Passionate Poison

By STUD247

65.4K 1.2K 248

This is about an orphaned child who captures the heart of the super villain, Poison Ivy. But what happens the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

13K 147 33
By STUD247

Jake's POV

Wow, what a turn of events! There I was, at an orphanage center in Arizona, wondering if anyone will take me away to an actual home after eighteen long years. Then all of sudden, here comes this dashing dude in a suit and tie who I recognized instantly as Bruce Wayne. And he comes and gets me out of that orphanage! Awesome!

"So, why did you come and get me?" I asked as we sat in his private jet.

"I just saw you through the window looking very depressed about something." Bruce explained. "Then I saw that it was an orphanage. I my self have had that feeling of being without any parents, so I decided to spare you of that pain."

"Well, thank you sir." I said happily. "I really appreciate it! So, where are we going?"

"Gotham." Bruce said, picking up a newspaper and starting to read it.

Where the heck is Gotham? I don't have the slightest idea where that place is located. All I do know is that it is very far, considering we're on a plane.

Speaking of planes, there was a loud CRASH!! And the plane started to rock uncontrollably as it fell.

"Get a parachute!" Bruce yelled, running to where the parachutes were. I didn't spend any time following his advice and grabbed a parachute and put it on my back. "We've gotta jump, now!" Bruce yelled as the side door opened.

"But what about the pilot?!" I asked, going towards the door.

"This plane is on auto pilot!" Bruce yelled. "Now jump!" Then he jumped from the plane.

I on the other hand looked down in fear at the forest below me and I did not want to jump. I was completely frozen in fear at the sight. There was no way I was jumping off of a plane!

But then I had a sudden change of heart  when there came another ear-splitting, tearing sound. 'Alright, now I'm jumping!' I thought and jumped off of the plane.

I just looked down at the trees below as I fell. 'This is bad!!!!' I thought. But then, I remembered the parachute attached to me, and started to look for the lever to eject the chute. I eventually found it and pulled it. In a snap, I was yanked upwards as the shut successfully opened, before I started descending again, this time much slower.

"That was too close!" I said, just as I was touching the ground. I then took off the parachute and looked around. "Bruce?!" I called out, hoping for a response from him. I walked for a little bit and kept calling his name. Each time however, I was met with the same response.....nothing at all.

Then, I heard movement behind me and I swiftly turned around, hoping it was Bruce. But I didn't see him. As a matter of fact, I didn't see anybody behind me. "What the-" I started, but was instantly cut off.

Something grabbed a hold of me and started dragging me through the forest. Something really strong, and I thought I saw some green. I looked down to see that it was a freaking vine dragging my by my ankle! I tried to shake it off of me, but it wouldn't budge, and it wouldn't stop moving.

I tried grabbing some objects nearby to try and stop the wild ride I was on. Even that did not work well as all I could grab were twigs and tiny bushes.

Then, to my relief, the vine stopped moving and let go of me. 'Finally!' I thought as I got up and tried to run away from whatever brought me here. But as I got up, all I could see were a bunch of menacing-looking venous flytraps that were alive surrounding me!  I mean I know plants are alive and all, but they are not supposed to snarl! And each looked to be about the size of my head!

I looked around and tried to find another way out of there, but all I could see were more flytraps. Then, when I did a 180 degree turn, I stopped spinning and rested my eyes on something in front of me.

It was a girl! A girl with red hair and bizarrely green skin and glowing green eyes. She was bare-footed and wore nothing but a red jacket and woven leaves around her mid section. And wow, was she hot!! However, there was something about her, besides the green skin, that bothered me. I couldn't exactly figure out what it was, but I have a feeling I am about to find out.

"Well, well. What do we have here babies?" the girl said with a mischievous smile on her face. And while that smile was scary, it was also in a way, attractive. "An intruder." she said, walking towards me.

Every part of me was screaming at me to run and get the heck out of there. But I just couldn't move. She was keeping me still as a stone with that stare of hers. She walked so close to me to where I could feel her breath on my face.

"Umm, hi. I was lost, and I-I j-j-just was t-trying to find m-my way out of h-h-here." I stuttered, backing up a little bit. But I soon remembered the menacing plants behind me and only resorted to a few steps before stopping.

The girl walked up close to me again, and said seductively, "You're not going anywhere." Then I saw her flash that mischievous smile again, before leaning even closer to me and pressed a kiss to my lips.

I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my head as she kissed me, as if something was trying to take a hold of my mind. The girl then leaned away from me and looked at me almost expectantly.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said, repeating what she said and she smiled that smile again. But then I started to realize, what I said. 'Wait, no I want to get out of here! What the heck Jake Olsen!' I thought as I shook my head.

"Wait, yes actually yes I want to get out of here." I said, regaining my composure.

The girl became completely shocked as I said those words, the smile on her face vanishing.  She then quirked a brow and came at me again. She kissed me again and I felt that same sensation in my head, but I quickly shook it off and ignored it. "You're staying here." she whispered, a little more sternly, but still seductively.

"Look miss, I don't mean to be rude here, but I'm afraid I can't. I need to get back to my family." I said nervously. "Can you please show me the way out of here?"

At that moment, the girl's face changed to a look of frustration and anger. I almost regretted what I had just said, and heard the snarling of the plants behind me increase in volume. So either they were getting closer to me, or they were shouting even louder than before. Then the girl put up a hand and the growling ceased.

But then vines sprung up and wrapped themselves around my wrists, legs and torso. I gasped in complete shock and fear as she came close to me again, but this time her eyes were threatening me with their intense gaze.

"Alright, you are not behaving the way you should be right now, but since you are being respectable, you will live." she said. I released a sigh of relief as she said those words. "However, I mean what I said. You're not going anywhere. Got it?" she said with venom in her voice. I didn't try to argue with her any further and I just nodded once.

The girl's face then relaxed a little and she took a few steps back. "Good." she said and the vines released me. "Don't even bother trying to run!" she blurted out. "Otherwise I will kill you."

Well that was a huge money wrench that was just thrown into my plan.

"Speak now intruder. What shall call you?" she asked me.

I cleared my throat and nervously scratched the back of my head. "Jake. Jake Olsen." I answered. The girl nodded her head in acceptance. "What's you're name, if you don't mind me asking?" I said.

The girl cracked a small smile and laughed once before saying, "Poison Ivy. Just call me Ivy." Then she turned and started walking the opposite direction. "Come now Jake Olsen. We go home now." she called.

I started to follow her, looking behind me in the process to the plants. But to my relief, the plants were long gone. I followed her through the forest and eventually came across what looked like an area with a humongous flower with an extremely thick stem and little steps on the side. All around it there were smaller flowers that held lights, so that the area is lit up.

Ivy then turned around to look at me with a straight face. "This area is where we will be sleeping. Now remember what I told you, do not try to run. I have just instructed my children to kill you if you try to make a run for it." she said. 'I thought we already discussed this.' I thought to myself.

"So, um.....where do I sleep then?" I tentatively asked.

Ivy pointed towards the giant flower ans said, "You sleep up there with me." I instantly blushed at the thought of sleeping with her. Of course, it wouldn't be all that bad, I mean she is extremely hot. But I don't wanna be disrespectful or something. Judging by the smirk that suddenly formed on her face, she must have seen my blush, even in the dark.

"And, where is......the restroom?" I asked. Ivy laughed at my nervousness.

"This is mother nature's realm. The whole thing is your restroom. My children will clean up afterwards anyways." she said.

"What children are you referring to?" I asked, confused.

"The plants." she said, as if it were obvious. "Plants are living organisms too. And they mean the world to me."

I nodded in understanding and yawned. "I'd like to go to bed now, if that's alright." I said. It's been a long day, and I would want nothing more than to end it now.

"Yes," Ivy said, chuckling a little. "You may. In fact I am going to do the same thing myself." Then she headed to the flower and climbed up the stairs. I hesitated, not sure exactly why I would sleep in a flower. "I suggest you climb up, unless you wanna sleep standing up all night long!" I heard Ivy call.

I quickly started towards the flower and slowly climbed the leaf stairs. Once I got to the top, the floor where the seeds are was completely soft and stable.

I looked and saw Ivy in the very center of the flower, laying down on what seemed to be a weird-looking pillow. To give her some space, I moved over to the right side of the flower and laid down, trying to get comfortable.

"Jake!" I heard Ivy's voice say. I sat up and saw her looking at me from the middle of the flower. "Come lay here." she said. This time I was very hesitant, but I stood up and slowly made my way over to her.

When I reached her, she patted a spot right next to her for me to lay down on and shuffled her pillow so that she was only laying on one side of it. I just laid down on the pillow and shifted so that there was still some space between us. It was a some-what big pillow anyways.

"N-Night." I murmured to her, still nervous as heck.

I heard Ivy giggle a little before she said, "Good night Jake Olsen."

I then turned onto my side and closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

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