Konoha Academy's Dormitory (N...

By Airin0606

38.6K 1.4K 811

After the academy had declared that it would be reducing its number of student intakes this year; Tenten made... More

The Proposal
Henge No Jutsu
Welcome Speech
Maito Gai
The Nightmare
Beware of the Byakugan
Tenten and Neji's Past
Uchihaa Itachi
Share my..Tent
Confession of the heart
First Kiss
Sleeping Arrangments
Train with Us
Arranged Marriage
He Left
Oshima Island
The Uchihaa Clan
Beary Angry
Itachi's Confession
Tenten's Realisation
The Engagement
Accidental Kiss
Sleep with me
Neji's Arranged Marriage
Hyuuga Aiko
Baby, Say Yes

Caught Red Handed

776 22 26
By Airin0606

They stared at them with eyes widened in utter shock and in Sasuke's case-disgust.

"What the f*ck are the two of you doing?!" Sasuke's low voice shook the awkward silence.

"It's not what you think..." Tenten started but was interrupted by Neji.

"I started it. I was the one who initiated that intimate moment. It was a one-time thing. I do not know what came over me. This means nothing. She had nothing to do with it. There will not be a repetition of this."

Sasuke glared menacingly towards Neji. He had never cared about others' affairs but this involved his Brother. Itachi would be crushed if he knew about this. He would, crap, he would run off again to god knows where. Sasuke adored his brother dearly, he did not want to see his brother become an empty shell again.

"This. Never. Happened." Sasuke growled quietly, "Stay away from Tenten, she is my brother's fiancé. At least respect that. Sakura, Tenten, let's go."

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A few weeks had passed since the awkward incident. Sakura had took what Sasuke said literally, by pretending it never actually happened, but she could only keep mum about it for so long.

It was not what Neji did that surprised her, no. It was the expression on Tenten's face that made Sakura curious. Tenten looked like she was enjoying every minute of being in Neji's arms. She looked like she was in total bliss, she looked satisfied. The slamming of the door woke Sakura up from her reverie, she was lying down on her bed and jolted up as soon as the door slammed open.

"Crap! I didn't mean to wake you! Was trying to open the door discreetly, some kind of ninja I am. Can't even pass stealth mode." Tenten joked as she chuckled quietly.

Sakura shook her head gently as she waved her hand dismissively, "N-No! It's alright. I was actually waiting for you.."

"You were?" Tenten asked as she removed her tank top over her head and tossed it into the laundry basket, revealing her navy blue bra. She grabbed an oversized shirt that was lying on her bed and put it on quickly. "What's up Sakura?"

Sakura eyed the shirt that Tenten was wearing distastefully, it did not look womanly at all, if she had not known better, it might actually belonged to a man, "Whose shirt are you wearing Tenten? Lee's?"

Tenten looked down towards her shirt as she laughed, "No! Of course not, Lee and Gai have the same taste I am afraid, anything bright, tight and flashy are more of their style. This shirt belongs to Neji.. When we used to sleep in the same dorm, I accidentally took it and wore it by mistake. He refused to take it back afterwards. He said it smelled too much like me-a woman. He said he would rather be caught dead than smell like cherries in his sleep.. Come on, don't give me that look! It's comfy! I only use it to bed once in a while."

Sakura sucked in her breath as soon as Tenten mentioned Neji's name, she exhaled loudly before she began, "Tenten.. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Tenten looked at Sakura quizzically, before Sakura continued, "Neji.. He was the one who you were talking about the night that I declared my feelings towards you when I thought you were Teiji. Tenten..? Are you in love with Neji?"

Tenten kept quiet, she looked at Sakura with sad eyes before she cleared her throat, "Sakura.. That was all in the past. I guess it was a crush. I am with Itachi now. What Neji did a few weeks ago, could most possibly be out of sexual build up. It could have happened to anyone who was there with him at that time.. Gai-Sensei always lectured us about abstinence and sexual build up..."

"Tenten.." Sakura said firmly, "..if that is so.. Why do you look like you wanted his lips on yours? It did not look like he was the only one who enjoyed it. Damn it, Tenten, you are even wearing his damn shirt for crying out loud!"

"Sakura. It's late. I don't really want to continue with this conversation. If it makes you feel any better.." Tenten said as she removed Neji's oversized shirt and tossed it aside, leaving her navy blue bra on. "..I will sleep without his shirt on. Goodnight."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tenten had a weird dream that night, she was finally married to Itachi and they were expecting the delivery of their first child. The mid-Wife was yelling encouraging words towards Tenten while Itachi was holding onto her right hand firmly.

"You can do it sweetheart.. A little more push and we can see our child.. I believe in you.." Itachi whispered gently against her ear.

Tenten was now yelling in pain, she pushed as hard as she could before the mid-Wife yelled, "It's a boy!!" She carried the baby gently and placed it onto Tenten's arms. Itachi was kissing Tenten's head and cheeks as he cried out loud.

"I am a Father! I have a Son! Thank you Tenten. I wonder if he has my eyes or yours?"

Tenten chuckled gently as she delicately caressed the side of her newborn son's cheek with her finger. Her newborn Son was beautiful, he had dark silky black hair and pale skin. Her gentle touch seemed to have an effect on her Son, he opened up his eyes slowly before he looked up at Tenten.

To her and Itachi's ultimate horror, the child did not possess either the signature Uchihaa coal black eyes or Tenten's chestnut coloured eyes- no. The child had pale lavender coloured eyes, he most possibly possess the byakugan.

Itachi threw a dirty look towards Tenten, "You cheated on me?! After what I had done for you?!" He had activated his mangekyou sharingan involuntarily.

Tenten heard herself yell loudly, "B-but~! I have never even had sex with Neji!! How could this have happened?!"

Tenten was shoved roughly by the shoulders. She was thrashing wildly on her bed as she screamed out loud, "I am still a virgin damn it!!!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Get up! Tenten get up!" Sakura pleaded and gave Tenten one strong punch, which halted Tenten's movements and woke her up quickly.

"W-what happened?!" Tenten asked as she shot up from her bed, her jaw ached from Sakura's inhuman punch.

"Get up now! The dormitory is on fire! Let's get out!!" Sakura yelled as she yanked a groggy Tenten out of the room.

Sakura literally dragged Tenten out of the room all the way towards the football field where all the other students were assembling at. There were excited and worried chatters and murmurs coming from the student body. They were wondering where the fire was started from and who was the culprit. Sakura had let go of Tenten's hand when a few students blocked their path. Tenten was still slightly groggy, she barely had enough sleep with the scholarship program going on. She rubbed her eyes as she called out, "Sakura! Where are you? Where am I supposed to stand?"

By then, the fire had been put out, but all of the students needed to assemble at the waiting area to be head counted by the Teachers.

A few student stopped talking and eyed Tenten as she stood at the front of the line that the girls had formed. She yawned loudly before she widened her eyes to only realise that the group of boys who had from a line in front of her were all gawking at her. She looked annoyed as she placed her hands on her hips, "What's the big commotion about?"

Kiba wolf whistled before he replied, "You. Pretty big commotion you got there."

Tenten was now crossing her arms as she looked wearily towards Kiba, she narrowed her eyes and followed his gaze which had dropped towards her bosom. She yelled when she realised that she was just wearing her navy blue bra on and her sweat pants. She tried to cover her modesty using her hands as she cursed herself for sleeping half naked last night. Tenten had squatted and turned her body to face the girls, whom were glaring at the boys and tried to hide Tenten behind them, with not much success. There was not much space left for them to move.

Tenten was shivering as she was exposed to the cold night air before she suddenly felt a sudden warmth coming from above. She looked up and saw that Neji had somehow moved towards the squeezy area and had used his shirt to cover her body up. They heard loud groans coming from the boy's side of the line, it stopped instantly when Neji activated his byakugan and glared at them. Tenten was surprised with Neji's protective behaviour, both of them have been avoiding each other ever since that incident. They only spoke when it was deemed necessary, but here he was now, covering her from others' prying eyes.

Sasuke stood at the side of the line, watching the entire commotion that happened. He heaved out a huge sigh as he shook his head disapprovingly.

The Teachers started to take down the attendance of each student from their respective dormitories, whilst Neji stood firmly next to Tenten, still protecting her from the gaze of other men.

"Hyuuga Neji? Hyuuga Neji? Where are you?" Iruka's voice called out tiredly.

"Here." Neji answered from the girls' side of the line. Iruka sighed out loud as he gave Neji an exasperated look, "Why are you even there?! Get back here!"

Before Neji could even move a muscle, a calm voice interrupted Iruka's voice, "Thank you for looking after my fiancé's modesty Neji. I can take it from here."

Tenten looked up to see Itachi in his ANBU outfit, walking towards her, Neji scoffed at Itachi's words but stayed put by Tenten's side. Itachi stopped in front of Tenten and touched her left cheek gently before he asked her, "Are you okay?"

Tenten nodded quietly as she saw Neji walked slowly away from her side. "Y-yes. I am fine. It was my fault. I slept without my shirt on. W-was too tired that I literally crashed without any shirt on. Did not expect the school to be on fire..."

"Totally not your fault." Itachi said with a smile before they heard Iruka's voice boomed from the megaphone.

"Listen up students. We need to seal off this area for investigative purposes. You are to return to your own home just for the night and report back to the academy at 9am sharp for lessons..."

Itachi held onto Tenten's hand firmly as he spoke, "Would you mind spending the night in the Uchihaa compound? I was so worried about you when I heard of the fire. I don't think I could sleep a single wink without knowing that you are okay."

"Yes." Sasuke's voice drawled next to them, "A wise idea. You should consider moving in with us soonest possible, Tenten."

Tenten knew what Sasuke was doing, he wanted to keep an eye on her, to not have a repeat of the previous incident with Neji. Sasuke had been keeping extra tabs on Tenten ever since that day.

Tenten sighed in defeat, "Alright. But only for the night. Moving in is a huge step. I will need to discuss with Anko. I am not ready for that yet.."

"I understand. Let's get to it." Itachi replied warmly and pulled Tenten by the hand gently, "Let's get you out of your teammates' clothes when we get back. You can use the Uchihaa bathrobes for the night."

Tenten had totally forgotten that she was still wearing Neji's top, she looked around for him to only see his shirtless back walking at least a few feet away from her. Tenten caught Itachi nodding at an ANBU personnel who had long platinum blonde coloured hair and a cat mask on, the said ANBU was standing on top of the roof, scanning through the faces of every student who were there. Tenten had never met this person before, she looked oddly familiar though.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Uchihaa household was as big as the Hyuuga's, although their walls were covered in a darker toned wooden panels as compared to the Hyuuga household, the Hyuuga's preferred a paler palette. Mikoto prepared green tea as soon as she heard that Tenten was spending the night there, despite the fact that it was a quarter past midnight. She adored Tenten, she was like the little girl that Mikoto never had.

"Tenten.. You should do this more often. Icchan's been constantly worried about you lately." Mikoto chuckled quietly as she poured some tea into Tenten's cup, "You will be sleeping in Icchan's room?"

As soon as Mikoto said those words out, Tenten sprayed tea all over Sasuke's face, who was unfortunately seated next to her.
Sasuke sighed as he swatted Tenten and Itachi's helping hands off of his face and proceeded to walk out of the dining room.

Mikoto laughed heartily as she continued, "I am just kidding, we believe in abstinence before marriage. Your room is located next to Icchan's. He will show you there."

Itachi frowned at his Mother as he motioned Tenten to follow him to her room that was situated across the great hall. Once the were out of the dining room; out of his mother's observant eyes, Itachi held onto Tenten's hand and walked her towards the room. As soon as Tenten had reached the door to the room, she was pushed into it with force, which was hard but not hard enough to hurt her. Tenten turned around urgently to only be pushed against the wall, trapping her movements altogether.

"Icchan..?!" Was all that she managed to say before her mouth was covered with Itachi's. Tenten had kissed Itachi countless times before but it was never this passionate. It was always brief, she did not want to indulge further and save it for the marriage. She was just not ready for.. it. But it seemed that Itachi had other ideas in mind. He started to remove Neji's shirt that Tenten was still wearing over her head. As the fabric brushed against Tenten's nose, she noted that it smelled exactly like Neji; a mixture of pine trees and earth, Itachi quickly shoved the shirt aside before he proceeded to view his fiancé before him.

"Neji." Tenten thought inwardly.

Tenten's face was all flushed, she covered her bosom using her hands as she said, "We shouldn't. I- I am n-not ready for this.."

Itachi stopped immediately. He used up every last ounce of control he had left in his body and moved backwards, away from his half-naked fiancé.

"I apologise." Itachi started as he opened up the closet to reveal bathrobes which had the Uchihaa crest embroidered on the top left breast pocket of the bathrobe. "You can wear this for the time being, Airin-Senpai used to sleep over if we have late assignments and her old clothes are still here. Perhaps you would want to wear them for tomorrow. I will wake you up. Sleep tight." With that he gave Tenten a chaste kiss on the cheek before he left the room.

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