eyes and heads over to the bar to order.

Rosalie places her stick next to Matt's and runs to the bathroom. In there is Elena. Rosalie makes eye contact with her through the mirror. Elena hasn't spoken to Rosalie since she practically called her a desperate boy-hopper. Rosalie frowns and leaves the bathroom, Elena following her.

"Rosalie. Look, I'm sorry for what I said at the founder's party. I was just upset. I saw you and Stefan together and...I like him and it just made me angry" Elena apologizes. Rosalie bites her lip and nods.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too" Rosalie walks away from Elena. Elena blinks. Rosalie was sorry that she was developing feelings for Stefan.

Stefan enters the grill and accidentally bumps into Rosalie. Stefan smiles down at her. "Hey Rosalie, what're you doing here?" He asks. The two walk over to Matt.

"Matt and I made a bet that if I won a game at pool, he would buy me some fries and a lemonade and if he won, I'd have to give him a back massage twice a day for week" Stefan laughs.

"How come you only asked for fries and a drink?" Rosalie leans against the bar.

"I didn't really think about anything else. I'm craving it" Stefan chuckles.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to get some air. It can be a little stuffy around at home" Stefan lies. He just couldn't deal with Damon's constant groaning and complaining.

"Hey Logan!" Jenna calls. Rosalie raises a brow at her. She thought his name with Scum Fell.

"Isn't that Elena's aunt?" Rosalie nods.

"Yeah, she's like second mom-- or third mom to me" Rosalie laughs. Stefan smiles sympathetically, but Rosalie doesn't notice because her eyes on some man staring at them. The man walks over to the two. It's older black man. He looked very kind, his hair just barely turning grey.

"I know you. My God" His eyes scan Stefan's body in disbelief.

"I'm sorry?" Stefan knew who this person is. He met him a long time ago, almost fifty years ago.

"How can it be?"

"I think you have the wrong person, sir" Stefan avoids the situation.

"You haven't aged a day" Rosalie blinks. Aging? He's seventeen!

"I'm sorry. If you'll excuse us" Stefan wraps his arm around Rosalie's waist and leads her to the door.

"Stefan, what was that about?" Rosalie asks once they got outside.

"I--I don't know, nothing" He plays off.

"Nothing? He made sound as if he met you like old pals meeting a high school reunion" She smiles.

"My uncle looks exactly like me, I think that's who he's mistaken me for" Rosalie laughs.

"Makes sense. You know, I've never met your uncle. Only Damon. Who's now who knows where" Stefan smiles and stops them on the side of Rosalie's car. His arm smoothly runs from her back, slides his fingers down her arm and he grabs her pale hand.

"Speaking of my uncle, I should probably go talk to him about my bedroom. I've been wanting to rearrange it. Care to help me in a few days?" Rosalie grins and nods.

"Of course, I'd love to! Well, have fun thinking of ideas for your room. I'm gonna head to Jeremy's after I have my snack" He chuckles.

Stefan's hand lingers on hers for a moment before the two went their separate ways.


"Hey Jer, and Vicki" Rosalie barges into Jeremy's room. Vicki stood in front of Jeremy and is reading an orange pill bottle. Vicki smiles at Rosalie which made Jeremy and Rosalie confused. It was tense before she walked in the room. Perfect timing.

"Hey Rosalie, I thought you would be here sooner or later" Vicki smiles

"I'm guessing you heard about us from Matt" Jeremy asks.

"Yep, he told me Elena saw you?" Vicki snickers and nods.

"Her face was so shocked, I thought she would go and yell at Jeremy with me standing right in the bathroom" Jeremy laughs.

Rosalie sees on Jeremy's desk a bunch of white powder. Did Vicki crush up the pills from that bottle? Her mind would've wandered a little more deeper if she didn't see the bottle in Vicki's hand. Vicki smirks at Rosalie.

"Hey Rosalie. Do you wanna come with me and Jeremy tomorrow night? We're going to hang out with some of my old friends who graduated last year?" Jeremy shakes his head.

"Vicki, she's not like--"

"She can give it a try. I've seen her drink before. She can do that, right?" Rosalie bites her lip. Vicki's being oddly nice.

"Sure, sounds fun" Rosalie accepts. Jeremy sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. He didn't trust Vicki's friends. They weren't nice at all and tend to get handsy when their drunk or high. He would have to babysit her the entire time.


"You better take that off or you'll have to deal with wet clothes" Matt aims the water hose at He brushes the water on her legs and she lets out a squeak. The bandana made her tied under her hair with the ends tied at the top made her look like a bunny hopping away.

"Mattie! That's freezing!" Rosalie runs away over to cash register. Caroline crosses her arms disapprovingly.

"Rosalie! What are you doing? This is supposed be sexy suds, yeah know? So you might want to change out of that" Caroline glares. She walks away, leaving Rosalie by herself. Rosalie sighs.

"I haven't been here for five minutes and you're already getting scolded?" Stefan jeers, coming up behind Rosalie. She turns around and smiles.

"Maybe she let me off the hook because she saw you. You're no better than I am. At least I'm showing some legs" Rosalie gestures to her freshly shaved legs.

Rosalie crosses her arms and grips the end of her grey tank top. She pulls it swiftly over her head. Stefan takes a deep breath. He could smell her scent more now. She tosses her shirt on the chair and then slickly removes her shorts. Matt comes over and holds his hand out. Rosalie lays her shorts in his hand and he then takes the shirt off the chair.

"I'll go put this in my locker" Rosalie nods.

"Thank you!" She shouts. She turns back to Stefan and notices his eyes are red.

"Hey? Were you rubbing your eyes? They look really irritated" Stefan could hear her pulse. He stares at her neck. Stefan's body begs for her blood but he successfully resists. Stefan rubs his eyes to make his eyes turn back to normal.

"Yeah, I think I got a soap bubble in them. I think I got it though" He plays off. Rosalie smiles and grabs Stefan's hand. Stefan uses his other hand to zip down his hoodie.

Stefan undresses to his swimming trunks, leaving his chest bare. Almost all the girls, including Elena, Caroline and Rosalie all stare at his muscular body.

"I didn't know you work out" Rosalie breathes. Stefan smiles.

"I didn't know you did either" Rosalie rolls her eyes.

"Thank you, but it's about once a week. The rest? I just got lucky and have a fast metabolism" Stefan chuckles. Stefan wraps his arms around Rosalie's shoulders and pulls her close to him. Her hair smells like watermelon and strawberries. Stefan bites his lip and looks up at the sky to stop himself from lunging at her.

"Just to be clear your car's a P.O.S, I mean we can still wash it but it's still a P.O.S" Tiki says in disgust. She's a girl from the cheerleading team. She's outgoing and clearly blunt. Rosalie and Stefan turn their attention to her and Bonnie.

"You don't have to be rude" Bonnie glares.

"Rude is uglying up the road with that junker" The man throws his keys in the car and walks off angrily.

Tiki grabs the hose off the ground and starts to fill a soapy bucket but out of the nowhere the water burst from the bucket and drenches Tiki. Rosalie squeals a little and Stefan laughs. Rosalie's grin couldn't get any bigger. Matt swoops in and takes the hose from Tiki. Bonnie stops staring at the hose and the water flows out normally.

"Wet and wild, Tik!" Matt laughs. Tiki flicks the water off herself. She groans.

"Stefan! Rosalie! How many times do you I have to yell at you! Start washing the cars!" Caroline yells. Rosalie and Stefan back away from each other. Caroline tosses wet, soap soaked rags at the two love birds.

Rosalie shrieks and throws it on the car. "Caroline, that was cold!" Caroline smirks and struts away. Rosalie throws her hands in the air, letting them fall down and slap the sides of her thighs. "Unbelievable" They both start to wash the green car that's beside them, where Rosalie's rag landed.

"So, Miss Phoenix, what are you up to tonight?" The bronze haired man asks.

"I'm going with Jeremy and Vicki somewhere to go meet Vicki's friends," Stefan narrows his eyes. "Yeah, it's weird for me too. I thought she didn't like me, but I went over to Jeremy's after I left the grill and she invited me. I guess now that Jeremy and Vicki are officially a couple, she likes me" Stefan scoffs; a smile on his face.

"Text me if something happens, alright? Vicki doesn't seem like the most...stable person" Rosalie stops and looks up at Stefan. Stefan meets her eyes.

"I definitely will. She makes me nervous too"


"Jeez, how many more cars?" Rosalie complains, laying on her stomach, her hands propping her chin up on the hood of some car. Matt laughs and gently whips her with the rag on her shoulder. She jumps and bangs her head on the car. Matt cracks up in fits of laughs as Rosalie groans. "Not funny, Mattie" She weakly laughs and holds her head.

Stefan comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her shoulders possessively. Even though Stefan hasn't asked her to be his girlfriend, the two have feelings for each other no doubt. Matt eyes Stefan.

"How's car washing duty?" Stefan whispers into her ear. Rosalie's cheeks fade to pink.

"Wet and cold, how's money duty?"

"Nice and toasty. It's your turn by the way" Caroline had separated the two because they were 'goofing off' too much and were making too much of a mess. She puts her with Matt? She just wanted to look at Stefan.

"Okay, have fun you two!" Rosalie smiles; breaking out of his arms. Stefan picks up her rag and starts washing the car.

"I'm saying this for her, not for you. Rosalie is gullible as all hell, so don't do anything that'll hurt her. She won't think you are bad until it's too late" Matt warns. Stefan smiles. He liked how concerned he is about her. It's like talking to dad.

Rosalie waves over at Bonnie, but Bonnie's staring a line of water. Out of nowhere, the car next to Rosalie bursts into flames. Rosalie screams and runs over to safety. Stefan drops the rag and is at Rosalie's side in seconds, checking her body for any damage. Not a speck of dirt on her. Just a little scare. Stefan sighs in relief. His eyes land on Bonnie who's blankly staring at the fire she created. Stefan lets go of Rosalie jogs over to Bonnie. He starts to shake her shoulders.

"Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!" Bonnie snaps out of her trance and the fire dies down and disappears. "Hey"

"What just happened?" Rosalie steps forward to go to her friends.

"You were in some sort of trance" He looks at her in worry.

"Did I do this?" Bonnie whispers when she realizes how close Rosalie is. Stefan looks at the car.

"I think so, yeah"

"Nobody saw, did they? No? Don't tell anybody. Please" Stefan nods softly and Bonnie runs off before Rosalie can check on her.

"Is she okay? The fire almost got on her!" Stefan licks his lips.

"Yes, she's fine. Just startled. Come on, lets go get you at the register"


"Welcome to my other favorite party place," Vicki pulls on Jeremy hand; leaving to lag behind them. She's taking in the area. Why were they at cemetery? "Do you like it, Rosalie?" Vicki purposely brought her here to make her uncomfortable. Originally, her and her friends were going just on the edge of the woods, but Vicki hardly likes Rosalie so she thought she'd have some fun with her.

"Um, it's nice?" Rosalie spots Vicki's friends.

"Yeah, its cool, huh?"

"Yo, Vick!" Some boy calls her. Vicki smiles and tugs on Jeremy's hand. Rosalie jogs to keep up with them.

"What's up, Jared?" She asks.

"You babysitting, Donovan?" Jared laughs. Vicki rolls her eyes.

"This is Jeremy, he's cool,"

"Who's the chick?" Rosalie looks down at the ground.

"Rosalie, Jeremy's friend. She's goodie-two-shoes" Jeremy looks down at Vicki with anger.

"Smoke up" The guy closest to Rosalie hands her a blunt.

"Oh, uh, I don't--" Vicki leans over and grabs the blunt from her friend. Rosalie shares a look with Jeremy. He shrugs.

The three of them sat down, Vicki goes in between Jeremy's legs and props herself up on his chest. A girl hands Jeremy an open beer. The blunt gets passed around a couple more times before it's entirely gone. Rosalie sat on her phone, texting Stefan about where she is and what's going on. Jeremy keeps taking sips of the beer every once and awhile. Jeremy wants to keep a close eye on his best friend. Vicki's friends are a bit sketchy and she doesn't fit in at all. It was finally adding up in Jeremy's head what Vicki's doing.

"What?" Asks Vicki. His silence made her worry.

"I'm stoned in a cemetery" Jeremy chuckles. Vicki smiles in relief.

"They don't mind, they're dead," Rosalie felt uneasy with that comment. "You know what? I'm gonna take this up a notch"

Vicki tosses an orange pill bottle. "Hey Tony"

"Oh! Nice. Vickies from Vicki" The girl in Tony's lap takes the bottle of his hand.

"Well, thank you, Elena Gilbert. Whoever you are" She laughs.

"You took those from the house?" Jeremy growls.

The fire grew brighter as the day grew darker. The stars slowly start to shine as Jeremy stares at Vicki in disbelief.

"She wasn't using it" Vicki laughs.

"She's gonna notice if they're gone. That's not cool" Jeremy snatches the bottle out of the girls hand.

"It's no big deal, Jer" Rosalie's so into her phone, she doesn't see Jeremy leave.

"Yeah, it kinda is, Vick" Jeremy walks away.

"Damn dude! Vicki brought the party police" Vicki roughly stands up and follows Jeremy into the woods.

"Shut up, Tony" She snarls

Rosalie looks up from her phone to see both the people she came with are gone. She looks around at Vicki's friend group. Most have wildly colored hair. All wore dark clothes.

"What did you say your name was again?" Jared asks, looking her up and down. Rosalie gulps.

"R--Rosalie?" She breathes. The girl who caught the pill bottle raises a brow.

"As in Rosalie Phoenix?" Rosalie looks at her and nods. Tony and the girl smirk.

"Um, where did they go?" Rosalie asks. Her friends laugh. Vicki comes storming over to them. Rosalie stands up and dusts herself off.

"Where's Jeremy?"

"He went home. Sit down, you'll stay with me. We can bond" Vicki puts her hand on her shoulder and pushes down. Rosalie obediently sits down on the dirt.

"Want one?" She offers a beer. Rosalie shakes her head. She didn't feel comfortable anymore. She wanted to be with Jeremy, or Stefan.


Rosalie texts Stefan that she's about to head home. It was night time and it was getting late. Vicki sighs and takes the brunette's phone, shutting it off. Rosalie protest, but Vicki chucks it.

"V--Vicki! Why did you do that?"

"You've been talking to Stefan this whole time and I'm not in the mood to hear constant buzzing anymore" Rosalie gets up for her phone and the music goes out.

"Not it"

"Not it. Aha! Vicki. Bring your little friend too, she can do it the next time" Jared instructs. It's almost twelve in the morning and all Rosalie wants to do is go home and lay in her bed.

"Come on, we're on radio duty" Vicki grabs Rosalie's forearm and drags her to the truck where the radio is.

Vicki gets in the truck and presses a button. "Vicki, I think I'm gonna head home. My dad'll worry if I'm not back soon--"

"Come on, it's not that serious. Just text him that you're staying at Jeremy's or something" Vicki dismisses. She gets out of the truck and jumps. A man is leaning against the truck hunching over, right behind Rosalie.

"Hey, man. You okay?" Rosalie turns around and steps back. The man coughs. Rosalie recognizes the jacket.

"Come here" The man breathes. Rosalie walks forward to get a better look.

"Oh my god, Damon! What are you doing here? I thought you left for Vermont?" Rosalie panics. Damon's head pops up and he stares wildly at Rosalie.

"Oh Rosalie, your timing couldn't have been better" Damon stands up straight. She cringes away. Damon eyes the bracelet on her wrist.

"Damon, what're you--" Damon grabs Rosalie by the back of the head and smashes her head on the truck. Instantly, she's knocked out. Damon lets her body fall to the ground.

"I'll be right back" Vicki's eyes widen in fear. Damon raises an eyebrow. He lunges forward and digs his fangs in her pale neck, just like the last time. Vicki screams in pain.

The more blood he had, the stronger he got. He drops the unconscious Donovan on the ground and wipes his mouth. He smiles. Damon turns around and kneels down to get a better look at the Phoenix girl.

"Now, what can I do with you?"

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