Carlisle's Diary

Av CarlislesDiary

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This diary starts off after the events post our battle with the Volturi and us moving to Hanover, NH so that... Mer

Wattpad Awards
Carlisle's Diary
Looking Back (First Entry)
Looking Back Part II ~The Date
The Beginning
New World Scary Existence ~ The Storyteller in Me
Just Another Day at the Office
The Shooting
The Shooting (Nessie's POV)
The Aftermath
I'm Bringing Sexy Back
An Unexpected Unbelievable Miracle
The Watchers (Rogue's POV)
Stories and Pestering
Moving In
Planning a Wedding (Alice's POV)
The Big Day
Mother's Day
Charlie Knows Everything
Decisions Decisions (Charlie's POV)
Quiet Times
Rogue Rage
Flew the Coup
Strange Vision
Kate and Garrett's Wedding
New Hires
Gone with the Wind (Alice's POV)
Off Kilter
Ski Party
Never a Dull Moment
No Trespassing
Secrets Revealed (Rogue's POV)
Isle Esme
The Secret (Michelle's POV)
Trying Something New
Unlovable (Tanya's POV)
Pleasant into Unpleasant
The Trial
My Turn (The Trial Part 2)
Closing Arguments
The Verdict
Simply Green
Yee-Haw! (Alice's POV)
Independence Day ~ Cullen Style
Blast From the Past
Through My Eyes (Esme's POV)
She's Gone
Soul Searching and Finding (Esme's POV)
A Nerve Racking Welcome Home
Shopping and Packing
Bon Voyage
What a Trip!
The Trip (Part II)
Complete (Leah's POV)
Tying Up Loose Ends
My Wife, The Poet
Uncomfortable Questions
Operation Movie
Where's My Phone?
What If? (Bella's POV)
Do Not Interfere
Getting to Know You
Soap Opera
Pre-Wedding Day Jitters (Emily's POV)
Emily's Wedding (Leah's POV)
The Sorceress
I Shall Rise (Hestia's POV)
Battle Ground Atlantic
Happy Holidays!
The Proposal (Charlie's POV)
Happy New Year 2014!!!
From Beyond The Grave
Formulate A Plan
A Coward Wants to be A King
Flowers Galore
Unstable Dimensions
Leah & Keith's Wedding (Alice's POV)
Honeymoon in England (Leah's POV)
The "Other Side"
The Bully
A Day in the Life of a Puppy (Sparkles POV)
A Day in the Life of the Cullen Patriarch
Kim and Michelle's Wedding (Esme's POV)
Killing an Immortal
A Whole New World
100th Entry & 1 Year Anniversary of the Diary
Welcome to the Underworld
Boundaries (Alexander's POV)
Final Last Words
Invisible Illness
The X-Files
Our Woodsy Wedding (Sue's POV)
The Meeting
Altheia (Rogue's POV)
Bacchus & Barachus
Leah's Pregnant
A Baby (Leah's POV)
Leah's Baby Shower
Mother May I...(Seth's POV)
Happy Halloween!
Seth's Conquest For A Yes
Seth & Corin Say I Do
It's All My Fault (Nessie's POV)
Semi-Shotgun Wedding (Alice's POV)
The Legend of Daihok (Rogue's POV)
Epilogue (for now)
Election (Extra Entry)
Interdimensional Mergence (Post Completion Plot)
Time Warp
Reassemble the Sky
Thoughts (Ronan's POV)
Medusa's Island
War in the Heavens
The End of the Diary

Hollywood Glam (Nessie's POV)

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Av CarlislesDiary

Dear Diary: August 20, 2013

          So how cool is it that grandpa Carlisle let me use his diary again? Last time I wrote in here, it was one of the worst days of my life; the school shooting. This time I'm writing because well, I just had the best day of my life.....thus far I think! Why? Because it's my birthday! Today my whole family celebrated my 15th birthday; though technically I'm 5. We aren't counting the weird hybrid years anymore. So that means, next year I get to celebrate my Sweet 16th! I really hope daddy buys me a car!

          Anyways, that's still a year away but this birthday party was truly special because I got everything I wanted and much, much more! For starters, I told Aunt Alice I wanted a Hollywood Glam party. Like old meets new kind of thing. I wanted everyone to dress up. You already know what kind of dress I was to wear after my little tantrum on the 4th of July where Aunt Alice solved the problem. I have all the photos of absolutely everything below and in the album. There are a lot of them. So the day of, everyone hid my presents so I couldn't snoop them out and Aunt Alice prepared the backyard and the dining room.

          For once when I wanted for the sun to shine, it was pouring rain. Not to worry though, my always one step ahead thinking Aunt prepared everything in our ginormous living room. We have a huge hallway leading to the living room where she set up an actual red carpet! The background was white with really exquisite black and red lettering saying happy birthday and with different logos on it so you would think you were really on the red carpet at some amazing event of a movie premier. We had lights set up and cameras all put on timers so each time someone stepped in front of the cameras, they would wait about 10 seconds and all snap a photo from different angles; sort of like the paparazzi would.

          After that, the living room was cleared of all of the furniture and they—meaning my family; as I was not allowed to see anything let alone touch anything—put round and long tables strategically around the room and the dance floor was black with small red patterns around it. Every table had balloons tied to the chairs and each table had scarlet Carson roses in black vases in the middle like the center pieces, with candles around them. Each chair had an old Hollywood glam gift basket for each guest. That was really thoughtful of Alice.

          There were two tables next to each other; one held a multi-tiered cupcake creation with pink and white cupcakes on all of the tiers. I love love love cupcakes! The second table had this Minnie Mouse looking cake. It had polka dots and zebra stripes on it and a pink bow around it which my aunt then placed a candle with the number 15 on top. But that was later. My own table; yep I had my own table fit for a princess or a Hollywood star, had the same kind of decorations as the other tables did but I also had feathers coming out of the rose centerpieces. It looked truly magical. And there were sparkles everywhere! It was like our whole living room was glistening.

          After everything was set up; music included, everyone went upstairs to get ready. All the women got ready in grandpa and grandma's master suit while the men who were practically wearing only suites and ties with shiny shoes, found some random rooms to get dressed in. They were done way before any of us. Alice for once let each woman pick out a dress that fit her personality instead of buying something for each person. Surprisingly everyone was fine with it except Kim who wanted to wear a plain black jumpsuit but Michelle was not having it. So Michelle took it upon herself to find Kim a dress she wouldn't be too fussy with. Can you imagine sticking a tom-boy in a dress??? Oh brother!

          So finally they agreed on this dark beige short dress with a large satin black bow that tied in the front. It was close in color to the dress that Maria (Michelle's mom) was wearing. Kim though flat out refused heels and was allowed to wear black flats. She was harder to dress than Leah; who amazingly embraced the theme and chose a beautiful flowy purple dress for herself that made her look like a Grecian goddess of sorts. The men were not allowed to see us before we were ready but we did tell them the color of our dresses so they could wear a matching tie. Since my dress was multi-colored, I told Jake to wear a light blue tie so it would be easier for him.

          So since I'm a very girlie girl and though all of the photos are provided I wanted to describe the dresses each woman wore! For starters, Alice, Esme, and Rose wore red. Though the same color, they were incredibly different. Alice's was silky and very sleek and it curved to her body like a glove. Esme's was brighter and incredibly flowy. The fabric blew in the wind and looked like she came from the 1920's. Which technically she did; she also did her hair in that style. Alice's hair being short, she just made it as classical as possible. Meanwhile Rose decided to have her dress be just above the knee and the color was between the other two; it was more modern but still very classic looking. It had a black belt that singed at the waist. She wore her hair a lot like Esme wore hers. Amy and Corin's dresses were both floor length (which were all except for Rose, Kim, and Michelle's); Amy's was this silver number with a bit of a bluish hue that you could barely tell. It was strapless as was Corin's. Now Corin being our resident redhead; her dress was a dark gorgeous green color that also was very form fitting and even had a bit of a train. She blew her hair out in the style of the late beauty herself; Farrah Faucett.

          Maria was the only one other than Kim with a relatively plain dress, hers was beige-ish brown and looked very mother of the bride which makes sense as Maria is in her late 40s or was when she was chosen. But what spiced up the dress were the butterfly jewels Michelle and her dad got her on Mother's Day. You remember those, right? Moving right along, Rogue's dress was a sapphire blue that matched Esme's a lot in the fact that it too was flowy but that's where the similarities ended. The dress looked so regal you'd think we had a queen visiting us! And isn't that just perfectly appropriate for her? The color of the dress brought out her eyes.

          Two to go, as you saw my dress when Alice came up with it on the 4th of July, Michelle decided she wanted her dress to match mine. So hers was this light violet color that reached just below her knees. It was also a princess dress though mine reached to the ground. The only one left over was my mommy. And her dress was so 1920's with the hair and everything. Her dress was this form fitting black number with a slit up the front. Daddy matched her to a T. It looked like they just came out of some kind of a magazine commercial!

          Ok now that we were all dressed, it was time to go downstairs and reveal our appearances to our men; well all accept for Michelle and Kim as they got dressed in the same room. For being such a pain in the ass with the dress, Kim made up for it by giving Michelle a lovely corsage that matched her dress. That was very sweet. Actually we all got corsages from our significant others/husbands. Once the gentlemen saw us, to say their mouths were hanging open was an understatement. There were a ton of murmurs of "you're so beautiful" or "you take my breath away" or "you're simply stunning" or "I can't believe I can call someone so gorgeous my own"; that last one was said by Jake to me; I blushed.

Time to Party!

          Once everyone was dressed and ready, we headed into the living room where we had to pass by the red carpet while the cameras flashed as our pictures were taken. We were like real celebrities! We posed alone, with our mates, and then some even did some really silly poses. Rogue and Esme did some sort of Charlie's Angels pose. It was really cool considering how similar their dresses were. Needless to say, this party's scrapbook would have a lot of great photos from that night. 

          When we finally entered the dining room the food was served in a buffet style. First everyone found their seats as they ooh'd and ah'd over their little gift baskets. Then everyone made their way over to where the food was; everyone accept grandpa Carlisle and daddy who were busy setting up a table in the corner that had all of my birthday gifts on it or around it. Some were apparently large enough; a curtain had to be placed to shield everything! I wondered what it could all be. I was all but jumping up and with excitement. But I wasn't allowed to peak until later.

          We all stood obediently in line while we loaded our plates with all different kind of foods; mostly all of my favorites of course! So basically we had green salad, Greek Salad, potato salad, different kinds of sausage, about 3 different types of pizzas, pasta galore, and I'm sure I forgot half of it. After we were all loaded up we went to sit in our designated seats. Daddy even let me have a glass of wine! Then as everyone got comfortable, Daddy stood up with glass of wine in hand and got everyone's attention.

"Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?" Everyone quieted down and looked at him.

"Today we all gather here to celebrate the birthday of our beautiful daughter, granddaughter, and friend Renesmee. Sweetheart, you grow more beautiful and precious to your mother and I every day. We are so very proud of you; you have grown up to be an intelligent, caring, and loving young woman. Even though seeing you become an adult is painful but I suppose every parent feels that way, I know that you have all of the tools to proceed in this strange life of ours. Happy Birthday Renesmee! May all of your dreams and wishes come true! To Renesmee!"

"To Renesmee!" Everyone else said and clinked their glasses with the people sitting at their tables while looking at me with smiles on their faces.

          I got up with tears running down my face and ran over to hug and kiss both of my parents. That was such a lovely speech. Alice quickly zipped over to make sure I still had all of my makeup on; when she was satisfied she rejoined Jasper at the table they were sharing while the rest of us just giggled. Then we dug into the yummy food while soft music played from our surround sound system. It took us two hours to eat through all of the yummy food. I had seen my desert table and was salivating but I wanted to open presents first.

          Since we were all full from the meal and I was all but begging my parents to open my gifts, they finally obliged. They sat my chair in the middle of the room as each person who got me whichever gift walked up and gave it to me, while Rose was filming and photographing each expression on my face as I opened the gifts. There were truly priceless moments.

          The first bunch of gifts were brought over by mommy and daddy saying they were from grandpa Charlie, Sue, and the wolves on the reservation! It was so thoughtful for them to get me something even though they weren't present. Grandpa Charlie and Sue got me a Faberge egg looking music box with a ballerina twirling inside, it was quite something. I knew I would put that in my bedroom. Next was Emily's present which she made herself and was a beautiful dream catcher with a painting of wolves in the center. I let my fingers roam over each detail; it was gorgeous! After that, was a wooden jewelry box made by the other wolves; they all had a hand in making it. I was so touched.

          Now I noticed everyone lining up in a certain line to give me their gifts; I wondered why there was a certain order? Leah and Seth each made me Native American jewelry; Leah gave me a necklace and Seth a pair of earrings that matched the necklace. I gave both of them a hug for it. Next came my cute Jakey-wolf, who gave me a carving which I knew he made himself but instead of just a wolf, there was a face of an old Native American person on the side of the wolf. When I looked at him with a question, he said:

"That was our first member of the tribe that turned into a wolf." I gasped.

"Oh wow." I whispered and kissed him hard on the lips. What a precious gift.

          Maria and John stepped forward next with a wrapped gift which when I unwrapped it had a book called "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Collection" in it. It made me giggle because everyone knew I had hit teenager status and everyone still remembers my outburst on the 4th of July regarding that dress.....the beauty of living with vampires that never forgot anything.....ugh! Continuing, Kim and Michelle gave me a Bare Minerals full make up set which I could tell Alice was dying to try. Bare Minerals is natural makeup as opposed to that overpriced gunk you buy in any store. Michelle knew how much I loved it and wanted that set and so she got it for me. So sweet of her and Kim.

          Keith made me a unique gift too. It was a ship in a bottle but it was so exquisitely made that each little detail stood out. The best thing about it was that he named the ship Renesmee! I had a ship named after me even if it was one in a bottle! That was pretty cool! Amy and Peter meanwhile held theirs in a bag. It was this beautiful quilt with a Gaelic pattern right in the middle. Peter said that it was one of the quilts that was passed down to him from his mother and grandmother! That was special! I didn't know what to say. I think I mumbled a thank you because people were laughing at me.

          Corin got me an authentic Grecian dress! It was white with a bit of blue on the bottom and it was wrapped around in different places with gold. It was stunning. I knew I would try it on as soon as I could but she promised me it was in my size. Rogue and Alexander blew everyone away with their gift; I think it belongs in Fort Knox not on me! This was a fully diamond set of earrings and a necklace made in Greece with white gold. I didn't even want to attempt to figure out how much it cost them! But they actually put it on me while I was sitting there; I was afraid to breathe! They calmed me down by saying everything had a lifetime warrantee on it. Oh yeah totally comforting!  GULP!

          Rose and Emmett ever the practical two had a hard time following Rogue and Alexander's gift but they did it anyway. They got me a 19" flat screen TV to put in my bedroom. Finally a TV! Alice and Jasper got me a pink Apple laptop so now all of my technological wants were complete. Then I saw my parents and grandparents off in the corner doodling around with something.

          My grandfather brought forth a pink bicycle, while grandma Esme brought a basket for the bike. I wondered why they were carrying them separately since the basket goes on the bike.

"I know you're wondering why the basket is not attached to the bike or why you need a basket at all." Grandpa Carlisle said while I nodded very confused.

"Well we figured the basket could be used to carry things around. Especially one very important something."

        Grandma Esme said dramatically and looked toward my mommy and daddy who were holding something. And that something was moving under a blanket! Then with a dramatic voila, my dad took off the blanket and beneath it was my dream come true! There in my mom's arms was an adorable white puppy! A puppy! Exactly what I had asked for! I squealed and ran over to them, hugging them hurriedly on the way to taking that little fur ball into my arms. They were laughing at my expression and I took the puppy into my arms; he looked me straight in the eyes and I was instantly in love.

"What are you going to name him honey?" Mommy asked. I thought for a moment, he had a sparkle in his eyes that made you just want to melt.

"I think I'm going to call him Sparkles." I said. Everyone nodded in agreement. So Sparkles it was.

          After that we put all the gifts other than the adorable puppy back on the table in the corner so they wouldn't take up the dance floor and turned on some music. To tell you the truth I don't remember the rest of the night....I just remember eating cupcakes and cake and even having Sparkles get frosting on his nose which made everyone laugh. He danced with us! Shook his little behind to Will Smith's "Gettin Jiggy Wit It." That made people virtually roll on the floor with laughter. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.

          We partied until 2am when it was time to head to bed. Sparkles did his business on the way to the cabin and slept in my bed that night. People said they would clean up and for us not to worry. I thanked everyone over and over again for everything. I took the jewelry I got from Rogue and Alexander and asked my parents to put them in a safe; a vault would have been more appropriate! I also said I wouldn't wear them again until my own wedding; they were that special!

          So that's how my birthday party went! I think for a hybrid vampire at 15 or 5 which ever; I'm pretty happy to have all of the people I have in my life.

Thank you so much again for everything everyone! Sparkles says hi!

Love, Nessie

~Carlisle Cullen

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