I love you more than pie (Dea...

By n3rd_writer

97.1K 2.1K 1.5K

*Slow Updates* Y/n was born into the hunter life when she fought off the monster under her bed and was on the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
*Not an Update* IMPORTANT
Chapter 5
A/N: I'M BACK GUYS!!!!!!!
Chapter 6
4k+ Views Special (Part 1)
Chapter 7
Jensen Ackles x Reader (This is us)
4k+ Views Special (Part 2)
Chapter 8
I'm sorry (not an update)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author Note: updates + more
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author Note (important)

Chapter 9

2.4K 73 29
By n3rd_writer

(I'm starting a new supernatural cast/characters x reader so if you wanna request please do!! Back to the story :))

--Y/n's pov--

I woke up to hear Sam and Dean yelling and complaining while Ava tried to stay calm sitting on the bed. I groan standing up and look at both of them, them still not noticing I'm up beside Ava.

"Could you two shut up, I hate waking up to hear two people yelling at each other." I said as they turned and looked at me as I grabbed my clothes and quickly changed in the bathroom.

As I walked out of the bathroom, the front door slammed and Sam was sitting down next to Ava with his head on her shoulder as she played with his hair. I sighed as I looked out the widow and saw Baby rush down the road.

"Where'd he head to?" I ask walking back over.

"He said he just needed some air and left." Sam said sitting up while Ava looked up at him.

"Alright well Imma head out and grab some food for us, should be back in a few." I said throwing on my jacket.

"Alright, we'll stay here and do some more research." Ava said looking towards me.

"Alright I'll be back." I walked out the door and crossed the street to the diner that we ate at yesterday.

As I walked in I saw Stephanie cleaning some tables across the way. I groaned as I walked up the the man at the counter making an order for all of us. I sat down and while I was walking she walked up to me.

"Can I get you something to drink while you wait? Or something small to eat?" She asked with a smile.

"No I'm good thanks." I said leaning on my hand.

"First time here?" She says wiping down the counter.

"No, I was here with some friends yesterday. You even served us." I said looking at her.

"I'm sorry, it must of been someone else cause I was off yesterday and few days before that because I was sick. I just got back today."

My eyes widened as I looked at her.

"Ma'am your food and apple pie are ready." The man said as he placed the food next to me.

"Wait so you're telling me this whole week you were gone and you just got back today? You don't know a young guy with messy dirty blonde, emerald green eyes and freckle across his face?" I asked leaning forward.

"Um no I don't sorry." Stephanie said rubbing her arm.

"Oh my god....Thank you I'll be going." I grabbed my food and ran out the door to the motel.

I saw that Baby was parked next to my car so Dean was back. I barged through the door causing everyone to jump and look towards me with wide eyes.

"Y/n are you okay?" Ava asked.

"Guys!! The shapeshifter knows we're here!!" I yelled trying to catch my breathe.

"What? How?" Dean said walking forward.

"Cause that chick that served us yesterday wasn't here for A WEEK! She just got back today which means that the girl Dean was with, wasn't really her." I clarified.

"Oh crap, well what should we do next?" Ava asked as she closed the book she was reading.

"First let's eat then we can-"

Sam's phone started going off so he answered it as he closed his laptop.

"Hello? Wait what? Okay we'll be over in a few....thank, bye."

"What happened this time?"

"Matilda said that they got another body and wants me to check it out." Sam said standing up and grabbing his things for his uniform, walking into the bathroom to change.

"I'll go with him, I can help." Ava grabbed her bag and dug her stuff out and went it the bathroom when Sam came out.

"I'll take you guy, I wanna stop by the college and see if any professors can give me anymore info." Dean stood up and grabbed his jacket and keys.

"You coming Y/n?" Ava asked fixing her blouse.

"Nah I'll stay here. I'm gonna see if I can spot the next target this thing is gonna get."

"You sure?" Dean asked walking towards me.

I chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly, "Yeah I'll be fine. Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick a**."

Dean chuckled and ruffled up my hair making me chuckle and push his hand off. I smiled and started shoving him to the door.

"Now go, all of you. Don't wanna keep anyone waiting now do we?"

As everyone made their way to Baby, I heard the roar of her engine and then saw them drive down the road. I sigh as I grab my laptop of start to do some research. As I was working I yawned and turned on the TV as I walked away to grab a snack from my bag.

"BREAKING NEWS!! Someone breaking in and torturing fellow citizens, mostly females is seems to be. We will put a drawing on the screen to show what we assume the suspect looks like."

I slowly turned around and saw a drawing of what seemed to be Dean on the TV. I stare wide eyed at the screen as I my mouth hung open. I groan as I went to pick up my phone to only hear banging on the door. I walk towards the door and opened it to be pushed to the side as someone ran inside. I stumble but catch my balance as I look and see Dean pacing back and forth in front of the beds. I close the door and face Dean and crossing my arms.

"Dean what the hell are you doing, I thought you were going to the college to talk to a professor? And what's this whole this with torturing people?"

"What? What do you- OH! That yeah um as I was heading there someone noticed me and next thing I knew I was being chased." He said looking at the TV before turning it off.

"Okay well then lets go get Sam and Ava then we can-" I started heading towards the door.

"NO! I mean no I'm sure they're fine, lets just stay here. Beside who knows if they won't catch us again." He said sitting on the bed.

I tilted my head and looked at him but ignored it. I mean its true what if they do catch us, I'm sure Dean just got lucky this time. I sighed and picked up my phone looking through my contacts.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked suspiciously.

"Calling Ash, I wanna see if he can help out.Can you look over the map I have and see if you can find a pattern." I walked away and into the bathroom trying to call Ash. After the third ring, he picked up.

"Hey Y/n~ What can I do for ya?"

"Hey Ash, think you can help me out with something? I sent you some coordinates, think you can see the next spot?"

"Yeah I can do that for ya, should have it done in 2-3 minutes."

"Thanks Ash, I'm having Dean look at a map right now to see if he can find a pattern too but I'll just let him know that you got it."

"Wait, Dean's with you? I just got off the phone with him, he said he just pulled up to the college like 5 minute ago."

My eyes widened as I looked out of the bathroom to see "Dean" writing some stuff done.

"Y/n....do you happen to be at the Cozy Motel(yep...couldn't think of anything XD)?"

"I am, why?" I moved from the door and sat on the lid of the toilet.

"That motel is on the path to the next destination for the coordinates you sent me."

"Ash I need you to stay quiet, got it?"

"Okay whatever you say."

I walked out of the bathroom and pulled up the camera on my phone. I walked over towards my bag on the table and stood there. I pointed my phone towards "Dean" so it looked like I was looking at something.

"Hey Dean."

"Yeah what's up?"

Once he looked up I saw his eyes were glowing. My breathe hitched in my throat as I just looked at my phone quickly taking a picture.

"I-I got the coordinates, so we should be g-good no need to look at the map anymore." I sent the photo to Ash and hung up.

"Really? Great, I was getting pretty tired of this anyways haha." Dean folded the map and set it to the side soon closing the laptop.

I nod my head and see Ash replied to my message.

Notification: Text Message--Ash: Y/N!! GET OUT OF THERE!! You need to call the real Dean!!

I sighed as I responded: No I'm not going to, I can handle this. Once Dean, Sam and Ava get here I'll be fine. Don't tell him.

I put my phone in my bag ignoring the messages that Ash was sending. I can handle this, I just gotta keep him here. I walk over and sit on the bed that Sam and Ava were sharing.

"In the meantime we can look through some more books as we wait for Sam and Ava to get back. They sure are taking their time at the library huh?"

"Yeah heh sure are, I had to run here sense they dropped me off." He said picking up a book and looking through it.

I smirk as I pick up my laptop and do some more research. After a few minute I hadn't noticed the shifter leaning over me. I turn around as he got closer, making me lean back away from him.

"Dean? What are you doing?" I said starting to feel uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? Don't know why we can't have some fun while we wait right?" He said with a mysterious smirk upon his face as he tossed my laptop onto the other shared bed.

He started to hover over me as he started to lean in. My eyes widened but I was more surprised at the fact that I was also leaning in. No Y/n, this isn't right. It's not even him.....

--Dean's pov--

I groaned as I pulled up to the hospital that Sam and Ava were at. Damn professor didn't give me much but theories to go off of. As I saw Sam and Ava walk out my phone started ringing, I picked it up answering it as Sam and Ava hopped into the car. I saw it was Ash so I put it on speaker.

"Hey Ash go anything for-"

"DEAN!! You need to get back to the motel NOW!!"

I look at Sam and Ava as they look are me confused and a hint of worry.

"Woah woah Ash take it easy what's wrong?"

"It's Y/n! She's with the shapeshifter!"

The car fell silent as I quickly started to car and drove down the road.

"How do you know this Ash?" I asked as I took a sharp turn.

"She sent me a picture. It has your skin Dean....that's how it got to her."

I gritted my teeth as Sam and Ava exchanged looks of worry. Don't worry Y/n we're coming.

--Y/n's pov--

As the shifter got closer I tried to lean back as far as I could. It looked like Dean which just made it harder on me. Next thing I knew it stopped only a few inches away from my face. It smirked quickly leaning back with a knife in hand, bringing its hand down to stab me. My eyes widened as I quickly rolled over causing it to fall off the bed. I stood up in a fighting stance as it looked at me holding the knife....just like Dean.

It jumped over the bed tackling me to the floor. We rolled around on the floor as I tried grabbing the knife from it. I punched its face as it cut my cheek, I grabbed its wrist and twisted it causing them to drop the knife. I quickly grabbed it and went to cut it but it jumped out of the way quickly. It grabbed my arm with the knife and threw me at the door. The wind got knocked out of me as I sat up from the impacted. As I reached for the knife the shifter kicked it further from me causing me to grunt.

I quickly open the door and ran outside, the shifter right on my tail. As I turned around to hit it, it grabbed my fist twisting it and kicking me to the ground. It stepped on my shoulder as I gritted my teeth as it tried to get it off of me.

"You hunters are so weak." It smirked forcing more pressure on my shoulder.

I looked to my right as I smirked, "Yeah some are weak, but I'm not."

I kicked the shifter as it stumbled back away from me. It gritted its teeth and started running towards but got hit by a car sending it forward. The people got out of the car as I stood up holding my shoulder.

"What the hell Y/n?! Why didn't you contact us!" Dean growled walking towards me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine Dean, my shoulder should heal in no time other than that I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I say sarcastically as Dean rolled his eye.

I look behind Dean and see the shifter get up gritting it's teeth as it ran toward us. I went to run in front only to see it get killed in front of my eyes. I turn as look at Ava as she smiled lowering her gun. I chuckled as I shook my head walking over to her.

"Nice shot Ava."

As Dean parked Baby in front of the motel we were staying at, Sam, Ava and I packed our things and threw them in the trunk and drove away before cops got to us. As we were driving back to Bobby's, Ava and Sam fell asleep in the back as Dean and I sat quietly listening to Rolling Stones.

"It's not safe for you anymore Dean." I mentioned leaning on my hand on the door.

Dean chuckled as he turned down the radio, "When is it not safe for me Y/n."

"Don't start with me Winchester." I chuckled with a small smile.

"Haha alright, what do you mean "not safe" He asked glancing over for a sec.

"Sense that shifter was in you skin, it cause a lot of crimes. Which only puts you in more trouble."

"Yeah I know...Ash told me when he told us about you and the shifter."

"Wait so Ash told you?"

"Yeah how else did you think we found out."

"That bastard..." I muttered.

--Dean's pov--

I started to chuckle as I ruffled her hair a little, "If he didn't tell us, who knew what would have happened."

"True..." Y/n yawned as she tried to keep her eyes open

"Go ahead and rest. Should be there in a few." I smiled.

She nodded her head as she started to lean on my shoulder, already falling asleep. I smile as I kissed her forehead before putting my eye back on the road.

A/n: WHAT IS UP GUYS!! It's been too long lmao how y'all been? I'm free from stress for a little bit sense I'm now on summer break :D. I'll be sure to write more for you guys as well as thanks for being there for me. Okay enough chick flick moments ;) but this story has now over 14.6 FREAKING THOUSAND READS!!!!! And I thought reaching 1k wasn't even gonna happen let alone 14k. Well until next chapter my fellow pie-lover~ Word count: 2669

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