CrIpple: Chapter One

By MissyDawn

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Elizabeth Morgan wanted few things in her life. To finish high school and one day have a family of her own an... More

CrIpple: Chapter One (pic of Elizabeth)
Cripple: Chapter Two (pic of Jesse)
Cripple: Chapter Three(Pic of Skyler)
Cripple: Chapter Four(pic of Ryan)
Cripple: Chapter Five(pic of Stefanie)
Cripple: Chapter Six (Pic of Amber)
Cripple: Chapter Seven (part one)
Cripple: Chapter Seven(part two) - pic of Ava and Bella
Cripple: Chapter Eight (pic of Jesse's parents)
Cripple: Chapter Nine(pic of Eric)
Cripple: Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chaptet Fourteen Part One
Chapter Fourteen: Part 2
Chapter 14 Part 3
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part One

Cripple: Chapter Ten

1K 28 4
By MissyDawn

Breathe. Don't be nervous. He doesn't matter anymore. Jesse is here. You're safe. Elizabeth thought to herself as she looked at Eric for the first time since she broke their engagement. He had not changed. Same smirk. Same evil glint in his eye that she remember from the night she'd left him.

"Hi Eric or should I say Mr. Collins?, Elizabeth said confidently.

Eric dropped the book he had been looking at and smiled at her. Elizabeth couldn't believe at one time, that smile made her world spin around but now seeing it just made her want to puke. "Hi honey, it's so good to see you."

.Elizabeth looked him right in the eye, "Where's your lovely Mia?"

Eric's smile lessened. "Mia and I are divorced. Honey listen I-". Jesse faked coughed behind Elizabeth getting Eric's attention. "Who is this?", he asked while looking at Jesse.

"Jesse Bennett, Beth's boyfriend.", Jesse answered. Then he kissed Elizabeth's cheek for good measure. It worked too.If looks could kill Eric would have maundered him.

"So it's Beth now huh?", Eric asked Elizabeth sarcastically.

Elizabeth grinned. "Only to my Jesse."

Ms. Cole arrived just then so Elizabeth and Jesse went to their table. "Thank you", Elizabeth told Jesse when they were seated.

Jesse smiled. "Anything for you Bethie girl."

Jesse could not stop thinking about what she had told Eric. My Jesse, she had said. Jesse vowed one day it would be true. He was already hers, but she would be his too.


Of course, Erika and her pack of cheer sluts (minus Ashley who had in-school suspension) all went crazy over Ms. Cole's new teaching assistant.

Oh my god! He's flipping hot!!

Wonder how old he is?!

Did you see him just look at me?!

Elizabeth just rolled her eyes and mumbled," If they only knew what I know.

"Mr. Collins" took the class to the library to work on their group projects. He keep trying to get her attention in the hall, but Jesse stayed close by her side and whispered stuff in her ear to make her laugh which pissed Eric off too in the process.

Jesse and Elizabeth chose computer desks that were side by side but more importantly far away from Eric, who was in the front of the room with Erika hanging on him. Jesse and Elizabeth instant messaged each other while working on their project.

Jesse_GCFoofball: So that douche bag is your ex?

E.Morgan: ex fiancée yes

Jesse_GCFootball: wanna tell me about it? Sometimes it's easier to type then to say out loud

E. Morgan: I'd rather tell you face to face. And In private.

Jesse reached down and squeezed Elizabeth's hand but didn't let it go, instead he entwined their fingers. Elizabeth shot Jesse a surprised look. Jesse just shrugged and said, "Best friends hold hands."

Eric walked over to them and leaned his hip on Elizabeth's desk. "Ms. Morgan, I need you to help me in the copy room please."

Great. Elizabeth knew Eric was just using his new position to get her alone. "Sure Mr. Collins.", Elizabeth said sarcastically.

Eric nodded and walk to the copy room that was located just off of the library office.

Jesse turned to Elizabeth and said, "Bethie, I know it's none of my business but, I don't like you being alone with him."

"I know Jesse, but like you said I am a stronger person now and he can't hurt me anymore. If I'm not back in ten minutes come get me okay?"


As Jesse watched Beth go in to the copy room, he had a very strong urge to plant himself in front of the door and not let her go in there. One thing he knew for sure was Eric Collins had hurt his Bethie badly, and was going to try and get Elizabeth back. Over my dead body. Jesse thought. He and Beth belonged together and he was slowly going to make her realize it. Jesse looked at his watch. Eight minutes to go.


"Say whatever you need to say Eric because we both know this isn't about copying papers.", Elizabeth said as she faced Eric.

He reached for her hand and sighed when she pulled it away. "I want to say that I'm sorry for the things I said and did to you."

"If saying you're sorry makes you feel better, then go for you, but I don't need or want your apology."

Eric raked a hand through his hair. "I was drunk.", he explained. "I only cheated on you that once and as a result Mia got pregnant. Her family insisted I marry her."

"I hate that your child didn't make it but if that's all you needed to say Jesse is waiting for me.", Elizabeth said playing along with the game Jesse had started, pretending they were a couple.

"I love you Elizabeth. I always have and I want you back with me.", Eric blurted.

At his words, a fire began raging inside Elizabeth. How dare he use that word? You love me, huh?"

Eric nodded.

Elizabeth wheeled rolled right up to Eric and grabbed his shirt. She pulled him down to her until they were nose to nose. The anger she felt toward him for so long finally boiled over.

"You don't know the meaning of love Eric." she said angrily. "You loved me so much that you left me in that damned cabin alone and with out my chair. How about the times you told me I was nothing or cursed at me just because someone else pissed you off?, she asked sarcastically.

Eric was in shock and speechless. Elizabeth couldn't stop she was so angry. "You cheated on me." Elizabeth stopped for a second and smiled. "Newsflash Eric, I may be in a wheelchair but I am not a cripple and I sure in the hell don't need or want you". She pointed to the door. "There is an amazing man out there who accepts me as I am and cares about me in a way you never will", she released her hold on his shirt.

"I love you Elizabeth.", Eric repeated. "I'm not going to stop until we are together again, I don't give a shit about that punk you're dating."

"Go to hell where you belong Eric.", she replied through clenched teeth.

Someone knocked on the door and Jesse stepped in. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Hey baby, you ready to go? Its ten minutes until the bell.

Elizabeth propelled her chair over to to Jesse and hugged his waist. "More then ready, honey."

Eric was watching and judging by the look on his face he didn't like what he was seeing and Jesse was loving that. Yeah you prick, she's mine now and you are never hurting her again. Jesse thought to himself. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "See ya tomorrow, Mr. Collins." Jesse said to Eric pretending to be pleasant.

Eric ignored Jesse and looked at Elizabeth. "I meant what I said Elizabeth."

"So did I.", Elizabeth said simply, "every word."

When she and Jesse left copy room, Elizabeth heard Erika whisper to her pack of idiots, "Why would Mr. Collins pick the cripple to help him?"

Jesse started to walk toward them but Elizabeth stopped him. "I got this" she reassured him and wheeled her chair right over to Erika. "For your information sweetie, this cripple as you are so fond of calling me, was once engaged to the teaching assistant you find so hot and guess what? I left him." Elizabeth grinned.

Erika looked flabbergasted. "You and Mr. Collins? Please.

"Hey, if you don't believe me ask him.", Elizabeth nodded her head toward the copy room that Eric hadn't exited yet. She dropped her voice to barely a whisper. "But if you want him go ahead. He's not that great in bed anyway."

Elizabeth wheeled back to Jesse, leaving Erika stunned.


Jesse was still laughing as they made their way to the gym. "I'm so proud of you Bethie. Their faces were priceless."

Elizabeth smiled a little. "I guess seeing Eric again brought everything back and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore."

"I'm glad you stood up to him too.", Jesse smiled, "and you're right, I do care about you alot."

"You heard that?"

Jesse nodded. "Yeah, I stood out side the door. Just in case you needed help."

Elizabeth's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, "Sorry, I didn't mean to drag you into this mess between Eric and me."

Jesse tucked a piece of hair behind Elizabeth's ear and gently touched her cheek. "It's okay sweetheart. You told him the truth ,I do care, and I drug myself into it when I told him I was your boyfriend. I'd do it again in a heart beat.

Elizabeth couldn't believe that a guy she had just met three days ago would go through so much trouble for her. She always couldn't believe the things he was making her feel. Her cheek was still tangling from his touch.


"So is the new English teaching assistant the ex you told me about?, Amber asked has she laced up her gym sneakers.

"Unfortunately.", Elizabeth replied as she slipped a GCHS gym T-shirt over her head. Thankfully she wasn't required to change into the gym issued shorts like everyone else, because without her dress sling that would be a tedious task.

"Wow, what was that like?"Amber held the door open for her as they left the locker room.

"He tried to apologize and I told him off.", Elizabeth said simply.

Mr. Hoffman blew his whistle signaling for the class to begin warm up stretches. Elizabeth did what she could from her chair. It felt awkward though, she could feel the other students watching her curiously. If there was a leg exercise she couldn't do from her chair she substituted it by doing more arm circles or wheelchair pushups.

After the warm ups, Mr. Hoffman announced that the class was going to play basketball. He blew the whistle again and started breaking the students up into two teams. When he got to Elizabeth he stammered, obviously he forgot she couldn't play.

"Um Ms. Morgan, you can go to the library if you like. You will still receive a gym credit."

Elizabeth nodded and was starting toward the door when Jesse spoke "Hang on Bethie.", then he turned to Mr. Hoffman. "Can I go with Elizabeth?"

Mr. Hoffman thought for a minute and nodded, "Sure."

Jesse grinned and ran over and grabbed a basketball from the cart that Mr. Hoffman had brought out.

"Make sure you return that, Bennett.", Hoffman said.

"Sure thing sir.", James said and turned to Elizabeth. "C'mon Bethie"

Elizabeth followed Jesse out the gym doors, ignoring whistles and comments for the other students.

"So, where we going?", Elizabeth asked when the were in the hall.

"You'll see, but first we got to make a pit stop at the nurses's office".

Authors Note: Can anyone guess what Jesse is up to? If you guess correctly I'll dedicate the next chapter to you! Sorry for any grammar mistakes and for the short length. I wanted to get this posted ASAP, even though we are going on 11 days without power here in WV. Don't forget to leave comments. I love feedback. -Missy

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