Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

18~ Wet

236K 8.9K 8.9K
By Honey_Money_

The rest of the weekend we stay at home, recovering from dinner.

Saturday was an art day outside since the weather was nice and we all needed to drain our senses. We painted for a solid eight hours without speaking to each other. Then Sunday was spent cleaning.

Our house was a mess and basketball season starts soon, all three boys play and I cheer. I'm literally the only person not excited for games twice a week and practice every other day until February. A total nightmare.

Now I'm walking into school with Sage while the twins take Saffron to class. For once, we actually have plenty time before school starts. I scan the halls for Avery, ready for her to watch every move I make with Ashton.

I really love my brothers tendency to shove his foot in his mouth.

Ella's already at her locker waiting for us. Stella nowhere to be seen, probably off with James.

"How was the rest of your break?" she asks far too cheery for a Monday morning as Sage engulfs her in a well needed hug.

We offer her a look that says it all.

"That bad?"

Sage lets out a dark laugh, the dinner still a sore subject for him. I get my books, trying to decide the most polite way to describe our dinner. "It was... eventful."

We chat about the rest of our break, my eyes scanning the hall for Avery or Ashton, dreading the arrival of either person. I've ignored all of Ashton's texts and snaps. Partially because I didn't want to talk to anyone but also because I was putting off the inevitable. I have to tell him about our parents.

Just not right now.

And Avery's definitely ready to start some drama after I threw her under the bus about James. It's not like his absence would go unnoticed. The fact that she thinks I stole Ashton from her really isn't helping.

While looking for Avery's evil face I notice Ana, one of her minions, watching us by the main door. Her eyes constantly shifting from her phone to me. Great, Avery sent a watchdog.

Sage and Ella are too deep in conversation to pay attention to me so my eyes continue to roam the hallway. She has to be here somewhere. Avery lives for being in the halls before class, everyone always stops to see what she's wearing or who she's with. People really need to get their life together.

Stella runs through the double doors at the front of the school, startling Ana as she drags poor James along. How she's running that fast in platform boots I have no idea but, damn, she's booking it.

"Avery. Headed. This. Way." She gets out between gasps of air, her face red. How far did she run?

"What?" I demand. Why can't my family just be normal and keep our drama private?

"Why?" Ella's asks confused.

Stella ignores our questions, "You're dating Ashton!" She exclaims, loud enough for the entire hall to hear.

Ella lets out a sequel of delight, slapping my arm. "Why didn't you tell me?"


Sage awkwardly scratches his head, trying to figure out the best way to magically disappear. Not so fast little brother.

I grab Ella's hand before she can hit me again, "Fist off, ow! And secondly, we're not! Sage doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut at Karen's."

The girls spit out theories about how true the relationship is, completely ignoring everything I just said. That's cool, guys, it's not like one half of that relationship is right in front of you.

"Was it really that bad?"James asks cautiously, ignoring his girlfriends rambling.

"Definitely worse than usual." I confirm with a nod of my head.

I can see the guilt eating away his smile. "I'm sorry."

Oh, no. The last thing I need is this child regretting the fact he broke up with Avery.

Sage claps him on the back, "Don't sweat it man, pretty soon your ex- girlfriend's face will be in Walmarts all over the country."  That really does seem like the best form of revenge.

I laugh at the bewildered look on James face, "What?"

Before I can explain the doors on both sides of the hall open. Avery walks in from the front of the school, a cruel smile on her red lips. Ashton enters from the back doors, waving when he sees us.

We shift from side to side. This is definitely not going to end well. It's like waiting for a car crash to happen. My stomach knots up in anticipation while my hands sweat, this time I'm the victim.

I'm not really worried about Avery, more so what she could say to Ashton. I don't want him to think I'm some crazy lunatic. Nor do I need him thinking I have some school girl crush on him, because I don't.

Ashton reaches us first, not confused by the sight of two teenage girls freaking out. He smiles brightly, leaning against my now closed locker, "Hey guys."

I offer him a small hello without meeting his eyes. Avery speeds up her strut seeing how close we are.

I let out a groan as she finally reaches us. "Hi, AshyPoo!" She squeals before acknowledging us, "Freaks."

"Cousin." I offer.

"Ashley." Ashton greats.


The last one comes from Sage and Stella, who give each other a not so subtle high five. Her sapphire eyes narrow at the sight.

"AshyPoo, I hear you have a girlfriend. Is that true?" Avery asks, resting a manicured hand on his shoulder. She sends me a pointed look.

Ashton brushes her hand off, "Is there a reason you're interested?"

Avery doesn't get discouraged by his blunt tone. A lock of golden hair is wraps around her finger as her eyes flutter uncomfortably fast. "I was just wondering, since you aren't off the market, if you would like to hang out sometime?"

She attempts to shift her voice from its original nasal sound to a much more deeper and sultry tone. She's trying to seduce him. Again.

I don't say anything, hoping to disappear between the lockers and Ashton. He glances between her and me, looking so appalled I almost want to laugh. Almost.

"Look, Ashley-." He starts.

"It's Avery." She interjects.

"Whatever, I have my sights pretty set on one girl only and she definitely isn't you. So please, kindly buzz off before we make a scene."

Avery notices all the eyes focused on our conversation, for once not wanting the attention. She glares at me before winking at Ashton and strutting away. "Call me." She calls over her shoulder.

Please take a hint.

We watch her go, a weight being lifted from my shoulders. Since she never specified that the girl was me then Ashton's story is completely comparable with my own.

James lets out a whistle, "What did I ever see in her?"

"Her boobs." Stella says, patting his arm before heading down the hall.

I fight back a laugh at the look on James face as he chases after her, "But, Honey, you're better."

Ella and Sage head to his locker, leaving just Ashton and I. Great.

I don't say anything, not knowing how to approach the situation. I feel bad on so many levels, the words I want to say are in the tip of my tongue but this isn't the time.

"You know, Sweetheart, I think your phone may be broken." He chimes, his usual smirk in place.

"Oh, no, it works." I assure him, the famous smirk faltering a little.

Why would you say that, Scarlett?

"I wasn't avoiding you, it's just after that dinner I took a couple days to regroup. I didn't talk to anyone actually, you can ask the girls." I rush out, ensuring he knew I wasn't mad at him.

Right when I think he's gonna say I'm lying  he places an arm around my shoulder, "I believe you, I just got worried."

Oh, that's new. Usually I'm the one doing all the worrying.

The contact between us feels nice, a genuine smile appearing on my face for the first time since Thanksgiving. Everything's easier with Ashton.

I just feel better.

In first period Ms. Miller gives us a riveting lecture on the true meaning behind Joan Didion's work. Ashton falling asleep twice, I kick his chair each time.

I turn my notes into a doodle sheet. My mind wandering back to the topic of Ashton's mystery girl while my hand moved.

The countless possibilities run through my mind, so many girls to choose from. But, he barely talks to anyone outside of our little group. I don't notice my pen strokes getting harsher as images flashed through my mind.

"Ms. Rhodes, am I boring you?" My favorite teacher asks, stopping her lecture just for me.

Ella turns around to grab my pen, snapping me out of it. "No, ma'am, I was just taking notes on this amazing analysis."

She stares me down, her eyes narrowing behind her glasses. "Very well, class you have the last five minutes to discuss your projects."

Ashton pulls his desk closer to mine, clearly amused by the blush spreading across my face. "I forgot you were so good at lying, Sweetheart."

I fake a laugh, oh you have no idea.

We talk about the project, not bothering to pull the book out. The bell rings and we get up, his arm back around my shoulder.

"Can we work at your house this week?" He asks, opening the door.

I try to hide my panic. We've been working either during our study hall or at lunch for the project so far. We even went to his house over break for a couple hours.

"Can we go to yours instead?"

He sighs, "Mom has the flu and I don't think you want to catch that, besides, I thought I could bring Ronnie over to play with Saffron."

I really want to fight his logic but if the flu enters my house it will never leave. We pass sickness around like it's nothing. We also can't just do it at school because it's due in two and a half weeks and I have other classes to worry about.

That's fine, maybe tonight I could tell him about my parents. "Sure."

Nothing screams depressing stories better than homework.

We walk together to our next class, Ashton playing with a loose curl from my hair. I pay attention to the people we pass, noticing who says hello or glances at Ashton.

Finally, I ask the question I've been thinking since the conversation with Avery.

"Hey, Ash?" He hums in reply, his fingers still playing with the curl. "Who's the girl?"

He freezes in the middle of the hall, a couple of annoyed freshman mumble as they move around us.

"What?" He asks tightly, for once not sounding casual.

"You know, the girl you told Avery about, do I know her?" I noticed he stopped flirting with every girl in a ten foot radius these past two weeks but I figured he was just dropping a facade

He drops the loose strand of hair and starts to scratch his thumb. "Yeah, you know her but I think I'm gonna keep it a secret a little while longer."

I reach over and place an assuring hand over his own, a little while longer is good. "I can't wait to meet her."

I wish I could.


Thursday night Ashton knocks on our door as I throw frozen pizzas in the oven. Before I can hurry to the door I hear it open. "Hey, Ashton."

Sterling got the door, good. He's the child less likely to say something embarrassing. Sage and Ella are in the tv room watching a movie and Silvers downstairs with Sam in the basement.

"Hey, Sterlz, where's your sister?"

The door shuts, "She's in the kitchen. I'll take Ronnie to Saffrons room."

Somehow Ashton finds the kitchen, throwing his arms around me as I pour myself a glass of water. I jump, the water soaking my shirt in the process.

"Look, I made you wet." He remarks between laughs.

I glare at him, snagging a towel to dry myself off. "Funny."

I set the glass down and lead him through the house. He takes in every picture and piece of art we pass, a look of awe on his face. We go through the tv room, saying a brief hello to the happy couple as we go. Hopefully he doesn't see the pictures on the mantle. That's where the majority of our parents pictures are.

"Where are we going?" He asks when we start going up the second staircase.

"My room. It's the only quiet place in the house."  I tell him, opening my door.

"I know I got you wet but don't you think the bedroom is- whoa." He stops whatever terrible comment he's about to make as he enters my room.

He scans the walls, walking up to them to get a better view. "Nice necklace." He says before moving on, pointing at a picture of Stella and I freshman year. A silver spider pendant with a ruby in the middle rested on the base of my neck, a gift from Bennett.

"Thanks." I offer meekly, sitting on my bed. Awkwardly waiting for his final reaction, no ones seen my room except for my family and the girls.

I start to fiddle with my blanket, uncomfortable with the silence. "Why did you stop?" He calls.

"Stop what?" I ask, looking back to see he's focused on my art. I fight the urge to pull him away from the canvases. I debated whether to hide all my work or not but there's a lot and no one was willing to help me.

Something about me overreacting.

"The colors, why'd you stop?"

I study the few images I left up from before my parents accident. They were bold and daring. A beautiful mixture of colors and life telling a story of my feelings. The accident changed everything.

I stopped seeing art with color, my entire view point shifted. Color was beautiful and magical and life was none of those things. Life was cruel and terrible, taking away the things I loved most. So I started to do everything in neutrals: Black, grey, brown, tan, white. Those shades replicating how I felt. If I was angry I would add in red but that was it.

He's waiting for a reply, gray eyes watching me expectantly.

"I guess I just started to see the world differently, that's all." Ashton looks like he wants to say more but I beat him to it. "We should do a power point for our presentation."

Nice save, Scarlett.

The topic change is enough for him to drop the subject, "Yeah, that sounds good." He stops by my bed, his eyes darting to the door. "Are you sure Sage won't kill me for sitting on your bed?"

I try to suppress a laugh at the genuine fear he has. My brother has a better chance of running up and throwing a condom at us.

"No, I'm more likely to hurt you than he is." I taunt.

He plops down on the bed, no longer worried. "Alrighty then, let's get to work."

We manage to get a decent amount of work done before his attention span begins to falter along with my own. I'm typing the theme of the story when I finally acknowledge him staring at me.

"Yes, Ashton?" I keep my eyes on the screen and not on the charming boy sprawled across my bed who's extremely close to me despite the fact this is a king size.

"Can you draw me something?" He asks quietly.

I stop typing, looking at him in shock.

"Your art is amazing. I've seen small doodles and stuff but this, " He motions around my room, "this is stunning." 

I blink at him, it wasn't anything special. My mom was way better than me, the boys even have more interesting techniques than I do.

He scoots closer to me, closing my laptop. "Earth to Scarlett." He shouts in my ear.

I turn to find us in a very compromising position, his face inches from my own, the smell of mint stronger than ever. One wrong move and we could kiss again.

I jump from my bed and my thoughts. "Well, what do you want?"

He rolls off the bed, "I want a drawing of us." He scans my wall before landing on a picture. "This one, add your own touch."

I grab a sketch pad and walk over to the wall. Embarrassed to find that it's the one of us right before we kissed. I was really hoping he hadn't seen the pictures of him.

I remove it from the wall and get to work, the image coming to life in my mind. Ashton watches the entire time, like a kid zoned into the tv. I finish and tear the sheet out, he studies it before placing in in his folder.

We start to talk about random things, our conversation flowing easily. I learn he's lived in two states, he claims his favorite color is black, and he loves sherbet. He's also very passionate about the removal of rocky road from stores everywhere. Although, I think he's changing his mind now that he knows it's my favorite flavor.

"Do you miss your old school?" I ask, unsure of how he'll respond. Ashton's never said much about where he used to live, always squirming uncomfortably when it gets brought up.

He sighs, the smile falling of his face. "Honestly, I do. I spent my entire life there, everything was so familiar and comfortable. But I know no one really misses me so I guess it's for the best."

I can't help but feel sad as I process his words, I know that feeling. Ashton notices my face.

"It's my fault so don't worry about it." He assures me. "That place isn't really home anymore. Here is where I'm happy. You guys are here and you're the first real group of good friends I've ever had. I was lonely."

Wow, that sounds so sad.

"I know what it's like to leave a place behind." I begin, smiling softly at him. He can share something personal so can I. "Do you remember that day you asked me to go that park with you?"

He nods his head, "You said you steer clear of that area and I understand. I didn't realize it was a rougher part of town."

I wince at that reputation. "We used to live there. Dad's family moved from Miami when he was a freshman. We lived with my Abuela until I was eight, dad's job changed, allowing him to be home full time. We moved to be closer to Riverview.."

Ashton's cheeks turn red with embarrassment, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay." I assure him, "Some places are really sketchy but it's also my home. I know that place like the back of my hand."

"Why don't you go anymore?"

"Bennett." His face morphs into fury momentarily. "A lot of stuff happened around the time we broke up and it was made pretty clear it would be unwise for me to go back over there again."

"Why did you listen to him?" Ashton asks, genuinely confused that I didn't purposely defy him. His phone rings and I wait for him to answer it but he silences it without glancing at the screen.

"I'm not that stupid. Besides, my Abuela passed away my freshman year." His phone rings again, he silences it. "We were pretty close with our neighbors and we still talk to a few. And my parents-"

I pause, taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing. The words are on the tip of my tongue when Ashton's phone rings again. This time he growls in frustration, answering it.

"Hello?" The anger fades as voice talks on the other side. "I'm sorry dad, Scarlett and I just got to talking. We'll head home now."

He hangs up and looks at me expectantly, this isn't exactly a truth bomb I can drop on him before he leaves. "We can finish this chat later, I don't want you getting into anymore trouble because of me."

It's interesting getting to know another side of Ashton that he so rarely shows. He's nothing like the douchey, arrogant guy I ran into. Tonight's definitely brought us closer.

He looks like he's about to protest before rolling off my bed, dragging me with him. We grab Ronnie, who's passed out on a beanbag while Saffron continues to play with dolls, someone isn't a night owl.

I open the door and walk with him to the car, allowing him to easily carry Ronnie without waking her. 

"Thanks for letting us come over, I'm sorry I missed your parents." He whispers, buckling Ronnie's car seat.

"No problem, they're out of town at a conference." I stutter out, my lies are becoming worse.

"Maybe next time." He suggests, closing the door to his truck.

Yeah, maybe.

"What makes you so sure that there will be a next time Mister McClain?" I ask in a posh accent, poking his chest.

He pulls me in for a hug, "I'm pretty sure, after all I got you wet."

And there's the arrogance. He winks before getting in his car and driving off. I'm left in my driveway completely frazzled.

I find Ella and Sage eating ice cream in the kitchen. Kim picked up Sam while we were working, a blessing since she still wants to talk to me. I'm getting the lecture eventually.

"Don't you have a house to go to?" I tease Ella, taking the ice cream scoop from her.

"I'm crashing here tonight." She says between mouths full of mint chip. Figured, her parents don't like for her to be on the road after ten. Not that she follows that rule but it comes in handy when she wants to stay over.

I browse the selection, finding rocky road. I make myself a bowl and take a picture, sending it to Ashton.


you need new taste buds

My tongue is happy with the taste buds it has thank you very much.

And why is that?

I take a big bite waiting for his reply

Because they tasted you.

My jaw hangs open, the ice cream falling onto the countertop from my mouth. I feel the blush spread across my face, I certainly wasn't expecting that answer.

"Tell Ashton we say hello." Ella says, wiping my mess up.

I fling ice cream at her and her smug face before I go upstairs, leaving them to clean up.

Changing into pajamas and I crawl into bed, still unable to get over his text. Scrolling through Instagram, I get another surprise, he posted a picture of me with the caption Study Date.

I evaluate the picture, taken without my knowledge as I typed away, laughing at something he said. His last four posts have me in them but this is the first one of just me.

Nice insta post

It was a nice night

A faint smile forms on my face as I doze off, my sheets smell like mint.


My longest chapter yet, yikes also, this chapter is NOT like this to fit the cliche wattpad clueless girl, I tried to change it but this is genuinely how Scarlett feels. Her mentality is why would Ashton like her when there are plenty of better people out there. Is it annoying, yeah, but it's also done to stay true to character not to be trendy

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